Abdominal Exercise Equipment Review
July 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Judging from TV ads, we all should have been walking with perfect six pack abs by now. The infomercials for abdominal exercise equipment make everything look so easy, so effortless, that it makes you feel bad that you don’t have the flat abs the models in the infomercials do. The next step is to buy whatever is being advertised. 9 times out of 10, you’re going to be disappointed.
To avoid paying good money for a bad product, I want to share with you my views about abdominal exercise equipment and whether it really works or not.
I divide ab fitness products to 3 categories:
What can’t work
In this group I put most of the electric ab belts and stimulators as well as those products promising flat abs and amazing results by working for just seconds or minutes a day.
These products may help you to tone your stomach but they will do little to deal with the root cause of the problem: your excess stomach fat. They probably don’t do much for toning the muscles, either.
The Pricey
In this group there are some ab machines that may be useful in the sense that they do help you to do a solid abdominal workout. However, their price is too high for the benefit they give, especially when you consider the fact that you can do regular ab exercises for free, on the floor in your home.
The Good and affordable
This is the group of products I mostly recommend. These products are low-prices but help you to do a real ab workout that delivers results. I have two products in this group: the stability ball and the ab wheel. Both of these products are affordable and they make any ab workout much harder. These are the products you should by to tone and strengthen your abs
John Davenport is a health and fitness author.
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Feeling Healthy – Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women
July 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gym Workouts
How you look has a lot to do with how you feel. Millions of dollars are spent each year on exercise routines and gimmicks, make- up, and reconditioned new body parts. There seem to be no limits to what people will do to get a certain look.
Putting all of the artificial means to the side for a moment let’s consider possibly the best and most effective way to change your look and your body. Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that can work for you can be your best solution to finding your healthy fitness Fountain of Youth
So why so much talk about the abs? The abdominal muscles are among the large muscles in the core section of the body. They belong to the group of muscles in the body that makes movement effective, graceful, and effortless. Taking care of the abs affects back health and gives a person the energy to move through each day with minimal effort.
A slender, strong looking abdominal section also makes a person feel comfortable with their appearance.
How we look certainly affects how we feel. Feeling that your abs are strong and tight helps you to be and feel healthier.
Sometimes we are directed off of the path. We see many tools, some effective and some just gimmicks, that you can be used to give us an effective abdominal workout. Tools can certainly help us in our quest for better health but what would we do to sustain our workouts if we didn’t have any machines to sit and twist on.
Some of the most effective abdominal exercise routines for women include those programs that do not require any special equipment and can be done anywhere. Choosing an exercise program that you can use that will tone, condition, add strength and stamina, improve cardiovascular fitness, and improve flexibility is important for women.
Some of the programs that will do the aforementioned things are Pilates, yoga, and hill sprinting and walking, and boxing and martial arts.
All of these routines work the entire body without isolating any body parts. Effective abdominal training which emphasizes total body movement gives the added benefits mentioned earlier in addition to strengthening and sculpting the abdominals.
Another program for you to consider that works with total body, body weight exercise routines is the Combat Endurance Training program.
Developed by a Special Forces captain for his group of men this exercise routine employs total body movement by implementing exercises that give tone and power to all muscles of the body. Some of the additional reasons for success of the program include short breaks between exercises to build stamina along with an assortment of fast, explosive movements that help burn fat and tone and condition all body parts.
Strengthening the abdominal area is important as long as you don’t sacrifice the strength of the rest of your body. Taking your time to choose and then begin a program that strengthens and gives non stop energy to the entire body is a good idea for your overall health.
Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that gets your whole body moving is a choice that will bring you many happy returns.
Fred Nicklaus is a National Champion martial artist who has also trained other National and World Champions in his martial arts schools. After total hip replacement surgery in 2005 he found the Combat Endurance Training program and it has helped him maintain his health and fitness. He teaches local Combat Endurance Training classes to adults and children in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit http://www.combatendurancetraining.com/j09 to find out more about Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women and Combat Endurance Training.
