Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by JP Davis

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body – Health

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Are you looking for new exercise routines using fitness resistance bands? The one thing I love about latex bands is their amazing versatility. You can virtually create hundreds of new routines for any muscle you can think of.

Here are 2 easy workout routines which can be done using fitness resistance bands.

The butt stretch – It is an interesting routine for your buttock muscles.

This one is performed in a position a bit similar to the traditional horizontal push-up, except that here your body is supported by your knees and hands posed on the floor.

Step 1 – Position yourself with your body supported by both your hands and knees on a mat. At the same time, you are holding in each hand the handles of an elastic band, while the middle of the tube passes around the sole of your left foot.

Step 2 – Slowly stretch your left foot backwards so as to extend the band and stretch your buttocks muscles. Do it until your leg is horizontal to the floor. Now return to initial position, without releasing the pressure.

You can do 10 to 20 repeats then switch legs.

The calf workout – This exercise is best done either with a loop or the figure 8 band (a short elastic loop joined in the middle so as to form a “8”). It’s done in the upright position. Make sure that you do not use any support for your body. