Aerobics Exercise for Weight Loss

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Nicolas Bell

Aerobic exercise also known as cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and it is very effective. To reduce weight safely and efficiently, aerobic exercises are very helpful for overweight people. Overweight people can perform certain aerobic exercises which will not only help in reducing weight but also will gain benefits from aerobic exercises.

There are many aerobic exercises such as cycling, jogging, and swimming. You can even indulge yourself in sports like basket ball and soccer. If you perform these activities, you gain benefits. Your energy levels get increased. Your mental health is improved and stress is reduced. Moreover, your blood pressure, risk of heart stroke or heart attack is reduced. In order to lose weight, you must perform exercises thrice a week in the beginning and increase it to 4 to 5 times a week for maximum weight loss results.

You can surely reduce weight by above exercises but the point is these days people don’t get time to make a proper routine so that they can maintain their body structure. To maintain a proper routine is very essential so that you can maintain your health. In order to maintain your body structure, I would like suggest a weight loss program in California. California Medical Weight Management (CMWM) program is very effective program which helps in reducing your weight. You can perform aerobic exercises easily in this program. Moreover, this program has certain centers in California so you can visit whenever is convenient for you.

CMWM program has some of the world’s best experts who will guide you at every step during your weight loss. They will advise you proper aerobic exercises according to your body structure. Apart from this, you can also reduce weight by medical weight loss. You will be given proper medication by the doctor in Medical weight loss. The doctor will monitor your body composition and prescribe you medicine accordingly. So you can reduce your weight. Not only this, you will gain certain benefits after joining this program. For example, you energy level gets increased and you have long term health benefit which is very important.

You can visit the calm website for more information about this program. You will get to know your weight by weight loss calculator which is provided by this program. This calculator is very helpful as you get an idea about your body mass. Moreover, you can get free consultation form online.

Author:-Nicolas Bell is a famous author for health related articles. He has written many articles on weight loss program, medical weight loss, Medical Weight loss, weight control, quick weight loss, long term weight loss and many more.

You Would Like Aerobics Cardio Exercise

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

If you’re carrying around some pounds you want to urge rid of, then you wish to try and do some cardio exercise for weight loss. If that sounds horrifying, do not worry. There are various styles of cardio exercise that you’re certain to enjoy.
If you’ve not been exercising or doing any form of cardio exercise for a while, you may feel extremely intimidated by the thought of starting. However you should not be. Cardio exercise can be one thing as straightforward as taking a brisk walk.
You do not have to shop for tights and leg warmers. There is no demand as far as fashion or equipment to start out performing some good weight loss cardio. You do not even would like an exercise DVD. Step out your door and walk briskly for regarding twenty to 30 minutes, or as long as you’re snug at first.
If you need to strive something besides walking, aerobic dancing is a smart choice. You’ll be able to just dance around your living area, but an exercise DVD could be a smart approach to try to to it. You’ll notice DVDs that will let you are doing basic dancing moves. Or you’ll be able to select a weight loss DVD of salsa dancing or belly dancing, and virtually any kind of dancing you think you’d enjoy.
Cycling, swimming, hiking, and any kind of activity that gets your heart rate and your respiration up are aerobic activities. That means it’s a cardio workout. Doing any of this stuff for at least 30 minutes four times a week is a nice approach to use cardio to lose weight. It
Specifically for weight loss though, the best thing to try to to is to change up your exercise routine. If you start taking brisk walks for 5 times a week, that is wonderful. It can help you lose weight and it’s good for your body. But you’ll be able to lose weight even a lot of efficiently and build your endurance additional efficiently if you vary your routine.
Rather than simply walking, try to additionally incorporate jogging or running. Walk for some minutes, and then run for a very little while to urge some cardio work in. You can time the sessions or you’ll be able to just do it as you are feeling it. This is known as circuit training.
If you’re cycling for cardio exercise, cycle at a leisurely pace for a few minutes and then go terribly quickly. If you are on an exercise bike, cycle at a normal pace for a while and then spin like mad. The same goes for any exercise that you just do. If you are walking or cycling, using hills for this type of thing is wonderful.
You can conjointly circuit training in another sense. Opt for brisk walking someday, and then the next choose cycling or aerobic dancing. You’ll be able to easily get into a rut doing the same factor every time.
Doing the identical sort of exercise is better than nothing, and it’s wonderful. However if you’ll be able to amendment it up a very little bit, the cardio exercise for weight loss that you do will be more effective.

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Some Basic Step Aerobics Workouts

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Step aerobic workout is one of the popular exercises which you can undertake. There are a lot of variety movements which are fun to perform. In addition, it is able to help you lose weight and tone your body.