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Best Abdominal Exercises Machines Review on the Ab Coaster
July 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by Shaun North
Best Abdominal Exercises Machines Review on the Ab Coaster – Health – Fitness
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The Ab Coaster, a high quality ab exercise machine has proved to be extremely effective and targets the core which will effectively strengthen the abdominal muscles. The build quality of this machine was impressive and is built from heavy due steel materials, which can hold up to three hundred pounds. The arm and knee pads provide comfort and are top of the line. It is built to last and built for extensive use. This machine comes with a comprehensive manual, digital counter, workout DVD and a sensible meal plan. Without having to adjust the machine it is designed to accommodate people from 4’10” to 6″10″ tall.To target the oblique muscles, the molded foam padded seat can be adjusted to various angels and the weight plates allow 20lbs of weight, which are optional and have to be bought separately, the best abdominal exercises machines review has been awarded the best machine on the market. And does it work? Yes it does! This machine delivers the best workout and targets the core ab muscles, and for those that want six pack abs and burn off stomach fat, this machine is a superior choice and is fun to use. As opposed to the ab crunch machine, the ab-coaster works the muscles thoroughly. Most machines work the ab muscles from the top downwards, whereas the ab-coaster works the muscles from the bottom upwards, which helps to burn the fat deposited in the lower abs and in turn build muscle. The only ab exercise program you will really need is the ab-coaster. This machine also comes with a comfortable knee carriage, as the ab coaster machine requires you to pull your knees upwards. The knee carriage smoothly glides along the biometrically curved track as you lift, and firstly engages the lower abs, then the middle and upper abs, which in turn gives the abdominal muscles a complete thorough workout. Due to the ab region being isolated this exercise machine promotes core stabilization and at the same time eliminates hip flexor movement.The best way to describe the ab coaster exercise machine is that it is easy to use, regardless of you level of fitness; it will keep you in top form and will exercise your abdominal regions properly without putting any strain on your lower back or neck. However, the ab coaster exercise machine is much larger and heavier than most other ab exercise machines and also cost a lot more. The ab exercise machine that has been rated number one is the Ab Coaster Pro.
About the Author
Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like best abdominal exercises machines review. He shares useful information regarding abdominal exercises machines and other fitness program.
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Shaun North
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Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like best abdominal exercises machines review. He shares useful information regarding abdominal exercises machines and other fitness program.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
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Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner!
June 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner. 6 or 8 zone muscle belly, belly rolling, you can call it by different ways; your belly is the center for a beautiful body. It is a attractive persons of different sexes.
The beautiful abdominal muscles and clear, it wills expression of power and health. Both the girls and the boys were attempting to have the mid-muscular but very few people achieve this result. If you are looking for a perfect program for you to get a muscular abdominal muscles, you do not need to have father search.
Nutrition and cardio are indispensable for creating muscle belly. However, in this article we focus on fitness exercises for belly muscle.
The abdomen is composed of four parts, the next section, I will discuss the position and functions of each division and two exercises you can use to stimulate the muscles of your abdomen.
Straight abdominal muscles:
Position: Includes area from the sternum to the pelvis.
Function: keep your body.
Exercise: Crunch or Sit Up.
Italics muscle:
Location: two sides of your the belt.
Function: To assist, turn yourself..
Exercise: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches.
Intercostals muscles:
Location: Between the next rib cage.
It works when you bend, rotate the body sides.
Feature: Raising, bent down
Exercise: Air Bike.
Location: Between the stomach and the triangle in front of spine.
Function: pull the scapula forward and around
Exercise: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches.
Abdominal muscles are composed of fibers of “fast twitch” muscle fibers are denser “slow twitch”, so it needs constant weight exercises to stimulate.
This means you need to set the midrange frequency.
Not the endless exercises as in the past. You should focus on exercises about 8-15 times / 1 times.
All exercises should be practiced proper movement and posture. If you practice wrong, the result will be low that it can create long-term injury.
5 Abdominal muscle exercises:
Form 1:
* Cable Crunches
* Side Bends
* Crunches
* Reverse Crunches
Form 2:
* Barbell twists
* Air Bike Crunches
* Hands Over Head Crunches
* Lying Leg Raises
Form 3:
* Frog Sit Ups
* Jackknife Sit Ups
* Oblique Crunches
* Reverse Crunch
Form 4:
* Russian Twist
* Abs Crunch Machine
* Barbell Side Bends
* Crunch – Legs On Exercise Ball
Form 5:
* Decline Crunch
* Dumbbell Side Bends
* Exercise Ball Crunch
* Flat Bench Leg Pull-In
You’ve seen five programs to train. I usually practice the abdomen every 2-3 days. Try rotating these 5 training programs. I guarantee that they will give you more toned abdominal muscles. Should remember that quality is more important than quantity.
