IT band exercise

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Julia Yi

IT band exercise – Health – Fitness

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Iliotibial band stretches can be called IT band exercise. So, what is IT band? IT band is regarded as a family of thick fibers that originates externally of our thigh and then stabilizes the entire thigh. In any case of activities such as running, walking or perhaps jumping, your IT band will end up tight and painful. This begins from your hip and extends all the way towards the shin bone and is actually beneath the knee-joint.

All those who have IT band syndrome must try these IT band stretches so that you can relax your IT band to make it less tight. IT band syndrome is a very common knee pain among the sports people that can lead to more critical IT-band injury and cause difficulty in exercise. Even though we could diagnose it clinically, it is also difficult to cure it. Most patients would prefer to go for old-fashioned treatment method which involves stretching the IT band. However, there are some who still prefer surgical release for the IT-band.

IT band stretches also involves doing some IT-band exercises. Some of the helpful techniques that you have to do if you have an IT band pain is to take the left foot behind towards the right of your right leg. Then, lift your left arm right up and slowly lean rightward. While you lean rightward, push the left hip bone carefully to the side. You will experience a pleasant stretch around the down side of your leg. And the last stage is absolutely simple. You need to simply keep it for 15 to 30 seconds, then do it again for 1 or maybe 3x on both sides.

IT band stretches and workouts are really simple to carry out. You can easily practice it when you’re free. It will only take 3 to 5 minutes to finish a single workout. With this, it will lead you to a healthy life-style in which you don’t have to worry about the IT band pain anymore. If you know yoga, you can even try doing Pigeon Pose. This is for the complex stretch for the IT band.

Finally, no matter when or what, you must take good care of your body to avoid falling hurt in order to live a healthy life-style with your family. IT band problem is another critical harm that can affect your daily activity. Thus, you need to seek for medical advice from the doctor should you suffer from one. Don’t be frightened to ask because the medical doctors will certainly aid you. On top of that, it’s also advisable to do some physical exercises and Iliotibial band stretches to make it better.

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To learn more about IT band stretches, visit the site to learn from experts on IT band stretches.

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Julia Yi

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To learn more about IT band stretches, visit the site to learn from experts on IT band stretches.

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Mini Stepper With Band

June 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Full body workout
  • Resistance bands work the upper body while the steps work the lower body:
  • Includes speed, timer, steps, and calorie counter:
  • 16.5L X 12.25W X 8H

Product Description
Products DescriptionFull body workoutResistance bands work the upper body while the steps work the lower bodyWith speed, timer, steps, calorie counter… More >>

Mini Stepper With Band

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by JP Davis

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body – Health

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Are you looking for new exercise routines using fitness resistance bands? The one thing I love about latex bands is their amazing versatility. You can virtually create hundreds of new routines for any muscle you can think of.

Here are 2 easy workout routines which can be done using fitness resistance bands.

The butt stretch – It is an interesting routine for your buttock muscles.

This one is performed in a position a bit similar to the traditional horizontal push-up, except that here your body is supported by your knees and hands posed on the floor.

Step 1 – Position yourself with your body supported by both your hands and knees on a mat. At the same time, you are holding in each hand the handles of an elastic band, while the middle of the tube passes around the sole of your left foot.

Step 2 – Slowly stretch your left foot backwards so as to extend the band and stretch your buttocks muscles. Do it until your leg is horizontal to the floor. Now return to initial position, without releasing the pressure.

You can do 10 to 20 repeats then switch legs.

The calf workout – This exercise is best done either with a loop or the figure 8 band (a short elastic loop joined in the middle so as to form a “8”). It’s done in the upright position. Make sure that you do not use any support for your body. Pass the band around your ankles.

The exercise consists of working out your calf muscles by stretching your 2 legs apart. 20 to 30 repeats should be enough.

You can use your fitness resistance bands for many more lower-body routines. Remember to continue exploring, experimenting every day. It will make your daily workouts more enriching and so much more fun.

