10 Effective Yoga Back Pain Exercises

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Despite all the warnings and advice about the risks of back pain and injury, most of us do not exercise enough or take care to protect ourselves against further back injury. The good news is that there are some wonderful back pain exercises that not only help to relieve pain, but are also excellent in strengthening the back to prevent against further injury. Below are 10 effective yoga back pain exercises, if you take the time to learn, will be able to ensure that your back remains strong and healthy indefinitely:

“Triangle pose.” This is a yoga pose that can help the chronic sufferer by concentrating on the hips which has a strong influence on the spine. It also tones the leg muscles, spinal nerves and abdominal organs.

“Mountain pose or Tadasana.” The Mountain pose is probably one of the most important poses in yoga as it is the starting and finishing point of all standing poses. It is especially helpful in establishing the ideal spinal alignment and helps in the overall improvement of the body.

“Pelvic tilt.” The pelvic tilt is one of the basic movements in yoga. It is excellent in working the abdominal muscles and helps to correct the lower back posture. It is also a great way to stretch tight muscles around the hip including the hamstrings and quadriceps.

“Bridge pose.” This is an extremely effective pose to practice, yet very simple. Practicing this pose helps to promote a flexible spine while strengthening the legs and buttock muscles at the same time as well as stimulating the abdominal muscles and organs.

“Reclined Big Toe pose.” The primary function of this pose is to stretch the hamstrings and calves. However, it can also help reduce pain by addressing the lower back posture.

“Cat Pose.” This pose is very popular as one of the back pain prevention exercises for both yoga and Pilates. It is very effective in helping you to establish the ideal spinal alignment, strengthening and stretching of back muscles as well as developing the coordination of spinal movement.

“Down Dog Pose.” The down dog pose is excellent because it stretches and releases tension from the spine. It also strengthens the shoulders, arms and back and it is great at relieving headaches and back pain.

“Cobra pose.” As far as yoga exercises go, the Cobra pose is probably one of the more popular poses because it has a rather extensive list of benefits including relieving the pain in your back, strengthening of the spine, stress relief and reduction in sciatic pain.

“Child’s pose.” This is quite an all-rounder pose because not only does it help to alleviate certain types of back ailments, it is also a great aid in relieving stress, anxiety, tension and fatigue. It is also used before and after more complex and strenuous poses.

“Corpse Pose.” The corpse pose can also be considered an all-rounder because in addition to alleviating the pain in your back, this pose also calms the brain, helps reduce stress and depression.

As you can see, there are a lot of back exercises that are effective in relieving chronic back pain, and they also have a whole host of the added benefits. However, in order to execute these yoga back exercises correctly, it is highly advised that you get the proper training from a professional yoga instructor.

Are you interested in learning more about Back Pain Exercises? There’s no shortage of available methods, guides and other great resources right online. Visit our site right now if you want to see what’s available and how you can eliminate your back pain the easy way at The Back Pain Spot.

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The Different Types of Back Stretching Appliance

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by David Eldridge

There could be all kinds of reasons why you might have found yourself in need of a back stretching appliance. It could be needed after an injury, there could be a necessity for stretching your muscles before working out, or a surgery may have left those lumbar muscles weak and susceptible to damage. No matter what the situation is, there is a gadget which will not just help, but in fact enhance the functionality of the various muscles stretching along the back side of the body.

Somebody that is into fitness adheres to the standard dictate of stretching their muscles prior to any form of intense exercise routine. This can not merely help in increasing performance, but may also enhance endurance and reduce the chance of injuries. Fortunately, it’s not hard to get a back stretching appliance which will assist you to effectively maintain the muscles of the back.

You will discover a variety of devices to choose from, with each one offering an effective means of improving the flexibility of the muscles of your back. They each provide different levels of difficulty and your preference will be dependent on a few factors.

The most straightforward kind of equipment will be a standard stretching mechanism. This equipment is easy to work with and can be bought at a price that suits just about any budget. The best thing about this device is that it may be utilized safely and efficiently with good results from only several uses. This is a well-liked means of relief for such things as back surgeries, pinched nerves, or even poor posture.

