Which Reasons Cause Different Achievements about Anaerobic Endurance

September 18, 2012 by  
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Article by Uggmbt

Which Reasons Cause Different Achievements about Anaerobic Endurance – Shopping – Fashion Style

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Anaerobic endurance. The ability of supplying energy from anaerobic glycols of sugar of skeletal muscle.The main energy of anaerobic endurance is from anaerobic glycols of muscle glycogen. There will some impacts for the latter with percentage constitution of muscle fiber as well as catalytic activity of glycol enzyme.Here are athletes to work on different supersession sport events training in the study. The muscle fiber percentage structure along with activity of glycol enzyme have the distinct project characters. It is said that the development of anaerobic endurance had decided by these two factors in the above, which is so important.There are some comparisons for muscle fiber constitution and activity of anaerobic metabolic enzymes among sport men of different competition events.It us energy utilization efficiency.The energy utilization efficiency refers to the capacity of acting of organism under the conditions of unit oxygen consumption.There is too much diversity about achievements for most of endurance events payers in a research. In addition, the sixty-five percentage of their achievements are caused by energy utilization efficiency.There is one research form the study of Steele. We are able to look at two marathon sports men who are in the same relative quantity for maximal oxygen uptake. They are both making use of eighty-five percentages VO max when they are running marathon at the same time. What is more; the energy utilization efficiency for one player is relatively high. As a result that he runs faster than the other player, which is faster about thirteen minutes.It is able to offer surge capability to acidic compounds.The muscle glycol is able to produce a great deal of H+. There will be a large number of accumulations about H+ in cells. It is also able to spread into blood. So that the acidic compounds will increase in the muscle and blood. It will interfere with the physicochemical property in the body and cells.The body muscle and blood both exist the buffer materials which could balance out the acidic substances. They are consisting of weak acid along with salt which is produced by weak acidic and alkali to make certain proportion mixed liquors. They are these materials which are able to buffer acidic and alkali. It also has the function to keep relatively constant for PH.The research is showing, as long as you are often going on anaerobic endurance training, you will be able to improve the ability of acid of organism. So that we are able to enhance anaerobic endurance.

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To get information more about how to make healthier running feeling? Good running also need a pair of good Running Shoes, Nike Free Run 2 is a good choice, or Nike Free Run.

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To get information more about how to make healthier running feeling? Good running also need a pair of good Running Shoes, Nike Free Run 2 is a good choice, or Nike Free Run.

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Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic Exercise: Which Category Does Swimming Fall Into?

September 14, 2012 by  
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Article by Allen Reed

Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic Exercise: Which Category Does Swimming Fall Into? – Sports – Swimming

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While you may know that swimming provides a great cardio and strength-training workout, you might not be sure if the sport is an aerobic or anaerobic exercise. In fact, those two terms might not even mean that much to you. But without knowing what kind of exercise you’re getting, it’s hard to achieve the results you’re after. Read on to learn a little bit about both kinds of exercises and see how swimming can fit into your aerobic or anaerobic routine.

Aerobic: With OxygenWhen you swim at a slower, steady pace – one at which your body has ample time to recover from with oxygen from your lungs – you are performing an aerobic exercise. The word Aerobic comes from the Greek for “requiring air” and basically means that your muscles are steadily supplied with oxygen throughout the entirety of the exercise. Long distance swims and even shorter swims at a slower pace would be considered aerobic exercises.

Anaerobic: Without OxygenWhile the word Anaerobic literally means “living without air”, it doesn’t mean that these types of exercises have to be performed while holding your breath. In fact, most exercises that induce labored breathing tend to be anaerobic in nature. The term actually refers to the fact that there is no oxygen present for your muscles to burn off – this usually occurs in high-intensity training – and must rely on the breakdown of carbohydrates to keep going. Swimming sprints would qualify as an anaerobic exercise.

So, as you can see, swimming is so versatile that it can act as both an anaerobic and aerobic exercise. And there are ways that you can work on both the aerobic and anaerobic aspects of the sport.

