How To Pull Your Ex Boyfriend Back After You Pushed Him Away

September 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by H L Archer

How To Pull Your Ex Boyfriend Back After You Pushed Him Away – Relationships

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You feel that you pushed your ex boyfriend away, but now you realize he is the only man for you. You know that dumping him was the biggest mistake of your life, but what can you do to get your ex back? The little things he did that you felt were so annoying now seem to make you love him even more. However, you were the one who caused the breakup, so do you just have to live with it?

The answer to that is no, but you are in a pretty bad spot and you will need to watch every move you make. Your ex boyfriend is going to be hurt, angry and suspicious of your every move. However there is something you can do that makes nearly everyone forgive you. It is a simple three word statement that you probably use several times a month and it is not “I love you.”

If you accidentally step on some ones toe or push against them in a store, you don’t say “I love you.” Instead you say “I am sorry.” This lets the other person know that what you did was an accident and they will be quick to forgive you. When you dumped your ex boyfriend it wasn’t an accident. You knew what you were doing and thought your life would be better without him. Although it wasn’t an accident, it was a big mistake and you want your ex to know it. So, call him and say the words “I am sorry.”

It will take some courage to call him and you need to be sure that you won’t cry. The apology should be short. Don’t make excuses or any long winded explanations. You shouldn’t expect your ex boyfriend to be overjoyed by your apology because he will have his pride to protect. in fact he might be a little belligerent and tell you to forget it, that the breakup didn’t bother him a bit. Don’t be fooled because having you say you are sorry for your actions will mean a lot to him.

However, you can’t think that getting your ex back will likely not happen with that one call. You will have to take it slow and work your way back into his confidence. You will have to become his friend before you can become his girlfriend again. Think of how you would treat a friend and not a romantic connection. You would call or text him from time to time to tell them about something that has happened in your life.

Later you might ask him to meet you for lunch or coffee because you catch up on what has been happening in his life. By having these casual meetings, your ex will see that you have changed and the old flame of love can be rekindled. It will take time for him to stop being suspicious of you, but he will want you back as bad as you want him and with time and patience, you can make that happen.

About the Author

If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back. Learn how to push his emotional hot buttons and discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your love and forgiveness at this Helpful Site

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H L Archer

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If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back. Learn how to push his emotional hot buttons and discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your love and forgiveness at this Helpful Site

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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5 quick ways to get in shape after having a ba

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Elizabeth Ashe

5 quick ways to get in shape after having a baby – Health – Fitness

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5 quick ways to get in shape after having a baby

Getting into shape can after a baby can be hard, but it can be done. I will tell you my top five secrets for keeping the baby weight off and how to bounce right back after pregnancies.

The first thing you to need to know is that the healthier you are throughout your pregnancy the better delivery you will have. Studies have shown that women that maintain a healthy workout routine throughout their nine month pregnancy were able to bounce back into shape very soon after a couple weeks of postpartum. Keeping in shape or getting in shape before you get pregnant will greatly increase your chances of having that pre body after delivery.

Well how do you go about getting that post natal delivery body back into shape right after giving birth? I have five quick steps you could do to help you get your mommy body back into shape.

The fist step is Nutrition:

Nutrition plays a major role when getting back into shape and staying in shape. Maintaining healthy eating habits will help you cut out a lot of unnecessary junk and empty calories that do not need to be in your body. I call empty calories anything that does not play a role in giving your body nutrients, the only thing is does it lead to excess fat and over abundance of calories. Empty calories have no nutritional value and most times is just released as waste out of the body. Empty carbs include junk food, starch carbs, soda, etc. Make it a point to eat whole foods that are rich in vital nutrients like organic fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of whole grains and lots of nuts and legumes.

Being able to eat to the best of your ability not only when you are pregnant but more so after will help to cut the fat and trim those unnecessary baby pounds away a lot easier.

The second step is Breastfeed:

Yes breast feeding is a great way to lose weight after a having a baby. Not only will breastfeeding help to burn calories 10 times quicker even up to an extra 500 a day! It will help to get your womb back into shape and help give vital energy to your baby at the same time. What a natural way to get back into shape all at the same time.

