Strength Training for Women

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by James Waltermaine

Strength training for women is a method of improving the condition and strength of the muscles by progressively increasing the capability of resisting force by using exercise machines, free weights, or women’s own body weight. It is part of strength training program for women where sessions are designed to gradually increase the resistance in order to stimulate the development of muscular strength that is beneficial in making women healthy and energetic.

Strength Training for Women over 50

Women start to have changes in their body when they reach age fifty. Usually, after menopause, they gradually lose muscle mass. This losing of muscle masses of at least one pound per year decreases their capability to burn about fifty calories per day that will eventually lead to gaining unwanted weight and decrease in balance. Therefore, training for women is the best option to maintain the muscular strength and body composition they need. Training for women over 50 is an activity that can provide the needed strength by at least lifting weights twice a week.

Benefits for women not only involve the ability to strengthen muscles, it also includes among others:

• Help in stabilizing the blood sugar level in the body• Improves and maintain a good rate of blood pressure• Training for women also decreases cholesterol level• With the stabilization of balance, the training exercises help in the reduction of the risk of injury• Training exercises for women also provide increased confidence that lessens tension, worries, and depression• Regular training exercises for women also reduce the pain of arthritis and back pains.In order to find the appropriate training for women, here are some tips women should know. In strength training exercises for women, the muscles are overloaded to create tiny tears in the muscle tissue that repairs itself during resting periods between workout routines and strengthening happens. Also, women don’t have ample testosterone to create bulky muscles. So, there is no fear of getting too muscular when you undergo a program for strength training for women. Now, you need to check out beginners programs for women that provide appropriate exercises according to your needs. Finding a reliable online personal trainer is beneficial to ensure that you get the specific program that suits you most.

Diet for Women

Online nutritionist is also helpful in learning about strength training diet women should consider in order to make their strength training for women exercises more effective. Women who are doing strength training for women exercises should include enough calories in their diet to support muscle development and added activities. However, caution should also be considered in order not to gain fat. Ideal foods to consider are fish, tofu, egg whites, whey protein powder, yogurt, lean cuts of meat and poultry, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain breads, quinoa, fresh fruits and vegetables. Fats from unsaturated sources are crucial for the diet. Good sources of healthy fats are avocados, olive oil, mackerel, salmon, almonds and natural peanut butter.

Training for women does not only make women’s body strong, healthy and shapely, but it also reshape their lives. Strength exercises reduces the loss of muscles due to aging and improves balance and mental health. It is also about building healthy habits that improve the function of women’s body and mind. The American Medical Association has declared that strength training for women and other health related exercise programs are beneficial for women who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and most of all obesity. Stay happy, stress-free, and healthy by enrolling in a reliable program.

James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, strength training for women, plyometric training, etc., please visit the website.

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