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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JP Davis

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

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Resistance Band Exercises – Your Way To Perfectly Shaped Legs

April 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

We can all appreciate the beauty of toned, sexy, shapely legs. On the beach or a club, aside from the proverbially attractive six-pack, a pair of fit and visually appealing legs is sure to be a sure head-turner.

But aside from the fact that it’s physically attractive, it’s also important to have strong legs that can support your daily and seemingly mundane yet vital activities, like walking, running, and standing, among others. Resistance band exercises can take you one step closer to achieving this goal.

Workouts with resistance bands have become widely popular in the fitness realm lately because aside from the apparent convenience, affordability, and portability of the bands, it has proven to be a great method for toning and strengthening muscles.

While there are many choices in terms of specific leg exercises that can be done using the bands, the following paragraphs will highlight a few, which are considered the most complete because they work out most, if not all, leg muscle groups.

Squat Press. This routine will work your thighs, hamstrings, and your lower gluteal muscles. To do them, start by standing on the band with your feet hip-width apart and your arms on your sides holding the ends of the tube. Inhale and squat as if you were sitting on a chair. As you move to this position, extend your arms forward. Next, move from the squat back into a standing position while straightening your arms over your head. At this point, squeeze your shoulders, contracting your muscles. Lower your arms to its initial form to conclude one rep.

Eversion. In this exercise you will need to tie your resistance band in a knot so that it creates a circle. Loop the band around a secure table leg then sit on the floor with the side of your foot on the inside portion of the band. Pull your ankle away from the midline of your body as far as you can but still keep your knee and shin steady. Resist the movement back towards the midline of your body and hold it for at least 16 counts. Bring your ankle back to where you feel no resistance from the band to complete one rep.

The eversion strengthens your lower legs, mainly your calves and ankles.

Double Leg Drop. The double leg drop is one of the resistance band exercises that will really shape the entirety of your legs. Start by lying on your back. You should place the resistance band around the balls of your feet and extend your legs up towards the ceiling. Each end of the band should be in your hands and your arms need to be extended to the sides as well. Turn your legs out, bringing your heels together but toes apart. Roll your head and shoulders up with your arms hovering a few inches off the floor with your fingers pointing towards the front of the room. Lower your legs away from your torso. It is at this point of the routine that the maximum resistance from the bands should be felt. After holding the position, lift your legs back to the starting point. Do 10 reps.

Lying Side Kicks. Another great exercise, you start by lying on your left side, supporting yourself upon your elbow with your left leg slightly bent. Your right leg should also be at an angle. Loop one end of the band around your right foot and pull the rest of it behind you and around your left shoulder, holding on to it with both hands to secure it. Push your right leg straight out, making sure to keep it parallel with your other leg. Hold for at least 8 counts then pull it back towards your body. Do 12 repetitions for each leg.

Resistance band exercises are a great way to tone and strengthen your legs. Just make sure to be consistent with the exercise and always take precautions so as not to injure yourself.

Resistance band exercises are a great way to keep in shape. For more tips on workouts you can do, information about its health and physical benefits and much more, visit

Raffy Chan is an exercise enthusiast and an expert in Website Design-Creation and Making Money Online.

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Resistance Band Exercise Made Simple

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Ellen Miller

One of the largest problems with those suffering from nerve diseases and disabilities is keeping up circulation. Because walking let alone, more strenuous exercise can be painful, even dangerous because of the impact involved, these people end up living very sedentary lives. Eventually, limb loss may ensue due to circulation problems. Fortunately, resistance band exercise can be used by these previously sedentary people. A few stretches go a long way to keeping the blood flowing through limbs.

The best part of resistance band exercise is there is virtually no impact. Multiple Sclerosis patients who can barely walk utilize resistance bands to keep the blood flowing through their legs by doing a few stretches with the band wrapped around one of their feet.