To get more specific instructions and details of abdominal muscle exercises for beginer please visit the website: Fast Muscle Building . You can find the appropriate program and effectively help you have a muscle that you always wanted.
The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence: 21 Day Fast Mass Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !
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Best Abdominal Exercises Machines Review
June 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
It can be a real challenge trying to find the best and right abdominal exercise machines as there are so many different models and brands to choose from. Due to there being so many different choices not all of these abdominal machines are as good as they claim to be. Many of these exercise abs machines provide no positive results and are a really bad investment. However, there are a few abdominal machines that are excellent when it comes to strengthening the abs. Before purchasing a machine you need to do understand the characteristics of the various machines to help make a sound decision as to which machine will help you attain your fitness goals.
If your main goal is to tone your abdominal muscles and lose your stomach fat, there are several different types of machines that will tone and stretch the abdominal muscles and we will now discuss the best abdominal exercises machines review as many reviews have shown that the abs wheel and the abs roller are the two most popular on the market.
The abs wheel for instance has a handle on each side of the wheel that allows you to hold onto the handles and roll the wheel forward which in turn causes the body to stretch forward and at the same time work and tighten the core abdominal muscles. Either one of these abdominal machines is an excellent choice to rid yourself of stomach fat and truly tone your abs. in addition there is a variety of sit up abdominal machines that are also an excellent choice. Some of these abdominal exercise machines require you to sit in a chair which moves forwards and backwards while working the abdominal muscles. Another great machine is the abdominal rocket pro machine which is perfect for doing abdominal crunches and at the same time alleviates back and neck pain. Reviews on the Abdominal Circle Pro Device have shown that this machine works out the midsection and core abdominal muscles. When purchasing an abdominal exercise machine, make sure that the machine not only works the core muscles but also the mid section.
A simple work out bench that can be inclined or declined to the required levels in order to work out the various abdominal muscles properly has also been rated as one of the best and allows one to burn the fat and slim the waistline effectively. Even though I think that the Abdominal Rocket machine is the very best on the market, it may not be the best for another.
Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like Tens Machines. He shares useful information regarding Exercise machine, Exercise machine reviews and other fitness program.

A stronger core and defined abs are reason enough to make the XMark® Adjustable Ab Bench XM-4416 your own. Workouts on this top notch piece of equipment are enhanced by roller pads and the extra thick Hi-density™ cushion which minimize stress on your body during intense exercise sessions. Great results and no ensuing back pain come with each use of the XMark® Adjustable Ab Bench XM-4416. You will be thrilled with the stellar results and lifetime warranty that come with XMark®, the mark of excellence.
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Transverse Abdominal Exercises
May 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
The goal of abdominal exercises is to build muscle, but also to attain a flat, attractive stomach. This is where transverse abdominal exercises come in. The Transverse Abdominus is the stabilizing muscle that acts like a belt along with other abdominal muscles, to provide core stability and in keep your stomach shape.
First it’s important to understand how your transverse abdominal muscles function. More than anything else they are stabilizing and supporting muscles. This means that instead of performing a crunch or a sit-up, you should be performing exercises which force your muscles to be used in a stabilizing and supporting role.
Begin by lying on a flat surface, such as the floor or a bench. Make use of a mat or towel to support your spine. Bend your knees allowing your feet to lay flat on the floor, and then raise your pelvis (exclusively) off the floor, hold momentarily, and then return to initial position.
The most basic abdominal exercise is the Crunch, but even it is unable to work the transverse abdominals. Strengthening your transverse abdominals is a good idea. As the muscle group that is responsible for connecting the rectus abdominus with the lower back muscles it helps to form a girdle-like belt of support throughout the abdominal area.
