Superset Training Technique for Body Builders

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Supersetting is a training technique frequently adopted by body builders who need to develop particular muscles yet have limited time for workouts. It basically involves doing two consecutive exercises without allowing a period of rest in between the two exercises. Body builders employ different types or kinds of superset training.

The first and most common is the Same Part Superset Method. Same part superset training method involves a body builder progressing from one type of exercise to a different one although both exercises work the same part of the body. A good example of same body part Supersetting may involve a body builder doing incline curls and then immediately taking up the barbell and doing some barbell curls. These two different types of curls when done consecutively work the biceps.

The second type of superset training is called Isolation Compound Superset Training.

in brief, isolation compound supersets are essentially a pre-exhaust superset training. a body builder using isolated compound superset training may for example do a complete set of an exercise in isolation and immediately follow it up with another set of compound exercises like dumbbell flyes followed by bench presses.

Another type of superset training is called Antagonistic Supersetting which involves a body builder doing a particular exercise and immediately following the completion of that exercise with another exercise targeting the antagonistic body part of the body builder. Such may include barbell curls for biceps followed by triceps push downs. The major advantages of employing antagonistic supersets are that it helps each and every body muscle group as the body builder simultaneously works out other muscles.

Antagonistic Supersetting is even more advantageous because it helps build, develop and strengthen both the two types of muscles. If used with the arms, it amplifies blood circulation in the upper area of the arm and if used with the back, chest, quads or hamstrings, it strengthens and improves the flexibility of the muscle fibres.

Another popular type of superset exercises is known as In-Set Supersetting which involves a body builder doing two types of exercises within a rep. this type of superset training requires the body builder to make a smooth transition between the two different exercises. A good example is like a workout in which a body builder is first doing a number of dumb bell bench presses at the positive side and then dumb bell flyes at the negative side of each rep.

While Supersetting however, body builders should avoid those muscles that primarily assist or are involved with other exercises done during the workout, unless of course, they constitute the second exercise in the supersets. An example is a body builder who does push downs and immediately takes on bench presses. These two types of exercises fatigue the same area and unless they themselves compose the superset training, they should not be both incorporated in the same workout. Even when they are the superset exercises, the body builder should do the bench presses before taking up the push downs.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics


Go to to see more clips from this documentary and other works. While I was shooting my new documentary, Beyond the Pain, I was lucky enough to get permission to sit in on a photo shoot with the exceptional photographer Martin Schoeller. Martin is known for his portraits of celebrities like Jack Nicholson and Bill Clinton, among many others. This day Martin was working on his latest project, a series on women bodybuilders. An exhibition of the work is opening in March at the Ace Gallery in Beverly Hills, CA. A book will be published some time after that.

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