Lower Back Stretch Exercises

January 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

“Best Alternative Way of Handling Lower Back Pains”

Suffering from body pains particularly at the lower-back part of the body is often keeps us from doing our job well. Lower back pain exercises can help – we might even try doing different stretches and may even try to apply ointments or plastic straps product to relieve the pain. But in spite of these steps we”ve tried, we could notice that we”re still experiencing the persistent pain every now and then. Good thing that the best solution has been found! The best way to naturally relieve lower back pain is finally here! By simply following and continuously performing the technique, it will surely give you a rewarding result.
In just few seconds of doing this new found technique of lower back stretch exercise, this will insure to deliver you the following results. One, it could help you to perform your job better and perform more task in a day without suffering from body pains. Two, it could give you more energy and power to do your daily routine and be fruitful or lively in anything you do. Three, you”ll be more agitated or motivated in doing your job that you”ll be more persevering or persistent to finish all the jobs assigned. Then you”ll still have the energy of having social interactions with your family, friends, and loved ones at the end of the day or during day offs. Being free from body pains will help you boost your attitude and perspective in dealing with different people and performing your job.
So right now, you”re not only after doing your job well but also aiming of having the best time of your life with the people around or with the people you value the most. From trying out this very effective alternative way of lower back exercise, you are rest assured that you will be able to perform the entire task you might want to accomplish in a day experiencing not just a successful job career but a successful relationship with your co-workers, friends, and family. So it”s worthy enough to give some time to try for the best alternative way of relieving the lower-back pain by performing this exercise.
For guidelines and proper steps of performing alternative lower-back exercises, please check http://www.thelowerbackpainexercises.com/ and see the result that you”ve been looking for! In just one click and few seconds of performing the guides provided in the site, you will surely look and feel great in your job performance! No need to take extra effort of doing this exercise technique, the steps is so easy to follow and perform without putting too much time of doing so. You may also perform the warm-up or body check first by assessing or considering the best place or position of doing the right technique. Find out more about Lower Back Pain Exercises.

http://www.thelowerbackpainexercises.com Persisting lower back pains? Lower back Stretch Exercises can help you ease those pains! Find Out the Best reviews on Lower Back Exercise to Guide You through an Effective Relief of Back Pains!

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Lower Back Pain Exercises

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Dan Eitreim

Lower back pain exercises – low back discomfort is incredibly common among people of both sexes (over 80% of us suffer from it), but women especially tend to experience lower back pain thanks to pregnancy, carrying around groceries and kids, plus the ranges of motion required by the different tasks they perform every day.

In order to deal with low back injury, it is important to do stretching and strengthening exercises to help find severe back pain relief and prevent further symptoms.

There are two reasons lower back pain exercises are the best way to relieve and prevent lower back pain:

Exercise helps to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the low back muscles, meaning that the muscles are better able to handle the movements made in the average day.Exercise removes some of the tension from the low back muscles, and the stretches that accompany an exercise program helps to loosen up the muscles

If you are experiencing lower back pain, your first line of treatment should definitely be to do lower back pain exercises to help reduce the pain as well as prevent it from returning. Not only do strengthening and stretching exercises help keep your low back disorder from recurring, but they help speed recovery from any backache you may already have.

As always, consult your family doctor before you start any new program of low back pain exercises.

There are a number of strengthening exercises that you can do, and each one has its specific benefits for your low back. In only 15 minutes a day, these treatments are beneficial to recover from and prevent future injury. The health benefits go well beyond any investment of time or effort:

Abdominal Crunches are great low back pain exercises to help strengthen your core muscles. They help to strengthen and stretch your lower back muscles as much as they do your abdominal muscles. Abdominal support is more important for improved back fitness than most of us realize.

Wall Squats are performed by pretending to sit with your back against the wall and your legs pushing you against the wall to support your weight. This exercise helps to work out your lower back and legs, giving them the strength needed to support your low back.

By raising your leg straight out in front of you and holding it there for 10 seconds, you are working out your upper hamstrings and lower back. You are also stretching your back and legs, and alternating legs ensures that both sides of your body get a thorough workout. This is particularly good as one of the lower back pain exercises you should do on a daily basis.

