Summer Health Tips for Staying Fit

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by C. Alexander Hagy

Summer Health Tips for Staying Fit – Health – Fitness

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Summertime is one of the best times to give your workout routine a jolt because you can do many of your activities outside while enjoying the beautiful weather. But with the summer months also comes very hot weather. If you aren’t careful, you could be doing your body more harm than good. These summer health tips will help you stay safe while getting the exercise you need when the weather starts to heat up.

Exercise Early in the Morning

During the summer, it’s best to do your exercise routine early in the morning. That’s because the temperature is much cooler before the sun is all the way up. Get in the habit now of waking up 30 or 45 minutes earlier than normal so you can get your workout in. If you can’t do that, try doing your exercise regimen in the evening when you get home from work. Once the sun starts to go down, the temperatures will cool and you’ll be able to do your routine with less of a chance of overheating your body.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is the lifeblood of any body and it keeps the body functioning properly. Unfortunately, many people think that any type of liquid counts toward their water intake, but this simply isn’t true. One of the most important summer health tips is that you should be drinking about 16 ounces of plain (preferably purified) water before, after and during your workout. You should also be drinking water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. For those rigorous workouts, sports drinks like Gatorade should also be included because they help replace vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that you lose when your body perspires heavily.

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

During the summer, you can readily find plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables at your local grocery store for great prices. If you don’t make a habit of eating these foods during the colder months, this is the perfect chance to get used to these fresh foods when they are at their peak. You can buy fresh strawberries and add them to your morning cereal or just eat the fresh food by themselves as snacks. They are packed with nutrients that will help keep your energy up and help your body function properly in the warmer weather.

These basic summer health tips are ideal for helping you stay fit and eat nutritiously during the warmer months. By the end of the summer, you’ll feel great and be trimmed down and you’ll want to keep up those healthy habits during until the next summer season rolls around.

About the Author

C. Alexander Hagy is an experienced health writer with a lot to say! You can read more of his health articles at

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C. Alexander Hagy

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C. Alexander Hagy is an experienced health writer with a lot to say! You can read more of his health articles at

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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