Step aerobic is also simple to do. In addition, this kind of exercise does not need any special equipment so that it is very cheap to do, but a step platform. If you want to join aerobic workout, you should be able to master the basic steps you have to perform. You can see those basic steps below.

Just like another type of exercise, you also need to do warming up for aerobic. You can do it fro about 7 or 10 minutes. The warm up you can do include the mild jogging. It is to prevent you from getting injured during your real workout.


This kind of step is done by forming letter A in 4 counts.

To perform this step, you have to keep the platform in sideways and stand in the center of the platform by using your left foot. Bring your right foot on the top of the platform. After that, step down using your right foot to the other side of platform and then bring your left foot down close to your right foot.

Basic Left Stepping

To perform this kind of step, you can face the side of horizontal platform. Step on the platform using your left foot and your right foot follows. Then, step back down by using your left foot and your right foot follows. You can also do right stepping in the same way as left stepping.

Across the Top

You can perform this step while you are facing the platform sideways. Step on the platform by using one of your foot and the other one follows so that they are on the same platform. Then, step down on the floor with one of your foot. Bring the other food beside your first foot.


You can do this type of step aerobic without a platform. You only need to step to the side with one of your foot and then bring your other foot behind your first foot. Then, step your first foot to the side and bring your other foot beside your first food.

Charleston Exercise

You can do this step aerobics with or without a platform. You only need to step forward with one of your foot and then the other follows. Then, step back your first foot and the second follows.

Turnstep Exercise

You can do this exercise by facing platform sideways. Step on it by using one of your feet and keep it perpendicular. And then bring your other foot to the other side of the platform. After that, step down with your first foot to the other side of platform and the second foot follows.

Aerobics is very beneficial to tone your lower body as well as your upper body. If you want to perform another exercise routine, you can consider to have Weslo inversion table. This type of exercise table can help you perform your exercise. You can also consider the best inversion table to help you get the most benefit from it.

How Water Aerobics Can Help Burn Calories

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Mike Nolan

More people are turning to water aerobics as a way to safely and effectively lose weight. This isn’t surprising: Not only do water aerobics provide an intense workout, they, like all exercises performed in water, place less pressure on people’s joints.

In water aerobics, students perform traditional aerobic exercises, everything from jumping jacks to running to various stretches, while in shallow water. When performing aerobic exercises in water, participants also benefit from the increased resistance that water provides. Basically, water aerobics allows participants to burn more calories in a lesser amount of time. The reason is simple: When you run in water, you’re working harder than when you run on land. Water aerobics can assist a vast array of people; however, this form of exercise is an especially good fit for anyone recovering from an injury or who finds that traditional exercises place too much strain on their bones and joints.

Because of the support provided by the water, aerobic exercises place far less stress or pressure on bones and joints than they do when participants perform them on land. People have a greater chance of hurting their ankles or knees when they perform five sets of 30 jumping jacks on land. When they do the same exercises in a pool of water, the pressure they’re placing on their ankles and knees is greatly reduced. Water aerobics is a great way for people to experience the benefits of these exercises without also suffering from the potential dangers of them. Today, most gyms or health clubs offer regularly scheduled water aerobic classes in an effort to promote a healthier lifestyle for women and men of all ages.

Participants rarely need more than the proper swimsuit, some goggles and, if desired, water shoes in order to engage in this activity. Class organizers will usually provide flotation devices, weights and any other equipment that can help participants to gain the most from their workouts and to burn unwanted calories.

Choosing the right swimsuit is a relatively easy decision. Participants should make sure that their swimsuits are comfortable and loose-fitting enough to allow for a wide range of motion. Investing in chlorine resistant swim wear is a logical choice for dedicated aerobic students. Many pools in health clubs, fitness centers and recreation areas contain extremely high levels of chlorine, so purchasing chorine resistant swim wear will allow participants to exercise in their favorite swimsuits for longer periods of time. Some students might choose plus size swimwear. It’s important for swim wear to not be overly tight so that participants are not restricted during their workouts. Further, plus size swim wear will allow participants to freely move their arms and legs as they exercise.

People aiming to lose weight and place as little stress on their bodies while doing so should try out a water aerobics class. By running, jumping and stretching against the resistance of water, people will burn more calories in less time. With all these benefits, it’s little wonder that water aerobics is becoming the weight-loss and strength-building method of choice for so many individuals.

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Aerobics Trainings – Best Gym Workouts for Women

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Gym workouts for women are not the same as the workouts for men because their bodies do not react similarly to these exercises. It is a fact that women find it more difficult to lose weight than men because their metabolism works differently, and this is the reason why it is important for a woman to choose workouts that would focus on affecting their metabolic rate to reach fitness levels.