Pull a knee in to your chest as a stretch to loosen up the muscles in your hamstring and keep your lower back flexible. Alternate knees to loosen up both sides, and make sure to pull the leg tightly and stand straight for the most effective stretch.

Place your feet together and slowly stretch out over your legs and straight down, hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Be gentle, don’t bounce up and down. Just let the stretch happen. This will stretch the lower back muscles and help to improve and straighten your vertebra.

Get down on your hands and knees, and extend an arm straight forward. Extend the opposite leg straight backward, and keep your head steady. Alternate legs. This exercise is perfect to stretch and strengthen the lower back, and will help you build strength and regain mobility.

Lie on your back, knees bent to place your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands at your side and lift your rear end and hips off the floor with your back muscles. Roll as high onto your shoulders as possible, and hold for 10 to 15 seconds.

Lie on your back and bend your knees to place your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders and use your hands and knees to lift your body off the floor to form a table shape. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds before going down to the floor.

If you’ve been suffering from any sort of chronic or acute low back injury, these lower back pain exercises can help you heal and finally find the relief you’ve been looking for!

What if you just can’t get rid of your lower back pain?

I know how hard it can be to try and recover from back discomfort, but if you really want to recover you’ll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well…

This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Severe Back Pain Relief!

Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn even more ways to get lower back pain relief – Again by clicking the link: Lower Right Back Pain.

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Lower Back and Neck Pain – A Look at Their Various Causes

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by James Martin

Lower back and neck pain are certainly typical ailments and the hunt for alternative remedies has steadily grown since we discover the unwished-for results of prescription drugs, like acetaminophen. Natural herbs are one means you’ll be able to choose to assist in countering and alleviating neck and lower back pain.

As stated by the National Pain Foundation, some back and neck nuisance might possibly be induced by inside organs which aren’t even near the backbone or spine. In case you go through consistent or serious ache, get in touch with your doctor or a neurologist to help you locate exactly the reason for the trouble. And even if numerous pure substances obtained from plant sources are regarded as safe, several might have uncomfortable side effects on your body. When thinking about using natural herbs for lower back and neck pain, explore premier health websites to examine potential medicine interactions and precautionary measures.

Lower back pain can be brought forth by exerting too much pressure on the muscle tissues of the posterior part. This takes place when the muscle is torn or excessively elongated owing to straining physical work like lifting or abrupt motion. Quite often, the soreness is confined within a specific region. One more potential reason for lower back pain is actually a herniated disc.

The back comprises discs known as herniates. Herniates feature a tender, interior core which can at times get out due to harm. In case this occurs, force is exercised on the spinal nerve and causes nuisance and a tickling feeling that can be experienced up to the legs completely. Cracks or a late time of life can also have an effect upon the joints that bind the vertebrae in the back. When the vertebrae slide against one another, nerves can be squeezed tightly and cause lower backache.

Neck nuisance is a consequence of disorders with the nerves, connective tissues, muscles, bones, articulations or spinal column. The most widespread causes include physical damage or deterioration on any of these vital constituents, whilst more uncommon causes consist of tumors or contagions.

The most usual reason for neck ache is harm to the muscles and ligaments or connective tissues. Any hasty turning or jerking like that gone through in vehicle hits, sports injury or a collapse can cause nuisance.

Diseases characterized by inflammation such as degenerative joint disease and rheumatism can bear upon the neck by generating rheumatic bone spurs or joint wear and tear, which brings on more marked, continuing nuisance.

As individuals grow older, the discs located in the neck are vulnerable to deterioration, which can lead to disc degeneration. This places strain on the backbone and can bring forth unrelenting neck pain. Other more exceptional reasons for nuisance comprise tumors, contagions, inherited disorders and medical problems, for example myelopathy and stricture.

James Martin recommends natural lower back pain relief methods to enhance the quality of life. Visit his website to buy top-quality natural supplements for relieving muscular, bone and neck pain. Discover the true difference without any usual side effects.