Resistance Band Exercise can also be performed by the very large. For the obese, exercise can be nearly impossibly and terribly daunting. Resistance band exercise once again comes to the rescue for these folk. A light, convenient resistance band can be used with little to no impact and without moving all parts of your body or supporting your own weight.

For the elderly, walking and swimming are always recommended. Though these are fantastic cardiovascular exercises, it is not really toning ones’ muscles. Of course an elaborate home gym is not the right solution for an elderly person. They need the convenient, fun, and simple strength training that resistance bands can provide. Because there is virtually no set up and certainly no assembly required, any person can get their muscles toned up with a bit of colorful resistance training regardless of age.

Resistance Band training can increase in difficulty as muscle mass increases. Exercise bands are inexpensive; there is no large financial commitment. The intensity of resistance band exercise is only dependant on your ability; as your strength improves resistance bands allow you the flexibility to increase the intensity of your workout accordingly.

Children can even participate in a resistance band program to tone little muscles and inspire growth. It is a fun little quick exercise that can hold the attention of even the most rambunctious child. There are so many exercises that may be conducted with resistance bands that boredom is never a factor. Coaches have even begun to implement resistance band usage in sports to increase their players’ flexibility and endurance.

There has been resurgence in resistance band popularity due to their use in physical therapy. Those that do not have a great deal of joint flexibility or cannot stress a muscle too much are recommended to use resistance bands in their recuperation. Physical therapists recommend and apply resistance band training in combination with isometric exercise to help patients reach their maximum range of motion, flexibility, strength, and endurance.

Resistance band exercise does not only provide for excellent muscle build up, but it definitely increases one’s flexibility and range of motion. For those suffering from any movement impairing disabilities, resistance band exercise can ease the discomfort and improve upon one’s limited range of motion.

Implementing a resistance band exercise program is by no means a cure all system. It must be combined with healthy eating and mild aerobic exercises in order to achieve total physical fitness. However, combined with these two aspects, resistance band exercise can assist in toning muscle, burning fat, and increasing overall health. Once you have acquired your resistance band, exercise as much as you feel comfortable doing to see the pounds fly and the muscles build.

Owner of IsoBreathing Inc. and creator of IsoBreathing

Resistance Band Exercises and Swiss Ball Exercises – The Best Low Cost Gym Equipment?

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by David Johnston

Resistance band exercises are really great, simply because of how portable a resistance band actually is. Swiss ball exercises can also be quite portable, certainly from room to room in your house, and possibly further if you wanted. Why should you read this? To give you a brief introduction to resistance band exercises and Swiss ball exercises so that you will recognise that they are a really valuable piece of gym equipment, and are portable as a bonus.

So what is a resistance band? Well it is a piece of rubber usually, sometimes if you buy more expensive ones, they have handles at either end, though a tough piece of rubber is going to work fine. The resistance band is used for resistance training, where you will look the band under your foot, around a column, around a chair, under a chair, whatever you need to do to make it work. Resistance bands come in different lengths and with different resistances too, if you want a harder workout for example. The great thing with a resistance band is that it offers resistance in both the concentric contractions and the eccentric contraction, which is basically when your muscle is tensed, and is either getting shorter, or longer respectively. What is a Swiss ball? A Swiss ball is an inflatable ball made out of thick rubber – the balls come in different diameters – the smaller balls are for shorter people, and the larger ones for taller or heavier people. The Swiss ball is also known as the fit ball, or gym ball, and can be used for bodyweight exercises, or exercises with weights.