For a steady, oxygen rich aerobic swim workout, try doing your regular laps with the assistance of fins or hand paddles to help you cut through the water without raising your effort level to an anaerobic high. The Finis Zoomers Gold Swim Fins are a great choice for all swimmers. Their short blade helps to promote a faster and shorter kick, all the while speeding up your lap time with less effort. To help your upper body glide through the water at higher speeds, slip on the Aqua Sphere Vortex V8 Hand Paddles. They maximize the angle and surface area of your palm to help increase the distance between strokes.

To push your workout up to a heart-racing anaerobic level, the Finis Snorkel Cardio Cap is a great training device. Everything about it screams anaerobic exercise. It literally lets in less air to your training snorkel to help maximize lung capacity and efficiency, The Cardio Cap can be used during sprint sessions or while swimming long distance sets.

No matter if you’re looking for a steady, fat-burning aerobic workout or a heart-pumping, full body anaerobic exercise, swimming can truly be the answer to all your cardio training needs.

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Finis Snorkel Cardio Cap is designed to prompt position of cap which is on the top of opening of the snorkel,it also enhance the lung capacity during swimming.

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Allen Reed

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Finis Snorkel Cardio Cap is designed to prompt position of cap which is on the top of opening of the snorkel,it also enhance the lung capacity during swimming.

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Anaerobic exercise refers to exercise without oxygen using the muscle mass in the body, such as running, sprinting, jumping and heavy weightlifting. Understand the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise with helpful tips from a certified personal trainer in this free video on physical fitness. Expert: Amy McCauley Bio: Amy McCauley has been a certified personal fitness trainer since 1995. She specializes in Pilates, combat cardio, core conditioning and overall strength training. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise For Weight Loss – Results Create Greater Confidence to Your Goal

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are activities that utilize large muscle clusters. It can be done in a continuous manner and are rhythmic in nature. These exercises overwork the heart and lungs which cause them to work doubly hard than when they are at rest. Some types of this particular exercise include dancing, cycling, skiing, skating, running and swimming, among others. However, these routines take too much time and are slow. On the average, a person who performs the following exercises burns seventy-five percent fat calories and twenty-five percent carbohydrates.

On the other hand, anaerobic exercises are performed at higher intensities and require more energy compared to aerobics. It uses a system of respiration, which largely depends on high levels of energy. It causes one’s rate of metabolism higher than aerobic workout for a longer duration. This procedure burns fat as the body refills diminished energy stores from the forceful workout.

Exercises falling under this category can only be performed for two to three minutes because of the high amounts of energy that it requires. These types of exercises are short and rigorous. Twenty-five percent calories and seventy-five percent carbohydrates are burned.

There has been a long-standing debate among fitness experts to which between the two would prove to be the better activity that one can adopt if he intends to lose weight. The truth is, both exercises are efficient, and it will give one better results if both are performed simultaneously.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. Performing them in balance will produce best results for the dieter. Anaerobic workouts heighten cardio and muscle mass, but do not work well in burning a lot of fats.

Aerobic activities lessen anxiety and enhance circulation. It also burns a remarkable amount of fat but in the process diminishes muscle mass. Combining them will ensure the dieter that muscle mass is sustained, bone density is improved and the cardiovascular system intensified while still being able to burn fats.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Anaerobic Digestion Makes Renewable Energy from Rubbish

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises


An Anaerobic Digestion system which is suitable for processing mixed (black bag) waste has been developed from technology first developed in Israel.

It recovers resources from waste while producing renewable energy and helping to reduce carbon emissions.

The ArrowBio process has been developed through a series of pilot and demonstration plants to a level ready to be used commercially in many countries, and is best described as a water-based mechanical biological treatment (MBT) facility, with energy recovery.

ArrowBio’s process has been developed in such a way that it can either be used as a stand-alone solution or in conjunction with other technologies. For example it can be built within sustainable energy parks to provide a source of energy for the park, as well as recycled materials for further processing.

The recycled materials are re-used as feedstock by the other businesses based within the park to create a variety of products.