The Third step is Get Active:

You need to get active even after you have a baby. I told you earlier that if you are able to get in shape and stay healthy before your pregnancy and throughout it. Your body will bounce back a lot quicker. But if not have no fear after your post partum checkup you should be able to start work out again. Incorporate physical activity into your life in the form of walking, running, cycling and swimming. Go to the Gym, hire a personal trainer, go to and buy some workout DVD

Yu Yi-Speed Work Can Have a Total of 90 Engine After the Cultural Banner

August 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by jekky

Yu Yi-Speed Work Can Have a Total of 90 Engine After the Cultural Banner – Business

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Yu-speed, is located in Nanan City in Fujian Province. Triangle in southern Fujian narrow, produced, such as Anta, Pick, 361 °, and other famous shoe; here, also has helped Gordon, 7 wave glow shoes brands. The Yu-speed, With more than ten years of its processing resources to the accumulation of Anta, by virtue of its accurate analysis of the Chinese footwear market, the fiercely competitive adult footwear and children’s shoes industry breakthrough success of the two Red Sea, one stroke play “to build Board Shoes first brand of Chinese youth, “the flag, and spend lots of money to hire a popular entertainment stars have their voice Yi can make the world their new look. For Yu-speed run, signed in 2009 the most popular fashion and entertainment stars who Yi is ripe for the move can be even more deliberate act. “Employ voice is a means of enhancing brand awareness, in the promotion, the more important is the use of voice qualities and the spirit of the brand, consumers three right combination of resonance. Yu Yi-speed work can be had, no doubt is a successful brand marketing. “trade cooperation between the two sides this very promising. After ten years of “primitive accumulation,” Yu is not lacking in speed brand products and technology, and hardware: Yu-speed already heavily to introduce world-class shoe equipment, and with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University and other research in close cooperation with young people, formed the China Youth shoes of the most rigorous and most scientific processing base…… Yu-speed need is an opportunity, an opportunity to shape the brand. As we all know, China is still a relative majority of consumers are not confident in the choice of brand will be the impact of opinion leaders. The star is a broad opinion leaders, in particular, is a popular star, always behind millions of fans – consumers. Repeated pondering, Yu Yi-speed can be selected once, because she’s red, because of her fire. This is not only a substantial increase in brand awareness Yu-speed, but also gives Yu-speed brand deeper culture and values content. As for the Yi can have it, select Yu-speed not only because of their products and their image quality of the match, but also because of speed for their own buildings to provide a powerful communications platform. Looking through the quick pick and popular girl with Zhang Yun, Li Yuchun, Zhang Liang Ying, and others, which is not backed up with strong media coverage? New faces to compete in this very brutal entertainment, need more than strength is required is exposure, is needed is fresh, so you can attract the audience’s eye to form a loyal fan base. The Yu-speed not only with the CCTV Children’s Channel, Golden Eagle TV and other television stations in the most authoritative close cooperation, more and Sohu, Tencent network, potatoes and other popular web portal established a strategic cooperative partnership, truly Yu speed “back good shade tree.” Perhaps “need” the word can not express the appropriate co-operation, we prefer to call “mutual attraction”: a cultural attraction, a value of attract. “You told us that, after 90 and before the (child) What is the difference? I told you that after 90 most distinctive feature is the courage to express themselves.” Burst through the last of the “recording gate”, the world may be on to have Yi After 90 represented a whole new understanding: they highly personalized, they dare to dare Hyun cool, they courageous, they know how to love their treasure, they are by no means certain media, the so-called brain residual generation, will not be Beat Generation. Yu-speed fully aware that the market environment is changing, changing consumer groups, consumer psychology also changing. In the “post-brand” era, companies have not simply sell products, but also need to sell a feeling, a kind of value. How to target consumer groups with the deep level of communication, so that their products as a symbol of their identity on the values of faith and even spiritual totem, and thus become a lifelong pursuit of many brands. The Yu-speed is on 90 under after the respect and tolerance, providing a unique style of exclusive equipment, truly communicate with this generation and resonance of the soul and guide them to establish the correct full of personality and freedom values. As the Renaissance need Boccaccio, as the black liberation movement needs Martin Luther King, also need to Lu Xun as the New Culture Movement, the ideological trend of the culture after 90 also need a standard-bearer, who need to claim innocence of Yi can be personalized. The speed of this work has Yi Yu can, no doubt set off a new round of cultural trends, detonated youth sports industry.