One more popular form of back stretching appliance is the inversion table. When using this apparatus you strap yourself in and then invert your body. It can be quite helpful for increasing blood flow to injured muscle tissue in addition to stretching out tight or injured muscles.

Back traction tables are also the perfect method of stretching those tight back muscles. With this particular equipment you just need to lay back on it and it will allow you to stretch backwards in a helpful manner. A lot of people like this equipment as a result of its ease of use and compact storage. This is the perfect device for someone whose back muscles are afflicted with continuous tension.

You will discover many stretching instruments to choose from. It is a wonderful approach to alleviating persistent backache and at the same time improving the flexibility of your back muscles. Relief will come fast when you find the back stretching appliance that’s right for you.

More and more people are experiencing debilitating back pain these days. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage back problems, including using a back stretching device. Get the facts about this type of apparatus at our Back Stretching Equipment site.

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Avail Back Pain Treatment at Home

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by AMR Rave

Many people are having back pain without actually understanding how to get the thing treated. It is even possible that these individuals have already tried several treatment methods without any hope in sight. It is not so difficult to come by treatment; provided you know how to make your search.

If you search the internet today, you are sure to come by so many methods that can be used in taking care of your this. In case you have tried swallowing several pills prescribed by your doctor and you have still not gotten the acupressure mat that you seek, you should attempt making further search online.

One of the most helpful solutions to your back pain is acupressure. acupressure mat can give you that highly desired back pain relief. This treatment method can also be so helpful to the extent that it will give you the needed relief under few hours of using it. Some individuals have even referred to is as the best treatment method you can ever apply to your this. Aside acupressure, there are some herbal products that can also be useful in giving you that highly desired back pain relief. There are several herbal treatment researches ongoing on daily basis and several new products are being developed to counter any of the health problems that medical science can’t find solution to.

Back pain treatment that medical science can’t find solution to may be best treated using these herbal products. There is also no toxic substance in the herbal products that may have any contrary effect on you. They will give you the relief without any side effect whatsoever. Many of the other drugs however do come with one form of side effect or the other. It may be better and safer for your heath if you decide to make use of herbal products to get your treatment.

Many of the herbal products are so easy to apply to the extent that you can use them at home without any expert help. This is unlike what you get with many of the pills around. Some of the herbs are also so common to the extent that you can get them over the counter for treating your problems.


Several individuals have been looking into the use of acupressure mat for obtaining Back pain treatment and they had come to the conclusion that it may be in your best interest to get your doctor along.. Your doctor may be able to help with the acupressure mat exercises. With the help of your doctor, you will also be able to know if tour body can easily adapt to the acupressure mat.

Check out acupressure mat, And Visit at here To get know more about back pain treatment.

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Compensation for Slipped Discs ? Lifting at work can lead to Slipped Discs in a Worker’s Back

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Discs in the spine are made of cartilage, flexible connective tissue with a tough outer shell. They sit between and stabilise the 24 vertebral bones in the back, acting as a cushion and allowing the spine to twist and bend. A slipped disc (also known as a prolapsed or herniated disc) occurs when these discs are subjected to intense pressure, causing them to rupture. The soft gel the discs contain then leaks out through the crack, and may press against the spinal cord and surrounding nerves, causing shooting pain and muscle spasms both in the back, and often in other areas of the body, such as the arms and legs, which receive messages from nerves in the spine. Spinal discs may rupture in the neck and upper back, though the vast majority of slipped disc injuries affect the lumbar region of the lower back.

Slipped disc injuries normally require 6-8 weeks to heal fully, though in around 10% of cases problems endure for over 6 months.

Back injuries can recur and escalate in severity. A person may develop a permanent degenerative back condition in the long-term, such as arthritis or scoliosis, where the natural curvature of the spine becomes deformed. Most slipped disc injuries at work are caused by heavy or repetitive lifting, and back problems can become chronic if a person continues to carry out the same physical tasks that caused their original injury after returning to work. Twice as many men suffer slipped discs at work than women, though certain professions such as nursing have a particularly high incidence rate of slipped disc injuries among female workers.

