Aerobic Exercises and its Effect on our Hormones

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Charles Volcolatte

For the longest time, weight loss has been seen as a necessary measure for various pursuits. While losing weight is an obsession among most American men and women, another thing has also occupied their thoughts of late. This is the desire to look better and more physically attractive by means of toning and sculpting their bodies. Indeed, it is no longer enough to just look lose off those extra pounds. At any rate, it has since become more fashionable to have a toned and sculpted body to boot. For this reason, workout routines to optimize weight loss have since been one of the most popular methods to boost weight loss.

The significance of workout routines in maximizing weight loss possibilities is endless. For as long as we can remember, health experts and nutritionists have since been commending the roles of these exercise routines to our system because not only can it regulate the healthy functioning of our hearts, more than anything else, exercise routines can also help us shed off unwanted fat and weight through its effect on the elimination of body fat. Aside from these, there is also a long list of benefits that can be reaped from the adherence to an exercise routine. For those people who are yet to be convinced that exercise is indeed an essential way to be healthy, strong, fit and happy, read the full list we cited below, which commends exercise as a great practice that can bring forth various benefits to one and all.

There are many types of exercises routines, but not all of these have the same effect on the appetite. According to the study conducted by the researchers very recently, exercise per se can stimulate two types of hormone: Ghrelin and Peptide YY. The research conducted by the experts support the claims that that aerobic exercise is better at suppressing appetite than non-aerobic exercise. The explanation for how that happens is due to the3 discovery that the hormone Ghrelin goes down during non-aerobic exercises while Peptide YY increases during aerobic exercise. Ghrelin is the only hormone known to stimulate appetite, while peptide YY suppresses appetite. Of these two, the latter is more important for dieters.

As mentioned, Ghrelin is a hormone that enhances the appetite. This is why some dieters who opt to utilize exercise routines tend to feel hungrier more often than when they did not include exercise routines in their weight loss programs yet. Chances are, these individuals made use of non-aerobic exercise routines because these are the routines that are known to stimulate Ghrelin. Meanwhile, peptide YY are hormones that are being regulated by the body when the exercise routine that is being followed is the routine that delves into aerobic exercises.

There are various reasons why we should opt for a physical exercise routine but there are even more reasons to stick to a physical activity routine that delves into aerobic exercise. So choose your regimen wisely and get into a fitness routine that involves aerobic exercise to experience a fuller perspective on weight loss, health and wellness.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

Aerobic Fitness

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Aerobic fitness is a body’s ability to endure and sustain an activity that causes the heart to work at 70 to 80 percent for a prolonged time. Aerobic activities include walking, running, stair-climbing, swimming, dancing and biking as well as many others; anything that elevates the heart to an aerobic level and maintains it for a minimum of 12 minutes.

Aerobic activities provide oxygenation of the blood, muscles and organs which strengthens the body overall.

A body’s ability to endure heightened levels of activity is an important part of life in general but can be the difference in the ability to survive a crisis situation such as floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Being aerobically fit can help you to survive a crisis as well as helping others to survive. Although this may be the extreme of the benefits, the list of benefits goes on.

Aerobic fitness has many healthy benefits including healthier cardiovascular and circulatory systems, and the ability to metabolize body fat more efficiently; additionally most people sleep better and live fuller lives A person’s level of fitness is related to the health of the person.

With over millions of people world wide dying from coronary artery disease annually it is essential that people strive for aerobic fitness and maintain the lifestyle.

A lifestyle that includes aerobic activities has a reduced risk of heart disease and heart attack. Aerobics is also an important part of recovery from a heart attack.

Why don’t you give aerobics a try and see the good it can do for you.

Richard Coppin – Take a look at these sites piltes aerobics audio books and Aerobic Fitness

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Aerobic Step

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

Aerobic Step

Aerobic Fitness: Keeping Yourself In Top Condition

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Andrew Green

So what does mean “fitness” and what stands for “aerobic” after all? Under the word fitness we should understand the state of wellbeing of a person. Your physical fitness is formed by a set of many different body capabilities like endurance, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Fitness is not only the physical health, but also mental health of a person along with self awareness and emotional satisfaction. So now we see that in general fitness is a state when mind, body and soul are in touch one with each other and what is more – souls do fit the bodies and live in harmony.