Lower Back Stretch Exercises

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Michael Pugh

“Best Alternative Way of Handling Lower Back Pains”

Suffering from body pains particularly at the lower-back part of the body is often keeps us from doing our job well. Lower back pain exercises can help – we might even try doing different stretches and may even try to apply ointments or plastic straps product to relieve the pain. But in spite of these steps we’ve tried, we could notice that we’re still experiencing the persistent pain every now and then. Good thing that the best solution has been found! The best way to naturally relieve lower back pain is finally here! By simply following and continuously performing the technique, it will surely give you a rewarding result. In just few seconds of doing this new found technique of lower back stretch exercise, this will insure to deliver you the following results. One, it could help you to perform your job better and perform more task in a day without suffering from body pains. Two, it could give you more energy and power to do your daily routine and be fruitful or lively in anything you do. Three, you’ll be more agitated or motivated in doing your job that you’ll be more persevering or persistent to finish all the jobs assigned. Then you’ll still have the energy of having social interactions with your family, friends, and loved ones at the end of the day or during day offs. Being free from body pains will help you boost your attitude and perspective in dealing with different people and performing your job. So right now, you’re not only after doing your job well but also aiming of having the best time of your life with the people around or with the people you value the most. From trying out this very effective alternative way of lower back exercise, you are rest assured that you will be able to perform the entire task you might want to accomplish in a day experiencing not just a successful job career but a successful relationship with your co-workers, friends, and family. So it’s worthy enough to give some time to try for the best alternative way of relieving the lower-back pain by performing this exercise. For guidelines and proper steps of performing alternative lower-back exercises, please check http://www.thelowerbackpainexercises.com/ and see the result that you’ve been looking for! In just one click and few seconds of performing the guides provided in the site, you will surely look and feel great in your job performance! No need to take extra effort of doing this exercise technique, the steps is so easy to follow and perform without putting too much time of doing so. You may also perform the warm-up or body check first by assessing or considering the best place or position of doing the right technique. Find out more about Lower Back Pain Exercises.

http://www.thelowerbackpainexercises.com Persisting lower back pains? Lower back Stretch Exercises can help you ease those pains! Find Out the Best reviews on Lower Back Exercise to Guide You through an Effective Relief of Back Pains!

Want Back Pain Relief – Try Muscle Stretching Exercises

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Dianne M. Buxton

Much back pain is from habitual poor posture either standing and often from sitting as well. Yet you can train yourself for good posture and reap many other health benefits too.

Back pain relief is possible by performing muscle stretching exercises. The source of your back pain is most likely a problem with your posture, or some kind of repetitive motion you do every day. If your pain is sharp and does resolve with rest and icing, you should definitely get checked out by a health care practitioner.

Normally, however, postural pain relief is achieved with muscle strengthening, and gentle and frequent stretches.

A huge lifestyle change is not required, this is something you will find fairly easy to do. It may be your style to simply follow along with a routine on a DVD. I don’t think this is a “woosey” approach at all.

If you’ve decided to learn at home, watch a DVD work out once through, to absorb the pace and the language used. In most cases trainers are not going to use cryptic or clinical nomenclature, but create routines that are extremely user friendly.

It is good to note, however, especially if you are shopping on line, the credentials of the trainers you choose for instruction.

Inspiration counts too! I personally enjoy work outs filmed outdoors because I do not get out to exercise enough as I would like, myself. I’m sure I am not alone in this situation. It’s good for the brain, in fact studies have shown, that persons who get to view greenery and blue sky learn faster and better than those who do not.

(It makes no difference whether they work next to a window and can view the outdoors, or whether they hang a picture in their office.)

Any work out you pick will probably need to be done three times a week to be effective. Once you start, after a few weeks if you start skipping it at all, you will start to remember once again that old stiff feeling that you actually got rid of!

But that is a good sign….your body has changed its perception of ‘normal’.

A whole body work out will include a warm up, and stretches that accommodate your upper back (neck, shoulders, arms, chest), and your mid and low back too.

Back tension pain is not an isolated condition. Visit us and get back pain relief with MUSCLE STRETCHING EXERCISES.