About the Author

I am an expert from Frbiz Site, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as heavy duty work bench, kitchenaid refrigerator parts.

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I am an expert from Frbiz Site, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as heavy duty work bench, kitchenaid refrigerator parts.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Food coupons most-sought after things of the bargain hunters

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Matt

Food coupons most-sought after things of the bargain hunters – Food

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Food coupons are the most sought after things of the bargain-hunters foraging discounts on meals and grocery items. Brick and mortar retail outlets offer a plenty of discounts-bearing vouchers to the visitors to increase sale and instill in them loyalty to the merchants. Comes the online coupons and both food and beverage shopping rises and sale volume accelerates.

Especially, the inclination of customers towards price concessions on food items ramped up in the wake of eroding buying power. High inflation dampened the consumer spending in North America and parts of Europe.

Despite rebounding income level, food and beverage retail industry will not likely to see as remarkable growth in the developed countries as in the emerging economies where demands for convenience foods are growing leaps and bounds, according to the industrial experts.

These economies are passing along a transition phase undergoing shift in buying patterns, according to IMAP’s Food & Beverage Industry Global Report 2010.

Annual growth rate of ready meals was recorded at 26.9 per cent in India during 2003-2008, fastest as compared to Russia (19.4 per cent), Brazil (18.2 per cent), China (11.8 per cent), UK (2.8 per cent), and US (2 per cent).

The consumers prefer to pay visits to super and hypermarkets for groceries shopping. Global food retail industry is expected to reach USD5 billion by 2013 from USD3.9 billion in 2008, reveals US-based International Network of Mergers & Acquisitions Partners (IMAP).

Unquestionably, food coupons are the only means of stirring the taste buds with exquisite ready meals that are sometimes beyond the reach due to their prohibitive prices. Delectable cuisines, savory delis, and soul-levitating foods are liked by all and sundry. When good food goes down the taste buds, it pulls the taker figuratively off the ground.

Critics raise questions over the quality of discounted foods amassed in the retail outlets or online shopping centers. However, too food coupons are plastered on the showcases of famous internet retailers carrying most often international brands of Nestle, Kraft, and Unilever.

The bellwether of retail industry Wal Mart is also not behind in the race of food coupons marathon. It also offers discounts on delis from its counters. Cherylse and Abestkitchen are renowned for their food coupons and vouchers.

In collaboration with partners or independently, restaurants and food processors give discounts on food and beverages and grocery items. Discounts do not weigh on the profitability of businesses. Numbers of units sold increase as customers are attracted to the price-cuts.

About the Author

Author Bio:Tariq Saeedi is an expert writer and editor, he has been writing for several online and offline publications. He holds a marketing degree and currently working for Group Buying Website, Dealaboo

<u>Mailing Address:</u>Cantera Center, Suite # 2004320 Winfield RoadWarrenville, IL 60555Phone: +1 630-300-3975Email: support@dealaboo.comSkype: dealaboo.globalWebsite:

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Author Bio:Tariq Saeedi is an expert writer and editor, he has been writing for several online and offline publications. He holds a marketing degree and currently working for Group Buying Website, Dealaboo

<u>Mailing Address:</u>Cantera Center, Suite # 2004320 Winfield RoadWarrenville, IL 60555Phone: +1 630-300-3975Email: support@dealaboo.comSkype: dealaboo.globalWebsite:

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Staying in Shape After 30

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

When you’re in your twenties your body seems to almost naturally stay in shape. But when you reach your 30’s all bets are off. It takes more work to stay in shape as you seem to gain weight faster and seem to have much more trouble losing that weight that you gained so quickly.

There are several things you can do to lose weight and stay fit when you reach your 30th year on this planet.


Diet is the most important aspect of it all. You need to stop eating processed foods. This is an important tip that everyone should follow and not just us dude’s in our 30’s. Processed foods and chemicals are the enemy of humanity. They wreak havoc on our nervous systems, circulatory systems, they’re linked to cancer and hundreds of other illnesses and they are the main cause for the obesity epidemic that is sweeping this country.

You need to eliminate all of the junk food from your life.

Try to get rid of everything that comes in a can (unless it’s fruit or vegetables-but even then you should try and buy fresh). Try not to give into temptation and eat fast food. I know it’s much easier to go through the drive through at McDonald’s than it is to prepare a meal for yourself and your family but if you are really, truly interested in your health then you should stop eating any and all fast foods immediately.