The term aerobic along with the exercise was invented by K. Copper from the U.S. Air Force in 1969. All his thoughts were documented in his book called “Aerobics”. All the data from the book became the baseline for all aerobic fitness programs that are based on oxygen consumption equivalency.

Talking about the term “aerobic” I can say that it is the most important factor of physical fitness. The origin of this word is Latin and the meaning is following: “aero” means oxygen (air), and “bic” is for bio (life). So any physical activity that requires the intake of oxygen could be called aerobic exercise. All aerobic fitness exercises must maintain increased heart rate and that is why such activity is almost the same as cardio exercises. There are also obvious reasons for this: exercises strengthen lungs and heart, increase cardiac capacity and use body fat and carbohydrates and the fuel (energy source).

Of course there are a lot of types of aerobic fitness exercise. All of them build up your endurance and stamina. Forms of exercise include the following: running, swimming, cycling, long distance skiing, power walking, rowing, use of different exercise machines (bikes, treadmills, and others). Actually all aerobic fitness exercises must be performed at high level of intensity and for a long time period. That is why running is considered as aerobic fitness exercise, but sprinting is not. Regular aerobic fitness exercise gives you a lot of health benefits. They are united in a group called “aerobic training effect” and give your body the following: strengthen muscles that are involved in respiration, strengthen heart muscle (that improves blood pumping efficiency), increase the number of red blood cells in the organism. In addition jogging or rope jumping may stimulate bone growth and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The digestive system is fed more regularly and is cleaned more effectively.

Because of the very close connection between the mind and the body, mental fitness may now be seen to be in many ways equivalent to physical aerobic fitness. People that are in good aerobic condition tend to be more optimistic, more self-confident; more determined and, generally, have a higher energy level and of course a greater lust for life.

The group of aerobic fitness exercise may be divided into two major sub-groups – pre-choreographed aerobics and freestyle aerobics (exercise is linked to dance and choreography).

Andy Green is a successful webmaster and publisher of Free Fitness and Exercise Tips – lots of information to keep you fit, healthy, gain aerboic fitness and help you to get regular exercise.

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The Six Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

The Six Benefits of Aerobic Exercise


Aerobic exercise on the human body has the following benefits:


(1) to improve cardiac function: aerobic exercise make the heart muscle becomes stronger, beating more powerful, there is more blood each time out, but also to improve the heart’s own blood supply.


(2) To increase lung function: aerobic exercise can breathe better, faster, thereby increasing lung capacity, that is, the ability to increase oxygen intake.


(3) Control of hypertension: studies suggest that aerobic exercise on people with normal blood pressure effect is small; the impact of the interventions on blood pressure is relatively large. Adhere to the aerobic exercise; some people can drop systolic blood pressure 10 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure decreased 6 mm Hg, the decrease or even bigger.


(4) Weight: hypertension, diabetes is often associated with obesity, high cholesterol; lack of physical activity and eating too much can also cause obesity.

In turn, a certain degree of obesity increases the risk of the possibility of hypertensive heart disease and diabetes. Brisk walking a day increased by 2 times, 120 meters per minute, 20 minutes, in conjunction with proper diet, 2 weeks to lose 0.5 kg of fat can be. If sustained, it can be reduced by 12 kg a year of pure fat.


(5) To improve the mental state: Stick to participate in aerobic exercise, can eliminate the effects of epinephrine, helps control the tension of life. After the move operation the role of the body’s endorphins, so that each person can and exercise aerobic exercise will be to comfort.


(6) to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis: a fast walk need to support the weight of bone, muscle and joint participation and coordination of body movements, increased load-bearing capacity of bone marrow, effectively preventing the loss of calcium, exercise of the bone and joint flexibility.


Aerobic exercise is the most important muscle groups in the country Omro activities to exercise the heart rate were increased to a certain range, so that those who exercise the heart rate increased to a certain extent, and for 20 minutes.

Such as walking, running, swimming, aerobics and so on are such a sport. Usually aerobic exercise 3 times a week, every time 30 minutes; or 4 times a week, every 20 minutes; or 5 times a week, preferably every 20-30 minutes.

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Benefits Of Doing Aerobic Exercise

February 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Most people wishes to become healthy. Because the most valuable possession one could have within their life certainly is the body, not cash or any other thing. There is nothing more vital compared to body. So, everyone have to value it. Commonly, engaging in cardio workout might be one of the most beneficial ways to remain fit and healthy.

