Sciatica and Low Back Pain Prevention

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jeanina Dupersoy

Is it possible to prevent back pain? The verdict is still out on this question. The believe is that if you exercise and maintain a healthy diet you would most likely have a healthy back. The problem with this thought is that exercise if not done properly can injure the back. Many high impart activities increase the chance of injury. Therefore, it is very important to exercise in a manner that does not stress the back. So what exercises help the back without producing un-due stress. Well, low impart exercises like swimming, walking and bicycling help strengthen the back without over stressing. The following are simple suggestions to help prevent sciatica or low back pain:

1) Sitting properly: I know it sounds to simple. However, most persons do not sit properly at their desks. The computer is the corner to save space on the desk and they sit at an angle. Over time this affects the back, shoulders and back. Another problem can be the desk chair. You’re feet most touch the ground and the chair most have a supportive curvature. If the chair does not have this you can buy a back cushion as a support for long hours at the office.

2) Lumbar Support Belts: Especially for workers that lift heavy items at work a lumbar support belt is very important. These person work at the airport lifting suitcases or those working in warehouses moving inventory the belt is an important item to prevent injury. In this case prevention is very important.

3) Lifting: Do not stoop and lift using your back. First, keep your back straight and down, head up and use the knees to lift while you tighten stomach muscles. Ensure that what you lift is not too heavy for you. If necessary ask for assistance, to avoid injury.

4) Bed: Your bed could be the culprit of your back pain. Is your bed too soft? This may cause back pain. You may want to consider placing a piece of plywood between the box spring and mattress to stiffen the bed. Also consider different sleeping positions. On my last chiropractic visit, I was recommended to sleep on my back and side instead of my belly.

5) Weight: Too much weight is a burden to your lower back. Maintain a healthy weight and perform low impart exercise will help the back.

The above suggestions are to minimize the chances of low back and sciatica pain. Although, back and sciatica pain may not be avoided prevention never the less will go a long way.

My name is Jeanina A. Dupersoy. As someone that suffered from back pain I wanted to share other natural options than can help the back.

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Get Back in Shape With a Jogging Stroller for the Family

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Sophie Maathers

Welcoming a baby into the family is truly one of the most joyous occasions for new parents. However, it can also drastically affect your schedule too which means less time for yourself. As a result many mothers often complain about not being able to exercise on a regular basis. One of the best solutions then is to make use of a baby jogging stroller.Unlike conventional baby strollers, these types of strollers are specifically designed for jogging and exercising purposes. This offers huge benefits to parents who are looking to get back in shape. The best part too is that you can bring your baby with you whenever you exercise.Exercise at least three times a weekThe best way to lose weight is to exercise several times a week for about half an hour each time. This is where the jogging stroller really proves useful as it allows you to do exactly this. All you have to do is secure your baby in place and simply start walking. Then you can pick up your pace as you become more comfortable with the stroller.Just remember though that you absolutely need to watch what you eat. If you are serious about getting back in shape, then a healthy diet is a must. This means that you need to get rid of anything that might hinder your weight loss goals such as fast food and soda. If you stay consistent with a regular workout routine then it will only be a matter of time before you start to slim down.Which stroller should I buy?If you have two children, then one stroller that comes highly recommended is the InSTEP Safari double jogging stroller as it is reasonably priced and comes with a ton of features. It is very easy to push around and lets you get the exercise you need without spending a fortune. Keep in mind too that you can always purchase this online for a discounted price.Stroller safety precautionsBefore you start using a jogging stroller, it is recommended that your child be at least 6 months old. This will prevent causing any injury to the baby. In addition, you should also thoroughly read through the instruction manual so you know how it works. This might seem like common sense but it is a necessary step to take.Jogging strollers are truly versatile and are definitely a must have for new families. They are very easy to use and will get you back in shape before you know it.

Want to learn more?Then check out the InSTEP Safari jogging stroller and see why mothers love it.Get jogging stroller reviews and more from our website.

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Avoiding Computer Use And Lower Back Pain Problems

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Unfortunately, these days computer use and lower back pain go hand in hand. With a growing number of employees, students, and recreational computer users spending hours upon hours sitting in front of the PC, back problems are now more than ever a concern. This is especially true for younger individuals who are now exposed to this risk from an early age.

