Summer Fitness For Kids

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

As important as the pre-game or pre-workout meal is, if kids don’t eat healthily as a general rule they won’t get the much needed nutrients necessary for optimum physical and mental growth, and vitality. So choosing from the following foods and reducing their intake of the obvious “junk” and packaged foods is imperative.

The school bell has rung for the final time this year. The kids are home. You have a few ideas to keep the kids fit, but it is hard to compete with cartoons, MySpace, and Nintendo. Obesity rates among children are reaching epidemic proportions, due in large part to a sedentary generation of kids. So, how can you keep your kids moving this summer.

Sometimes kids can be reluctant to take part in sports and games, especially if they think that they are being ‘forced’ to do them against their will. Children take their lead from their parents so if they see their parents taking part in sports and fitness then they are more than likely to want to copy. Ensuring that the whole family stay fit and healthy can provide the right motivation for the less reluctant child to get involved. Embracing a healthier lifestyle yourself can help teach a child that they need to do the same.

With levels of childhood obesity on the rise and conditions such as diabetes among children a major worry for parents, it has never been more important to think about fitness for kids. As more and more kids are spending increasing levels of time in front of the computer and television, together with the wide range of snacks and unhealthy junk food which are available to kids, these conditions are now reaching epidemic-like levels among the nation’s youngsters.

In today’s age of technical innovations and new ways to entertain children, the growing trend is a lower level of physical activity. More time is spent in front of the television watching movies, surfing the internet, or playing video games. Activity and exercise have given way to the latest sports video game and online adventure.

With the grown in status and awareness of sports such as golf and tennis, get your kids involved in a new sport. In addition to increasing activity and creating a spark of interest, sports will always increase a child’s coordination, movement patterns and build confidence with their peers. Sports such as golf, tennis, basketball, badminton, martial arts are great at keeping them interested and you will find aspiring champions in every child! Kids are great dreamers!

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga. Body posture awareness, muscle toning, improved stability and mobility of the joints. Internal organs are toned, strengthening the body immune, circulatory and digestive system. Agility, balance, control and coordination are improved, improved balance and sleep patterns.

Children today have access to more technology than ever before. Many children have at least one games console, TV, computer and a mobile phone. All these gadgets are far more tempting than actually going outside into the real world, and actually interacting with real friends.

For instance, a child that gets into a pattern of doing physical activities on a daily basis will then carry those habits into adulthood, making for a much less lazy person. Children who spend their play time outdoors doing cart wheels, running, hiking, hiking, playing with the dog, will then enjoy those as past time activities as adults, rather than vegging out on the couch with junk food. This will decrease the chances of health problems later in life.

The best exercise for kids is to get moving. Develop some fun fitness ideas for kids. We’re not talking about body building or abandoning them to the treadmill for a half hour each day. If it’s not fun, they won’t do it. In a previous article, The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity, I talked about how childhood obesity can be prevented. And honestly, it most cases it can be prevented.

Gone are the oranges that we used to give our children at half time. Replaced with lollies(candy)! Why? They need an energy boost. Well giving them lollies will give them an energy boost for about ten minutes if you are lucky. Then their energy will plummet to levels well below the level prior to consumption.

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga.

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