Whenever people are performing cardiovascular workouts, the main muscle groups of their bodies are utilized in the regular and also continuous manner. That will increase the individuals heartbeat to the degree of 60%-80% of their maximum heart rates.

There are actually many cardio workouts one will be able to do, some of the popular ones are skipping rope, dancing, skiing, running, swimming, strolling, and riding a bike. What cardio exercise to engage in depends on the individual’s personal preference. However, it’s advocated to incorporate several physical exercises into a person’s exercise session to prevent getting bored.

The benefits of performing cardiovascular exercise:
1, Exercise offers additional energy to someone’s body.
In case a person can perform aerobic exercise frequently, after some time, she or he might get much more energy and even greater resistance.

2, Prevent certain problems.
Engaging in cardiovascular exercises routinely helps you enhance the lung and heart; hence it is very helpful on avoiding or lowering the possibilities of having many health troubles, such as fatness, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.

3, Manage an individual’s body weight.
It doesn’t matter an individual is heavy or have a healthy body weight, doing aerobics allows the person to spend more unhealthy calories. Individuals can change the quantity of exercising they perform according to their present body weight, every day calorie eating, physical activity level, age, and sex to lose weight or maintain body weight.

4, Exercise helps lessen fat.
A number of people who have ideal weight can still get excess fat on trouble places. Engaging in cardiovascular exercise might help them eliminate that body fat and have a much better body.

Do workout three to five days per week, 30-60 minutes each and every time.
For starters, never rush it. Simply go bit by bit, you should not wear yourself out.

The author writes articles about several topics, such as door pull up bar, ankle weights, and best vacuum for pet hair removal.

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Aerobic Fitness To Lose Weight

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Sydney Fitness

A hard to follow diet plan which omits particular food groups such as carbohydrates and fats may be harmful for your overall health, and is not an effective answer for weight loss. Your whole body requires specific quantities of nutritious food coming from several food groups in order to function better. Eliminating certain foods will not only deprive your body of much desired vitamins and minerals but can furthermore result in starvation that ultimately ruin a weightloss diet plan. Health specialists recommend instead a weightloss plan which includes a balanced diet in appropriate servings and regular exercise such as aerobic fitness workouts.

Why aerobic fitness?

Aerobic fitness exercise or aerobics refers to a form of exercise which mixes rhythmic, recurring activity that works well on the respiratory system and heart. These types of organs try to supply the body with much needed oxygen throughout the training, thus the phrase “aerobics” which suggests “with oxygen”.

Aerobics need a minimum time period of exercise for the repetitive movements to encourage circulation and respiratory function. When performed consistently, cardio burn fat and improve metabolism which are crucial aspects of weight loss. In addition, aerobic exercises reduce critical ailments including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and a number of cancers. Its some other advantages consist of reduced blood pressure, improved bone density for much better bones, greater muscle strength, flexibility, and weight-loss.

Workout additionally relieves endorphins which are the brain’s pure feel-good chemical substances, contributing to enhanced moods and fighting major depression.

Starting up aerobic fitness

Aerobics has a wide range of workouts to suit every person’s level of fitness. It can be low-impact steps, sports or dancing workout.

Low-impact workout routines use rhythmic movements that exercise large muscle groups. These are tender on the bones yet give a excellent cardiovascular training, great for people with arthritis or joint problems. Examples of low-impact exercises are water aerobics which are workout routines practiced in a swimming pool area.

Step aerobics uses a raised platform (called a ‘step’) which might be modified to satisfy specific wants. Exercises include stepping up and down the step following a pair of moves choreographed by an instructor. Workouts are combined with dance tunes in a number of tempos and are learned in group dance lessons, generally with two to three routines in each class.

Dance aerobic exercise are exercise sessions integrated with dance movements of varied kinds such as jazz, ballet, disco, ballroom and salsa. Fitness gyms normally offer dance fitness classes to break the dullness of machine exercises and to enhance toughness and weight training.

Aerobic fitness using dance classes is popular among beginners and fitness enthusiasts simply because the workouts are fun and satisfying while providing an extensive body workout and promoting fat reduction.

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Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss – Discover Why it Is Essential in Weight Loss

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Weight loss in simple terms is all about arithmetic. However, unfortunately it is not always that simple to put into action. Everyone knows about faddy diets and weight loss packages that assure you that you will lose two stone in as many weeks, but in reality, weight loss has to be well thought out, realistic and at a moderate and steady pace.