Stretches for Lower Back Pain

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by john gmillano

Lower back problems can easily be very agonizing and can practically render the individual incapable of completing daily matters that usually would be of no concern, however there is a way to minimize this discomfort and this is through performing stretches for low back pain. These kinds of stretching exercises are meant to help loosen the muscle groups in the lower back and make it to where the person is no longer having to deal with the pain on a daily basis. It is essential to note that this may not relieve the pain entirely, however it can help to decrease the pain substantially if the individual keeps up with performing the stretches each day in an effort to loosen up the muscles in the back.

Maybe the best stretching exercise for lower back pain is known as the Cat Stretch. This involves the person getting onto their hands and knees, then simply slowly and gradually arching the spine like a cat would do when they stretch. When exhaling the person should press their spine towards the ground. The key benefits of this stretch is that it is carefully working the muscle groups in the spinal area and is great to do the very first thing each morning in order to have more range of flexibility during the day. And the more one performs exercises, the more unlikely they’re going to have soreness in their lower back during the day.

One more back exercise that many people have found effective is those stretching exercises that stretch the hamstrings. Why is this? Due to the fact many people are experiencing back pain a result of the muscles in their legs not being able to bend with the person. Consider the fact anytime a shoe hurts the feet that most people experience this in their back, the same can be said of stiff and inflexible muscles. With this exercise the individual simply needs to sit down with one leg stretched out to the side, the other leg tucked up close to them. Get hold of the foot and bend over to stretch your hamstrings you are going to feel the lower back area being extended as well. Most people refer to this as a common runner’s stretch. And discover that by performing this each morning before they go to work or just to start their day is a great way in which they lessen the back pain which they feel during the day.

Any time lower back pain makes the day go by slowly and painfully, then the person should make sure that they are doing anything they can so as to help to reduce the pain. You shouldn’t have to take medications or use ice packs when exercises for lower back pain can be implemented to resolve the problem.

Sore back giving you problems again? Many people find relief with stetches for lower back pain. Check out our website today for relief from your back pain.

These are some stretching exercises which can assist in alleviating lower back pain by looseningmuscles through the lower back and more importantly through the legs. A lot of lower back painic caused by tight hamstrings dragging on the lower back.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Three Best Back Exercises Explained

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Tariq Ghazi

In order to be judged as a physically fit individual you have to be an passionate protagonist of back workouts. It truly makes a tremendous difference. They are simple but unluckily there are some who perform them wrongly and do not get the desired results. Lower Back Exercises are a must for all the age groups. The more you exercise your back the better you will feel. The back is the part of your body which can improve by the back exercises. You will feel comfortable in the long run bereft of back pain. We have described a few back exercises and a few guidelines to get the maximum out of these.The dead lift: This exercise is the most favorite among the back exercises. On executing a dead lift you are expending most of the major muscle groups in your body. From the hamstrings, to the hips to the lats, all are participating in this exercise. To perform a dead lift you have to stand in front of the crossbar, go close to it and spread your feet a foot. Take your hands down and hold the bar with both hands, shoulders width apart. Pull the bar up to your waist keeping your legs bent and hands straight. Do these while bringing your back to an upright position. Bend down and keep the bar on the floor. While doing the exercise, make sure that your back is as rigid as possible. This will decrease the risk of an injury by the way of arching your back.One way in which you can gain a complete grip on the bar is to clasp the bar with your hand facing forward and backward respectively.Grip the bar with the hands facing forwards and backwards respectively and you would get the clean grasp.Biceps, deltoids and lats are developed by the chin-up workout. This workout is daunting as it needs one to raise one’s body weight. To do this you will have to pull up a bar with your hands straight and about shoulder width apart. Pull your body up against the bar so that your chin touches it. Count one then lower your body and repeat. A point to remember while doing chin ups you can modify the way you hold the bar from a wide grip to a narrow grip.ly positioned on the machine pull the bar to your chest by stretching out your arms. Hold on to it for one or two seconds before returning to the start position gradually. If you can change your grip while doing this exercise then your back muscles can be exercised in different ways.These are some of the exercises that have been proved effective in making your back strong and keep the back aches at bay. Check for more exercises and strengthen your back muscles.Before you go anywhere now visit Lower Back Exercises. Also take a look at Sciatica Exercises and Fibromyalgia And Exercise for more information.