Back pain for many is unavoidable with the American Chiropractic Association reporting around eighty percent of individuals will experience some level of back pain throughout their lifetime. Pain caused by continuous computer use is mostly a concern for individuals working on a PC for prolonged periods of time. However, it is also a concern for younger children who are not paying attention to their posture when spending hours gaming or on their favorite social network.

These are the reasons why it is extremely important for all PC users to make sure they educate themselves on techniques recommended by the experts for avoiding these issues. Most people know the importance of having good posture in order to avoid future problems. However, most of us could use a reminder on what the professionals recommend when sitting for long periods of time.

There are a few rules of thumb that you should always be keeping in mind when it comes to computer use and lower back pain. However, the first thing to do is invest in a good chair. Keep in mind the chair you choose should focus on allowing you to have good posture. Avoid chairs that allow you to sit in a way in which your posture may be compromised.

Spine support is always the most important thing to consider when choosing the right chair. An ergonomic chair will support the natural curves of your spine and not put on unnecessary stress on your muscles. The arm rests and depth of the seat pan can also be variables that will ultimately affect your posture.

It is important to remember that not all chairs will be suitable for all individuals. If you are using a PC utilized by a number people, you may have to have a bring your own chair policy. Likewise, you may have to request a chair that suits your specific needs if supplied an inappropriate or ergonomically-incorrect chair by an employer.

The key to preventing injuries is allowing for proper muscle, ligament, and joint alignment through good posture. Some tips for doing this include keeping your head centered over your shoulders and erect. Your elbows should also be at a 90 degree angle from your body.

While you may be focusing on having a good posture when sitting in front of the PC, it is important to stretch to avoid common computer use and lower back pain problems. Staying in the same position for prolonged periods of time can often remove the elasticity from your tissues. This is why it is necessary to walk stand up and walk around approximately every two hours. However, you may have to do this more often as stress builds in your muscles and you become uncomfortable.

Many Canadians between the ages of 20 to 65 will develop back pain. Visit local custom orthotics Toronto or chiropractic Toronto service provider or chiropractor Toronto to lead a pain free and active life.

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The Top 5 Best Back Exercises that will help you Lose Weight and Build Muscle

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Zero

One of the basic and obvious ways of losing weight and building muscles is exercising. Exercising helps us in burning more calories, thus enabling us to lose weight in the process. It is also important to note that not all exercises are meant for losing weight and building muscle. There are certain exercises that are meant for building and strengthening muscles. There are some that are meant only for losing weight.

What exercise would best suite us then? Well it really depends on what your goal is and what part of the body you want to work on. Do you want to work on your chest muscles, your abs, triceps, biceps, and so on.

Whatever muscle in your body that you want to work on, exercising will be one of the key factors to get it done. Here’s a list of the 5 best exercises that will work on your back muscles.

1. Barbell Bent Over Rows – The barbell bent over row is considered as the best exercise to develop and strengthen your back muscles. It’s a compound exercise that works everything from traps to lats to lower back to hamstring.2. Pull Ups – The pull ups is one of the most basic back exercise that is very effective in strengthening your lats and biceps. 3. Lat Pull Downs – The lat pull down is a good alternative to the pull ups. It works on the same muscles as the pull ups but it’s easier to do because you don’t need to pull your entire weight to do the exercise.4. Barbell Shrugs – The barbell shrug is also an effective back exercise that works only the upper back and the traps. You’ll be able to do heavy lifting on shrugs without worrying too much about straining your muscles.bac5. One Arm Dumbbell Rows – Dumbbell rows are considered as the best back exercise because they can show you if your arms are equal in strength. They are a great functional exercise that can isolate each side of your back in turn.

These are considered the five best exercises for working the back muscles. These five exercises won’t necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you build and strengthen your back muscles.

So it’s important to have a goal when exercising. Is your goal to lose weight, build muscle or both? This is a question that you must yourself ask first before you choose what exercise you want to do.

My name Zero is I’m an internet marketer who enjoys doing research online.

Do you find the article helpful? Click here to learn more about losing weightIf the link doesn’t take you to the site, copy and paste it to your browser

Best Lower Back Pain Exercise

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

In the recent time, back problem is very common problem of people who works full time in the office. Now you can relief from back pain using by back pain exercise. Low back pain is very common among adults and is often caused by overuse and muscle strain or injury. The purpose of this exercise program is to improve the flexibility and strength of your trunk musculatures important for your low back care. Exercises to decrease low back pain are not complicated and can be done at home without any special equipment. Regular exercise to repair the power of your back and gradual return to everyday activities are important for your full recovery.

