Aerobic Activity Including Aerobic Exercise

September 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Franchis Adam

Aerobic Activity Including Aerobic Exercise – Health – Fitness

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Are you like me and really haven’t given aerobic activity a second thought? Does the sound of working out just not give you a great feeling? Relax, you’re not alone, though it doesn’t need to be that way.

I have been involved in different exercise classes and have purchased videos and tapes. I have joined different health clubs and other organized activities through community education, but I have never stuck with one program. I know that aerobic activity is needed to maintain my health, but listening to aerobics experts and reading various information it all seemed over whelming to me.

During my last physical my doctor told me that due to the heart disease in my family it is very important that I get involved with aerobic activity several times each week. I explained my past experiences with trying to be involved in various aerobic activity, and how I found it difficult to stick with a program. He told me that aerobic activity does not have to be organized, nor does it have to be doing the same thing each time. Aerobics is simply working the large muscle groups at a regular pace strenuous enough to cause your breathing to increase.

This can be achieved through walking at a brisk pace, biking, swimming, rowing or any other aerobic activity that you find enjoyable. He feels that it is more beneficial to vary the aerobic activity through out the week because this allows you to strengthen various muscles and it keeps you from getting bored. He said not to worry about taking your pulse and trying to figure out the different formulas that aerobic activity experts are coming up with, the important thing is to go out and get your heart beat going and improve your lung capacity.

On my way home from the clinic I reflected on what the doctor had told me. It made sense to me to just continue the walks that I was already taking, but to push myself to go a bit faster. I did this for two weeks and found that I was going farther on my walks in the same half hour period of time. After the two weeks of increasing the pace I began to wear one pound wrist weights. The added weight slowed me down a bit, but I could feel my lungs and heart were working harder. By making just a couple of minor adjustments to my evening walks I was involved in aerobic activity.

I know that many people simply do not have the time to walk. I mentioned this to one of my co-workers. She said that she had just read an article that said if you did not have 30 minutes to devote to aerobic activity at one time, you get the same benefits by increasing your breathing rate for three 10 minute intervals throughout the day. It is easy to fit this in by simply walking though the large office building I work in and taking the flights of stairs.

I mapped out a route that involves 4 flights of stairs broken up into two flights at a time. Between flights I briskly walk the corridor from one stairwell to the other. On days that I know I have a tight schedule I walk this route prior to starting my work day, I walk it again before going on lunch break and again before leaving the office for the day. This way I get my 30 minutes of aerobic activity completed before I get home.

I found that getting the aerobic activity I need for my health really isn’t that difficult after all. The biggest key is to simply get started. Once you do that you can adjust to your schedule and time restraints, but at least you can get in the right amount of aerobic activity.

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Franchis Adam

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Aerobic Activity Is Good

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Rachel Lynn

Aerobic Activity Is Good – Health – Fitness

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Aerobic activity is compulsory to get the desired results in a weight reduction program. Many people who look at exercise as essential means of weight reduction will testify for aerobic activity. With a well designed workout and a nutritious diet plan you can loose weight very easily rather than combating for it.

Aerobic activity will not yield results over a short period. You took more than a week to gain those extra pounds; similarly it will take more than that to lose the same. Here is a great health site But through aerobic activity you can lose more weight in a lesser time if it becomes a part of your day to day schedule. And I am serious when I say day to day schedule. Many are of the opinion that thrice a week is good enough but I feel thrice is good when needs to maintain weight but should be daily if one wants to reduce weight.

Always take the advice of your doctor before starting and exercise regime. Even for some minor aerobic activity this should be done. Once the physician approves, you can start devising plans. It might baffle you, but I strongly recommend you to start with simple easy regime rather than going for heavy exercises right from the first day. This might prove harmful to your body and ultimately to your goal of weight reduction.

A vigorous walk is the most preferred aerobic activity nowadays. This simple technique has become a rage in the entire country. This activity can be done anywhere and more importantly it doesn’t require any artificial accessories. People have various ways to undertake this activity: some prefer visiting the malls in their vicinity while the rest like to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty in the gardens.

Even swimming is a very practical choice for losing weight. But not all will be comfortable wearing a bathing suit, especially if they are over weight. Nevertheless, swimming is a marvelous aerobic activity which exercises every joint in the body.Swimming, thus the best suited of the lighter workouts.

Jogging is not a very easy aerobic activity. It is tough for your body and you can get the same benefits through a fast and vigorous walk. Jogging might even be detrimental to the joints. But those who are comfortable in this activity highly recommend it as the best possible technique.

But before you actually start jogging, swimming, walking or go for any other aerobic activity remember to warm up your muscles. Stretch them and this will help body to be able to withstand the workout without any damage.

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Rachel Lynn enjoys visiting the following web portals:Beauty CapWomens World

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Rachel Lynn enjoys visiting the following web portals:Beauty CapWomens World

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The Benefits To Aerobic Activity Are Surprising

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Annaft

The Benefits To Aerobic Activity Are Surprising – Health – Fitness

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A lot of people realize that exercise in and of itself has a lot of benefits that come along with it. One particular form of exercise, however, comes with a laundry list of perks that are almost too many to cite. The benefits to aerobic activity, in fact, will surprise many. The fact is this form of movement can have positive impacts on the body and the mind and perhaps even the soul.

The benefits to aerobic activity involve several different areas. The two main categories are physical health and mental health. Let’s take a look.

PhysicalThe perks on the physical front are many. This form of exercise is known for working not only the major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs and torso, but also the cardiovascular system. In the process of doing this, the benefit to aerobic exercise for the body itself include:

â• ¢ Increased cardiovascular health. As the body is worked out, the heart pumps stronger, the lungs breath deeper and oxygen is delivered more efficiently throughout the blood stream. The main benefits to aerobic activity on this front include decreased blood pressure readings, lowered cholesterol and even a stronger, healthier heart muscle.â• ¢ Increased endurance. As the body gets a good workout, the endurance level will slowly rise. If the benefits to aerobic activity are fully achieved, a person will find endurance levels gaining as the weeks and months go on.â• ¢ Fat burning. This is one of the biggest perks. The reality is this is a great fat burner and muscle toner.â• ¢ Disease prevention. This is also one of the benefits to aerobic activity. While it can’t work 100 percent of the time, it does help prevent heart disease, diabetes and other such conditions.

MentalThe benefits to aerobic activity are known to also have a mental component. As the body enjoys a good workout and even better oxygenation, the mind and emotions are also effected. The benefits to aerobic activity for the mind and emotions include:

â• ¢ Stress reduction. A good workout can help turn a bad day into a good one. This form of exercise is great for helping shed stress.â• ¢ Self-esteem. As fat is burned and muscles are toned, people tend to gain self-esteem. This is one benefit to aerobic exercise that shouldn’t be discounted.

The benefits to aerobic activity are many. Offering a solid way to improve health and outlook, this form of exercise can be great for almost anyone to add to their routine.

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Interested in Fitness.

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