5 Reasons Fitness Boot Camps Are Awesome Workouts For Everyone

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Katy Fitness Challenge

5 Reasons Fitness Boot Camps Are Awesome Workouts For Everyone – Health – Fitness

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Fitness boot camps are just like any other fitness class, your showing up to it because you want good direction in an energetic motivating atmosphere, right? You also don’t want to workout 10 hours a week for specific results – How can you get the basics done in minimum time?

Katy boot camps allow you to mix serious strength training exercises with a cardiovascular routines of anaerobic and aerobic activities. Katy Boot Camps focus on the entire body’s fitness from the core out… Use this link to visit the Katy Boot Camp company, www.katyfitnesschallenge.com. You can also join ‘Katy FitnessChallenge’ on Facebook and KatyBootCamp on Twitter for special promos!

First, Boot Camp Rocks because you workout at YOUR PERSONALIZED FITNESS LEVEL!

Anyone is capable of finishing boot camp though everyone will be challenged! It does not matter how unfit or fit you are, you Can Be successful in Boot Camp. If the group is performing pushups, one person may be using a wall instead of the ground for their pushup which makes it hugely easier. A pushup can be done on your toes, knees, bench, wall, or various ways to personalize it for the individual being trained. The entire group may be doing pushups but different folks may be doing very different kinds of pushups. This allows us to all get fit in a personalized way. It also constantly leaves room to challenge yourself each day!

Secondly, Fitness is way more fun as a group, so long as it’s the right group:)

You’ll find Katy Fitness Boot Camps to be a motivating environment yet fun and challenging too. They are fast paced energetic workouts that you will not want to miss. The group will quickly become ‘your friends’, and your friends will not let you skip class. Fitness is more fun when accountability to fitness is a second thought… you sign up, you show up, you have fun, you get really fit. We really can ‘only’ say enough about how important ‘Accountability’ is to your workout by showing it to you….. & we will!

Third, Boot Camp Rocks Because You Work Your Arss Off!!!

It’s true, boot camp is definitely not easy for anyone! There is absolutely NO way to loaf through a workout. Don’t get freaked out – remember, anyone can complete boot camp- seriously!!! But, it’s not easy for anyone. The good part is that you don’t have to think too much about your workouts not being enough to benefit your body. These workouts will absolutely be challenging though simultaneously very rewarding.

Making New Friends is only 4th here because this isn’t ranked in order of importance:)

Seriously though – making new friends is not as basic as it sounds. For example, some of my friends enjoy running, as do I…. but there’s not a lot of people that enjoy running 12 by 400’s on your 5k pace w/ 45 seconds recovery after each 400, after a 4 mile warm up including drills, w/ a recovery of a few miles afterward. Those kinds of friends are what I call special friends. They are not easy to get together as a group either! Ive actually just moved to Katy and I still have not found many of those kinds of friends yet, for running anyways:) Specialized groups such as this Boot Camp group or the KatyFit running group make specialized fitness more possible for everyone – especially with their reasonable price tags! On that note… I’ve heard KatyFit is awesome – I’ll have to join! No matter what workout awaits you in boot camp – your fellow recruits will be alongside you, waiting for the punishment with you – you’ll be able to finish the workout because your doing it as a group – you wouldn’t let them stop and they won’t let you stop.

Fifth – Katy Boot Camp is A COMPLETE PACKAGE for only $ 49 per month

You get fit from the very real strength training mixed with cardio, mixed with nutrition guidance, mixed with Boot Camp Book that you follow along with, mixed with additional guidance that you receive, etc etc – you get the point… Boot camp is 3-5 weekly hours of group training mixed alongside a little extra work and good common sense that’s delivered well to you on a daily basis from your instructor. You’ll even be called at home if you start skipping or have a tough day and perhaps need encouragement. Katy boot camp works because it’s the real thing – it’s good hard work mixed with good education. When your results come surprisingly soon – you’ll have no more trouble staying motivated!

About the Author

Katy Fitness Challenge offers Katy Boot Camp groups for everyone at $ 49 monthly boot camps are awesome! Katy Fitness Boot Camps

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Katy Fitness Challenge offers Katy Boot Camp groups for everyone at monthly boot camps are awesome! Katy Fitness Boot Camps

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Awesome Diet Plans For Women To Get In Shape

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Eating a healthy, balanced diet would be more practical if you prefer to shed pounds easily. In some other way, numerous guys carry out serious exercise routine and on the other way, there might be great diet plans for women designed to improve one’s body shape as well as slim down in healthy means. In actual fact, it is easy to get slimmer much faster by just merely going after a suitable diet and still sustain good stamina and muscle mass.