This is an important step in staying in shape after 30. Try to do activities you enjoy as this makes exercising that much more fun. Try swimming, racquet ball, tennis, basketball, skiing, bicycling, and more.

Simply changing your diet and exercising can make all the difference in the world when you are trying to stay in shape after 30.

W.P. Allen has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does he specialize in building webites and making money online but also many other distinct topics. You can also check out his latest website Beautiful Vinyl Fence which talks specifically about Freedom Vinyl Fence.

Breast Exercises For Women After Breast Cancer Surgery

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Ashley R. Wilks

The most effective way to get back to being able to perform your normal everyday activities after breast cancer surgery is to increase your endurance and strengthen your body. This is why breast exercises for women that have had this kind of surgery is a must. You will certainly want to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine, and he or she will more than likely recommend that you do exercise.

Anybody that has went through surgery as a result of breast cancer can definitely benefit from exercise. It doesn’t matter if the surgery was to remove cancerous lumps or the entire breast, rehabilitation exercises are a must. By performing exercises that involve your arm and chest muscles on a regular basis, you will be reducing joint stiffness, promoting blood flow and softening and stretching scar tissue which all help with the healing process. Radiation treatment can also affect the arm and shoulder near the surgery site for many months after the surgery that exercise can help alleviate.

I must stress the importance of consulting your doctor before beginning any exercise regiment. This way he or she can evaluate your condition to determine if you’re ready for exercise. If you haven’t gained full use of the affected arm a few weeks after surgery, your doctor will probably refer you to a physical or occupational therapist.

Your post surgery exercises should begin basic and gradually increase difficulty. Doctors and therapists also recommend that you try to do many of your everyday tasks using the affected arm. These include things such as brushing your teeth and hair, getting dressed and other light-duty tasks. One light exercise that’s often recommended is to put your arm on an elevated pillow for 45 intervals 2 or 3 times a day. Range-of-motion exercises are also very beneficial after surgery. These exercises include flexing you hand, forearm and elbow. You should be able to move on to more advanced stretches and exercises 3 weeks after you surgery.

You will also benefit fro an exercise DVD that focuses on exercises that are specifically designed for people that have had breast cancer surgery. There’s not a whole lot of DVDs out there with the sole purpose of rehabilitating breast cancer patients, but there are a few, and one that I’ve heard good things about is called:

Breast Cancer Survivor: Focus on Healing

The main focus of this video is to aid people that are recovering from breast cancer surgery. It accomplishes this through the use of gentle exercises that include stretching, toning and movement exercises that are all performed by breast cancer survivors in this video. They use the “Lebod Method” which increases your flexibility, extends your range of motion and helps improve your self image. The video plays soothing classical music as you learn deep breathing exercises and move on to upper body stretches using rhythmic, flowing motions. You will then progress to hand relaxation exercises, arm swings, walking steps and easy dance steps. Modifications to the exercises are included if you would prefer to sit while exercising.

You can also Google “breast cancer exercise videos”. This will bring up a lot of videos that you can view from your computer. Another way to get some free videos that you can view from your computer is to go to YouTube which has a fair amount of them as well.

My name is Ashley Wilks, and if you like this article, you should check out my work out videos for women website. It’s sole purpose is to provide women with an unbiased opinion about videos that have exercises that are good for women such as breast exercises for women.

For More Workouts for Women: Most home back workouts for women have one thing wrong with them. They are too long and require much too much equipment to be able to do them! With this home back workout for women all you need is a stability ball and a pair of dumbbells or weight plates. With just 4 exercises and 5 minutes you can get in a workout to help you sculpt out a sexy, strong, lean and toned back without the ugly bra bulge that can make ANY shirt look bad! As with AthLEAN-X for men, the workouts and exercises in the women’s program are intense but fun, challenging but fast and most of all….effective. Women’s fitness is hard enough to get straight with all of the confusing misinformation out there about how to workout, how to diet, what to eat and what not to eat. Finally, Athlean-XX Workout for Women is here to make it easy for you. After you finish trying this home back workout for women head over to http and get the entire 90 day women’s body sculpting, lean toned muscle shaping program…from celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Restarting Weight Training Workout after a Long Break

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Sahil Sidhu

You are standing in front of the mirror, looking at your body with a raised eyebrow and thinking of past years when you used to go to gym regularly, you used to pump muscles in gym, and you used to look fit, lean and strong, now you are thinking of restarting your routine weight training workout and then you declare loudly – “Tomorrow I am going to gym and going to loose my fat as soon as possible”. Next day you are again standing in front of mirror and then again declaring the same.