Two Stage Anaerobic Digestor

ArrowBio sets out to fully recover and wash the recyclable elements of the waste, so it should be favoured by environmental groups which tend to object to alternative processes which handle mixed waste, like incineration, on the basis that the ability of incineration to handle mixed wastes reduces the necessity to separate and recycle, and that the flu gas can contain toxic chemicals. The argument is also that incineration makes it too easy to neglect recycling, so it should not be used. None of these objections apply to Anaerobic Digestion.

The process has at its core a two stage anaerobic digestor which has been optimized for better energy yield than competing systems, from every unit mass of organic matter processed.

Extracting the maximum available gas yield, is in fact a stated primary aim of the ArrowBio processs.

This is recognised as good policy environmentally, and of course the gas and, or electricity generates revenue, which helps to pay for the upkeep of the plant.

The process consists of two distinct yet integrated components: a “front-end” wet Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and a “back-end” advanced anaerobic digestion system.

The wet MRF combines standard solid waste handling technology in combination with liquid and slurry pumping, water based processing facilitates, passive separation, and cleaning of recyclables and their automatic conveyance around the facility, while also suppressing odours and dust.

The wet MRF the action is cleans, and recovers, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and plastics separated by type.

These are then sorted into recycled materials of various grades that can be sold directly into the recycling market.

A “hydrocrusher” has also been successfully developed by ArrowBio which forms part of the wet (anaerobic) process. In effect the biodegradable waste is jetted with high pressure jets of water through a series of pipes. Food and paper is torn apart, greatly increasing the surface area available to biological action, while simultaneously suspending the organic chemicals in a watery solution.

Any waste that is not recoverable or that is not sent through the anaerobic digesters exits from the ArrowBio facility as a residue, and is normally present in only in minor quantities.

The first part of ArrowBio’s anaerobic digestion process is known as the acidogenic stage, and the second is a methanogenic stage. The biomass achieves optimum efficiency compared with single tank AD, and optimisation of pH levels, temperature and residence times is achieved automatically.

The plant has low emissions. The ArrowBio design needs no costly gas scrubbing stage, and the largely water borne technique does not produce the troublesome (dust, odour, etc) emissions experienced from other processes.

Recognition of the sustainability benefits of Anaerobic Digestion is rising fast. Find out more about this technology for the future at the Anaerobic Digestion web site, and more about the ArrowBio AD Process.

Read more about the AD process now. Visit the ArrowBio page at Anaerobic Digestion.Com. The AD Community.

Steve Evans is also a regular contributor of dog breed related articles.

There are essential details about the top dog breeds and many other canine articles at: The Dog Breeds Compendium.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic: What’s All the Controversy About?

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Eddie Lomax

Aerobic vs Anaerobic: What’s All the Controversy About? – Health – Fitness

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There seems to be a great deal of debate as to which type of metabolic training is the best… Aerobic vs Anaerobic.

Ok, what is metabolic training?

What is all this aerobic vs anaerobic talk?

Metabolic training is conditioning exercises performed with the intention of increasing the capacity and efficiency of the energy pathways to store and deliver energy for activity.

Most people commonly refer to this as… cardio.

There are three energy pathways used to provide energy for activity… one aerobic and two anaerobic.

Which of these energy pathways you should train is the source of much controversy… Thus the Aerobic vs Anaerobic dilemma.

Aerobic Activity

Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen… and any activity that is performed at a low to moderate intensity for more than 90 seconds, allowing oxygen to release energy through metabolism, is usually called an aerobic activity.

The benefits of aerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular FunctionDecrease in Body Fat

The negatives of aerobic activity are…

Decreased Muscle MassDecreased StrengthDecreased PowerDecreased SpeedDecreased Anaerobic Capacity

Most people in favor of aerobics in the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy rely heavily on the ability of aerobic activity to reduce body fat… but fail to mention that you are also losing muscle, strength, power, speed and anaerobic capacity along with fat reduction.

And here is the really shocking news… Low Intensity Exercise = Greater Fat Loss is a myth!

OK… let me clarify.

Low Intensity Exercise burns about 50% fat for fuel while High Intensity Exercise burns about 40% fat for fuel… so you could say that Low Intensity Exercise burns more fat for fuel than High Intensity Exercise.