Tariq Ghazi is a devoted writer

Good Back Exercises Spine

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Angela Rubicsa

The leading beneficial of morning exercise is prefer it invariably going to help you eventually within the day to maintain your fitness level. As a result whenever you do exercise in the morning you grow your metabolism. This increase may last for 24 hours simply by doing Ten mins. exercise in the morning. You’ll find it also tries to sell each day hormone making. Should you at all times start exercising within the morning then your body prepares itself by making hormones ahead of you wake. And these hormones management heart rate, blood flow, and breathing.The Anatomy of the BackKnowing the muscle tissue you happen to be about to work with may be extraordinarily beneficial. Subsequent to the legs, the back contains the highest concentration of muscles within the body structure and for good reason. The back supports the function and movement of all your limbs and has a large range of work that it requires to perform on a routine basis. While the lower back is important, this segment goes to focus primarily on the muscles of the upper back the give you probably the most help to normal lifting and exercising.The primary muscle bodies of the back could be just the latissumus (lats that run from the armpits to the waist and the Trapezius (traps) that commence at the base of the cranium on either side of the neck and stretch to form a diamond form that comes jointly within the center of your back.Low effect aerobic exercise helps the body structure to remain variable and encourages good circulation in the body. It really is thought that this kind of exercise also helps people to stay away from difficulties such as tension fractures, which can regularly be a reason for sciatica pain. Other sciatica agony exercises take on those which strengthen the core, or the abdomen and back. Plenty people have begun doing Pilates as a form of exercise as it helps the body structure to become strong, which hinders injuries of any kind to the back.Set up for these exercises by standing on a box if needed. Otherwise, you can simply soar up to reach the bar. Pull-ups are in the main harder than chin-ups, but the most suitable results are gained should you change from just one exercise to the next. When doing pull-ups, be sure to grip the bar with your palms facing away and your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart. On the other hand, your palms ought to be facing you when you do chin-ups and your hands ought to grip the bar a little less than shoulder width apart.Here are two amazing back exercises: Rows – This works on the Latissimus Dorsi whereas building stronger biceps. Begin by tipping ahead so the higher body is at a 45-degree angle. Then, pull your elbows up even with your system while using weights down at your side.

Jerlene Nighman is an specialist on Good Back Exercises who also reveals strategies florida hurricane,boston business journal,lisa america next top model and other associated topics at TAG Heuer Men s

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Upper Back Pain Exercises That Work – 3 Effective Exercises to Relieve Your Back Pain

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Many health conditions can be minimized with the right exercises. To reduce your upper back pain, exercises will need to be light to moderate to ensure you do not cause further damage to your back.

You should also speak with your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. Your doctor should be able to assist you in finding the perfect exercise regimen to meet your overall needs.

Upper back pain exercises are not difficult and generally should not cause you to be in more pain. By exercising the upper back muscles on a regular basis you are giving them essential flexibility to avoid future pain. In addition to the prevention of back pain you can also reduce existing pain with the right exercises.

Here are some recommended exercises that you should discuss with your doctor:

1. The first exercise is the Pec Stretch. You will need to stand in a doorway for this.

Grab onto both sides of the frame and lean forward. You should begin feeling your chest muscles tightening. Hold your position for about 15 seconds and then release. You should do this particular exercise in intervals of three.

2. The second exercise is called Mid Trap Exercise. For this exercise you should lay flat, with your stomach to the ground/floor. You will need a pillow. It should be put under your chest for this exercise. Your hands should be at your sides but outstretched.. Raise your hands slightly into the air until you begin feeling the tension. Essentially you should be squeezing your shoulder blades together. Repeat this for at least 10 times.

3. The final exercise you should consult with your doctor about is the Arm Slides. This is another very simple exercise to do.

All you need is a wall for this exercise. You need to stand flush against the wall with your palms facing out. Move your hands slowly but constantly up the wall. Once your hands are over your head you can slowly glide them back down to your sides on the wall. Repeat this at least 10 times.

