Synovial Cyst

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Degeneration in the spine will cause a development of a sack full of fluid. This is actually known by the medic’s fraternity as the synovial cyst.

It manifests itself in the middle years of ones life. This is actually because of the fact that the synovial cysts develops from degeneration. Often you will hear adults of senior ages complaining about spinal pains. It is actually so common with people who are aged, from 65 years. In most cases, it may not be witnessed in people before their age of 45 years.

Patients with this condition often exhibit the symptoms of spinal stenosis, normally experienced in the lumbar spine or lower back. One can stay with the condition for many years since it is basically benign, meaning that the symptoms and the level of pain may not be so profound. It may remain in a stable condition for a very long time.

Pressure is normally created in the spinal canal as a result of this fluid filled sac, and that is actually the reason why a patient will be seen to be having all the symptoms of spinal stenosis.

People with this problem normally suffer from pain that actually comes from the fact that the blood in the venous around the nerves is unable to drain.

This actually causes some irritation on the nerves. Most patients who have the problem are normally encouraged to sit down to relieve this pressure and allow the blood to drain.

The pain is just too much especially on the lower back, going down to the legs. When sited, the spinal canal is open and may not exert much pressure on the nerves. There is therefore no pain. The pain comes when the spinal canal closes down, and this actually is as a result of the pressure on the spinal nerve.

An MRI scan of the spine will actually show the synovial cyst very clearly.

In this case, it will be visible more clearly as a hyperrintense lesion. It has the same intensity of the signal as water.

You can also try x-rays. Flexion and extension motion x-rays can be done to check the spinal instability. The joint is always in the process of undergoing the degeneration. The process also goes hand in hand with the degenerative spondlolinthesis (slipping forward vertebral body). The latter segment is the one that actually that the joint is basically incompetent or unstable.

Before any surgery is done, the most important thing that ought to be carried out is an instability test for the synovial cyst. Failure to check the instability of the synovial cyst before the surgery is done will actually mean that you will risk going for a repeat surgery at a later date.

Basically, when people are doing medical check up, there is always a tendency of failing to check on this particular medical aspect. Every part of the body will need that attention including checking on the synovial cyst.

Ken Hermanto is the publisher of Ganglion Cyst website. It offers information on Ganglion Cyst Removal.

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