Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms

December 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms is your guide to the massive biceps, triceps, and forearms you’ve always wanted. Over 330 full-color photos and 130 anatomical illustrations allow you to go inside more than 100 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and how variations, progressions, and sequencing can isolate specific muscles to help you achieve targeted results. It’s like having an X-ray of eac… More >>

Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms

How To Get Rid Of Flab Arms

September 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Marc David

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms – Health – Fitness

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Copyright 2005 Marc David

Hats off to a very brave women who stepped up and finally wanted to get rid of the flabby arms and the sooner the better. Luckily for her, this problem is quite common and the solution is quite simple and two-fold. Working to get rid of flabby arms comes with overall fitness but there’s some specific exercises you can to in addition to reducing body fat that will bring those arms into super shape once again.

On just another normal day, I received an email with a cry for help.

“I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I want to get rid of flabby upper arms!”

For starters…

The muscle that is most problematic for flabby arms is called: The Tricep

Most women think of these things when it comes to that area:

* flabby arms * exercise for flabby arms * tone flabby arms * how to get rid of flabby arms * flabby arm help * flabby upper arms * etc

There are really two key concepts to that particular predicament. Keep in mind that this is such a common question so you are certainly not alone in this. But just keep reading because the answer is pretty simple and may surprise you!

First, get the idea out of your head that there’s any such thing as ‘spot reduction.’ Meaning, if you do certain exercises for that area, the fat will magically disappear just from there and your arms will suddenly be taunt and tone again. Let me give you a real quick lesson on fat. Don’t worry this is going to be easy.

Your body stores fat. It stores it in general areas that are common to you as a female. Most men store the most fat in their stomachs. Women tend to store it in their thighs, hips and buttocks. But with anything, you can and will store fat wherever. So the first thing you want to do is…

Reduce the body fat period!

Once you start to reduce fat, you’ll see it disappear. Don’t bother with creams and rubs and all the other gimmicks out there. You cannot spot reduce. Your body stores fat and the only way to reduce fat in any particular area that is bothering you is to reduce fat period from your body as a whole.

For all these reasons,…

Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reduce the body fat.

Second, in order for that area of your arm to become tone, you’ll want to build muscle in the back of the arm. That is called the Tricep and there’s several good exercise you can do to build up that area.

But first, let me give you a list of some of the best exercises for flabby arms that will focus on the tricep and help you develop the area and make it stronger. This isn’t all inclusive but it’s some of the more common and better exercises you can do for the back of the arms.

* Weighted dips * Close grip bench press * Close grip push ups * Lying barbell French press * Overhead cable extensions * Cable press downs * Reverse cable press downs


Many people are caught up in the idea that in order for them to get rid of a problematic area they need to just work it out and do some exercises to target that area.

But that’s only half of the solution as you’ve read.

By working out the area AND reducing body fat, you will progress at twice the speed and make twice the visual differences.

Let’s suppose you only worked out the back of the arms. The muscle would be stronger and firmer no doubts, but it might not show IF your level of body fat is such that the muscle is still covered up.

As you see, by doing both, you will tone up (build) the tricep and make it more visible when the layer of fat that covers it up is reduced.

Men and women who want to reduce the ‘flabby’ anything simply have to realize that it’s a combination of body fat in that area, maybe loose skin and a muscle that generally needs to be developed in order to be taunt.

But I’m getting way ahead of myself!

This is a two fold mission.

1- Reduce body fat

2- Do specific exercises to build muscle in the back of the arm so that once the fat is gone, you’ll have a tricep and it will appear tight and tone

In a nutshell what this will do for you is make the back of your arms less flabby as the fat is lost from your body and the new muscle will bring added tone and tightness to the back of your arm.

About the Author

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner’s Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc’s e-book at: To get Marc’s free e-zine, visit

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Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner’s Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc’s e-book at: To get Marc’s free e-zine, visit

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Best Exercises for Toning Your Arms

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

For the many people who are unhappy with the appearance of their arms, getting toned and firm arms is a priority. Most people want to burn fat and build muscle, improving not only the appearance of their arms, but also their strength and flexibility. And while toning up arms takes some work, there are easy exercises that can get anyone started.

Bar bicep curls are a classic exercise to help get arms toned up quickly. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and lift the barbell, making sure to keep the back straight and the elbows still. Lift the barbell to just over the pectoral muscles and lower back down.

