Get Rid Of Flab Arms For Women Fast

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Wendy Jane

Females feel it move whenever they shake hands, they feel it jiggle when they wave hello and they feel it wiggle when they brush their teeth and good bye-it’s their unwanted, unsightly, flabby arms. Flabby arms are usually caused by extra fat build up in the upper back of women’s arms, also known as the location of the triceps muscles. You can get rid of these sagging arms by doing some workouts for your triceps muscle.

When doing most of these exercises, you require a great pair of dumbbells. In order to determine what weight would be best to use, keep in mind that lighter weights are much better for toning when paired with lots of reps whereas heavier weights are better for bulking up when paired with several repetitions. The right light weight dumbbells weight 2 to 3 pounds, while the heavy ones weigh 6 to 7 lbs. And, you are ready to begin when you’ve decided your aim and selected the right type of dumbbell.

Listed here are some simple yet efficient workouts to aid you work out your triceps and get rid of your flabby arms forever:

Workout 1: While standing, grab a pair of dumbbells and raise your arms straight above your shoulders. Keep your arms facing to the front and gradually bend the forearms backward with the elbows acting as the hinge. You should keep your shoulders and upper arms steady and your back straight. The forearms are lowered until they become parallel to the floor. When you reach this position, take a single breath, and then gradually straighten out your arms, taking them to your initial position.

Exercise 2: Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie face up on a flat surface. Keep your arms straight above your head, the palms facing towards each other and then slowly the elbows are bent. Keep your upper arms in exactly the same position while lowering your hands and arms. The forearms are lowered until they are horizontal to the floor at around 45 degree. After a single breath in this position, gradually straighten your arms and again bring them back to their initial position.

Exercise 3: Get a set of dumbbells, keep the palms facing inwards and keep your arms hanging at the sides. Slightly arch your torso forward, until you are a comfortable bend, and then raise your elbows upwards towards the ceiling until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Keeping the back strong and the upper part of the arm steady, straighten up your forearms so that your whole arm forms a straight-line until your shoulder. After a single breath in this position, slowly straighten up your arms and again bring them back to their initial position. When doing this exercise, you can raise the level of difficulty by trying to reach back as far and as high as you can with your arms while still maintaining exactly the same position throughout the rest of your body.

Get results starting today – Get Rid of Flabby Arms

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Go From Flab Arms to Sexy Arms In 4 Easy Steps

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by William Onedge

Flabby arms have a way of making a person feel insecure, even if they are not overweight. They can ruin your day, and put a damper on your entire sense of being. It’s amazing how something that seems so insignificant can do so much damage. Luckily, all of that can be changed.

When you go from flabby arms to sexy arms, your life will seem better, and everything will look good on you. To make it a reality, you’ll need to first start making simple changes in your diet. Is your diet loaded with carbs? Most likely, it is because unfortunately, people do not know how to eat these days. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Bad carbs consist of mostly refined sugars and junk foods such as candy, cakes, ice cream, white bread, and potato chips. Good carbs consist of food containing more nutritional value such as bananas, apples, wheat bread, wheat noodles, and all vegetables.

1.) To get rid of flabby arms, there is no doubt that you have got to stop consuming so many bad carbs. Pay attention to your beverages as well. If you drink a lot of soda and artificial juice, your body will continue to hold onto fat. To get rid of flabby arms, you have to change your eating habits by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

By making a few simple changes in your diet, you should start to notice that your arms shrink considerably, especially over the first couple of weeks. Although you will be experiencing fat loss, you will still have to do something about that flab. Having flabby arms is what makes it all so unattractive. To put an end to this, you are going to have to exercise.

2.) Triceps and biceps exercises should be enough to take care of the flab. Keep in mind from the very beginning that you’ll have to stay persistent in your efforts to see positive results. Biceps curls are a great way to decrease some of the flabbiness you may be dealing with. Simply take a bar and some weight you cannot lift anymore than eight to ten times. You want to make sure that the weight on the bar is a bit of a challenge so that you see quicker results. The muscles need to really work hard to tighten up and burn any additional fat you are left with.

3.) Triceps pull downs and kickbacks are another good way to get rid of flabby arms completely. Most people tend to experience flab on the back on of their arms surrounding the triceps area more so than anywhere else. The weight lifted for these exercises also needs to be no more than you can do eight to ten times each. The amount of sets you do should be somewhere in the middle, ranging from around four to seven. Rest is very important when doing flabby arms exercises because that is when the tightening will start to occur. Your muscles cannot tighten and burn fat adequately if no rest is provided. Give your arms about 48 hours of rest before working them again.

4.) Probably you can work your arms about three times per week. Along with the flabby arms exercises, you will need to continue to pay close attention to your diet and practice other methods of fat loss, such as cardiovascular exercise, at least three days per week for about 45 minutes. This type of exercise will help to keep your metabolism up, making it very difficult for your flabby arms to return.

