The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Dr. Rose Windale

The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics – Health

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Low impact water aerobics is a fun and exciting means of getting in shape. Done in chest deep water, low impact water aerobics may involve some warm ups and stretching as well as cool down exercises. Low impact water aerobics may also include entertaining dance steps while wallowing in the pool. Unlike high impact aerobic exercises that leave you sore and drain all the energy out of you, low impact water aerobics can give you an energetic and refreshed feeling afterwards. A large percentage of individuals find it difficult to adhere to a regular aerobic exercise regimen as they can eventually lose enthusiasm in doing the exercises.

High impact aerobics can be so painstaking that the concept of exercising has become tormenting to so many people. Some people eventually lose interest in exercising as they are not aware that they can do low impact exercises with maximum health benefits. Such is the case of low impact water aerobics. The program actually doesn’t require a person to do backbreaking vigorous exercises. There may be minimal strenuous activities in low intensity water aerobics but the program can be remarkably efficient as the exercises are done in the water. As the water provides resistance while executing the exercises, low impact water aerobics can be effective in flexing the muscles thereby building up muscular strength.

Unlike high impact aerobic exercises, low intensity water aerobics doesn’t leave you aching and exhausted as you don’t have to do all those jumping and heavy stretching. The exercises may be done in the water but this doesn’t put pressure on the body at all. Wading in the water can be cool and invigorating, thus less effort is required in low impact water aerobics. People of all ages are capable of doing low intensity water aerobics from children to adults and the elderly. Even pregnant women can benefit from the program as it has been proven to be less arduous and is safe.

When incorporated into a health regimen, low impact water aerobics doesn’t run the risk of damaging the bones and the joints that’s why the elderly are able to carry them out. Weak bones and wobbly joints are not impediments in enjoying water aerobics which is synonymous with an exciting, relaxed way of regularly doing an exercise program. For expecting mothers, low intensity water aerobics can even be safe for their babies. If an individual has a medical condition that may inhibit him from doing strenuous physical activities, low impact water aerobics can be one of the best choices to be fit and well.

Low intensity aqua aerobics may require less effort in exercising with a minimal duration of 45 minutes but it has a big impact on the health. It will aid in the rapid burning of calories thereby causing weight loss. Consequently, an individual will feel better as he looks better. Low impact water aerobics is also beneficial for the heart as it enhances the endurance of the cardiovascular muscles. Implementing low impact aqua aerobics as an inclusion to the health regimen will prove not only beneficial to the body but to the overall well-being as well. Providing an individual with an easygoing yet helpful means of exercising as well as having fun socializing with other participants in the program, low impact water aerobics can also be an enjoyable way of socializing and gaining friends.

Low impact water aerobics can be one of the ultimate solutions for a unique, enjoyable and safe way for an exercise regimen that would promote fitness and overall well-being.

About the Author

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at

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Dr. Rose Windale

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The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at

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Health Benefits of Aquatic Exercises, Water Aerobics

September 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Nick Mutt

Health Benefits of Aquatic Exercises, Water Aerobics – Health – Weight Loss

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We all know that exercise such as running, jogging and biking has been found to reduce cholesterol and high BP and prevent heart disease. But this article emphasizes on the benefits of water aerobics. Aquatic exercise is becoming increasingly popular as water has been found to be ideal for muscle toning, is soothing and increasing stamina, strength, flexibility and endurance.

It is well known that over body weight is much less in water. Hence, when one stands in water at chest level his body is near weightless. The natural buoyancy of the water supports the body and relieves the stress on joints, tendons and ligaments. Water

Wading In Water Aerobics

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Sutiyo Na

Wading In Water Aerobics – Health – Weight Loss

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Physical activities like walking, running, dancing and swimming can be considered aerobics. Aerobics are exercises which increase the heart rate and at the same time pump more oxygen into the blood vessels. There are different kinds of aerobic exercises which can be defined based on the equipment used in the workout program. Water aerobic workout is an example of an aerobic workout.

