The Correct Approach to Body Building
May 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Lucky Sweet
The Correct Approach to Body Building – Health – Fitness
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When you hear the words “body building” what do you think of? Do you think about women and men with huge muscles parading about in tiny bathing suits and posing for pictures? Do you think of the man who is able to, unassisted, lift hundreds of pounds? You might not believe this but there is more to body building than just creating balloon sized muscles for yourself. Body building is something people do when they want to strengthen and tone their muscles to get into better shape.
Body building is something pretty much everyone can do. Here are some hints to help you begin!
Find someone who can help you. As a new body builder you are going to make a few mistakes as you put together your training regimen. A training partner or a personal trainer can help you form good habits from the outset. When you have a partner to work with you will have better luck at building a great routine for body building. You will be far more likely to have success and far less likely to hurt yourself by making silly mistakes. Eventually you will learn enough that you will be able to confidently develop your own body building exercise regimen but if you are new to the sport, it is better to let someone teach you what you need to do. Your body will be thankful that you did.
Protien is very important for body builders. It is very important that you get enough protein so that your muscles will be able to build back up correctly after you work out. Lots of body builders will add protein powders to their food so that they can be sure they are taking in enough of it. When you are first tarting the sport this probably won’t be as important to you. Eating a well balanced diet should be enough when you first start out. If you start to really enjoy the sport and get into it you might consider using protein additives to help your body make up what it lacks in the fiber. Ask your doctor which type of protein powder you should use.
Have regular check ins with your doctor. Your doctor can help you make sure that you are getting the work out you need while still keeping your muscles in check. A doctor will be able to help you take steps to prevent causing yourself accidental harm when you work out while still making sure that the workouts are having the effect on your body that they should be having. Your doctor will not only help you identify issues as they occur, he or she will help keep them from advancing too much. At the very least you should see a doctor when you start your body building to make sure you take the right approach to your new fitness routine. Body building is a great way to get your body into amazing shape. For many beginning body builders, increasing one’s health is the main goal. It is later on that they decide to shift their focuses to the outward physique instead of muscle building. It is important that you take care to approach body building the right way. Don’t forget that your first priority is to stay healthy. Do not let yourself take an unnecessary risk. Don’t push yourself too hard or to fast. You will get to the place you want to go. If you want to get there, you need to be ready to put in the time and the effort to do so.
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Lucky website’s: Playtex Bottles, Radiator Stop Leak, Radio Locator, And Rain Boots Shoes.
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Lucky website’s: Playtex Bottles, Radiator Stop Leak, Radio Locator, And Rain Boots Shoes.
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Lose Weight And Gain Muscle – Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Safely, the Scientific Approach
March 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Calculating Food Calories
Protein – 4 Calories Per Gram
Carbohydrate – 4 Calories Per Gram
Fat – 9 Calories Per Gram
OK so now we know how many calories we need to eat to either gain or lose weight but how do we know how many calories are in the foods that we eat? Obviously we are going to need to know this in order to track our total daily calorie consumption. Let’s take a minute to examine the small chart located just above this paragraph. It’s actually rather simple, protein contains 4 calories per gram, carbohydrates also contain 4 calories per gram, and fat contains a whopping 9 calories per gram. Using this valuable, basic information we can now calculate the number of calories in any food item as long as the amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fat are all known.
Lose Weight And Gain Muscle
Of course not many people are going to want to spend the time to calculate manually how many calories are in each piece of food they put into their mouths. Fortunately, a lot of the work has already been done for us. I’m sure everyone reading this article is at least vaguely familiar with the nutrition labels that are required on all food products sold in the United States. At the very least you will find: protein gms, total carbohydrate gms, sugar gms, fat gms, and total calories on these labels. Everything we need to know in order to calculate our total calorie consumption; protein, fat & sugar intake, is right there on the label.
Below you can see an item that I pulled from
The website is great. It has calorie, protein, carbohydrate, and fat gram information on 1000 typical food items arranged in an easy to use table.