But, let’s say you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of Low Intensity Exercise (50 fat calories), and you burn 160 calories in 10 minutes of High Intensity Exercise (64 fat calories)… you still burn more over-all fat with high intensity exercise than with low intensity exercise.

There is also another advantage of High Intensity Exercise… it increases your metabolism long after the exercise is completed.

More fat burned in less time and an increased metabolism for hours after the workout… sounds pretty good to me.

Anaerobic Activity

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen… and any activity that is performed at a medium to high intensity for less than 2 minutes, where energy is derived without oxygen, is usually called an anaerobic activity.

There are two anaerobic energy pathways…

The Anaerobic System (ATP-CP) is where energy is derived from the re-synthesis of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) from Creatine/Phosphate (CP) until the stores are depleted… about 5-7 seconds.

The Anaerobic Lactate System (Glycolytic) happens after the (CP) stores have been depleted where the body resorts to the breakdown of glucose for energy.

This results in the production of lactate and hydrogen ions… ultimately leading to fatigue.

The benefits of anaerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular FunctionDecrease in Body FatIncreased Muscle MassImproved StrengthImproved PowerImproved SpeedIncreased Aerobic Capacity

The negatives of anaerobic activity are…

Anaerobic activity requires an aerobic foundation

When I look at the differences between the benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic metabolic training I often wonder why there is a Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy… the choice seems obvious.

What’s all the aerobic vs anaerobic controversy about?

I think the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy comes about due to an improper understanding of fitness and the use of a bad fitness definition.

Physical fitness is a compromise of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness.

To pursue fitness excellence you must physically train to “optimize” your performance in all of the physical abilities… and not “maximize” your performance in one ability at the expense of all others.

For people that do not understand that fitness is a compromise, the idea that more, longer aerobic training is indicative of a higher level of fitness is predominate.

However, what they fail to realize is that by focusing on extended aerobic training they are doing little or nothing to improve the other physical abilities needed for fitness excellence… and are actually decreasing their over-all fitness level.

And no, mixing extended aerobic training with body building “isolation” exercises is not the answer.

So what is the answer?

Simple… train ALL of the energy pathways by varying low intensity, long duration – medium intensity, medium duration and – high intensity, short duration metabolic training.

End the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy by making a compromise between the two.

Let’s be honest… unless you are training to be an endurance athlete, there is no need to train like one.

The truth is, most activities encountered in sport, work and life are a combination of all the energy pathways seamlessly flowing from one to another.

Instead of aerobic vs anaerobic it should be aerobic and anaerobic!

To exclude the training of any one energy pathway will greatly diminish the performance improvements from your metabolic training.

My advice… Put an end to the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy!

Add high intensity, short duration metabolic training to your fitness workout plan and vary the intensities by changing methods of training and periodically switching from high intensity, short duration to medium intensity, medium duration and low intensity, long duration.

About the Author

Coach Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach dedicated to building better humans for sport, work and life. Learn more at Workout Without Weights or take his FREE Tabata Calisthenics Workout Mini Course.

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Coach Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach dedicated to building better humans for sport, work and life. Learn more at Workout Without Weights or take his FREE Tabata Calisthenics Workout Mini Course.

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Results of a Low Carbohydrate Diet regime on Anaerobic exercise

June 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Mike Mass

Results of a Low Carbohydrate Diet regime on Anaerobic exercise – Health – Nutrition

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There has been substantial controversy and doubt about how serious weightlifters and sports enthusiast should reconcile between a low carbohydrate diet plan and a technique that is designed to build muscle mass. The former is a fabulous prescription for weightloss and fat reducing, while the latter is critical to obtain the muscle bulk required for supreme body building. In the opinionof a good number of experts, both are equally important and vital. The key right here is to strike an optimal harmony between a low carbohydrate diet plan and a muscle mass building program. In this piece of writing we will analyze the key special effects of a low carbohydrate diet plan on body building and what are generally some of the ways that we can overcome these special effects and still promote lean muscle development.