Close grip bench presses are a triceps exercise that also incorporate a barbell and heavier weights. Lying back on the bench, take the barbell in a narrow grip and bring it down to the lower ribs. Using the triceps, lift the barbell and lower it back down to the same position. The barbell should not touch the chest, and the reps should be completed quickly to make the exercise easier.  Kickbacks are also exercises that involve the triceps muscles, but which require the use of lighter individual hand weights instead of a barbell. Bending the body at the waist and pulling the elbows up to torso level, straighten the arms back, using the triceps to pull them up. This exercise can be done one arm at a time, or both at the same time.

Triceps extensions offer another opportunity to use lighter hand weights, as well as the option of using an exercise ball. Not only does this exercise engage the triceps, it also gets the abs involved, making it a more beneficial workout. While sitting, either on the exercise ball or bench, hold one medium weight in both hands. Take the weight straight overhead, then lower behind the head with the arms at a forty-five degree angle. Keep the back straight, and do not lock the elbow joints.

The last workout is probably the most recognizable, and the one that can be most easily customized. Push ups engage not only the triceps, but also the biceps, and require no equipment. Knees can be bent or kept straight, one or both arms can be used, and reps can be easily altered.

Most of the most beneficial exercises require equipment, which are readily available at all health clubs. Even sports involving racquetscan be incorporated to tone arms, including racquetball and tennis. The most important thing is to get moving to get toned.


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Arm Lift for Slimmer, Contoured Arms

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Aging, weight loss and other factors often result in extra fat and loose, sagging skin in different body areas. Flabby skin and excess fat accumulation in the upper arms can make you look much older than you really are. This condition can be corrected and your arms made to look more youthful with an arm lift/arm tuck. Known also by the name brachioplasty, an arm lift trims and reshapes your upper arms, thus helping you look more attractive. The procedure not only benefits you physically but also boosts your self esteem.

Arm Lift Surgery – Benefits

What you benefit from:

•  Well-proportioned and great looking arms
•  Wear clothes more comfortably
•  Enjoy a bigger choice of clothing
•  Improved self confidence

A single procedure is sufficient to tighten loose arm skin and get rid of excess fat.

Safe Procedure Ensuring Effective Results

With the new techniques available at present, you can get the desired aesthetic results without suffering much pain and discomfort.

With new technological advancements, arm tuck has become much safer and ensures effective results. Brachioplasty or arm lift is now carried out using the BodyTite device that ensures effective skin tightening advantages and successful fat removal. BodyTite is the latest technology in body contouring that uses radiofrequency energy to remove fat cells and tighten skin simultaneously.

•  The radiofrequency energy employed leaves the surrounding tissue in tact  
•  Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, local anesthesia is sufficient
•  Minimum pain, less bruising
•  Fast recovery without the need for a long hospital stay
•  Speedy return to normal activities
•  Since small incisions are made in this cosmetic surgery procedure, the scars, if any, will be minimal
•  It is done on an outpatient basis
•  The surgery is not long; it lasts approximately one or two hours. The time varies depending on the plastic surgeons and the degree of complexity of the patient  

Recovering from Arm Lift

When you plan to undergo arm lift surgery, there are certain precautions that you should take. During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. The surgeon will also tell you about the risks and consequences that may be associated with the surgery.  Make sure to follow all the instructions carefully to ensure fast recovery and the best outcomes. Your slimmer, contoured arms will last long provided you follow the prescribed exercises and a healthy diet.

Arm lift cosmetic surgery at bodySCULPT® is beneficial to correct heavy upper arms which are largely a consequence of aging, heredity, and weight loss wherein the skin in the upper arms did not tighten and became lax.

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Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Mark Steinolad

Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises –

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Biceps are most likely the foremost overworked muscle while in the arm, this really is no bad thing obviously. The bad thing comes if your biceps are trained at the cost of any tricep training.

To essentially get big arm muscles you must be working out both your biceps and then your triceps.

The right workout for getting yourself big arm muscles may be to perform a high intensity circuit of bicep exercises and tricep exercises.

We have found one I recommend to beginners:

First of all hit the biceps. You are going to want to perform standing dumbbell curls with a weight with which it is possible to do between 8 and 10 reps.

Upon having completed the standing dumbbell curls then you definitely should jump into doing preacher curls. These preacher curls should really be for similar volume of reps but really should be used with a slightly lighter weighted dumbbell.

Remember when you have completed your reps to alternate your arm and perform an identical reps with the opposite arm.