Manual handling, including lifting, pulling and pushing tasks, cause the majority of slipped disc injuries at work, as well as repetitive movements, including twisting, bending and stretching, which can progressively weaken discs in the spine. Injuries often occur when workers are operating in confined spaces, where they are forced to adopt unnatural postures when lifting and handling weights. Workers may slip, trip and fall in the workplace, or may fall from height. Sudden physical trauma, such as a heavy or awkward landing from a fall, may cause a disc to crack. Alternatively the condition of the back may deteriorate over time due to working conditions, leading to cumulative wear-and-tear and a greater likelihood of a disc in the back rupturing. Road traffic accidents also regularly cause slipped disc injuries, as the spine is often wrenched during an impact, known as whiplash.

The vast majority of work related slipped disc injuries affect those working in physically demanding professions, and many are the result of employers failing to follow the detailed legislation that governs lifting weight by hand in the workplace. There are strict limits imposed on the amount of weight a worker should be expected to lift and carry during a shift, and where possible mechanised lifting equipment should be employed as an alternative to lifting by hand. Both working practices and individual manual handling tasks must be comprehensively risk assessed to protect workers from the risk of injury. Training in safe lifting techniques must also be provided by the employer, and work should be effectively supervised to ensure employees take sufficient breaks from physically demanding or repetitive tasks.

Harry Marldon says that workers can claim compensation slipped disc if the injury was caused by their work roles. Specialist personal injury solicitors are able to inform clients how much compensation is available for a slipped disc at work.

Upper Back Pain Causes And Treatment

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jack Woo

What is Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is pain that is felt between the bottom of the neck and top of the lumbar spine. The upper back and neck section is a very complex part of our body because there are many joints and muscles working together.

While lower back pain affects our ability to walk and move about, upper backpain affects our ability to carry out simple daily activities like combing our hair orriding a bicycle.

Upper back pain is not as common as lower back pain, which is the most frequent excuse for absenteeism from work.This is because the upper back does not move as much as the spine in the lower back.

To understand how the upper back behaves, you need to have an idea of how it is structured in the spine.

Upper Back Structure

The anatomy of the upper body consists of the torso, arms and back. The torso which is basically the thoracic spine is made up of twelve vertebrae. The upper nine vertebrae are connected to corresponding ribs on both sides at every level and attaches to the breastbone in front. This forms the thoracic cage that provides structural protection for the internal organs of the heart, lungs and liver. This also offers space for the lungs to expand and contract but has limited motion in the spine. The lower three ribs do not join together at the front but still offer some protection to the vital organs, and allow slightly more motion in the spine. Viewing from the side, this part of the spine is a bit concave.

Since there is a lot of stability and little motion at the upper back (thoracic spine), there is less spinal disorder along this section of the spine.

The arms contain muscles such as the triceps brachii, biceps brachii and deltoid.The back contains muscles such as the rhomboids, rotator cuff and lattisimus dorsi.

Upper Back Pain Symptoms

This condition may last for a short duration, or it may last for more than three months, which is considered as chronic.The pain may be dull and throbbing, sharp and piercing, local or radiating. The pain may be constant, or only during certain activities, like lifting heavy things or after sitting for a long time. You may feel weakness and pain in your arms, and stiffness of your upper body.

This may occur in conjunction with other underlying medical conditions.

Symptoms include:

FeverHeadacheNeck painShoulder painStiffness of the backSwelling or redness of the backFatigueStressInsomniaAnxietyDepression

Some people suffering from back pain may also have other medical conditions with the following symptoms:

Chest PainAbdominal painJaw painBreathing difficultySweatingNausea

These symptoms may be life threatening and they should seek emergency treatment.