With a low carbohydrate diet system, the number of calories available for energy production is seriously tight. Think of a nation ravaged by war with little food. Rationing will most likely be imposed referring to what little food is made available. This is identical considering a low carbohydrate food regime. You should have to carry out rationing of the few energy offered to the body to implement your workout. One of the primary rationing actions that you could undertake and yet even so promote maximal muscle growth is to get trained employing smaller but more explosive routines. Muscles react to stimulus. If your stimulus is great enough, growth will still happen. By engaging in not as many repetitions but intense lifts, the stimulus to the muscles is still high. This will lead to progress. As a result, all the rationed energy is used for fewer but more serious lifts. This type of exercises can still help you get muscle mass if you are on a low carbohydrate food regime.

An additional effect of a low carbohydrate food plan is the onset of the state of ketosis quickly. Ketosis is essentially a state where the shortage of carbohydrate fuel in the body will result in the start of fat metabolic process to produce the required energy for work. Ketosis is actually a useful state for musclemen or athletes attempting to shed unwanted weight. Yet for someone with rather little body fat, this may not be such a good idea, as the lack of fat stores in the body will initiate use of proteins with the body to supply the fuel as an alternative. Taking away proteins for energy transformation will imply that much less protein will be available for muscle mass building and repair work. Definitely not a great idea for muscle builders. The method to get around the effect of ketosis in a low carbohydrate scenario is to make sure that that the carbohydrates been consumed are of the prime quality type. These high quality carbohydrates comes largely from complex carbohydrate sources such as fruits, oatmeal, brown rice, buck wheat, whole grain bread and cereal. High quality carbs do not induce blood sugar levels to spike but in fact permits for optimum utilization of whatever carbohydrates is present in the system.

The 3rd and most important result of a low carbohydrate meal plan on body building is the utilization of protein as energy fuel once carbohydrate stores are exhausted rapidly. For musclemen with low fat content, this is very rapid. In women, whose fat composition is higher, this is not so important. The protein utilization for energy is not good for bodybuilders because under training conditions, all these building blocks are especially necessary for repairs and growth. The only method to withstand or delay this mechanism is to make sure that your low carbohydrate diet plan is composed of a large amount of proteins. This is to support quick repair of protein and amino acid levels within the muscle and body systems. A lot of these protein building blocks will be lost, therefore it is vital to make sure that replacement supplies are high through ingestion.

A low carbohydrate diet that provides low energy levels, ketosis and protein utilization is not necessarily a bad thing for a bodybuilder or someone that is keen to gain muscles. But when implementing this low carbohydrate diet to complement your training, one needs to consider factors like, the athlete’s level of training, the objectives, stage of training program and even gender. Low carbohydrate diets will not be helpful for beginning serious weightlifters for example. For this group of people, their main focus is to make sure that maximum stimulus is elicited to induce growth. By limiting energy levels through a low carbohydrate diet will be counter-productiveMike Masshttp://freebodybuildingblog.com

About the Author

Mike Mass is a body builder expert in body building training He shares his knowledge in his blog where everybody can benefit from free information on this complex and often quite misunderstood subject

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Mike Mass is a body builder expert in body building training He shares his knowledge in his blog where everybody can benefit from free information on this complex and often quite misunderstood subject

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Anaerobic Waste – How Anaerobic Digestion Works in Wastewater Treatment

May 18, 2012 by  
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Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic waste digestion happens in a closed reactor. Bacteria act upon the organic waste and release plenty of carbon dioxide and methane. The microbial community has only obligate anaerobic and facultative bacteria. As in aerobic chemohetrotrophic metabolism, initially the macromolecules are hydrolyzed. These products are then converted to volatile fatty acids (mainly acetic acid), and alcohols. The organisms responsible for these anaerobic waste reactions are popularly called acid formers.

They obtain energy through oxidation of organic compounds, but do not use oxygen as electron acceptor. Instead, another fragment of the substrate is reduced to anaerobic acids and alcohols through anaerobic processes. These are then metabolized by a second group of obligate anaerobic biomass (the methane formers), and converted to methane gas.

It is estimated that 60 to 70% of methane production in an anaerobic waste reaction is through conversion of acetic acid and the rest through carbon dioxide reduction by hydrogen.