Here are a selection of resistance band exercises:

Resistance Band Exercises – 1. Squats: Put the middle of the resistance band under your feet, and hold either end of the band in your hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and your legs straight. Holding your hands up at your collar bone, with your elbows sticking out, slowly squat down until your upper thighs are parallel with the floor, then slowly return to the start position. You should feel resistance during the whole exercise.Resistance Band Exercises – 2. Chest Press: Lie on the middle of the resistance band and hold the resistance band with one end in each hand. By contracting your chest muscles, extend your arms above your chest until they are almost straight. Hold this position, then slowly return your hands to your chest. Repeat for as many time as you are able. Resistance Band Exercises – 3. Bicep Curls: Place the middle of the resistance band between your feet, and hold the ends of the band one in each hand. Keeping your elbows in the same position at your sides, contract your biceps, and pull your hands upward to shoulder level. Hold, and then lower back again slowly. Do not swing or rock to help your progress – perform with strict form otherwise the exercise will not work properly..

Here are a selection of Swiss ball exercises:

Swiss Ball Exercises – 1. Squats: Trap the ball between your upper back and a wall. With your feed shoulder width apart, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Hold the position, then slowly return to the standing position. Ensure you keep your abdominal muscles tight and tucked in throughout the exercise.Swiss Ball Exercises – 2. Push Ups: Start in a push up position with your shins resting on the top of the ball. Bend your arms and lower your chest until your chest is close but not touching the floor. Briefly hold the position, and then push up back to the starting position. If you wish to make the exercise harder, rest your feet on the ball instead of your shins. You may also keep your feet together to engage your core more. Swiss Ball Exercises 3: Crunches – Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor, and lower / roll until your pelvis and lower back are also in contract with the ball. Tuck your abdominal muscles in, and slowly raise your upper body to about 45 degrees, half way between lying and sitting up. Hold, and return to the start position. You can hold your hands at the sides of your head, or across your chest, whichever you find most appropriate.Swiss Ball Exercises – 3. Crunches: Begin by sitting on the ball, then rolling the ball until only your lower back and pelvis are in contract with the ball. Keep your abdominal muscle tight, and pulled in, and contract, and slowly raise the torso until it is about 45 degrees from the horizontal position. Hold the position, then lower to the starting position slowly. You arms may be across your chest or touching your temples, whichever feels best for you.

As you can see, both the resistance bands and Swiss ball are excellent equipment to keep your body strong, and are also excellent to have around the house and use for your workouts. These exercises can be made a lot harder than presented here, by doing things like lifting up one leg, to engage the core, or put more pressure on the legs. We just wanted to ease you into the equipment.

The swiss ball and resistance bands are great equipment to really challenge and strengthen your body, and are great for home gym equipment. All the exercises can be made much more difficult by lifting a leg to engage the core, or make it harder on the legs – these exercises are intended to start you off.

To find out more about resistance band exercises, or swiss ball exercises, at David Johnston’s site You will also find many tips and exercises that will really help you achieve your results building lean muscle or getting a six pack.

Pitching - leg strength- Speed exercises Training with Resistance Kinetic Bands Baseball training for working your core to increase endurance, stride length, and hips strength. These exercises work the Core muscles, quads, hams, glutes, hips, hips flexor, lower abs and lower back. The Bands are great for all baseball training. Here we are working on pitchers building leg and hip strength. Increasing power and velocity. head on the ball increase power drive Baseball traiing Core Training How to build powermyosource kinetic bands resistance bands fielding throwing running base stealing base running abdominals core exercises core training resistance bands workouts exercises using bands best core exercises core workout exercises resistance bands training
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Youth Baseball Training – Resistance Band Routines for Flexibility, Strength and Injury Prevention

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jake Wyatt

There are many ways a youth baseball coach can help his players increase their flexibility and strength, thereby reducing their risk of injury. One way is to require that players perform exercise routines on their own time. Youth baseball players may not be ready for a serious weight lifting routine as their bodies are still forming. Large rubber bands can be used instead of weights to increase strength and flexibility.

The bands can be purchased at any sporting goods store and come in different sizes and thicknesses. Each type of band will have its own resistance. If training is for flexibility, less resistant bands can be used. Higher-resistance bands can be used to build strength.