These two bicep exercises put consecutively really should be enough to help increase your bicep size.

But don’t rest just yet, you will still have to work those triceps in order to get full arm growth.

You now are going to want to execute overhead tricep extensions again with a weight were you can do 8-10 reps for.

Once you are done with this you are going to get down into Tricep Dips, either at a dipping machine or on the edge of a bench.

Here you will perform as numerous repeitions that you can until you stop.

And that is exactly it, hopefully with this workout your triceps and biceps definitely will feel it big time. If you find you start to get through this easily then toss in yet another superset, for example concentration curls, tricep extensions etc. Use your imagination!

About the Author

Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss

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Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss

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FAZZ Top Bicep Exercises Without Weights – Chinup Variations – – – – – – – chinups pullups chin ups and pull up bar workout Best Fast plyos Chin-ups levers hammer grip proper form work out with no weights only without gym at home barbell 21s training Dumbells 21’s dumbbells preachers…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Firm Arms Exercises

July 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Summer is fast approaching. Its time to wear tank tops, bathing suits and sleeveless dresses. Flabby arms won’t be so good to look at. We all have the right to bare arms. Workout and a good diet plan will give you the best results.

The right exercise is the solution. Listed here are three good workouts: Latere Pull Downs, Tricep Dumbbell Extension and Bench Dips. These exercises emphasize or target the arm areas. All these exercises focuses the back of the arm and upper back, and are essential for good posture too.

Lat Pull down

Sit on a bench or on a ball where your hips are higher than your knees. Do this 12-15 times or each exercise. Squeeze to the shoulder blades while pulling down. Make sure that your elbowas are positioned tight to your body. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise. Breathe in and breathe out as you take down the handles.

With a bar or with split grips doesn’t matter because it’s still going to make your arms firm.

Arm, Tricep Dumbell Extension

Hold one end of the dumbbell in one hand. Take up the dumbbell over your head by stretching the arm. Next, gently lower the dumbbell at the back of your head by flexing your elbow. As soon as you feel the stretch in your triceps, take a pause. Press the dumbbell back up until your arm is fully extended. Do the same on the other arm.

Bench Dips

Sit on the edge of a bench with hands on the bench and feet on the floor. You can have your legs straight or slightly bent. Push off the edge of the bench with the hands. To support your whole body, use both hands and feet. Take your body down as far as you can then push back up to starting position. Maintain a straight back throughout the movement and keep your head looking forward.

For firm arms, you need to work on it.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re at home or at the gym, what’s important is doing the right exercise. Good results come from a good exercise and a good diet plan.

Bob Brendon has created a cool website for anyone who would like to get excellent weight loss results. His articles on how to exercises for flabby arms and how to lose weight are designed to help you start burning fat and losing weight quicker than you ever thought possible. Visit

Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms!

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Mike Balone

Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms! – Health – Fitness

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Here are a few great bicep workouts that many beginners seem to over look when starting out at the gym. First, your bicep is broken up into 3 different parts, and different exercises work different sides of the muscle. I see so many guys at the college gym come in and go straight for the 2 armed cable curls then after 5 sets they are done, all because they got that “pump” that they were looking for. Don’t get me wrong, I love the feeling of a rock hard pumped muscle after a good workout, however, this really is not getting you great results.Try adding these exercises into your weekly bicep workout and I guarantee you will notice the difference in strength and size.

1. Seated 2 Arm Dumbbell CurlThis is definitely one of the staple bicep workouts, however it seems to be neglected by so many people. Seated on a bench, grab 2 moderate weight dumbbells, with your arms at your side, elbows at your side, and hands forward, simply raise both dumbbells up to your chest. Try to count 1-2-3 on the way back down to ensure a good negative. You want to do 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Remember the key things to focus on is to sit up straight, and never swing your elbows around, don’t cheat your muscles, it will not get you any results. Also, try this exercise while sitting on a large yoga ball. This technique will help with working you core and stability muscles. Result, toned abs the ladies will love.

2. 1 Arm Cable CurlsFor these bicep workouts, focus on keeping your arm nice and close to your body with your elbow at your side. This exercise specifically gives a great contraction at the top of your bicep. The key to this exercise over barbell curls is that each bicep has to pull its weight. Do 8-10 reps and then switch arms. Beginners only go max 2 sets and advanced go 3 sets.