In the myriad of information regarding how to get the perfect stomach, one group of muscles is often forgotten: the transverse abdominal muscles. Core muscles that are located below the rectus abdominus. Did you think traditional crunches worked all the stomach? Well, that is not the case. Traditional crunches do nothing for transverse abdominal muscles, despite the fact that they are very important because they connect to both the lower back muscles and the rectus abdominus.
Any stomach exercise routine aimed at developing your abs ought to consist of specific stomach exercises for the transverse abdominals. Try the following exercises for the abs and take some time to develop your abdominals and begin working to get the toned six pack abs you always desired.
Other exercises that you can use are the ones that as mentioned make use of rotational movement, or more complex and coordinated movements which bring many muscles into the scene. For example, hanging leg raises are great for the transverse abs, as are medicine ball toe touches or medicine ball twists.
Lie on a flat surface such as a bench or the floor using a mat or a towel to cushion youself. Bend you knees until your feet are flat on the floor. Keeping your upper body on the floor throughout slowly and with a controlled movement raise your hips from the floor. Hold it at that position for a few seconds at the top of the arc and then lower it slowly maintaining control throughout.
The transverse muscle layer is the innermost muscle layer in the abdomen, and if you tone this layer correctly, you will also be toning your pelvic floor muscles that hold up all the internal organs. You’ve probably heard of Kegel exercises… most of these are done incorrectly and are not as effective as they could be. By toning your transverse muscles you’ll be helping to strengthen your pelvic floor at the same time, which is great news for anyone, but especially for women who are or have been pregnant.
Maintain a neutral spine and brace your abs and, in a slow and controlled motion, extend your left leg toward the floor, straightening it while at the same time extending your opposite arm (right arm) behind your head so that it is now parallel to the floor. Ensure that the non-working arm and leg are stationary. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and then switch sides. Aim for 12 to 20 reps depending on your abdominal and core endurance.
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Your transverse abdominis is deep within the core of your abdominal muscles. Target your transverse ab muscles with the help of a certified personal trainer in this free video. Expert: Jason Morgan Contact: www.muscleworx.com Bio: Jason Morgan works as a personal trainer in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, and holds a certification from The International Sports Sciences Association. Filmmaker: Rendered Communications Series Description: Abdominal workouts work the core muscles, upper and lower abs to blast fat and build muscle. Target your abs with the help of this free video series presented by a certified personal trainer.
Abdominal Exercises
May 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Few works are so full fitness myths, contradictions and false hopes. The widespread overweight in both men and women makes ripped abs is to present a feature almost exclusively young, models and athletes, especially from certain ages. But we must distinguish between a abs ripped abs and a strong, strong, flexible and integrated with the rest of the bodybuilding. This is the goal that should target all abdominal plans or tables.
What happens when we do abdominal? the study of what happens when making such a trunk flexion from supine position cube. What differences exist between different people? And other questions and answers about the abdominal technique. The latest trends and theories are reflected in biomechanical methods such as Pilates, SGA or functional exercises, abdominal work treated in a “whole”.
In crude form, not good to have strong abs and a weak lower back. This point of view of health. This is where all devices that are advertised to strengthen that area pecan. Moreover, if an adult takes one of these machines and performs miracles everyday abdominal strengthening exercises, quite possibly end up with back problems and widespread pain.
The six pack abs is more about genetics and percent body fat than muscle strength. One of the sports that strengthens the abs to their fullest potential, it is in weightlifting (powerlifting). And we know that these athletes can not boast of his chocolate bar. See How to make abs Both the rectus abdominis and obliques, transverse lumbar or are capable of hypertrophy, toning and stretching. To work hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles is necessary to make certain high-demand periods, even in adult cases advantaged sloping banks use gym machines or specific for this purpose. hypertrophy exercises
Toning or muscle building exercises also requires specific and comprehensive as the rest of the work, but if we increase the percentage aerobic work and slightly lower hypertrophy work, that is the toning abdominal exercises workout routines I should be maximum different from bodybuilding. toning exercises
Finally, we have the job of stretching, flexibility of the rectum, obliques and lower back. This flexibility has work in many more disadvantages than benefits people. Although you can perform certain abdominal stretches without causing hyperextension of the hip, are often ineffective, and practically useful only for untrained adult abdominal development. When we cover a group of abdominal muscles that make up the so-called band abdominal. These highlight the gracilis muscle of the abdomen, be the one to bring up the “chocolate bar” because it is the shallowest of which make this area of the body. The functions and data on these muscles you can find them in this chapter. abs function
Do check out My site: Lose Belly Fat and get a lot of tips and ideas on how to achieve a six pack abs!