Now, while talking about nutritious diet and recognizing the optimal way to ingest your meals, it might be a a bit challenging step on your goal to shed weight. You may choose to consider the fruit diet that permits you to clean out toxins that were brought about by a lot of fat intake and it aids in clearing the blood vessels for more efficient blood flow. Somehow, you might consider the mediterranean diet which is made up of fruit, vegetables, grains, poultry and fish, some meat, red wine, and olive oil.

Nevertheless, we couldn’t deny that one of the great means on how to lose weight fast is trying out terific workouts. Eating too much without any form of training is certain to get you gain excess fat. So to have a greater and quick result, you should incorporate your healthy lifestyle with a daily exercise regime.

If you really have an interest to get thinner and far healthier, you must do it in a healthy means without taking your health in peril just over reducing some weight. By means of undertaking exercise program and proper nutrition, many individuals was able to reach their weight loss aims.

Motivation is the real key to success on how to lose weight fast. You just need to adhere to every step of your plan and never permit anything distract you out of your goals if you want to lose weight really fast. Certainly, it is not easy however it is not that hard to do. It will just take adequate endurance as well as perseverance and joy throughout the whole procedure so you wont get bored and definitely succeed in the end.

Sick and tired of typical process on how to lose weight fast? Stress no more! We will tell you extra tips on how to make you have a very fabulous body. Just pay a visit to our website and discover numerous workouts and superb diet plans for women that could develop one’s body shape and shed weight in healthy approach.

More How To Get In Shape Fast For Women Articles

Totalee Awesome: A Complete Guide to Body-Building Success

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
In this comprehensive handbook, Lee Haney, current Mr. Olympia, reveals his training techniques and nutritional secrets for bodybuilding success. Aspiring bodybuilders as well as fitness fanatics will respond to his easy-to-follow method. 80 photographs…. More >>