3. Seated Concentrated CurlsThis exercise will focus the muscle groups. Put your elbow so that it rests just below your inner thigh. Use full extension of the bicep and nice slow negatives on the way down. Remember just like any exercise, if you cheat yourself on your bicep workouts, you wont get the results. This exercise is a great way to finish your arms off for the day. Do 8-10 reps, and 3 sets.

Another thing to remember is that you can alternate between regular bicep curls and hammer curls. In case you don’t know a hammer curl is used in all of the same workouts as stated above, but instead of having your hands facing forward with the dumbbells in them, face your hands to your sides. A great advantage of doing hammer curls as well is that it works more specifically on the outside of the bicep, as well as your forearms.

I hope that this has been insightful to many of you beginners.Thanks.

For more Free tips and tricks to get the best bicep workouts ever by the biggest body building and nutrition experts around. Also, Simply Click Here! for your Free Copy of “Insider Secret of a Lean Body”

About the Author

For more FREE information, tips, and tricks on muscle building go to Mike’s Fitness Review

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For more FREE information, tips, and tricks on muscle building go to Mike’s Fitness Review

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How to Get Toned Arms for Women

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by N. Brown

How to Get Toned Arms for Women – Health – Fitness

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Who wants flabby arms when you can have sexy toned arms like Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Obama, or Madonna? If you are looking for ways how to get toned arms, it can be easily accomplished by strength training at the gym or training at home using hand weights or without using weights at all!The GymMost women avoid strength training with weights because they fear they will bulk up like a man. While this is an honest concern, there is no need to fear about this problem because women don’t have the testosterone levels to build huge muscle mass like men. Also, although cardio workouts are great for overall fat burning, if you want to get rid of flabby arms and learn how to get toned arms, strength training is key.

Unfamiliar with an upper body routine to help tone those flabby arms? Inquire at the front desk of your gym to see if you can get a personal trainer to guide you around the fitness floor and show you how to correctly use the weight machines using proper form. Even better, sign up for a one-on-one personal training session and get an arm workout routine that’s customized for you.

If you rather not use the weight machines to get rid of your flabby arms, you can still get toned by using hand weights. However, if you are unfamiliar with arm workout routines using hand weights, as with the weight machines, get a one-on-one personal training session (even if it’s just one) for different upper body workouts using proper form. Exercise at Home with WeightsWho says you need a health membership to a gym to learn how to get toned arms? Exercise at home for your arm workout rotuines and easily shape up those flabby arms in private. If you can afford an exercise machine like a Bowflex, great! If not, that’s OK too because you can get toned arms just the same using hand weights.

To begin, purchase some hand weight sets you can comfortably lift for your arm workout routines. For example, 3 lbs, 5 lbs, and 8 lbs weights are good to start with and as you build up upper body strength, gradually increase the weights. It’s also a good idea to purchase a pair of fitness gloves to help give you a better grip around the weights and to prevent calluses.

Once more, if you don’t know what arm workout routines to do using hand weights, hire a personal trainer to show you how to get toned arms. To add, you can buy fitness dvds geared towards body sculpting, cardio sculpting, or upper body strength training and you can search online for “how to” videos for arm workouts like on YouTube, Vimeo, or Videojug.How to Get Toned Arms Without WeightsIf you want to learn ways how to get toned arms without using weights, below are some arm workout routines you can do using your own body weight. However, the key to toning up your flabby arms using your own body weight is to do lots of repetitions and to do these exercises often. Here are some arm workout exercises to do without weights:

•Tricep Dips either on the floor or by using a chair •Bicep Curls •Push-ups such as normal push-ups, wide push-ups, diamond push-ups, one-arm push-ups, twist push-ups, elevated feet push-ups, diver bomber push-ups, Plyometric Clap push-ups, Spiderman push-ups, Marine push-ups, etc.•Arm circles •Chin-ups •Pull ups

Learning how to get toned arms is easy! However, why not learn how to get a toned and lean body too? For more information how to live a healthy lifestyle and learn how to get toned, burn fat, and build muscle, visit The Thin Lifestyle blog today!

About the Author

N. Brown is a blogger, freelance writer, and affiliate marketer

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N. Brown is a blogger, freelance writer, and affiliate marketer

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Related Arm Exercises Women Articles

Exercises for Flabby Arms

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Older women usually get flabby arms. This is easy to fix. With these simple moves, you’ll be able to have those sexy arms back. You’ll notice the difference and soon you can confidently wear those tank tops.