Common Causes of Back Pain


Incorrect posture – Proper Posture to prevent back pain.
2. Improper movements or bad body mechanics.
3. Repetitive motion on joints or muscles.
4. Disc injury can be the cause of prolonged back pain but muscles and
ligaments may also be damaged or inflamed. Bulging Discs
5. The sacroiliac joint can create pain when it does not sit in its housing correctly.
6. Infections, tumor, cysts and bone spurs.

Excercise of Lower back pain

Double knee-to-chest stretch

Lie down on back.
Pull both knees in to chest until you feel a comfortable stretch in lower back.
Keep the back relaxed.
Hold for 45 to 60 seconds

Pelvic tilt exercise

Lie on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor, and arms at sides (a)
Flatten small of back against floor. (Hips will tilt upward.) (b)
Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and release. Gradually increase your holding time to 60 seconds.

Curl-up exercise

Lie on the floor on back.
Keeping arms folded across chest, tilt pelvis to flatten back. Tuck chin into chest.
Tighten abdominal muscles while raising head and shoulders from floor.
Hold for 10 seconds and release.
Repeat 10 to 15 times. Gradually increase your repetitions.

Hamstring stretch while standing

Stand on right leg with left leg on table/chair
Stretch hamstring by slowly bending right knee
Hold for 30-45 sec
Repeat with other leg

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Pain Stopping Lower Back Exercise

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Darvin J. Hooey

<div>Both lower back exercise and lower back relief are very frequent internet searches. Why? Because many people suffer from lower back pain. This article discusses some of the reasons for and some ways to avoid back pain.</div><span style=”font-size: medium;”>What’s the Cause and Solution?</span>

There are two sides to the coin called lower back pain, two main culprits. The first cause is simply the amount of wear and tear the lower back goes through on a regular basis. Sitting or standing, the lower back is under constant strain. If you then add overuse to the mix, it’s amazing to me that more people aren’t plagued by lower back pain! Lack of lower back exercise is the second main cause. Of course, there may be a medical reason for your back pain, but the focus here will be the two causes you can realistically do something to avoid.

What can you do to avoid the first cause? You can decrease the strain on your lower back by placing less pressure on it and using it more appropriately. This means paying more attention to your posture! This is critical when you are lifting, standing or sitting. When standing a natural curve forward should exist in your lower back. It’s also critical to wear shoes with sufficient arch support. Lower back exercise will help with maintaining the proper curve, but if this doesn’t come natural to you, you will have to make a conscious effort to maintain this curve. When sitting, a good ergonomic chair is crucial! Most importantly, your chair should provide sufficient support for your lower back, to prevent it from curving the wrong way. When lifting, do NOT bend at your waist. Not bending at the waist forces your legs to do the work, rather than putting the strain on your back! Aviding the second main cause is simple… get more lower back exercise! These exercises will help you stretch and strengthen your lower back muscles, which can help with existing pain and help prevent future issues.

<span style=”font-size: medium;”>Which Exercises Should I Do?</span>

Both strengthening and stretching are important to avoiding lower back injuries. Let’s address the strengthening issue first. There are quite a few exercises that work best with free weights or gym type machines or equipment. I personally prefer at home workouts, mostly without weights. However, I know that some of you still insist on going to the a health club, so here are a few select lower back exercises you can ask about at the health club the next time you’re there:

DeadliftMachine Back ExtensionsExercise Ball Lower Back ExtensionsThere are others that draw on the lower back to a degree, but these target the lower back almost exclusively. Therefore, you should start off with little to no weight when doing the first two exercises.

As far as stretching goes, there are plenty of basic and fad stretches you can do out there, but the most effective method I’ve found is centuries old! This method is called yoga. In my opinion, it is the best lower back exercise out there! Put simply, the series of poses that yoga consists of, safely stretch not only the lower back and other the rest of your muscles, but it also stretches your ligaments and tendons too. New students have reported increases in flexibility of more than 35% in as little as eight weeks!

I am not a doctor, but these exercises have made a world of difference for me…

If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world’s best resource. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts!

How To Use Back Strengthening Exercises To Get Rid Of Back Pain?