Fat… Food… Energy… Carbohydrate… Protein… Cholesterol… Weight… Saturated Fat
Description of food… (Grams)… (Calories)… (Grams)… (Grams)… (Milligrams)… (Grams)… (Grams)
CHICKEN, ROASTED, BREAST 3.0 OZ… 3… 140… 0… 27… 73… 86… 0.9…
I have gone to the trouble of explaining much of this information fully aware of the fact that it is not absolutely necessary to know all of this background information to succeed at either gaining weight, losing weight, or improving overall fitness. However, over time I have discovered that the better I understand how protein, different types of carbohydrates, and fats affect my body, the easier it has become for me to use food as more than just a way to replenish my depleted muscles and satisfy hunger. Used in the right ratios and consumed at the right times proteins and carbohydrates can be used together as a very powerful anabolic performance aid.
I encourage anyone who is reading this article to go out there and do more research. These brief articles only scratch the surface on explaining the role of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in metabolism, recovery, and muscle repair. Lose Weight And Gain Muscle
Knowing the total number of calories needed to gain or lose weight is only one part of the nutrition puzzle, so to speak. What about the ratio of protein to carbohydrate, carbohydrate to fat and vice versa. Consuming an adequate amount of protein is absolutely essential to building and repairing muscle so how much is the right amount? Well opinion on this topic varies a bit but the consensus is between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
My personal experience is that I responded positively and continued to add solid muscle weight until I finally plateaued at nearly 2 grams of protein to each pound of body weight. Weighing about 240 pounds at the time meant that I was consuming almost 500 grams of protein everyday and had a total caloric intake at around 4000 daily. However, consuming 400 to 500 grams of protein everyday can be hard to stomach, literally, and quite expensive as well. I would recommend starting at 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for the first few weeks then gradually increasing to a peak of 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. Once again I must point out that many factors beyond our control, like genetics, age and health issues, can either slow or sometimes even prevent this approach from being effective.
Let’s say that you weigh 180 pounds and that you have calculated your ‘maintenance caloric need’ to be 2200 calories and you would like to put on 10 pounds of new muscle by attempting to gain 1 pound of bodyweight a week. Your goal then would be to consume a total of 2700 (2200+500) calories a day, everyday, to hit the magic number: 3500 for the week equates to one pound. At a current bodyweight of 180 lbs you should be consuming 180 x 1.5 = 270 gms of protein everyday to ensure proper muscle recovery. Knowing that every gram of protein has 4 calories and that you need to consume 270 gms of protein you can now figure out how many calories you will be consuming from the protein alone 270×4 = 1080 calories. OK so now you can take the 1080 away from the total calorie daily goal of 2700 – 1080 = 1620 calories still need to be consumed from carbohydrates and fats. Fat consumption should be about 20% of total caloric goal 2700 x 20% = 540 calories need to come from fat. So divide 540 / 9 = 60 grams of fat (remember fat has 9 calories per gram). Ok so now we take our goal caloric goal 2700. Subtract 1080 for protein and 540 for fat: 2700 – 1080 = 1620 – 540 = 1080 remaining calories that have to be consumed from carbohydrate. 1080 / 4 = 270 grams of carbohydrate preferably from good high quality complex long chain variety.
So we end up with:
Protein (Grams x 4) 270 x 4 = 1080
Carbs (Grams x 4) 270 x 4 = 1080
Fat (Grams x 9) 60 x 9 = 540
2700 Daily Caloric Goal Lose Weight And Gain Muscle
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Body Builders Need The Right Approach
February 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Vinna Henry
Body building is about more than turning yourself into the next Arnold Schwarzenegger (the 1980s Arnold, not the current, Governor of California Arnold). The common thought on body building is that it is merely a way for you to pump your muscles up to outlandish proportions. The simple truth is that body building is all about strengthening your muscles and then building them up to give you a “prettier” physique. There is far more to the sport than just “getting ripped.” It is actually about getting healthy. If you are thinking about putting together a body building routine for yourself, here are some hints that will help you. Don’t forget that the key to body building is becoming healthy first and then getting pretty later.