That being said, there is one method in particular that can speed up the process that is safe and will significantly increase your health and fitness levels. That crucial method comes in the form of exercise, aerobic exercise and weight loss go together beautifully.

So how does this work?

Well, if you incorporate exercise into your daily life or two to three times per week, you will increase the amount of calories you burn allowing you to lose more weight. Furthermore, your metabolism will be working harder and more efficiently so even when you are not exercising, you will be burning more energy than when you were doing little to no exercise.

It really is as simple as that.

A huge mistake that many people make when they embark on losing weight, is that they think eating very little will help them lose so much more weight. The fact is, the body goes into starvation mode and slows down the metabolism. Energy levels drop dramatically and there is very little motivation for exercise.

Even though some weight will be lost, it will not be in direct proportion to how little food is being consumed.

A far healthier, more realistic and sustainable weight loss regime, is to eat smaller portions, watching the fat content, reduce the calorie intake depending on your initial weight, height and gender, making sure to increase your exercise levels.

This healthy calorie reduction, aerobic exercise and weight loss can take you all the way to your target weight and your body will become much fitter and stronger in the process.

There are many different forms of exercise which burn varying amounts of energy. Strenuous exercise such as climbing stairs burns far more energy than brisk walking minute for minute. However you can be sure that after a short time you will be burnt out from climbing stairs, however you will be able to walk briskly for a longer period of time.

This just highlights that moderate, aerobic exercise is just as beneficial, if not more, as it is more realistic, less of an assault on the body and maintainable.

In order to be truly successful with your aerobic exercise and weight loss, a step-by-step guide should be followed that is tailored to your particular circumstances. This way you do not have to worry whether what you are doing is right or is going to make a difference. To get full access to the best weight loss programs and find out today how to successfully reach your target weight, continue to Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss.

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Benefits of Fartlek Training Session: An Interval Training Exercise session to enhance Anaerobic and Aerobic Potential

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Avi Marents

While I typically advocate a HIIT training regimen so you can get in great shape, now I’d prefer to discuss the Fartlek training session. What is Fartlek? It’s an expression meaning “speed play” in Swedish and is an interval training workout that involves continuing exercise alternated between low, moderate, and higher intensity durations. The major aspects of Fartlek training are actually that it allows you to burn up fat and in addition increase both anaerobic along with aerobic ability. In other words, it may help you to more efficiently complete seriously intense training as well as improving your overall stamina.

So how exactly does Fartlek work in practice? Frequently, Fartlek is performed by way of jogging nevertheless, you could theoretically customize other activities to incorporate a similar key points. You begin with jogging at an average pace then pick a time to sprint. After you dash, you could run at a slower pace or perhaps the exact same velocity you began jogging at. It’s your decision. Then, when your body is all set, you can perform another dash or perhaps dash at a heightened velocity. You choose how frequently to enhance the intensity and how far the period can be. You may base distances around points of interest ( utility poles, light poles, trees and shrubs, and so forth.). Maybe one particular sprint span is merely 75 yards while the subsequent may be a fast paced quarter mile jog. There’s no arranged framework.

What makes Fartlek workout routines a great way to train? First, interval training in general is an efficient approach to burn up fat. It is often a lot better than merely jogging at a continuous rate. Second, Fartlek workout improves anaerobic and aerobic potential. While steady state jogging improves cardiovascular capacity, this doesn’t help with high intensity sprints or other anaerobic exercises. Even more remarkable, a number of reports about interval training demonstrate that it improves cardiovascular potential better than steady state jogging. It’s the best of all possible worlds. Last but not least, you’ll employ both fast twitch along with slow twitch muscle fibers meaning you boost power as well as speed (fast twitch) as well as endurance (slow twitch).

Another excellent aspect of Fartlek training is how versatile it is. Unlike a regular HIIT exercise plan which may entail sprints for thirty seconds along with resting for ninety seconds for any established time, Fartlek makes it possible for the body to determine the amount of rest time you may need in addition to how long the total program will be. You select how many times, for how long, and how intensely you intend to dash. You may also personalize your workout based on a specific sport or activity.

If you’re a sports athlete, I’d recommend including a Fartlek workout. This method of interval training exercise routine could increase your anaerobic along with aerobic ability as well as help you get better at your specific sport. For all the others, one of the primary benefits of Fartlek training is that it lets you successfully burn up fat. Plus, a Fartlek workout can add a little variety and supply a great break from a structured routine. Give Fartlek training a shot!