Men’s testosterone levels and muscle mass leads them to have a higher metabolism, and this is the reason why their workouts are different from the well designed gym workouts for women. The proper workouts for women should make sure that it could build lean muscles to achieve the best results.

The goal of various gym workouts for women should make sure that it will concentrate on body fat loss. Experts say that in achieving the proper weight loss is not necessarily important to lose muscle weight first because it will not fasten the process of metabolism.

Metabolic rate could be affected by many factors that includes age, gender, genetics, weight, muscle mass, body fat, diet and lifestyle.

Among the best gym workouts for women are aerobic trainings because the procedures will burn fat calories and lean muscles through weight lifting and interval training.

This workout’s main goal is to burn a lot of fat calories while the body is at rest. Aerobics should also not be over-trained, like exercising continuously for one to two hours, because it will be counterproductive and could decrease the muscle mass and metabolic rate.

It is also significant to consider that some factors that affect the metabolism are not controllable by any exercise, and so a well created gym workouts for women should focus on the factors that could be controlled such as the weight, the muscle mass and the body fat.

In choosing the right gym workouts for women a woman should make sure that the workout uses large muscle groups and proper intervals during the exercises.

Another great way to speed up metabolism is interval trainings which will burn a lot of calories. While performing gym workouts for women, make sure that you’ll work at about 90 percent for 30 to 60 seconds.

To understand how a proper diet works, it is also very important that you’ll visit a registered dietician because following the right diet will fasten the process of your metabolism. To attain best results you should seek for a doctor and fitness professional’s assistance prior to registering for gym workouts for women.

Sandra sue is a fitness Enthusiast. She’s also a fan of Aerobics and thinks that it is one of the best gym workouts for women – In this video you will learn a little more about a gym layout and where you should be spending your time so you can burn the most body fat in the shortest amount of time.
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Aqua Aerobics Exercise- Exercise Gets Gentler

January 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Jamesrobinson

Inactive lifestyles tend to affect our parents, grandparents and other elderly relatives adversely. They would lose hold on their ability to stay healthy and independent. Lack of exercise takes toll of their strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance. Exercise and physical activity are the first things our parents deserve to retain the dignity of their independence, strength, balance, flexibility and endurance. Some of the elderly have a big ‘no no’ to exercise and physical activity and are highly reluctant to exercise.

It is possible that they find exercise very strenuous or are apprehensive of injuring themselves. Actually our senior relatives are in far greater danger if they do not exercise. They can opt for low impact water exercises with water or aqua aerobics equipment.

An aqua aerobics regime is ideal for those with arthritis, sore joints or healing injuries. Aqua aerobics improve their fitness and help lose weight and get back into shape. For those with existing injuries or who need to take a little more care in their choice of aerobics equipment, aqua aerobics equipment is the best choice. Your elderly relatives can increase the effectiveness of non-impact aqua aerobics by using the aqua aerobics equipment without the fear of hurting themselves.

Benefits of Water Aerobics:Aqua aerobics can benefit the elderly through muscular development and cardiovascular improvement.

Since water buoyancy supports their weight, strain on their joints, back and torso is much less unlike in the land exercises.

Due to increased resistance under water, the additional effort one makes against it, burns more calories – 400-500 calories/an hourLong term aqua aerobics increase joint flexibility.

Long term aqua aerobics lower the risk of stress and anxiety.

Long term aqua aerobics lower the adverse impact of exercise on old injuries.

Water aerobics is the only exercise where one can keep cool and comfortable without sweating.

A word of advice on water aerobics, about your aqua aerobics equipment:

Buy books on aqua aerobics and videos on aqua aerobics to make the best of the aqua aerobics equipment you plan to own Before taking up aqua aerobics consult your physician.

Certain medications and old injuries may not be conducive for water aerobics.

Water aerobics need to be initiated by a trained coach to avoid possible injuries.

You can also attend a water aerobics training workshop before you get started.

If you join aqua aerobics classes you will be more confident with the experience and enjoy your aqua aerobics equipment better.

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Workout Aerobics

January 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

The magic of workout aerobics is wrought by supplying abundant oxygen to your body muscles to enable your body produce more blood cells and help maintain lower blood pressure at the same time. Therefore it is no wonder that the meaning of the word ‘aerobics’ is oxygen, the elixir of life that we all need to work within our system as much as we can.

Many a person does not know that workout aerobics can be performed at home by doing every day activity like mowing the lawn or scrubbing the floor. This kind of work when performed vigorously makes you have cardio exercise by getting your muscles to move and by increasing your heart beats.