Water aerobics or aqua aerobics can also be referred to as waterobics. This kind of workout is usually performed in a swimming pool with waist-deep water. It could be in an indoor or outdoor pool, with water temperature of 82

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Kevin Pola

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners – Health

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Cardio and Aerobics The phrase, “Cardio Exercise” scares many people. Although weight lifting is incredibly beneficial exercise, for a completely well-rounded fitness regimen one must include aerobic exercise, or “cardio”, as well. Cardio, or aerobic exercises have a number of benefits: Reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke,Increase stamina,Lose excess body fat,Increased immune system Cardio or aerobic exercise is cheap and can be done anywhere. Make cardio or aerobics more interesting with a few basic ideas. OK, let’s get going! How many times a week should I do Cardio? To start with your cardio, aerobics exercise should be completed three days a week. If you are following the weight lifting program we’ve outlined in this series, it is a good idea to do cardio on the same day as you perform your weight training. Your weight lifting workout should be completed before doing your aerobic/ cardio workout. Cardio equipment very often is packed away in peoples home, if you have one it could be more convenient to clean it up and start doing your aerobic workout at home. Weight loss is best achieved by doing your cardio workout early in the morning. Waking up to an aerobic workout is a excellent way to start your day, so if you have this option good luck. How long should my cardio workout last? Cardio, like weight lifting should be started slowly and gradually built up. 15 minutes a day is sufficient to start with. What cardio is best. In the beginning, it is advised that you use a machine built for cardio exercise rather than trying to keep up with an aerobics or spinning class. This means you can start and finish when you feel you have reached your limit without pressure from others in the class. Cardio exercise can be completed in three types. Make your choice from the cardio workouts listed below: Exercise bikes are very good for reducing the pressure on joints. This is very good for people with sore joints or back problems. Elliptical machine, The aerobic exercise on this machine is more intense but is still easy on joints. The elliptical trainer, similar to the treadmill is used standing up but that is the only similarity. It is more effective in toning the glutes, or the butt) and also includes a workout for the arms. Stair climber or step machine, this gives an even more strenuous workout than the elliptical walker. The pace of the step machine is slower so a longer workout is generally necessary to deliver a decent cardio workout. This type of exercise machine is best used for advanced workouts. The treadmill is the most widely used in the gym. The exercise on these machines can be carried out at a slow walk right up to a fast sprint. The “incline” can also be set to provide a more challenging workout. The only caveat is that running or jogging is a very high-impact exercise and is not recommended for those with sore knees, hips or lower backs. A aerobic program for beginners. The first two weeks of your cardio exercise program should be….. Select whichever method suit you best and follow the guide below: Week 1Monday 15 minutesWednesday 15 minutesFriday 15 minutesWeek 2Monday 20 minutesWednesday 20 minutesFriday 20 minutes Enjoy you cardio exercise!

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Aerobics Exercise Videos, Step Aerobics DVD with Low Impact!