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Unique Abdominal Exercises For Women
May 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Medicine balls, crunches, exercise balls.just name any! Many of these things are regarded as a requirement, by a lot of individuals, when the concern is on abdominal exercises for women.
However, what so many people fail to mention is the fact that you must shred all the fat surrounding your abs region in order for you to get a flat stomach or even visible abs. Abdominal exercises for women helps strengthen a woman’s core but it can never be enough, on its own, to burn belly fat.
Instead of just telling you of a number of decent abdominal exercises for women, I’ll fill you in on how it is that you can eliminate the fat faster around your abdominal region. So let us kick off with a number of proven core workouts. Here they are:
Upper Abs:
Crunches using an exercise ball to lean your legs on
Fingers to toes Ab Crunches
Lower Abs (Note that lower ab exercises are critical for acquiring a fully developed core):
Decline Ab Crunches
Abdominal Leg Pull-ins using a bench
Hanging Ab Leg Raises
Medicine Ball Leg Raises
Reverse ab Crunches
Oblique/Side Abs:
Fingers to heel touchers
Oblique/Side Crunches
Lying Oblique Leg Raises
Oblique Decline Crunches
Please take into account that these are great abdominal exercises for women and should be done after cardio workouts such as jogging. But I’ll discuss that later on. These core workouts have proven to work when strengthening your abs.
Burning the Fat
Simple! How does someone get fat in the first place? Lack of exercise, Over eating, etc. you just got to do the opposite procedure of getting fat. Your diet is the main factor in burning or acquiring body fat. There are other, more physically active alternatives, like cardio exercises pointed out above.
Here are some that really burn the fat:
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Interval Training
Circuit Training
Running/Jogging/Rowing Machine/Elliptical Trainer/Exercise Bike
I would recommend you to perform these cardio exercises before doing your ab workouts. Add in a healthy diet plan to your exercises and you will be noticing changes in no time! Be certain to exercise at least 3 days a week making sure that you manage to finish each abdominal exercise within the week.
But if you don’t think you are able to put in a good diet plan then all your physical training would be a waste because you wouldn’t be getting the results you really desire. You will be in the best shape (not in appearance) within a couple of months but you can not out exercise a bad diet.
If you are interested in more abdominal exercises for women along with other fitness advice, visit our resource page at “exerciseforlowerabs-naomi.com” and don’t forget to grab your free gift!
Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner!
May 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by Emily Louisa
Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner! – Health – Fitness
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Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner. 6 or 8 zone muscle belly, belly rolling, you can call it by different ways; your belly is the center for a beautiful body. It is a attractive persons of different sexes.
The beautiful abdominal muscles and clear, it wills expression of power and health. Both the girls and the boys were attempting to have the mid-muscular but very few people achieve this result. If you are looking for a perfect program for you to get a muscular abdominal muscles, you do not need to have father search.
Nutrition and cardio are indispensable for creating muscle belly. However, in this article we focus on fitness exercises for belly muscle.
The abdomen is composed of four parts, the next section, I will discuss the position and functions of each division and two exercises you can use to stimulate the muscles of your abdomen.
Abdomen:Straight abdominal muscles:Position: Includes area from the sternum to the pelvis.Function: keep your body.Exercise: Crunch or Sit Up.
Italics muscle:Location: two sides of your the belt.Function: To assist, turn yourself..Exercise: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches.
Intercostals muscles:Location: Between the next rib cage. It works when you bend, rotate the body sides.Feature: Raising, bent downExercise: Air Bike.
Serrated:Location: Between the stomach and the triangle in front of spine.Function: pull the scapula forward and aroundExercise: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches.
Abdominal muscles are composed of fibers of “fast twitch” muscle fibers are denser “slow twitch”, so it needs constant weight exercises to stimulate.