The workout aerobics also include skipping, walking and swimming because they are too capable of some calorie burn and weight loss. In other words the beginners can take part in the above activities for low impact aerobics before they go into the advanced workout aerobics training.

However you can burn more calories and loss more weight by increasing the pace of your activities. More repetitions or reps and by changing stances within the activities will also yield the same results.

It is however essential to consult your doctor regarding your choice and intensity of the workout aerobics if you are under treatment. Please remember that your heart beats depend on not only on your age and weight but can also dramatically be changed if you are under any special medication.

The workout aerobics should be chosen in such a manner so that it promotes your overall well being. It’s not something which you are doing to draw attention or for setting a record. The regularity of the exercise even if you do it a few days a week is just as fine.

The all important lesson of the workout aerobics is that any workout is better than remaining inactive so get set to get your muscles working with your heart pumping to spread oxygen to all the cells of your body.

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Water Aerobics Routines

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

he water aerobics routine from time to time is at a new health club and the nice thing about it is people do not have to be a member of water aerobic club to take the class. A water aerobic class usually has a huge range of people that attend this workout session. The class has almost as many men as women and most of the people are 40 or over. In water aerobic routine people usually warm-up by walking against the current in the lazy river and then changing directions abruptly,Diagnosis causing to feel like they are walking against a brick wall. If people have ever tried walking against the current when it has momentum, they will find that they do not get very far very quickly. Usually the whole water aerobic routine ends up laughing hysterically, but it is a great warm-up.

Next the instructor of the water aerobic introduces that aerobic portion of the workout. This is where people increase their heart rate to target workout rate. This process usually includes water walking and other exercises that can elevate the heart rate, such as jumping jacks and kicking exercises. Then comes the resistance exercises in water aerobic routine and this is where people work specific muscle groups to build muscle strength. The instructor of water aerobic likes to use swimmers noodles tied in a knot to create resistance as they are dragged through the water. People also use water belts that cause resistance and added weight for strength training. Water aerobics routines are actually the best low impact resistance workouts. Every people can benefit from these water aerobic exercises. Even if people can not swim, they can enjoy exercising in water. People can walk on the spot in waist high water but they must be sure to touch the floor with their whole foot, from heel to toe. Then they should lift their knees up high, rather than forwards and should lift their arms up to the sides to keep balanced. Jogging and sprinting on the spot in chest high water is another step of water aerobic routine. People need to push off with their toes, landing on the balls of their feet. People can use the same arm action as they would do in normal jogging, keeping fingers straight to cut the water. The water aerobic routine ends with a cool down period that involves stretching the muscles and it feels great.Diagnosis The water aerobic routine usually includes music that makes people feel motivated to move. If people have a good instructor, this can be one of the most enjoyable hours of the week. The water aerobic class offers a complete workout for anyone. There are many health clubs that offer complete workouts, making it easy for the busy person on the go to get everything they need out of one class.

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Understanding The Different Terms In Aerobics

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Cindy Heller

Aerobics is a type of physical exercise. It combines periodical exercise with stretching and strength. The purpose is for improving all elements of health. Aerobics bluntly means with oxygen. Oxygen is the major fuel that is used to sustain bulky muscle motion over long periods of time.

Since 1970, Aerobics has become more and more popular. Aerobics can involve many kinds of exercises, sports. Below are all the popular aerobics activities related information that can help you find any knowledge you need.

Step Aerobics

Today, in the worldwide, Millions of people are practicing step aerobics. The reason for its popularity may be it is easy to access. It is a method of providing the exerciser with a notable aerobics workout that also does not need complex equipment and nor does it need a big space. The only real requirement for step aerobics should be a flat surface and a step.

Step aerobics aims to enhance the consumption by the body of the quantity of oxygen consumed whereas step aerobics tries to build towards reaching the same goals through more intensive workouts.

Choreography Aerobics

Aerobics Choreography is also one of the most popular aerobics exercise program. It is involving quick stepping patterns that are performed to associated music with an instructor providing the required instructions. The aerobics activity grew fast and peaked in the 1980s.

There are two kinds of group choreography aerobics exercise: Freestyle and Pre-choreographed. It attracted some famous public person like Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons, they even created their own videos and television shows to promote their exercises.

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics transform many body rhythmic movements and dance steps be completed in the water. There are advanced programs as well as beginning programs teach the participants to perform arm or leg activities in different combinations.

The water aerobics often use some equipments, this is very useful in improving the exercise performance. Many people all over the world have realized that water exercising and, in particular water aerobics exercise, can greatly help them improve their health as well as quality of life.