Totalee Awesome: A Complete Guide to Body-Building Success

Awesome Chest Exercises For Men

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Jared DiCarmine

So what are some great chest exercises for men? Well to be honest there are a ton of chest exercises out there that are really awesome for guys to do to build up their Pecs but it all really depends on you. For example you have to look at your past exercise history, what you have done before, what you currently are doing in the gym to build up your chest muscles, if you have any injuries, and what your goals are. If you goal is to strictly lose belly fat, then I wouldn’t really worry about building up your chest muscles. But if your goal is to really build up your body and add mass and size to your frame, then this article is perfect for you. I have been very lucky in that I haven’t had to do much to build up my chest. I guess I was blessed with good genetics, however my arms suck! Now when you look at biomechanics, usually if you’re arms aren’t that well developed, especially in the triceps then you usually have a pretty decent looking chest. This is because in any pressing movements that are horizontal, the shoulder, triceps and Pecs all come into play. If you have weak triceps, then your chest will be doing most of the movement and vice versa. So if you find yourself with good triceps but a small chest then you’ll have to make some modifications to the exercises. The one thing you can automatically do is take a wider grip on any type of bench pressing movement. The wider grip will take your triceps out of the movement and increase a lot of the stress on your chest. Just be careful though not to use a lot of weight because the extra long grip places a tremendous stress across your shoulders and chest. The one movement that I would absolutely stay away from is the class bench press. In the U.S. the bench press for some stupid reason is known as the king of all upper body exercises. That’s garbage in my opinion and a lot of other strength coach’s opinion. What young, inexperienced, and bonehead gym rats won’t tell you is that the bench press is the NUMBER ONE exercise responsible for tearing people’s Pecs and ripping off their tendons at the insertion points on the humerus. Not the best exercise to be doing to hit your chest. So what I’m going to give you is some exercises that are safe but extremely effective in building up your chest without having to worry about injury. Now before you do any sort of chest workout, I want you to pre-exhaust them with machine flies or what some old school guys like to call the pec deck. By pre exhausting your chest muscles, they’ll be forced to work that much harder throughout your workout and not allow the pesky triceps to come into play and take over the movement. Remember, we are not trying to bench a lot of weight, we are trying to stimulate your Pecs and that’s it. So what I want you to do is 3 sets of 12-15 reps on the machine chest fly and squeeze at the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds for each rep.Chest Exercise #1: Incline Smith Machine PressesSince your chest is already pre-exhausted and slightly fatigued, we are going to hit it hard with the incline smith machine press, but we’re going to add a little twist to the exercise. I want you to set up an incline bench in the smith machine rack. You’ll get under the bar and make sure to take a normal grip slightly shoulder width apart. When you un-rack the bar and lower it, I want it to be in line with your neck. The reason for this is because it’s going to provide the deepest level of range of motion and biggest stretch. The deeper the range of motion the more muscle fibers you stimulate. Now when you press the weight up, I want you to make believe you have a giant rubber band around your elbows and want to pull your elbows in towards the center. So when you press up, “push” your elbows in towards the center and squeeze the living day lights out of your chest. You won’t be using much weight and won’t need to use much weight to get an awesome contraction for this exercise. Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps. Chest Exercise #2: Weighted Raised PushupsPushups often get overlooked when it comes to chest exercises for men. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they are so simple to perform that people overlook them. But what many don’t realize is that they are one of the most effective exercises for your upper body and one of the safest too. Plus you can add resistance to make it really hard. If you have a partner that trains with you, you can have him place a weighted plate on top of your back or a dumbbell and hold it there. If you don’t you can grab some weighted chains from the local hardware store and wrap them around your torso to provide the extra resistance. You’ll also want to grab two dumbbells to elevate you off the floor during your sets. This ensures a deeper range of motion. So you’ll get in a normal pushup position, slowly lower yourself all the way down and explode back up squeezing your chest together at the top. Again we want a peak contraction to really stimulate those fibers. Slowly lower yourself again and repeat the same process. With pushups, I like to go to failure and test my endurance. So do 3-4 sets to absolute failure on each set. Chest Exercise #3: Flat Dumbbell Press With BandsThis exercise is a serious killer. What you’re going to do is a flat dumbbell press but you’re going to hook up jump stretch bands to the dumbbell and have the band anchored to the floor. So when you press the weights up, the resistance gets a lot tougher. This is called accommodating resistance and goes hand in hand with your strength curve. You’re of course stronger at the top portion of the movement, but that’s where all the resistance will be. When you lower the weight, make sure to do it in a controlled fashion and resist the pull of the bands. Make sure to lower the weights all the way down and get a deep stretch at the bottom portion of the movement. From there, activate your chest and press back up with a peak contraction at the top. When you hit failure on your last set, un-hook the bands and just rep out with the dumbbells till failure. All I want you to do is 2 sets for this exercise for 10 reps and then to failure on the last set with just the dumbbells. All in all, these 3 exercises above are definitely some great chest exercises for men. You can’t go wrong with these and this workout that I provided above. Try it today and I guarantee your chest will be screaming at you for the next couple of days.

I hope you like this article. Check out my other site here that’s all about how tolose love handles. Just click this link now, http://www.howtolose-lovehandles.com

More Dumbbell Exercises For Men Articles

Awesome Diet Plans For Women To Get In Shape

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Eating a healthy, balanced diet would be more practical if you prefer to shed pounds easily. In some other way, numerous guys carry out serious exercise routine and on the other way, there might be great diet plans for women designed to improve one’s body shape as well as slim down in healthy means. In actual fact, it is easy to get slimmer much faster by just merely going after a suitable diet and still sustain good stamina and muscle mass.

Now, while talking about nutritious diet and recognizing the optimal way to ingest your meals, it might be a a bit challenging step on your goal to shed weight. You may choose to consider the fruit diet that permits you to clean out toxins that were brought about by a lot of fat intake and it aids in clearing the blood vessels for more efficient blood flow. Somehow, you might consider the mediterranean diet which is made up of fruit, vegetables, grains, poultry and fish, some meat, red wine, and olive oil.

Nevertheless, we couldn’t deny that one of the great means on how to lose weight fast is trying out terific workouts. Eating too much without any form of training is certain to get you gain excess fat. So to have a greater and quick result, you should incorporate your healthy lifestyle with a daily exercise regime.

If you really have an interest to get thinner and far healthier, you must do it in a healthy means without taking your health in peril just over reducing some weight. By means of undertaking exercise program and proper nutrition, many individuals was able to reach their weight loss aims.

Motivation is the real key to success on how to lose weight fast. You just need to adhere to every step of your plan and never permit anything distract you out of your goals if you want to lose weight really fast. Certainly, it is not easy however it is not that hard to do. It will just take adequate endurance as well as perseverance and joy throughout the whole procedure so you wont get bored and definitely succeed in the end.

Sick and tired of typical process on how to lose weight fast? Stress no more! We will tell you extra tips on how to make you have a very fabulous body. Just pay a visit to our website and discover numerous workouts and superb diet plans for women that could develop one’s body shape and shed weight in healthy approach.