The activities of the methane and acid producing groups of bacteria must be balanced as the former is sensitive to pH changes and works best in pH range 6.8 to 7.5.

Stabilization Ponds

Anaerobic waste stabilization ponds are large and shallow basins with residence times of 12 to 25 days. A variety of microorganisms inhabit such ponds participating in the anaerobic digestion of waste. In addition to the aerobic and anaerobic chemoheterotrophic organisms, a pond has a large variety of photoautotrophic life forms also. Green and blue-green algae are found in abundance in the top layers, maintaining a symbiotic relationship (I am ok, you are ok!) with the bacteria. At times the pond may also have a significant population of sulfur photosynthetic anaerobic waste water organisms.

For a FREE eBook on a great new technology that includes anaerobic waste treatment, click http://www.all-about-wastewater-treatment.com

About The Anaerobic Digestion Process

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Containing and treating the wastes are essential in order that the treated waste mud is stable, the offensive smell is eliminated, the quantity of pathogenic bacteria is reduced, the mass and volume of sludge is cut off, and people can dewater and dry the mud.

Anaerobic digestion is the most common and useful method for treating waste water sledges nowadays. It is really a relatively stable process thanks to the ability to control, low operating costs and a useful production, a combustible gas, which can be used as a source of energy.


The advantages of this process:


The organic content of the sludges is significantly reduced by conversion into gaseous end-products; the obnoxious odour of the sludge is removed and the final digested sludge has a characteristic ‘tarry’ odour; fats and greases are broken down by the process; there is a significant reduction in the quality of pathogenic bacteria; there is a marked chemical change after digestion. The liquid fraction (supernatant) contains increased levels of ammonia as a result of the breakdown of organic nitrogen (proteins). This makes the digested sludge liquor potentially suitable for agricultural use; the biogas that is formed is a mixture of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that can be used for digester heating or to generate power.


The disadvantages of this process:


A relatively high initial capital cost is involved, which tends to limit the process to medium to large size waste water works. The slow rate of bacterial growth requires long periods of time for start-up and limits the flexibility of the process to adjust to changing feed loads, temperatures and other environmental conditions. The process is prone to upsets if not regularly monitored and if corrective action is not taken in time.


Anaerobic digestion is a multi-stage biological waste treatment process whereby bacteria, in the absence of oxygen, decompose organic matter to carbon dioxide, methane and water. In this way, the waste sludge is stabilised and the obnoxious odour is removed. The process can, however be described adequately and simply as occurring in two stages, involving two different types of bacteria. The first stage, the organic material present in the feed sludge is converted into organic acids (also called volatile fatty acids) by acid forming bacteria. In the second stage, these organic acids serve as the substrate (food) for the strictly anaerobic methane-producing bacteria, which converts the acids into methane and carbon dioxide. The end result of the process is a well-established sludge in which 40 to 60% of the volatile solids are destroyed. Finally, a combustible gas consisting of 60 to 75% methane and the remainder largely being carbon dioxide.


The digestion process is continuous. Fresh feed sludge must be added continuously or at frequent intervals. The gas formed during digestion is removed continuously. In high-rate digestion, stabilised sludge is displaced from the digester during feeding. In low-rate digestion, sludge ‘supernatant’ is normally removed as the feed sludge is added, stabilised sludge is removed at less frequent intervals.


It is essential that the organic acids formed in the first stage of the waste treatment process are converted to methane at the same rate at which they are formed. If not, they accumulate and ultimately lower the pH, leading to inhibition of the second stage of the digestion process and digester failure. Temperature must be maintained within certain ranges – heating increases the activity of the anaerobic bacteria reducing the required digestion time. A pH of 7,0 to 7,5 is recommended to encourage the methane-producing stage. A correctly operating digester will have sufficient buffer capacity (alkalinity) introduced from the breakdown of organic matter.


Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Waste Treatments [http://waste-treatments.com]

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Aerobics Physical Exercise Along With Anaerobic Physical Exercise

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Getting your exercise is always important. This should be something that you simply already know, but what you might not know is that type of exercise that you simply are getting is just as essential as actually getting it. So as to be completely healthy, you need to get all the types of physical exercise that you simply require, and you have to make sure that you simply are obtaining them all in the right way. Cardio exercise together with anaerobic physical exercise is the greatest method to make sure you’re getting all components from the work out that you require. When it comes correct down to it, cardio physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise is a great mixture.

However, sometimes it’s essential to target more than 1 region with regards to aerobics. You may wish to work on something in specific. Frequently, individuals have parts of their bodies that they dont like as significantly as others, and this could be extremely stressful. Most of the time, workouts seek to create your whole physique stronger, and whilst this really is essential, if you’ve a problem region, you may feel like you want to operate out it.

To be able to target the stomach while you are doing aerobics, it’s important that you keep in mind what the abdomen is and why it is essential. It is not just your tummy region; this is really a whole range of muscles that assist you to move and stretch in each piece of your daily program. This really is why targeting your abdomen during aerobics is very important.

With all the kinds of physical exercise out there, you are able to make certain that your exercise regime includes cardio exercise along with anaerobic physical exercise because this is going to become the healthiest way you are able to get the correct quantity of physical exercise in common.

If you’re concerned about aerobic physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise and also you do not know what kinds of physical exercise you ought to be performing, you truly need to check with your doctor simply because after all your doctor knows the most about your physique and what you can do to feel and look better with who you’re. Your physician can give you the correct combination of aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise and make certain that you are obtaining sufficient of both kinds of exercise in your every day program. In short, cardio exercise will assist you to to construct heart and lung well being and burn fat, while anaerobic exercise will help you construct muscle.

In order to become truly healthy you have to make sure that you simply are getting cardio physical exercise along with anaerobic exercise to possess a well-rounded level of well being. This can truly be your best shot at being competently wholesome, because it is only by getting each kinds of physical exercise that you simply are permitting your body to have full control over its movements and to be fully in control of how healthy you’re.

Ann Jones is a keen follower of fitness and diet plans. Overweight? Find out more about her favorite detox and weightloss diet plans here:

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What is Anaerobic Energy?

April 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Anaerobic energy has not yet received as much attention as other new sources of renewable energy such as nuclear and biofuels. However, anaerobic energy is an interesting process that may or may not turn out to be a viable source of energy.

Basically the process of anaerobic digestion occurs when microorganisms (anaerobic bacteria) break down biodegradable matter without the presence of oxygen. It is currently used to treat wastewater and to reduce the emissions of landfill gases. The process begins when biodegradable materials are broken down by anaerobic bacteria to separate insoluble organic polymers, like carbohydrates.

This process then makes these components available to other bacteria. The sugars and amino acids are converted into carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia and organic acids. These organic acids are then converted a few more times, resulting in methane and carbon dioxide.

EnviroCitizen.org would like to explain how this related to you and the conversation of the environment.  Anaerobic energy facilities are viewed by many as one of the best decentralized sources of energy. It is argued that decentralized energy is not a realistic method from which to expect one united source of energy. Rather, decentralized energy takes advantage of regional sources of energy. One region may implement wind and tidal power, while another region may implement solar and anaerobic power.

Those who believe in the benefits of anaerobic power are quick to point out that it is an effective way to manage waste. Supporters also point out that using anaerobic power can replace fossil fuels, reduce methane emissions from landfills, dispose of industrially-produced chemical fertilizers and reduce electrical grid transportation losses (the energy that’s lost during the process of transferring power from the power plant to your home).

Anaerobic power produces biogas, which can be used in a gasoline engine or as a means of providing heat and electricity. Anaerobic power is considered by many to be renewable, but opponents of anaerobic power liken its renewability to nuclear power.

In the end, anaerobic power is an interesting concept. It is proof that there are many different avenues being taken to discover alternatives to fossil fuels. Anaerobic power is a complicated issue. The actual biological process is simple to understand, but the implications of using anaerobic power are questionable. EnviroCitizen.org suggests that as an eco-conscious American, you do some additional research to determine what your opinion is on anaerobic power.

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