Strength Training For Seniors: Regain Mobility

June 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Dave Tabern

Strength Training For Seniors: Regain Mobility – Health – Fitness

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Strength fitness training is important for seniors to gain or maintain the use of the muscles. When people neglect to incorporate any type of regular movement into their life, the result is decreased mobility and lack of balance. By exercising the muscles through resistance exercise, mobility and balance can be restored and improved.

The most important muscles to begin training are your leg muscles. Incorporating walking into your weekly routine is a good start. Then specific exercises such as squats will further develop your legs. It’s a good idea to add exercises for your entire body as you get more and more fit. When you include a variety of exercises for your body you enhance good posture and overall mobility as well.

Resistance training can be in the form of weight training at home or at a gym. It can also be done with resistance bands. Or you can perform exercises with just your body weight. If you are just starting out with resistance training, using your body weight is an excellent place to start.

You don’t have to use a lot of exercises to start. Just pick one or two movements for each body part. Start with your biggest muscles(legs) then work to the smaller muscles. Repeating each exercise after a brief rest. Try to establish a workout at least twice each week. Eventually working up to twenty or thirty minutes each session is the goal.

A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training is ideal. Doing resistance training two to three days a week(for example:Monday-Wednesday-Friday), then doing cardio such as walking, biking, swimming, etc. on two to three other days, is a great way to schedule your exercises.

The importance of strength training for seniors can’t be emphasized enough. It can mean the difference between a low quality of life as opposed to a higher quality of life. In many cases, older adults just simply need to get moving again. The fact is that it doesn’t even take a great deal of time or effort to see improvement in mobility once an exercise routine is established. The key is to set a few goals and keep it simple.

Here are some other exercises you can try which also help to improve your muscles. Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise form that can be a gentle way to get back into shape. There are videos and books available that are just for seniors. Pilates is a form of exercise that can strengthen and improve flexibility. Pilates can be done in a gym setting or you can also find instruction on video and in books. Yoga is yet another low-impact activity that also can improve strength. Yoga can also improve balance as well as flexibility.

Improvement in overall health is the goal of an exercise program. Using resistance training and flexibility training should be done on a regular basis. As you put your routine together try some of the different types of exercise forms as part of your resistance exercise. This type of activity is important in your strength fitness training.

About the Author

My name is Dave Tabern. I have a degree in education with a minor in physical education. I have a lifelong interest in fitness and health. I believe that exercise is important for all ages, especially for older adults.

For more information on fitness and health tips please visit: or

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Dave Tabern

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My name is Dave Tabern. I have a degree in education with a minor in physical education. I have a lifelong interest in fitness and health. I believe that exercise is important for all ages, especially for older adults.

For more information on fitness and health tips please visit: or

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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