Give your diet and exercise program about a month or two before taking full effect. Before you know it, you’ll have the attractive arms you have always wanted, and everyone will notice. The only difference is that this time, people won’t be looking because they’re disgusted, they’ll be looking because they want to!

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More Flabby Arm Exercise Articles

AIR STEPPER : the best non-impact exerciser you can count on for burning calories and toning legs and core. Swing your arms while you are air-stepping, and you will get a full-body work out and control weight at the same time. 1 year warranty with North American Support and Services.

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Using air resistance to cushion your every step, and much more superior than spring or piston types.
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Product Description
Air Stepper uses patented air power technology to create resistance with every step that you take. It pumps the bellows of the Air Stepper that are located underneath each of the foot pedals. When you exercise on the Air Stepper, air moves between the two bellows and creates resistance that your whole body will benefit from. The Air Stepper uses the power of air, and minimizes the impact and jarring most conventional workout machines would create on your joints and … More >>

AIR STEPPER : the best non-impact exerciser you can count on for burning calories and toning legs and core. Swing your arms while you are air-stepping, and you will get a full-body work out and control weight at the same time. 1 year warranty with North American Support and Services.

The Best Bicep Exercises for Outstanding Arms

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Very regularly the more muscles that are targeted around the body within a workout plan, the better.It is believed that fat often gathers around the top half of a person’s arm, and the act of working out those biceps in particular can help transition that area of the arm into muscle. And, knowing what the best bicep exercises are can prove extremely useful in this case for this especially.

One of the best bicep exercise you can do is said to be alternate curls. When using dumbbells, position each hand so that it hangs close to your sides. Have the ends of the dumbbells pointing away from the front and back of your body.

Then, gradually begin to bring a dumbbell one by one up in the path of the shoulder, while keeping the palms facing the ceiling while you raise the barbells up. As the pressure should be focused on the bicep region, it’s best to bring the dumbbells close to but not actually let them to come into contact with the shoulder. Either in by standing or sitting down using an exercise bench, you can execute alternating curls.

Keeping the tension on the biceps while performing this exercise is vital. Therefore, the wrists and elbows should be doing most of the work and never the back muscles.Next, on the list of exercises considered to be one of the best bicep exercises out there is drag curls. Barbells are essentially used instead of dumbbells with similar range of motion as you would do when doing alternating curls.

This is an exercise that should be performed while standing up.

There is also the reverse version of the barbell curl which is considered to be amongst the best bicep exercises. What it entails is for your palms to be facing down and bringing the bar up to your chest.

Hammer curls with a cable rope pulling machine is another one of the best bicep exercises to work out the arms.Take a hold of the handle of the cable standing up, and with your elbows and palms by your sides bring it up.

To make certain that the back does not get harmed refrain from rocking.

The best bicep exercises is really what you find to be the most ideal exercise for you. Through practicing these exercises regularly, you are bound to find your arms appearing more toned and muscular than ever before.

For the total scoop on Best Bicep Exercises make sure you visit: Best Bicep Workouts

Jeremy Thomas prides himself by keeping his body fit and healthy on a regular basis. If you’d like to find out about a great product that he recommends, check out: Blast Your Biceps Book

Lean Arms Vs Horseshoe Looks: Find Out the best arm workouts

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Jack Bush

A lot of information about the best arm workouts for building muscle mass is available on the internet and in magazines. Opting for the best is the tough part. You will need to follow some simple paths, however. The demand for the best arm workout can be fulfilled if you focus upon your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Following are the exercises that are generally practiced by the bodybuilding experts. You can also be a part of the joy they experience from these exercises.Shoulders: To look sinewy and stronger, you must add width to your upper torso by building muscle mass in your shoulder. Try to build a set of traps and delts which will modify your appearance in an amazing way. Five of the best arm workouts that can help you in growing shoulder muscle are:* Low Pulley Front Raises * Shoulder Press* Side Lateral Raises * Shoulder Shrugs* Rear Delts Triceps: The duty of giving the appearance of well developed arms is on the muscles called triceps. In order to improve the triceps, the best arm workouts must consider all three heads of the triceps. Three great exercises that can help you in giving an appealing horseshoe appearance to your arms are:* Tricep Pushdown* Seated Pulley Tricep Extensions * Tricep ExtensionsBiceps: It is not difficult to over train biceps as they are continuously consumed by the body to perform normal daily activities. Performing the exercises with controlled bicep movements is the key to grow the short head and long head of the biceps. Three of the best arm workouts that can help you in growing the biceps are:* Curls on flex machine * Preacher Curls * Lying Pulley CurlsTo develop some muscle mass and make your arms look appealing, you can take the help of the above mentioned best arm workouts. You are recommended to practice these exercises only once each week. It is not a healthy act to over train your muscles. Six to seven days are enough for the body to take rest between the exercises. Remember that it is not difficult to over train these muscles as they are continuously consumed by the body to perform normal daily activities. Your body will get enough time to restore itself from the favourable stresses generated by exercising. Also, you should perform your sets in a slow and steady manner. At least two minutes are enough for the body to take rest between the sets. It is recommended to practice not more than six sets and each set should comprise of no more than eight reps.Do you want to look for more information about fast muscle building tips? Please visit the muscle gaining program. They are proven programs of step-by-step guide to help you build muscle mass quickly. Please click the reviews for more…Click the Delmonte no nonsense muscle building to read more.Click the Truth about building muscle review to read more.Read the 7 Minute Muscle Review for more.