If you are one of these people, you must right now get out of this vicious circle, because that day is near, when you are going to feel more embarrassed standing in front of your mirror.

Finally after a big struggle, you are standing in front of the gym, you feel proud and happy, and you open the door of the gym like a boss. You are in gym right now and you know what to do, you hop on treadmill and start running, and suddenly the old gym memories comes back, and you decide to run faster faster and more faster, now leaving the treadmill you walk towards your forgotten love – DUMBBELLS. You start lifting weights, you remember everything you used to do in gym earlier and you know that you produced results, so you keep on increasing weights, do everything and complete your weight training workout.

You are now about to get out of gym, but you can’t! The exit door of your gym feels heavier to push to open, you some how come out, walk with two left legs and manage to reach home. You are feeling horrible now, very exhausted and sleepy, you are not even able to eat your food easily, handling a spoon feels so heavy and in office you yawn the whole day, you reach back home, you are not able to open your eyes and you sleep.

Next day you feel bored to go to gym, you laze around and do your routine, the day’s passes on and your best friend the vicious circle of your thinking process is back, your mirror is back. You are back to your normal life!

Now getting to the main part of my blog, which says how to restart your weight training workout and information regarding how much long and when to take break from your weight training workout.

From the bitter part, now we reached the sweetest part, all I want to say is that, to restart your workout, Commitment to recreate your commitment to workout everyday itself is must. It’s good that you know the ways to workout in gym with weights, it’s a plus point, but after a long break, everything is not as easy and same as before, you need to calm down a bit, you need to relax rather than rushing to cut the fat, you need to start from zero, remember the first time you entered gym, you were so careful that time, lifting with very lighter weights, you need to love your body, love your fat, and make your body comfortable with you restarting your workout and as your body gets comfortable, no need to rush still, just increase weight slightly, and keep on moving even if you are not producing results.

I won’t say that this is the right track, nor I am going to say that it’s a wrong track. But yeah I can promise that by following this track you can produce results the way you want. I hope this brings a smile on your face. But I got some thing more important to inform you, that how long and when you should take break from your weight training workout.

Even if you are a workout freak, there are days when you feel not to workout and you don’t want to go to gym. But even then you drag yourself in gym, thinking that not going to gym will be a dishonor to yourself and you force yourself to workout thinking as if its your religion, this commitment is good, but you are forgetting one of the most important aspect and main pillar of your health and fitness, which is RECOVERY.

Like you go gym regularly, you must take breaks regularly to recover, this helps giving 100% in your workout every time you step in gym. SO just take break when you feel strongly not to go to gym, listen to your body, your body will communicate when it needed rest for recovery. Experts says it should not be like you completely take break and do nothing, instead one can go for a long walk, relax in swimming pool, kick football, few serves with tennis racquet etc.

One more important aspect is the duration for taking a break, if you train yourself with weights, taking break not more than one week is good, and one week break will not let go all of hard work you did in gym. But you must listen to your body and manage doing your weight training workouts and taking breaks.

Sahil Sidhugraphic and web designer,seo, content writing at incore marketing unlimited and nirvana healing center

After Workout Nutrition for a Women’s Fitness Diet

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Flavia Del Monte

The foods we choose to refuel our body with post-exercise are vital to meeting our body’s needs. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion surrounding women’s fitness diet plans, leaving most of us unsure of what to eat and not eat after a workout.

The important thing to remember is that nutrition needs clear, factual information, common sense, and diligence if you want to make your overall health better. If the other meals of the day are not executed properly, you won’t achieve your workout goals.

What Happens When We Workout

Let’s make some sense of this confusing topic by discussing why we workout. For me, (and I think I speak on behalf of MOST of the population), there are 3 main reasons to exercise:

1. Improve health2. Improve body composition3. Improve performance

If you want your fitness diet to contain the right nutrients your body needs after a workout, we need to focus on what our body experiences during exercise. During an intense workout, we break down muscle tissue, essentially damaging the tissues. This sounds bad, but this process is what actually makes us leaner, fitter, stronger and more muscular.