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Mike Nielsn

Back pain is a very common ailment affecting people particularly in the present situation. In the current situation when people are so busy in their business lives and have to spend long hours in front of their desks sitting in the same posture. This has led to it for emerging as one of the most common and painful ailments which is registering a constant rise in its incidence since the past one decade or so. The main reason behind it and can be attributed to poor posture. This is particularly true in case of such people who are forced to spend extended hours sitting at the same posture during the day at their workplace. They have to sit stationary which results in their developing bulging muscles, stretched and damaged ligaments and other back related problems.

This is the most common that people suffer. Due to their poor posture the back pain of the people gradually becomes more and more painful, this then starts affecting their daily lives as well. Some of the most common posture problems that people display can be listed as follows:

– Sitting with shoulders stooped and backs rounded at the computer for long hours.- The people have breathing problems if they sit in a bad posture but do not realise this until they do not have a serious back problem.- The sitting posture keeps on deteriorating day by day.

The poor posture of a person makes it difficult for the person to breathe properly greatly reducing his/her oxygen intake, which then can lead to the problems in the joints, ligaments, and muscles. This gradually becomes more and more difficult for the people which ultimately lead to serious back pain. Poor postures can also lead to injury in the tissues and can be the cause of more serious back problem than only back pain.

However, there are several ways in which the back pain caused by poor posture can be reduced or even prevented. These include back strengthening exercises which help the person to get rid of back pain with a little bit of dedication and hard work. Some of the basic back strengthening exercises is acupuncture, massage therapy, osteopathic care and certain other physical exercises.

Though exercises are very useful for reducing back pain, however, it is necessary to make sure that the amount of exercises that one is practicing do not add on to the pain and suffering from back pain. In case, that one experiences any kind of pain while doing the exercises then it is very important to stop immediately in order to prevent the occurrence of any future ailment from that problem.

I am Mike Nielsn having 8 years of experience for writing articles on different themes like on Laboratory Equipment, Home and Garden, Jewelry, Education, Posters and Prints, Law and more. To know more details about Poor posture back pain, Back Strengthening Exercises.
 Here are a few techniques to build back muscle fast by Justin Woltering. Discover the best back and lat exercises. Visit Justin’s blog for more back muscle workout routines and to get his free bodybuilding ebook. http
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Ideal Yoga Exercises For Lower Back Pain

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Individuals who endure low back pain frequently include yoga into their remedy program. Truly, Yoga is actually good for pain’s curing. In many instances, there isn’t any doubt that doing Yoga exercises in a regularly basis will lessen your pain; if you’re fortunate enough, your lower back pain will likely be eased completely. Here are several advisable yoga exercise you may as well to follow.

Cat Stretch

Kneel along with your arms on to the ground, your fingers apart and your back straight across. Make sure you keep the hands as well as your shoulders are in one line, and the same as your knees and your hips. Keep the head relaxed as well as toward the bottom. Now, take in air steady. But while exhale, arch your back to the ceiling, drive your chin towards your own chest and tuck your tailbone in. Do to hold this specific posture for a few breaths and after that back to the initial position. 2 or three reps per time are proposed.

Palm Tree

Start from your feet along with your arms lying by your sides. Concentrate all of your weight in your two feet. Raise the arms above head and mix your fingers. Maintain your hands move as well as your palms forward the ceiling. Lift your palms on top of your head and also bend your head slowly and gradually. Extend your own arms to the ceiling direction as possible as you can. Now stretch or relax your entire body similar to you’re being pulled up by several heaving things. On the other hand, if it is hard for you to balance your foot, you can only stay your feet only.

Locust Pose

Lie on your stomach using your arms by your sides. Downward your palms together with your elbows bent a couple of seconds. Subsequently lift your legs as high as possible only if it doesn’t result in discomfort. Have this kind of posture for a second and do this again for a maximum of five times. If your low back pain gets alleviated after a couple of postures, you possibly can increase your repetitions up to a dozen times or more gradually. To be able to stop your muscles from strained, it is recommended to not to over-stretch your body.

Corpse Pose

Lie on your back and relax all your body. Put your arms by your sides together with your palms down. After which relax your legs while turn it outward slightly. Do to bend the knees and place your feet flat on the ground if you feel pain in your back. During the full process, breathe in and out repeatedly gently and steadily.