If you want to find more information about muscle building programs, Please check it out at muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review for more.

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Best Triceps Exercises for Visually Appealing Arms

December 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Having a good set of muscular arms can be a striking representation of toughness, and this is definitely one area that should be included in a proper weight lifting regime.

Often the case is that the front area of the arms known as the biceps regularly receive the most focus, where the triceps can be occasionally left out. Having a better understanding of what the best triceps exercises actually are can ensure that this problem does not happen.

It’ll help a great deal more once you understand more about the best triceps exercises. Conducting what is known as the close grip bench press is understood to be one of the best triceps exercises around.

With your back resting on a flat exercise bench, take a firm grip of the barbell adjusting both hands at about just less than shoulder width apart and then press the barbell up where it’s three inches or so away from your chest.

During this process, be sure to keep those elbows tucked into the body. Even with having a narrow grip the elbows can begin to part. What happens though is instead of exercising those triceps, the chest muscles wind up doing much of the work which really defeats the purpose of this exercise.

Secondly, there are French presses which can be used as one of the best triceps exercises.

What this exercise entails is with your back lying flat on an exercise bench have your arms bent holding the barbell just in front of your forehead. The exercise needs to be done while maintaining good form, and keeping those elbows right by your sides. Or else those chest muscles are the ones which become targeted more than the triceps.

Another option with this exercise is to use dumbbells instead of barbells.

This can be explained where if one hand is more capable than the other, the stronger arm can take care of the heavier weight. With the example of the weight being 120lbs and the stronger arm lifting 70lbs while the opposite one takes on 40lbs.

Tricep kickbacks come as one other of the best triceps exercises to do. Lean forward while standing having your body be parallel to the floor.With one dumbbell in hand, bend the elbow to a 90 degree angle, and have your arm come backwards so that it becomes straight. And, then return it to the initial position.

For the most benefits keep those triceps tensed. Then, continue to carry out the process once more with the alternative arm after you’ve done so for a steady amount of sets. It might be easier doing this while making use of a bench to support your other arm and leg.

This can also aid to relieve some of the tension from the back area also.Always remember that the triceps are a critical muscle group to workout, and mustn’t be overlooked. The triceps should go side by side with workouts of the biceps.

For the total scoop on Best Triceps Exercises make sure you visit: Best Triceps Exercises for Mass

Jeremy Thomas prides himself by keeping his body fit and healthy on a regular basis. If you’d like to find out about a great product that he recommends, check out: Blast Your Biceps

Find More Best Triceps Exercises Articles

Flabby Arms Exercises

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Waving and then stopping but the arms keep moving. Not a really a nice picture right? Then how do you get rid of loose and flabby arms? It is very easy Routine and the right eating habits is the solution. Problem is, not really all people have time to check out the gym. Here are some ways on how you can get rid of flabby arms in just with a minimum time spent. This is a very easy routine that may help you lose your loose and flabby arms. You’ll be able to execute this in the privacy of your place, in the office or perhaps at the shopping line.

All you should do is extend your arms down at your side and then tighten up your arms and push back. Remember not to push too far back. If you are new to this, try to begin by placing your hands up against the wall and try to keep your rib cage elevated. Tighten up your arms and hands facing the wall. Push your palms back up against the wall.

After that you can sense beneath your arm tightening up. Hold that for a couple seconds and take a deep breath. Relax the arms and shake them out. Repeat this twice. If you are sitting on a chair and have those arm rests, put your arms up against the arm rest and press your palms against tit. To begin, you’ll need some type of resistance to feel your muscles tighten up so you will need to push back against anything. When you get used to it, you can do this even while you are standing at the grocery line. Tighten the arms and push back gently and no one will notice that you’re performing an routine. With your arms hanging out, again keep the rib cage fully elevated and take a slow deep breath. And don’t forget to stretch out. You’ll need some stretching out considering that the arms could possibly feel tightly held. Bend your elbows and slowly and gradually raise it upward. You could then sense the under the arms extending. Keep that that is at least 15 seconds.

Absolutely no regular membership charge and no need to check out the gym. This exercise will tighten up your arms quickly in just five minutes a day.

Bob Brendon– exercises for flabby arms — how to lose weight

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