Chair aerobics

By practicing an alternative called chair aerobics, persons with diabetes can benefit from such aerobic exercise. Those performing chair aerobics will have a chance to stay off of their feet and still receive the same intensity as normal aerobics. Some chair exercises like this require more effort than the regular aerobics so you are getting more out of what you practice.

Kickboxing Aerobics

Aerobics and kick boxing is a new concept for physical exercise. Literally it means aerobics and kick boxing are being combined to form a new method in exercise. It is also a kind of combination with west and east. Westerner invented aerobics in 1970. Asian invented martial art more than a thousand years ago.

Chinese martial art is the ancestor of kickboxing. Kickboxing is a small part of copy from Chinese martial art. Other Asians simplified this part and finally become modern kick boxing.

Low Impact Aerobics

With low impact aerobics, you can take your time to discover and build your heart’s strength. It is different with running or weight lifting – intense movements that can harm you. Instead, it involves graceful exercising routines that need you to focus on the movement at hand. The movements are not difficult, but the repetitiveness can provide great benefits for your health.

Aerobics Clothes

When picking out aerobics clothes, it is preferable to wear several light layers of clothing instead of having one heavy cloth layer. The reason is the clothing layer that touches the skin should be able to absorb dampness. Like T-shirts and sweatshirts that are worn along with tights or drawstring pants are ideally apposite for aerobic exercise. Appropriate aerobics clothes will certainly help one enjoy their workout program.

Aerobics Music

A quantity of these aerobics music albums feature perfect 32 count and, with the skill to flawlessly edit the music, it would in this manner allow the user to get the energy and diversity that they need by choosing selections that will go a long way in suiting the musical tastes of everyone and that includes people of all age groups.

Aerobics Career

Being an aerobics instructor isn’t as difficult as you may think. Many aerobics instructors are just form former aerobics students. Aerobics classes are extraordinary ways to remove weight while having fun. There aren’t many exercise methods that can gain the same thing.

Aerobics Action!

You may have always wanted to lose the unwanted pounds. Attending an aerobics class can achieve you purpose and also can be fun. It’s easy to find an aerobics class for yourself. There are fitness centers universally and there’s usually bound to be one year.

Checking the local newspaper, paying attention to TV advertisement, or check the yellow pages, you will find a fitness club close to you.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit aerobics routine to learn more about low impact aerobics and water aerobics workout.

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Aerobics to Get in Shape

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

A perfect body is liked by all but only few people actually have it. “Get in shape” is the thought which most of us have in our mind but do nothing much in attaining it. Whenever some important event happens like a party, a wedding or going for vacation we all want to look at our best and then we realize that it is important to “Get in Shape.” It is then that we look for a short cut and often land up dieting which actually is a very wrong approach.

We all are aware of this popular saying that “Rome was not build in a day.” The same goes with our body. A good body cannot be build in a day – it needs to be developed and build gradually. It requires a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes following a routine, having a balanced diet, avoiding too much of junk food; exercising regularly and having time for leisure and recreation.

Aerobic exercise forms an integral part of a fitness program and helps you to “get in shape.” It should be performed at least three or four times a week for 30 minutes or more.

The main aim of aerobic exercise is increasing heart rate, strengthening the capacity of lungs and increasing the amount of oxygen that reaches our blood.   Adding aerobic exercise to our fitness program helps to improve the overall health of our body.

Running, walking, dancing, cycling, jumping rope, climbing up the stairs,are some of the physical activities which one can do to exercise ones body and there are all forms of aerobic exercise. No two bodies are the same so one must take his own decision as to what one must do depending on his/her body type, interests, likes and dislikes. Walking is the easiest and the least stressful of all exercises so it is the best beginners exercise.

Running is strenuous but very effective. Cycling is an efficient exercise. It is easy to just pedal but you need to do variations like cycling up the hill which requires more effort. Aerobics exercise are usually performed with music on and is a group activity. Aerobic dance makes your body very flexible with the various steps and is also one you can enjoy. It is fun for one who loves dancing – it gives you an opportunity to enjoy dancing and at the same time it exercises your body thoroughly.

It is more popular among young children and housewives because it is entertaining. Water aerobics is also gaining wide popularity these days. Water aerobics is doing aerobic exercise in shallow water such as swimming pool. It is also known as aquafit or aqua aerobics. The risk of injuring the muscle or joint is less in water aerobics. Another big advantage of water aerobics is that it can be easily performed by all as it is less stressful.

To sum up regular aerobic exercise helps in avoiding ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, depression and even cancer. An aerobic exercise also helps in lowering blood pressure, building strong bones, improving muscle strength and thus “get in Shape.”

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