Essentially, a women’s fitness diet needs to do 3 things:

1. Replenish glycogen 2. Stop protein breakdown3. Promote protein synthesis

Muscle building occurs when our body reaches a positive protein balance during recovery by consuming the right type of nutrients after exercise triggers protein synthesis. Our body also depletes its carbohydrate levels during exercise, which need to be refilled. This means our body NEEDS protein and carbohydrates post-workout.

During and after exercise, our blood circulates more rapidly, especially through the muscles being trained. If we strategically put the nutrients it needs into our bloodstream at the right times, our bodies will be able to recover and replenish more efficiently.

After Workout Nutrition For A Women’s Fitness Diet

This brings us to the “window” of opportunity, which occurs immediately after a workout. During this timeframe, our muscles are primed to accept the nutrients that can stimulate muscle repair and growth.

While protein synthesis lasts for up to 4 hours, our body will receive the most benefits from nutrients consumed within two hours of exercising. Wait too long to refuel your body, however, and you’ll experience a decrease in glycogen storage and protein synthesis.

So What Should I Eat?

Let’s recall what it is that we are trying to achieve with post-workout nutrition:

1. Replenish glycogen2. Stop protein breakdown3. Promote protein synthesis

This tells us we need carbohydrates to replenish our energy levels, and protein to prevent further breakdown and promote rebuilding.

Because our window is small, we need to consume quick digesting carbohydrates and quick digesting protein post-workout. Sources such as isolates, dextrose, or a recovery drink are best.

Whole foods digest slowly, which is why most fitness enthusiasts choose liquid post-workout over whole foods. If you do choose whole foods, opt for ones that are quick to absorb like fish and white rice. Just make sure to take advantage of the two-hour “window”.

Post-Workout Protein Shakes and Protein Types

Post-workout shakes are not NEEDED, but they’ll help with recovery and muscle building. Protein powder is convenient and cost-effective option. It’s great for before and after your workouts, and also as a meal replacement. Because proteins have different uses, however, you’ll need to select different types of protein supplementation for each one.

Soy protein comes directly from the only plant-based food to contain a complete protein: soybeans. However, it does have more fat and takes longer to absorb. On the bright side, it’s excellent for supplying your muscles with a steady supply of protein throughout the day. It also contains isoflavones, which promote health cholesterol levels.

Hemp protein is derived from hemp seeds. It contains approximately 50% less protein than whey, but it does contain omega-3 fatty acids to boost heart health. This type of protein powder is best used for morning drinks and between meal snacks, rather than for post workout recovery. It’s also a suitable alternative for those sensitive or intolerant to milk products.

Whey protein, from cow’s milk, is a by-product left over when making cheese. It’s 31% more effective at building muscle than soy, and is considerably more effective at stimulating protein synthesis compared to other proteins, but you need to be careful when buying.

Lower quality whey powder has high fat and dietary cholesterol levels. It’s also the fastest-absorbing protein powder types, making it the best of the three for recovery, growth, and maintenance after workouts.

Post-Workout Nutrition For A Women s Fitness Diet — Whey Protein

If you’ve looked around, you’ll have noticed three types of whey protein supplements:

Whey Protein Isolate — With almost no carbs, lactose, or fat content, this is the highest quality powder available. In fact, 90% or more of its weight will be protein. It is also the most efficient of the proteins — 30-60% more efficient than concentrate.

Whey Protein Concentrate — The cheapest whey supplement, concentrate is high in fat and lactose. It has the highest biological value, and is about 75% protein by weight.

Whey Protein Blends — A mixture of concentrate and isolate, this provides you with a lower fat and lactose content, while still being affordable. Blends also have a great amino acid profile.

If you’re looking for a post-workout protein shake, choose whey isolate for its protein synthesis (building) effect. It may be more expensive, but it rapidly releases amino acids into blood stream and gets into the blood quicker, which is exactly what you need immediately after a workout. It peaks after about 40 minutes, and lasts about an hour.