As you can see, upper back pain exercises are fairly simple. Taking a few minutes a day out of your hectic schedule could prove to be in your best interest if you want to avoid upper back pain. These exercises should be done even on the days that you are not suffering from back pain, to prevent future back pain.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and offers back pain solutions. Discover how you can get rid of your back pain using simple remedies that are proven and effective. Visit his blog now for more useful articles such as: Severe Back Pain Treatment

Lower Back Strengthening Exercises

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jared DiCarmine

One of the most important parts of your body when it comes to stay fit and healthy is your lower back. Over 80% of the population will have some form of pain at least once during their life. I personally have chronic lower back pain already in my young adult life. This was due to a tragic and freak weight lifting accident that happened from dead lifts. The injury never was properly diagnosed and therefore mistreated. A year later, I re injured the same spot and now I have chronic lower back pain. In fact, it’s not even that area exactly; it’s my pelvis which gives me problems. It is actually shifted out of place slightly and now has settled in that position. Since it went a year with being misdiagnosed and mistreated, it settled into place and now it’s chronic. It really sucks. But m y point is when it comes to lower back strengthening exercise, there is no one size fits all approach because everyone is different and everyone has different contraindications, biomechanics, and core strength. One of the big things most people don’t understand is if you want a healthy and strong lower back, you need to also have a healthy and strong core, or set of abdominal muscles. Generally the core can be made up of your abdominal muscles, your glutes and your lower back, but for now we’re just talking about all the different layers of abdominal muscles you have throughout your middle torso. You see your abs are like a giant onion with multiple layers of different muscles each there for a specific reason. If you peel back one layer, you’ll find another layer. So when it comes to lower back health, you really want to focus on the deeper abdominal muscles such as internal oblique’s and transverse abdominus. These muscles when fully developed and trained; provide stability to your lower back and act as a brace throughout your core. The stronger these muscles are, the better off you will be. Now when it comes to lower back strengthening exercises, there are a lot of them that can be listed. But for now, we’ll start off with some basic exercises and move on to the bigger and more well known ones. The first lower back strengthening exercise that you can do in your own home or at a gym is called the superman. Simply lie face down on the ground with your arms out stretched in front of your or at your sides to make it a little bit easier. From this position, try and lift your chest off the floor and your lower legs off the floor at the same time. At the top, squeeze for 2 seconds then slowly lower back down. When doing this movement, try and focus your attention on the thoracic part of your spine. This area is made for mobility and what you generally want to target. The thoracic spine is basically your middle back area and slightly lower. Feel free to do this exercise for 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.The next exercise you can do at a gym specifically is the hyperextension machine. Simply get in position within the position, hold your hands across your chest and slowly lower your body until you feel a nice stretch in your hamstrings. From there, reverse the motion and come up all the way squeezing your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. I only want you to come up into a neutral position so there is no concave look in your lower back. Keep everything neutral and flat, almost like a plank. This is going to protect your lumbar vertebrae from hyperextension which is something you don’t want to happen too often. Feel free to do 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. The next exercise you can do at your home or in gym is the manual glute ham raise. Simply find a spot in the gym or in your home that you can hook your feet under so that it’s nice and snug. From there, slowly lower your body resisting the temptation to fall forward as much as possible. Once you can’t hold it anymore, drop to the floor and push away slightly with your hands just enough so you can get some momentum going and then activate your hamstrings to pull yourself back up. Directly this exercise is not a traditional lower back move but your back does have to isometrically contract to keep your body upright. And the last exercise that I’m going to talk about today is the Romanian dead lift also known as RDL’s. RDL’s are great for your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. They are also an awesome move for your upper back since those muscles will need to isometrically contract to keep your arms in place from coming out of their sockets during the movement. Don’t worry this won’t happen if that is what you’re thinking. To perform this movement, all you need is a pair of dumbbells or a barbell. Standing nice and tall with your arms in front of you, push your butt back, keep your chest up and pivot at your hip so that the weight gently slides down the front of your legs. Go all the way down until you feel a nice stretch in your hamstrings and then return to the starting position. Make sure not to round your back like you see a lot of people doing in the gym and make sure to keep the majority of your weight on your heels. All in all, these 4 lower back strengthening exercises are great when it comes to really building up some muscle around your lower back and strengthening this often weak point for many people. Just remember, with a stronger lower back, you also need a strong inner core to balance everything out.

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