June 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Edward Macias

Aerobics Exercise Videos, Step Aerobics DVD with Low Impact! – Health

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All this begins by way of breathing. The normal healthy adult inhales and breathes out more or less 7 to 8 liters of oxygen each and every minute. After you your lungs, the oxygen in the air is made up of around 20% oxygen and is filtered through tiny branches of tubes called bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli. The alveoli are minute sacs in which oxygen diffuses and enters into the blood. After that, it goes right to the heart.One’s heart includes 4 compartments which fill up by means of blood flow then pump out blood, 2 atria and also ventricles a number of very active coronary arteries. Owing to all this operation, the heart requires a fresh supply of necessary oxygen which the lungs produce. As soon as the heart uses precisely what it wants, it pumps the blood, the oxygen, along with other elements out from the large left ventricle and by way of the circulatory system to all the bodily organs, muscles, and muscle tissues that need it.Your incredible heart beats around 60-80 times per minute resting, 100,000 times each day, exceeding 30 million beats each year, and about 2.5 billion times in any 70-year life-time! Each pulse of one’s heart delivers a volume of blood in addition to oxygen and many other nutrients for life sustenance, in circulation throughout your entire body. A typical your healthy heart pushes about 5 liters of blood each minute.All that oxygen being pumped by way of the blood is important. You might be informed about the definition of oxygen consumption, or volume of oxygen consumed. It is the volume of oxygen the body parts extract, or consume through the blood. Muscles resemble engines that operate on fuel very much like a vehicle that runs on gas, only our muscles use fat and carbohydrates instead of just petrol. Oxygen is a key player since, once into the muscle, it’s valuable to burn fat and carbohydrate for fuel and keep our engines performing. The more efficient our muscles are at utilizing oxygen, the greater fuel you can easliy burn, the extra fit we become, and therefore the longer we will exercise.Dance-empowered classes are an ever soaring hit globally. As per the IDEA Conditioning Programs Customer survey, over 50 percent of membership who really answered thought danced-based bunch exercise groups keep on being a thriving phenomenon.Hip-hop, funk and many different kinds of Latin-based courses are extremely popular at the present time Integrating dance movements into a class exercise program is nothing spanking new With pattern of routinely adding modern dances similar to the mambo, cha-cha, and various variations that way into dance lessons. The reasoning behind is always to generate a resolve to workout start by making it appear as if it is an exciting goal.You don’t feel as though that you are exercising, you feel like you were experiencing excitement. It all tends to make you in turn become more youthful and desirable once more ,. When it gets down to exercise, how come people young and old discontinue? Mainly because they’re just tired, it’s actually your nature to wish to try and do things which are great. The popular

Water Aerobics and Other Water Exercise

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Water aerobics classes are like standard aerobics but in are performed in the water. It’s tougher to move in water due to its resistance and the water also protects you from any impacts. These classes are great for increasing muscle tone and also often recommended as part of physical therapy, for example when recovering from injury or surgery. Other variations include hydospinning, water ballet, and water yoga.

Aerobics are easier in the water and most people don’t find them as exhausting. Because water is approximately 12 times thicker than air you move more slowly. Some classes may add equipment like webbed gloves to make workouts harder. Unlike step aerobics or dance workouts, very little coordination is required, and added plus for klutzes like me.

If you are a hardcore swimmer or hardcore aerobics fan, you might find water aerobics boring.

If however you are easing back into fitness, this may be a low impact option you enjoy. It’s also popular with pregnant women, older people, and anyone with degenerative diseases that make it hard to move on land. You might also love it if you simply love the water like I do, and it’s also great cross training for athletes.

There are several levels of classes available ranging from ones for avid aerobics nuts and serious endurance athletes to ones more suitable for octogenarians. I suggest you wear a comfortable bathing suit and consider water exercise shoes or an old pair of sneakers to keep from scraping your feet. Personally I find water aerobics nice for a change of pace and variety in my training routine.

Harold has been writing for years on fitness and cooking topics. His latest writings are at kitchen trash bags and clear trash bags, and are far more interesting than they sound!

Water aerobics workouts involve different phases, each of which can help you warm up, stretch and build strength, among other things. Discover beneficial exercises that fit your needs with help from a fitness instructor in this free video on water aerobics. Expert: Stephen Taylor Contact: Bio: Stephen Taylor is a professional endurance coach. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge Series Description: Water aerobics is good exercise and can be done by anyone, including kids regardless of size, shape or fitness level. Learn techniques for a better workout from a fitness trainer in this free video series on water aerobics.

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Aerobics Exercise at Home – The Diet Solution Program

May 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

The Diet Solution Program also teaches the importance of protein and the difference between those carbs that are healthy and those that are not. The Diet Solution is an excellent value as this diet program includes everything that you need to lose weight. The meal planner has you select from the right foods for your metabolism so that you can put together balanced meals that are right for you.