If you’d like to read additional information on Fartlek training, come look at my web blog where I provide you with diet and exercise techniques to help you shed fat and get a toned appearance. Start getting in excellent condition right now!

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Is Aerobic Exercise Right For You?

January 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Troy Anderson

Copyright (c) 2008 Anderson Training Systems

There is a long standing myth that aerobic exercise, otherwise known as cardio in the inner sanctum that we call the gym or fitness center, is the absolute Holy Grail when it comes to losing weight.

It’s very unfortunate that this MYTH is still being perpetuated since it is quite possibly the worst way to lose fat, other than camping out on the couch eating bon bons.

On top of that, an exercise program consisting solely of cardio or aerobic exercise is a nearly certain path to a plateau, frustration, and, in many cases, failure.

Although it all started with good intentions, let me paint you a little picture on why aerobic exercise by no means the end-all and be-all for weight loss. Imagine one of those mammoth, jacked-up, diesel-guzzling behemoths of an SUV being driven around your neighborhood by the stay-at-home mom with a single child.

Inefficient and quite possibly downright wasteful, right?

Now imagine one of those goofy-shaped, 80-mile-per-gallon, quiet, metallic lime green hybrids sneaking up on you at a more rapid rate driven by your Birkenstock-wearing, ultra-liberal neighbor.

A picture of efficiency, right?

The latter is exactly what slow, steady aerobic exercise program turns the body into when it comes to burning fat. When the name of the game is fast fat-loss, we want to be as inefficient as possible, a big ‘ol diesel SUV with 35″ wheels on it just for good measure.

So how do you safely dive into the world of fast-results exercise when you aren’t exactly sure what to do and definitely don’t want to get injured? Simple, really.

Move your body. Yup! Move in lots of different directions and angles. You will be surprised at how much effort it takes just to move your body. I do have a caveat, however.

Bodyweight exercise is a great tool, but if you are severely overweight (+50 lbs or more) the exercise circuit described below may be a little too challenging. You probably should use a very specific regimen that is customized to your needs and orthopedic conditions.

That being said, let’s get into the good stuff. This is a little circuit that you can use and get a good sweat going. It can be performed on a daily basis and will provide an excellent beginning exercise stimulus.

– Planks – Start by lying on the floor. Lift your body up, and with forearms and feet as your points of support, hold this position by pulling in your stomach.

– Lunges – Take a step forward. Stop all forward momentum and lower yourself by bending the knee and hip of your front leg, trying to lower the front hip straight down. Concentrate on keeping your trunk centered over your hips.

– Push-ups – Start with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. From here lower your chest towards the floor, ideally reaching a level where your upper and lower arms form a 90 degree angle. Be sure not to sag at the hips or lower back as this will make the push-up impossible to do correctly.

Women, if you cannot do full push-ups, start in the same position but with your hands elevated on something like a countertop or chair. Gradually reduce the elevation as you become stronger.

– Inch worms – Squat down as if you were having to use the facilities in a foreign country. From this position, lean forward, place your hands on the floor, and walk out until your body is parallel to the floor.

– Get-ups – Start by lying on your back on the floor. The goal is to move into a standing upright position without having to use any other objects for assistance.

General instructions:

Complete the circuit 2-5 times.

Depending on your fitness level, spend 20-60 seconds on each exercise.

Be sure to increase the number of times you repeat each exercise or increase the amount of time spent performing each exercise every 2 weeks.

This little program can be done every day. And if you don’t take the easy way out by continuing to do the same amount week after week, you will make consistent progress with both your level of fitness and amount of fat-loss.

hich, of course, is much better than the same hours spent on the treadmill or in aerobic classes, only to be rewarded with plateaus and frustrations.

So press on the gas and let the engine roar. Smoke the tires and watch your fat-burning machine speed down the fat-loss super highway with total body exercise.

Troy M. Anderson is the owner of Anderson Training Systems, LLC,a fitness coaching business based in Tempe, Arizona.Troy is often referred to as “the MacGyver of coaching” for his unique ability to build effective fitness programs using only the most basic equipment.For more articles and instructional video, visit http://www.atscoaching.comFitness Ain’t Pretty-RESULTS ARE!

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