First step is the ball push up. Get an average size 8 inch diameter ball. Go down on your knees and place your hips in a play position. Make sure that you keep your abdominals tight. The target of this workout is your arms, chest and shoulders. Press the ball down and bring it back up. Breath in and out as you move down and up. Remember to keep your abs tight. Do this in 15 repetitions.

You will need one dumbbell for the next routine. Go down on both knees and place one hand on the ground, Get your abs tight and your shoulders over the wrist. Hold the dumbbell with your other hand. Raise your left leg up. Raise the dumbbell upward and hinge from your elbow then tighten the your triceps at the back of your arm. Hinge back up and down gently. Keep your shoulders steady while doing this. Repeat this 12-15 times on each arm.

You’ll also be needing dumbbells for the third exercise. The biceps and triceps are the muscles in the arms that you need to work on. Holding the dumbbells, stand up with feet hip width apart. Move the dumbbells up and down. Do the same 12-15 times. Put the dumbbells at your side. Do not swing the dumbbells.

You will need a chair for your final exercise. Any chair at home that is stable will do. Sit on the edge, palms down and fingetips facing your knees. Move your bottoms up fom the chair and with bent elbows, slide down on an imaginary wall. Move up and down. At the back of your arms is where you’ll feel the impact. This will also have an impact on your abs and shoulders. Also do 12-15 repetitions. Do this simple exercises twice a week and keep it for a month and you’ll see the difference.

Bob Brendon Stomach Flattening Exercises
Lose Fat Exercises

The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Rick Porter

The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms – Health – Supplements and Vitamins

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The most trained muscle in the gym is the biceps. They are the best muscle to show off in a t-shirt (tight shirt) and they give the immediate appearance of strength. There are numerous biceps building exercises to choose from and the biggest mistake is picking the wrong ones and doing too many of them.

The reason most guys have arms that don’t grow is because they have the wrong idea about how to build huge arms. For some reason early on we are taught that more is better but I can tell you that those rules does not work when you try to use them with arm training. If you do too many exercises and sets and your arms will not be able to recover in between workouts and they will never grow. To build your biceps all you really need is two exercises. These two muscle building exercises will change the way your arms look forever.

The Close Grip Reverse Chin UpThe first of the muscle building exercises that you must use to grow massive biceps is the close grip reverse chin up. Don’t be fooled that this is simply a pull up with a reverse grip. It will make your arms grow faster than curls. Set your hands only about 6 to 8 inches apart rather than taking a wide grip. Anytime you do an exercise where you physically have to move your body through space your muscles are forced to work harder and will adapt quicker.That is why exercises like squats, deadlifts, chin ups, and dips work so well at gaining muscle mass. Do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of reverse chin ups. Pull yourself up as fast as you can and lower yourself down slower with a count of about 2 seconds. Rest about 2 minutes in between sets and hit another set. If you can do more than 6 to 8 reps it’s time to add some resistance. You’ll need one of those belts with a chain around it to strap plates on. If you don’t have one of these you can cross your feet and put a small dumbbell hanging from them. Or get some rope and tie a couple plates around your waist. Add just enough resistance so that you are hitting the 6 to 8 repetition range.

Standing Bicep Barbell CurlThis is pretty self explanatory, just a straight or cambered curl bar with some weights on the end. The best muscle building exercises are usually the simplest movements with free weights. Strict form is the essential part of a barbell curl if you want them to do something for you. Keep your back straight with your elbows tight to your sides. Don’t use momentum to get the weight started up. If you need to swing the weight up then check your ego and lower the weights. You want your biceps to be hurting at the completion for the set rather than your lower back and shoulders. Do 4 sets of this for 6 to 8 reps. Remember that the form is really the key here because you are looking for maximum biceps stimulation. Once you get to 6 or 7 really strict reps you can cheat on 1 to get to number 8 but that’s it.

Increase the Resistance ConsistentlyThis is a simple workout and simple works the best. If you stick to this for six weeks your biceps will grow fast but you need to make sure you are consistently increasing the weight and always trying to perform more repetitions. Don’t do the same amount of work each time you hit the gym. The best way to make sure you always push a little harder is by keeping a workout journal. Keeping a log ensures long term success.

Muscle Building Workouts for the latest workout programs to gain muscle mass and how to get ripped fast or find prohormones to buy the best prohormones and legal steroid reviews.

About the Author

I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.

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Rick Porter

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I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.

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