This means you need to set the midrange frequency. Not the endless exercises as in the past. You should focus on exercises about 8-15 times / 1 times.
All exercises should be practiced proper movement and posture. If you practice wrong, the result will be low that it can create long-term injury.
5 Abdominal muscle exercises:
Form 1:
* Cable Crunches
* Side Bends
* Crunches
* Reverse Crunches
Form 2:
* Barbell twists
* Air Bike Crunches
* Hands Over Head Crunches
* Lying Leg Raises
Form 3:
* Frog Sit Ups
* Jackknife Sit Ups
* Oblique Crunches
* Reverse Crunch
Form 4:
* Russian Twist
* Abs Crunch Machine
* Barbell Side Bends
* Crunch – Legs On Exercise Ball
Form 5:
* Decline Crunch
* Dumbbell Side Bends
* Exercise Ball Crunch
* Flat Bench Leg Pull-In
You’ve seen five programs to train. I usually practice the abdomen every 2-3 days. Try rotating these 5 training programs. I guarantee that they will give you more toned abdominal muscles. Should remember that quality is more important than quantity.
To get more specific instructions and details of abdominal muscle exercises for beginer please visit the website: Fast Muscle Building. You can find the appropriate program and effectively help you have a muscle that you always wanted.
About the Author
The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence: 21 Day Fast Muscle Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Emily Louisa
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The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence: 21 Day Fast Muscle Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !
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Lower Abdominal Exercises For Women – Improve Your Posture With Exercise
May 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by Julia Mahler
Lower abdominal exercises for women are an important part of women’s health. While everybody talks about how wonderful it would be to have six pack abs, it is not the only reason to make sure that you work out this part of your body. Having strong abdominal muscles can also improve your health in other ways – for instance, giving you better posture and reducing back strain. Most people do some abdominal exercises – however, the lower abs are often overlooked.
By using one or two effective types of lower abdominal exercises for women, you can make sure that this important muscle group is also getting worked out effectively. Several of the exercises may require more equipment than you have readily available – however, most lower abdominal exercises are easy to do at home and do not require much extra equipment.
Effective Lower Abs Exercises For Beginners
Lying Leg Raises – Lie down on a flat bench. Raise your arms above your head and have your hands hold the edges of the bench or (if you have one) the hand-grip behind your head. With your legs slightly bent at the knee, raise them all the way up to the vertical position. Pause a second and then slowly lower them. Try not to touch the ground at the bottom. This control will keep tension on the abdominals throughout the exercise and will therefore increase the intensity. Repeat for your designated number of reps and sets.
Reverse Crunch – Lie face up on a flat exercise bench, raise your arms and firmly grasp the edge of the bench above or alongside your head. With your knees bent (and locked in this position), contract your abs and lift your hips to bring your knees in toward your chest – hold for three seconds and lower your hips back to the bench. Repeat for your designated number of reps and sets. Leg Lifts Are More Advanced Exercises For Lower Abs
First of all, the hanging leg raise is one of the most effective types of abs exercises. For this exercise, however, you’re going to need a lat pull-up bar to hang from. This bar is going to need to be high enough that you can hang from it with your arms fully extended (with your hands shoulder width apart) for long enough to do the exercise – without your feet touching the floor. Then, use your abdominal muscles (you will need to focus) to move your legs up until you are sitting in the air.
Important Notes For All Abs Exercises
* Do not over train your abs. Remember that success is always a result of many efforts. Never train you abs if they are still very sore from a previous workout. Mildly sore is okay.
* Keep your abs pulled in tight through each repetition to get the maximum benefit of each rep.
* Keep your range of motion between 30-45 degrees from the floor or bench (the horizontal position). This helps to minimize the hip-flexor area movement and makes sure that the abs get their full workout.
* Always keep your spine, neck, head and shoulder in alignment to prevent strains.
* When you do sit-ups and crunches, or any other exercise that requires your hands to be behind your head, never interlock your fingers as this causes you to pull on your head and will put your spine out of alignment – which may cause strains to your spine.
Julia Mahler is a successful author and the publisher of a1-weight-lifting-equipment.com. She has studied and participated in fitness & natural nutrition for over 22 yrs. Her specialty is women’s fitness and teaching how to get six pack abs.