Hildegarde MacMillan has been an expert in dealing with back pain for the past 12 years. You can find more tips in his site here lower back pain.

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Lower Back Discomfort Is Highly Widespread And What You Must Recognize

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Argelia Evans

Merely in the US alone, possibly somewhere well over forty billion dollars is devoted to matters related to low back pain. So many men and women have had perhaps some sort of unpleasant experience with low back pain, regardless of whether it was a one time occasion. A variety of industries are hit hard on an annual time frame with disability and time lost due to this problem. When it comes to problems that are neurologically related in the US, only head pain beat back pain. The variety of possibilities can be from a simple strain that lasts a day or two up to the most serious injuries that can result in surgery.

The results can be the same, low back ache, but all the different reasons connected with it are very wide ranging. Some of these aspects are muscle strains or injuries, problems due to excessive use, injured or strained ligaments or spinal disc complications. Unnecessary stress can be placed on the back from physical imbalances that basically put too much strain and demand on the lower back, or any other back area. Then ultimately that imbalanced state contributes to more serious problems such as a greater likelihood of back injury. We have all learned about, or maybe experienced, back injuries brought on by the smallest actions.

Back pain can manifest itself in different ways, and it really has to do with the specific situation. There is the sort that is acute discomfort felt instantly. Then there is the low grade assortment that takes place slowly and may be persistent. Extreme lower back pain very typically and usually is caused by an injury and is mechanical. These can be serious as this means a condition in which there is actual damage, typically. Anyone who has had this appreciates all too well how debilitating it can be. At times the condition will keep the person from moving about normally for example bending over or standing up straight. Or, you can occasionally see people bending a little bit forward to help reduce the pain.

Particular kinds of situations such as a high degree of vibrating motion over time can result in a herniated disc. Another cause for this affliction could be a quick load placed upon the back or a significant strain on the back that is seldom done. Usually people are not ready for these types of traumas, and also many individuals are not in the habit of stretching their back and leg muscles. A herniated disc can be very painful because it can sometimes pinch a nerve along the spinal column.

If you encounter back pain that is chronic it is well-advised to see your doctor regarding it. Of course any time you do something that results in acute lower back pain, then it is very wise to see your family health practitioner. In that kind of situation, you can easily make matters more painful and cause more damage if you continue to work like there is no problem. Exercise proper lifting position even when doing easy chores around the house, as well.

Argelia’s websites: Usaha Untuk Mahasiswa, Bisnis Internet Untuk Pemula, Bisnis Untuk Pemula and Bisnis Untuk Mahasiswa.

Lower Back Exercises – Reduce Injury and Back Aches

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by David Johnston

There really isn’t much worse than constant back aches dogging your life, and making you feel less than great. Such problems are largely due to the muscles in the lower back being weak, and causing the spine to take more weight, and other muscles to make up for the weakness. Many people, men in particular often get ‘love handles’ at the sides of the lower abdomen, and around to the lower back. This can be a reasonably good indication that the muscle in that area is weak – if there was a lot of muscle there, there would be a much higher demand for calories, and therefore fat would not be stored in the same way (this supposes that the rest of the body has a similar muscularity)

If you were to build up only muscle in the lower abdomen, or core, and not build up the rest of the muscles in your body, it is not very likely that this stored fat would disappear completely. The body would store fat in whatever locations do not have a high demand, so because the abdomen are not the largest muscles in the body, they are unlikely to require enough calories to burn that fat alone. Take as an example, someone with really strong muscles in one particular area of their body – that area of high muscular strength is not often fat – fat will store all over the body, however where the local demand is lower that fat storage is likely to be reduced.

Our lives these days, are sedentary, and this does not require us to have strong core muscles, or have any naturally occurring way to build them (unless you are employed doing something physical such as a labourer) With a reduced strength in the lower back, fat is much more likely to be stored there. Muscles are likely to ache, as the slow twitch, long endurance muscles are weak, and are supported by faster twitch muscles that do not have the endurance. This lowering strength and capability in the back can lead to pinched nerves, spinal subluxation, and slipped discs.

By making use of compound exercises for the whole of the body, with a good diet, you can build lean muscle. Core exercises and lower back exercises will really burn away fat in that area, as well as giving your spine the stability it needs, so that lower back pain is reduced. Day-to-day tasks will be made much easier with the increased strength, and if the strength is taken to a high degree, will result in six-pack abdominal muscles.