This condition can be caused by trauma, sudden injury, strain and poor posture over time. People who work long hours in front of computers or stretching their upper body at an awkward angle is prone to this problem. As their joints and muscles become exhausted their spines are misaligned creating imbalances. People who stretch and swing their upper body frequently during sport activities may also develop this pain. It can also be caused by more serious medical conditions, such as:

• fibromyalgia( a chronic pain in muscles and soft tissues surrounding the joints throughout the body, accompanied by fatigue) • spondylitis (infection or inflammation of the spinal joints)• spinal disc herniation (slipped disc)• Osteoporosis (metabolic bone disease)• Spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal that presses on the spinal cord or nerves)

Risk Factors

If you belong to any of the categories listed below, then you are at risk of getting upper back pain:

Congenital (present at birth) Family history of back pain or spine diseaseObesityIncreasing agePoor postureSedentary lifestyleSmokingStress and anxiety

Prevention and Treatment

Most treatments for upper back pain are focused on relieving the pain and do not address the underlying cause, which is normally the spinal imbalances.Unless you address the muscle and joint imbalances, pain relief is only temporary.

It can be treated by one or a combination of the following:

• Ice and/or heat therapy • Deep massage or massage therapy• Joint manipulation, performed by chiropractors, physiotherapists, or osteopathic physicians• Acupuncture• Exercise/Active and passive physical therapy• Analgesics such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs• Short rest on bed

Unless the severity of your upper back pain warrants it, surgery should always be your last option.

Jack is a full time blogger with special interest in healthcare and focus on back pain treatment and prevention.Visit: http://backpain-treatment.net/

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Top Upper Back Exercises

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Tank Armstrong

The upper back more often than not can be described as hugely desired component of a bodybuilder’s structure. Despite the fact that you are not going to be competitive professionally, developing your upper back in most cases will result in hugely satisfying cosmetic gains.

One way to exercise the upper back muscles is with compound exercise routines. Be aware that nearly all back exercises are usually specially stressful on your biceps and triceps – predominantly the biceps. A lot of people would prefer to work out the upper back and the biceps simultaneously. In the event you opt to do this, I recommend delaying bicep exercises till the very end since you would like your arms fresh for the back workout routines.

1. Seated Cable Row – This is the best upper back physical exercise. It assaults nearly all the upper back muscles not to mention, you’ll be able to focus on various muscle groups by adjusting the bar you utilize along with the angle with which you pull. A more expansive grip using a straight bar pulled higher will work on the rear deltoids, teres and rhomboids while a close grip V-bar is harder for the lats.

2. T-Bar Row – It’s one other old school back physical exercise acknowledged with creating Arnold’s outrageous trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscle development. It truly is an incredibly beneficial upper back exercise that’s been put to use for a few decades to generate many of the most sought after backs we have ever before viewed. You can’t go wrong using the T-bar row and I just cannot suggest it highly enough. Bear in mind to squeeze the shoulder blade. It really is ideal for the rhomboids.

3. Pull Ups – Wide grip pull ups are especially productive at creating a superb looking upper back. Your deltoids, traps and latissimus dorsi muscle groups all receive a wonderful workout with the pull up. This is certainly an additional adaptable physical exercise that you could transform through the use of varied grips to target various areas of your own upper back.

4. Dumbbell Row – A commonly difficult physical exercise to perform properly, the dumbbell row can harvest awesome outcomes if done right. I cannot stress the importance of squeezing and stretching parts of your muscles once you are working on them.

5. Pull downs – It is a particularly excellent exercise for the purpose of all round back expansion. I must say that I ordinarily prefer pull ups to pulldowns even so the pulldown machine allows for an extension on the lats which pull ups are not able to achieve. You can even start using a lot more resistance on the pulldowns which inturn further fortifies your strength and also causes extra muscular advancement.

6. Shrugs – Shrugs are predominantly a trapezius workout. The secret with shrugs is.. wait for it… the contraction! Plenty of people just shrug frivolously and go through the motions. The strategy is usually to shrug and hold the contraction for a second and then release. After that you should really feel an even more significant workout. This will likely make your trapezius muscular tissue ‘pop’ and present you that awe-inspiring american footballer/rugby player look.

For more latissimus dorsi exercises then visit our bodybuilding and fitness website.

ACSM Personal Trainer and former University of Houston lineman, Anthony Amoo shows his favorite exercises for the biceps (front of the arm). Audio: DJ AH “Out Of The Blue” www.youtube.com

Lower Back Exercises Are Great For Easing Back Pain

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Lower back exercises are really important for the health of your spine. They help you build a strong core muscles which is the backbone of a good physique. Targeted exercises are one of the best conservative methods of treating lower back pain. These exercises, in particular can help to strengthen this part of the body, thus warding off problems in the region. If you want to prevent the development of or stop back pain a steady routine of lower back exercises is the answer.