The Diet Solution Program Review. The proof was really in the results of real people. The Diet Solution Plan comes with several benefits that women enjoy. You can start immediately after you purchase it. The program has sound scientific research behind it, a sane diet and exercise element which won’t bore you to tears.

The Diet Solution Program is an effective fat loss program based on nutrition and healthy food.

This program is safe to follow as it will not have and side effects. If you follow the diet solution program, you will lose weight, simple as that. In fact, Isabel is already a well-respected speaker and owns her own wellness practice. The Diet Solution Program teaches you how you can ensure healthy blood sugar levels and demonstrates how you create food combinations to maximize fat burning. The creator is a nutrition specialist and has been involved with diet and nutrition programs for 15 years.

If you have previously been burnt by diet plans, and have spent loads of money and energy on programs that do not work, you have to see what Diet Solutions can offer you. The Diet Solution Program includes a quick start guide to fix your weight problems .There is also a mention of all those stuffs that are unknown to others trying to fight their excess body weight significantly. With Muscle Advance, you’ll get the same secret used by pro athletes and bodybuilders to get the bodies you see on TV.

Costs and Expenses The Diet Solution Program is available for download for $ 39.97. De Los Rios says that her plan gives dieters a way to change eating habits for life, develop a long term eating strategy and not just modify the diet temporarily. I am so proud to be writing this article about the diet solution. You name it and I did it.


Get started on your own personal fat burning meal plans right away with The Diet Solution Program. You can learn more at aerobics exercise at home.


Do You Step Aerobics?

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by John Hartley

Do You Step Aerobics? – Health

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Step aerobics used to be very popular some time back. Are you still doing it? If you are I don’t suppose you have done it for many years. To some it was a civilised alternative to straight aerobics dancing.

Step aerobics is based on stepping up and down on a platform, in time to music of course. it can be good fun, and is good for the leg muscles and to get some aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is when your body works hard enough to raise the heart beat by 40 per cent or so.

You use a platform about 30 inches by 15 inches and four to twelve inches high, according to your level of fitness. First, you step on to the platform landing at a particular point, with one foot, then bring the other foot up alongside. Then you step down to a different place with your feet in turn. There are many different movements you can do to make it more interesting, but you always have to lift your body up to get on the step.

More vigorous exercise than aerobic dancing

Proponents of step aerobics point out that it is simpler than aerobic dancing, and that you don’t have to learn many movements. Step aerobics is more vigorous than aerobic dancing, because you have to lift your body weight up instead of just moving it around. How vigorous it is depends on the instructor.

Step aerobics certainly provides aerobic exercise that improves your fitness, strengthen your heart and make you less likely to suffer heart disease. There is some evidence to suggest that step aerobics increases your ‘good’ cholesterol while reducing overall cholesterol levels. However, one eight-week study of a group of women who did step aerobics showed many positive benefits, but did not affect their weight. Don’t expect step aerobics alone to reduce your weight – you will need to eat less, better food.

Is step aerobics really good for you?

Like jogging, though, step aerobics has its detractors. Why? Well, because in doing all that stepping up on a block you are straining your knee joints which are very delicate. In fact if you work too hard at you can damage your joints.

If you are young and healthy, step aerobics is probably OK. But if you are overweight and middle aged, it is definitely not a good idea.

In fact, the old fashioned aerobic exercises like swimming, vigorous hill walking and cycling or roller skating are probably the best forms of aerobic exercise. We could add a new one – power walking – but you need to power along.

About the Author

John Hartley is a business writer who has always enjoyed sports and exercise. He cycles regularly wherever his business takes him, and runs the web site,, where you can find plenty of information about aerobic exercise.