You can target the core using core and lower back exercises to relieve immediate issues, but to reduce the fat around this area and increase beyond this initial stage, you must target this area as part of body workouts instead of isolating this area. Through compound full body exercises, all muscle get strengthened and are able to support one another, easing functional movements, burning fat.

We must point out that before you start a fully committed set of lower back exercises, that if you have any problems with your back, you should talk to a chiropractor. The chiropractor will realign your back, so that you do not cause further damage, and when you do build lower back muscle, this will help the back to heal correctly. If any of these lower back exercises cause you pain, you should seek advice from your medical professional.

Here are some core and lower back exercises for you to strengthen the muscles:

Lower Back Exercises 1: Bridge – Lie on your back feed flat on the floor, knees bent, push the hips upwards so that the thighs and upper body form a straight line. Hold this position.Lower Back Exercises 2: Plank – In a push up position with toes and hands on the floor, hold for as long as you can do with your abdominal muscles tight and tucked in and your back straight. Do not allow your back to sag. If you find this exercise too hard, rest on your elbows instead of your hands.Lower Back Exercises 3: Side Plank – With Forearm and foot on floor, lying on your side, push your forearm so that your body is straight and forms a triangle with the floor between your shoulder, elbow and your feet. The line from your shoulder to your foot should be straight and held that way by keeping your abdominal muscles tight and pulled in. Hold for as long as you can, and then do the same on the opposite side.Lower Back Exercises 4: Knee to elbow plank – This exercise is an addition to the Plank (exercise 2). Follow the instructions for Plank, then move your left knee to your right elbow, and back, and your right knee to your left eblow and back. Keep your back straight, and do not allow it to sag. Do this exercise as fast as you can whilst maintaining a straight back, and your hands below your elbows.Lower Back Exercises 5: Prone Cobras – Lie on your stomach with your hand above your head. Lift your head, and bend your back slowly, as you push your arms upwards (behind your back), and slowly cycle them toward your sides (the finishing position, you will have your torso up off the floor, back bent, shoulders back, and hand out to your sides. Make the overall movement to a count of four seconds, and slowly return to the start position.Lower Back Exercises 6: Bicycle crunches – Lying on your back, crunch your torso up toward your knees, as you do so, bring one knee up, and touch your opposite elbow to it. Repeat with the other knee and elbow. This should resemble a cycling motion.Lower Back Exercises 7: Resistance band rotation – Anchor the resistance band to a pipe, of column. Start with the resistance band taught and your arms straight; rotate your torso away from the anchor point whilst keeping your arms straight. Perform a set, and then swap to the other side and repeat. Resistance band exercises can be performed at home, and are portable.Straight legged deadlift – Keeping your legs straight, and your back straight, hold a barbell or dumbbells. From shin height, keep the weight in contact with your shins, and your back straight, slide the weight upwards until you in the upright position. Ensure that you keep your abdominal muscles tucked in and tight, and stick your butt out to ensure you do not experience any discomfort from doing this exercise.Deadlifts – DO NOT attempt this exercise if you feel discomfort in your back before or during this exercise. It is likely that you are arching your back, so you should concentrate on keeping your back straight – if you cannot, then you should concentrate on non-weight bearing exercises first. From the floor, lift a barbell, and slide it up your shins, and rise to the upright position. Hold, then lower carefully to the start position, at all times keeping your back straight.Having a strong lower back through lower back exercises is going to benefit in a large number of ways, including reducing injury, preventing back aches, reducing the risk of spinal injury, as well as giving you more energy and potentially a lower body fat percentage. The additional stability gained in the core is really going to benefit you if you wish to continue training, and build lean muscle, and get six pack abdominals.A strong lower back, through lower back exercises; using body weight, resistance band exercises, or free weights will have many benefits. Some of the benefits will be lower risk of injury including spinal problems, reduction in back aches, fat burning and giving you more energy. The additional strength will result in an increase in stability, and therefore an ability to lift heavier weights safely. Building a stronger core will have the added benefit, once you reduce your body fat percentage, of giving you six-pack abs.

For more exercises, see lower back exercises, and resistance band exercises at David Johnston’s site where there are exercises, workouts, fat loss tips and other articles to help you build lean muscle and fitness.

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