Muscles are the spine’s main defence against gravity. Muscles that frequently receive oxygen-rich blood stay healthier, they receive this oxygen-rich blood through exercise. Those that are weak will be poorly co-ordinated and tire easily, and will be unable to protect the spine from damage. However, muscles that are strong and supple will be able to work longer without tiring, and give the spine the protection it needs.


Strengthening the muscles that support the spine with exercises, can prevent, reduce and even eliminate back pain.

Shortened muscles can throw the spine out of alignment, the muscles involved can be back, buttocks, and even hamstrings (back of thigh muscles) or quadriceps (front of thigh muscles), these can affect the alignment of the spine. Stretching the back with stretching exercises also increases mobility of the joints of the spine.


The primary goals of an exercise program for your spine are to make the muscles of your back, stomach, hips and thighs strong and flexible thereby reducing the pressure on your spinal discs. The lower back muscles work with the abdominal muscles in order to keep the spine stable, improve sports performance, and decrease the risk of injury or back pain.

So, I recommend that you include back exercises in your workout to balance the strength between your abs and back, and to support your spine and posture. The lower part of your spine supports the upper part of your body, so it must be kept strong and healthy.

Lower back exercises are important for overall core strength, yet so many people neglect the these muscles in their core training routine. These exercises will improve your posture and help you to stop slouching. They will also help to make everyday activities a lot easier, allowing more energy to have fun. When properly implemented and given some thought the use of such exercises to relieve back pain can be a pleasant and beneficial experience to a pain free back.

About the Author
John Emmanuel is a sport therapist, who has worked with individuals with back pain problems for over seven years.

Upper Back Pain Treatment

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Upper back conditions are not as common as lower back conditions. When problems appear in the upper part of your back, it is usually more serious than a muscle strain or herniated disc. The upper portion of your back is different from the lower part of your back because instead of being flexible and mobile, the upper back is supposed to be strong and provide stability for the body.

This is the part of the body that gives us the strength to stand and walk. The upper part of your back is not very mobile and any bone breakdown is rare; having the strength to stand up protects the muscles and organs in the chest. Most upper back issues are a result of irritated muscles or joint dysfunction.

Mild forms of pain in the upper portion of your back can result from years of bad posture. As the technology age has taken off, more people who work at desks all day are complaining of upper back problems. Slouching in a desk puts great strain on our backs. As with any injury, upper back pain can also be the result of an accident or trauma, but the most common causes of pain stem from the muscles and joints.

Muscular irritation is caused by either the overuse of the muscles in the shoulder area or by a complete lack of use. Not using the muscles in the shoulders and upper back causes them to weaken, resulting in them not being able to support the body as well, causing a strain and pain. Overuse of the muscles is a common problem for athletes or someone with a job that requires repetitive motion affecting the back muscles.

The muscles will get overworked and irritated, causing swelling that results in a back pain that is sometimes very hard to treat. Physical therapists recommend gentle exercise and abundant stretching as the best way to relieve and treat upper back pain. Rest if the exercise becomes painful. Medication may help to bring down the swelling.
Joint dysfunctions focus on the area where the ribs attach to the upper spine.

These two joints are responsible for holding the ribs in place; if they are flawed in any way, upper back pain will result. In addition to pain medication and rest, treatments will include visiting a chiropractor and physical therapist. They will manually manipulate the joints to try and move the joint and relieve your pain.

Stretching is an essential part of recovery from any upper back pain. An exercise and stretching routine at home will help maintain overall back strength. Aerobic exercise is very important as it will help a patient lose or maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight, especially weight that sits in the stomach area, will pull the upper body forward, putting strain on the back muscles.

Upper back pain is usually more serious than lower back pain. If during pregnancy you experience pain in the upper part of your back, it is likely just a result of the additional weight. Rest and speak with a doctor if the pain is unbearable. Upper back pain is typically moderate to serious and requires consulting with a doctor.