Different band routines can be used to accomplish different goals. Here are some examples of specific objectives for which band routines can be established:

1. Pitching – focus on exercises that work the core, back and shoulders.2. Batting – focus on exercises that work the core, triceps and biceps.3. Running speed – focus on exercises that work the legs.4. Flexibility and injury prevention – focus on exercises that work the core and increase flexibility.5. Long toss – focus on shoulder and arm exercises.

The specifics of each routine should depend on player age, strength and skill. The coach should work with each player individually to determine the youth’s goals and the specific areas where improvement is needed. A band routine can then be created to accomplish the desired changes. The coach should encourage the player to record his routine in a notebook so progress can be tracked.

Working with bands is easy and can be done anywhere with minimal preparation. A player can keep his bands in his bat bag so they are always with him. This type of exercise will significantly reduce the chance of injury, improve baseball performance, and lead to healthier kids overall.

In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more FREE tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at

Having Lean Muscle with Exercise Rubber Band

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Many people aim of having a great body shape. If you are one of them, you probably wish to enroll yourself in an aerobics class. But doing aerobics alone is not enough to tone your droopy muscles.

Many gym instructors recommend engaging yourself in a weight resistance workout. What if you do not want to gain too much muscle built? Therefore, having an exercise rubber band is the perfect solution for you. Unlike dumbbells, exercise rubber band tones that floppy abs into lean muscles.

It works with your own natural strength and provides you resistance during the workout.

If you hate building bulks on your body, exercise rubber band is the right workout material for you.

With the use of an exercise rubber band, you will see the results in a short span of time. Having lean muscles will help you maintain a healthy weight. This is because it burns fat and calories even you are at rest.

It creates an effective resistance workout that lets you eat more and burn more calories at the same time. To all food lovers, you do not have to worry of maintaining a healthy weight. Having effective workouts with the use of an exercise rubber band turns your body into a fat burning machine.

With exercise rubber band, you will notice an increase of your energy level. This will help you on keeping track with your workout routine.

For you to feel the full effects of an exercise rubber band program, you have to be consistent on your workout schedule.

It is very important that you maximize your workout when using such product like exercise rubber band. Unlike free weights which only provide your body resistance when you lift it, the band on the other hand provides you resistance on both directions of your movement. That is having two resistance workouts in one.

In building lean muscle mass, you have to consider the weight of the workout equipment you are using. To create longer and leaner muscles, you have to use lighter weights with more repetitions. Using heavy weights with fewer repetitions will create a bulky muscle mass.

There are many reasons why including an exercise rubber band on your workout routine is a must. Its results will make you feel better. It can burn more calories plus give you a fantastic look as you go along with the workout.

Sunny Mini Stepper Exercise Machine with Resistant Band Arm Rest & LCD Display

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Strong Durable Mini Stepper with Resistand Band
  • LCD Display counts Speed, Steps, Time and Calories
  • Full, Total body work out
  • Resistance bands work the upper body while the steps work the lower body

Product Description
Automatic Scanning LCD Display tracks Speed, Steps, Time and Calories. Wide foot rests with non slip surface for balance and secure work outs. The instructions to assemble the LCD computer is included…. More >>

Sunny Mini Stepper Exercise Machine with Resistant Band Arm Rest & LCD Display

Pivot Trainer MS-100 Multi-Directional Stepper with Resistance Band

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Computer keeps track of calories, total number of strides, and workout time
  • Special resistance bands allow you to take full advantage of many exercises
  • Unique low impact motion not only moved up and down, but also from side to side
  • Full-body aerobic workout, toning and sculpting hips, buttocks, and thighs

Product Description
Multi-directional stepper offers two powerful and effective workout routines in one compact Product Description
The Pivot MS 100 Multi-Directional Stepper with Resistance Band offers two unique and powerful sets of workout routines in one compact machine. A fat-burning cardiovascular workout helps you burn fat while improving your overall cardiovascular functions, while the Pivot’s toning and resistance workout helps to sculpt your hips, … More >>

Pivot Trainer MS-100 Multi-Directional Stepper with Resistance Band

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