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John Hartley

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John Hartley is a business writer who has always enjoyed sports and exercise. He cycles regularly wherever his business takes him, and runs the web site,, where you can find plenty of information about aerobic exercise.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Water Aerobics Equipment – Helping You Have Better Water Aerobic Exercises

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Michael Harrah

Exercises can take a lot of forms these days. They may be typically done dry but doing water aerobics is something that will be more helpful for people. These are more fun to do so people will not be tired of it and be more motivated to do them. In addition, they have more benefits when it comes to working different muscle parts. But in doing these exercises, it’s essential to have the right water aerobics equipment to make it helpful for everyone. One of the first things to invest in doing these exercises is finding the right apparel in doing the workout. A good pair of aerobic shoes for water aerobics is also an important thing to have to always be in balanced. Water aerobics gloves are also essential for you to obtain.

In terms of apparel, a thermal shirt is also helpful in order to prevent being too cold while on water. This is most especially for people who can get easily cold or for the elderly who are taking advantage of this type of exercise. For additional intensity, aqua barbells may also be useful so it will make the exercise more effective than the usual. Apart from handheld weights, there are also the ankle weights that can help provide this intensity. If you’re losing your balance every time you do this program, you may also want to check out jog belts as part of your water aerobics equipment so you’ll enjoy water exercise more.

Giving additional intensity and more arm strength is among the usage of jog belts while minimizing shoulder stress. On this belt, you’ll be able to work out your legs and tone your abdominal muscles. This is a great way of doing two exercises in one. Kickboards are also helpful in terms of doing more activity than the usual since you can do upper exercises with them. You just have to find out all the needed water aerobics equipment through the internet or n different stores so you’ll find the right ones for you. These will work together so you’ll achieve a healthy body trough water exercise.

Want to know more about water aerobics equipment? Visit Michael Harrah’s site at now to learn more exciting information.

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Aerobics Physical Exercise Along With Anaerobic Physical Exercise

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Getting your exercise is always important. This should be something that you simply already know, but what you might not know is that type of exercise that you simply are getting is just as essential as actually getting it. So as to be completely healthy, you need to get all the types of physical exercise that you simply require, and you have to make sure that you simply are obtaining them all in the right way. Cardio exercise together with anaerobic physical exercise is the greatest method to make sure you’re getting all components from the work out that you require. When it comes correct down to it, cardio physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise is a great mixture.

However, sometimes it’s essential to target more than 1 region with regards to aerobics. You may wish to work on something in specific. Frequently, individuals have parts of their bodies that they dont like as significantly as others, and this could be extremely stressful. Most of the time, workouts seek to create your whole physique stronger, and whilst this really is essential, if you’ve a problem region, you may feel like you want to operate out it.

To be able to target the stomach while you are doing aerobics, it’s important that you keep in mind what the abdomen is and why it is essential. It is not just your tummy region; this is really a whole range of muscles that assist you to move and stretch in each piece of your daily program. This really is why targeting your abdomen during aerobics is very important.

With all the kinds of physical exercise out there, you are able to make certain that your exercise regime includes cardio exercise along with anaerobic physical exercise because this is going to become the healthiest way you are able to get the correct quantity of physical exercise in common.

If you’re concerned about aerobic physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise and also you do not know what kinds of physical exercise you ought to be performing, you truly need to check with your doctor simply because after all your doctor knows the most about your physique and what you can do to feel and look better with who you’re. Your physician can give you the correct combination of aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise and make certain that you are obtaining sufficient of both kinds of exercise in your every day program. In short, cardio exercise will assist you to to construct heart and lung well being and burn fat, while anaerobic exercise will help you construct muscle.

In order to become truly healthy you have to make sure that you simply are getting cardio physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise to possess a well-rounded level of well being. This can truly be your best shot at being competently wholesome, because it is only by getting each kinds of physical exercise that you simply are permitting your body to have full control over its movements and to be fully in control of how healthy you’re.

Ann Jones is a keen follower of fitness and diet plans. Overweight? Find out more about her favorite detox and weightloss diet plans here:

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