Discover effective back pain relief and get the additional health benefits from proven back pain exercise that will help you to get rid of back pain.

Where To Look For To Find Long Term Back Relief

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Dr Graeme Teague

As a person gets older the spring of youth slowly fades and an individual is more prone to situations like regular back pain. The reality is that nearly every individual experiences some or the other type of back pain in some point of their life and they’re always searching for the finest ways to find back relief.

For the sporty person back pain is usually a side effect of continuously making swift and strong motions, finding back relief in a hot tub or warm bath. For the profession minded person back pain is usually a result of sitting for extended periods of time and their back relief solutions often involve minimal stretching and some form of pain medicine. Even the parent who is active with their children experiences pain and uses any form of back relief they could fit into their active schedule.

While all of these solutions may provide a person with back relief, the reality is that they are all momentary solutions that usually need to be repeated on a frequent basis. The current conception that individuals should blindly accept back pain in their life is a sham formed by people that are not willing to make the adjustments to cure their own ailments.

Back pain is not a symptom of old age and back relief is available on a long term scale rather than with the brief respites most individuals apply. When you initially start your back relief plan its true that most of those same techniques would be utilised to achieve your initial back pain relief. Though, they are just momentary measures to cure pain while you do what is essential to take advantage of more long term back relief. This process starts with getting the knowledge you require to achieve long term back relief results.

Most people aren’t medical experts and this is why they make use of medical individuals to heal ailments, aid the fight against diseases and fix our broken bones. Back pain is no different than any other ailment affecting a person which is why you ought to search for the knowledge distributed by a medical professional.

Most people who are looking for back relief turn towards the net to discover the next solution to finding their back relief medication. Going online is a smart choice as it represents the greatest source of global knowledge available, though it is significant to recognize where you get your info from. Make certain your online back relief resource is done by a medical professional and not by some individual trying to profit off of your pain.

To discover a leading medical professional online who is looking to help you in your back relief struggle then simply go to http://www.back-pain-advisor.com

If youre experiencing low back pain try these simple moves with Adi to bring strength and integrity to your spine and core. By giving your hip flexors, hamstring and psoas muscles a nice stretch, this sequence will keep your back feeling limber and prevent pain in the future.

Some Important Back Posture Exercises To Improve Your Posture

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Mike Nielsn

Posture is generally regarded as one of the factors of back pain but it is one of the few factor which causes back pain. As your erect posture diminishes it causes twist on your spinal column and with a period of time a large number of posture pains will crop up for sure. Think about the work places where a large number of people sit in front of their computers for a long period of time doing stresses files work.

Posture pain is considered painful and daunting. Poor posture is not the only reason for back pain. There is large number of back posture exercises which you can practice to help you relive yourself from back pain. You should not perform exercises if they cause pain to you. You can practice the exercises to improve your posture as well as relive yourself form tension. If you practice these exercises regularly then it can prevent the occurring of pan in that area.

The sedentary lifestyle that is followed by most of the people in today’s world lead to a large number of anomalies in the body such as pain in the upper back. If you are suffering from posture pains then perform regular exercises related to back and chest can help you to live a healthier life. Exercises can help you to keep your spine healthy. You should consult your physician before you start practicing any kind of stretching exercise. Remember to consult a licensed professional. A lot of people are afflicted by lower back pain and you can relieve yourself from such pain by strengthening your core muscle. If you have weak abdominal muscle then it has an influence on the strength of your lower back.

The weight of the upper body is supported by the lumber region of the spine. The upper back exercises are the perfect option for improving posture and easing out all your stress. If you practice exercise on a regular basis then it ca n help you to relieve yourself from posture pain. People mainly aim at strengthening their lower back but upper back muscles require toning as well.

Some important back posture exercises to improve your posture are:

-Strengthen your core. You should have postures that help you to strengthen your core. – You need to fix our rounded shoulders.- If you have tilted hips then correct them immediately.- You need to retract your head if it is forward.

I am Mike Nielsn having 8 years of experience for writing articles on different themes like on Laboratory Equipment, Home and Garden, Jewelry, Education, Posters and Prints, Law and more. To know more details about Back posture exercises, Posture pain.

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