Micellar-Isolate Protein Powder is the highest quality form of protein powder. Called a ‘muscle-sparing’ protein, casein releases much more slowly in the body, causing a steady release of amino acids into the blood, over a longer period of time.

A fast-digesting protein, such as white fish is a better pre-workout protein. And for breakfast, supplement with whey protein to combat the muscle breakdown that may occur due to the fasting that occurs while sleeping. Again, a better option here is a fast-digesting protein such as eggs.

Remember that what you eat and when you eat is just as important as the details of your specially designed workouts for women. Create a women’s fitness diet that best suits you and meets the needs of your workout. You’ll not only look better, and get improved results, but you’ll feel better, too.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

Why you should make the effort to get in shape after pregnancy

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by James Mark May

Many new mothers buy cots or loungers to accommodate a new baby in the early months, this is the ideal solution particularly if space is at a premium, but also because it allows you to be close to your new born.Having delivered your baby, no doubt you are tired and out of shape right? But you may, like many new mothers want to get home, get settled and get back into shape.

Getting back into shape is important for you, but it is also very important for your baby that you are healthy enough to be able to give your child the best care.

Getting started

Your child will set its own schedule and if you want to fit in some exercise you will have to find ways to work around that. Make sure that you have a structured environment that will allow your baby to feel settled and allow you to get the rest you need.

Having a child is a wonderful time and you will want to be able to share and enjoy every moment with your new child

What is Abdominal Separation After Pregnancy?

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Annette Willson

What is Abdominal Separation After Pregnancy?

The muscles of the stomach have a connective tissue that run from the ribs and sternum to the top of the pubic bone. This is strong collagen tissue and assists the abdominal muscles to hold the organs and pelvic contents in. Muscle separation pregnancy is the result of the baby pushing the muscles out as it grows. The muscles separate near the end of pregnancy like a seam under pressure. The center line separates and the post pregnancy stomach has a gap in it. This is what Abdominal separation after pregnancy is. It can be fixed with abdominal exercises post pregnancy. Post pregnancy exercise is the only way to repair the post pregnancy stomach.

How Do you Test For Abdominal Separation after Pregnancy?

This is an easy test that any mother can perform but probably best tested by a Physiotherapist.The muscle separation pregnancy test must be done prior to starting any post pregnancy exercise program.

Here is a test you can do too see if you have an abdominal separation after pregnancy.

o Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.o Place your hands flat on your abdomen with your fingers pointed towards your each othero Just at and below your belly button digg your finger in deep to your belly.o Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and feel the abdominal muscle tighteno If you feel a gap or bulge in your abdomen, you may have an abdominal separation after pregnancy.o Do this test 2-3 times and make sure you can feel the 2 ridges of the long rectus muscle.o The muscle separation pregnancy test is very valid and it may be gap up to 10cm wide.

What Exercises Do I do to Fix Abdominal Separation After Pregnancy?

I am a Physiotherapist so I am very big on training the Transverse Abdominal Muscle. This muscle wraps around the waist and is considered the corset muscle. The post pregnancy stomach is usually potty and bulges out. The abdominal separation after pregnancy causes the middle of the belly to bulge and be very weak. This will impact on strength and back pain and function looking after your new baby.

The Best Post Pregnancy Exercise.

I will give you simple instructions on how to initiate the Transverse Abdominal Muscle to start you on the process of your post pregnancy exercise program. Abdominal exercises post pregnancy need to be performed slowly and with your complete attention The Abdominal separation after pregnancy is the only time this occurs.

The post pregnancy stomach must be exercised by understanding and having complete control of the Transverse Abdominal muscle. This is in fact Pure Pilates

Try This

o Lay on your side with knees bent up and a pillow under your head.o concentrate on your breathing pattern.o As you blow out draw your post pregnancy stomach in below the belly button.o Let it it out as you breathe ino This is the opposite pattern to which yo are used to.o Practice co-ordinating your breath out with a tummy in action. Abdominal Separation After Pregnancy and Pilates

I do not recommend attending Pilates classes until your abdominal exercises post pregnancy become a part of your daily life. Keep practicing the breath out and tummy in exercise as you lift, work, play and function. This simple post pregnancy exercise will get you started only.

I am a Physiotherapist and an expert Pilates trainer. I have 3 boys and choose to be a fit mum because I can. For more information on fitness for mothers check out the Fit Mummy Tummy

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