Each muscle you have should be worked on at least once a week. When you are a beginner you will need to plan your workout in advance. You need to do this to ensure that your muscles are given the proper amount of attention. Adding variety to your workout routines is something that you will be able to do when you have more experience. Plenty body builders do advance planning with their workouts. This helps them make sure that they are working out correctly and that they won’t get bored. For some, it is the “rut” that will keep them from advancing in their sport. There are a lot of different body building exercises that you can do; take some time to learn about each of them. You don’t have to make a commitment to any of them; just try them out. Doing this will help you learn which exercises to do when you want to work certain groups of muscles. It will be easier to plan a workout and to get results when you know exactly what you need to do to each part of your body. After all, if you want to build up your arms, you don’t want to be focusing on a routine that only builds muscles in your back! When you take the time to explore and learn you are less likely to waste your own time and hurt yourself.
It is okay to take a moment to relax and rest between exercises. If you push yourself too hard you could wind up injuring yourself unnecessarily. The best way to increase your stamina levels and to lengthen your workout is to let your body have a couple of minutes to rest periodically. Dehydration is often caused by someone trying to complete a workout without stopping. It could cause you to pull or strain muscles. You might get too weak to finish the workout at all. Professional body builders are the strongest advocates for rest periods and they know what they are talking about!
Body building is something that everybody can do. It is a great way to focus on getting healthy and getting in shape. For some people body building is more than a hobby, it is a career! You do not have to be as dedicated to the activity but if you stick with it you could find that you rather enjoy the way your body feels and looks. If you set reasonable body building goals and use your brain you should easily be able to improve the level of your health!
Vinna website’s: Call Center Training, Free Delivery Flowers, Sofas And Loveseats and Jewelry And Accessories.

Super strong body builder.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Golf Swing Weight Training A New Approach
December 29, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by
Golf swing weight training is as specific as you can get in regards to golf training to improve power, distance and iron yardages with every club. Wouldn’t you love to add 10 yards to every iron? Instead of a 150 6 iron, you’re hitting a consistent 7 iron the same distance.
This alone will greatly improve your “greens in regulation” and getting more shots closer to the pin. The end result is a much lower score.
Golf swing weight training shouldn’t be new to you. You’ve heard all the pros train for their game. So why shouldn’t you? Here’s one secret that can add a quick 20 yards to your driver in less than a week or so.
Swing a weighted club!
This is not revelating stuff, but I’m here to tell you it’s one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your distances with all clubs.
The benefit is developing the exact golf swing muscles from a strength and flexibility standpoint within your golf swing. You’ll improve your backswing and follow through range of motion, as well as your power through the hitting zone.
In all my dvds, books and websites I preach the importance of a balanced routine of both golf stretching and strengthening exercises for all your golfing muscles. This is critical for your long term success.
I am an advocate of this approach, and strongly suggest you be too. There are many muscles swing the weighted club don’t hit that can be affecting your game. Like the hamstrings, lower back and even abs.
But how about a little shortcut along the way?
Golf swing weight training is something I’ve personally been doing for over 10 years and I’m fortunate enough to say I can consistently drive the ball over 300 yards. I don’t say that to brag, but to say this type of training and approach is effective and works!
Because I’m not a big guy like all those long drive competitors, golfers are surprised when they see me hit a drive. They all seem to ask how can I do that? Immediately I go into my golf trainer mode and precede to tell them the importance golf swing weight training and working on the “machine” to hit longer drives.
Within a couple of holes they are hitting me with a ton of questions they want answered. By the time I’m done, I wished I hadn’t told them what I do for a living.
No I’m just kidding.
By doing a golf swing weight training program that incorporates strength, flexibility and weighted clubs you will see the quickest results that last long term.
Your golfing buddies might think your crazy, but you’ll get the last laugh.
The winning combination is swing technique and golf swing weight training! Golf now
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Product Description
Bodybuilding A Realistic Approach, shows you how to realistically tone, shape, and build your body. It helps you set and reach realistic goals by first identifying your body type and showing how to properly perform basic exercises for the entire body. It includes easy-to-follow workouts and nutritional programs for losing and gaining weight. The first few chapters are for people who are just getting started with weights and progresses to those who want to compet… More >>
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“If you’re really into the great sport of bodybuilding, getting massively huge and ‘shredded’ is great. If you’re an athlete from any other sport, getting as big as you need to be in order to improve your total sports performance capabilitities is the name of the game. Dr. Hatfield has given you the ultimate bible of bodybuilding greatness.” — Tom Platz Two-time Mr. Universe Dr. Fred Hatfield, bodybuilding guru and bestselling author, brings together the latest ad… More >>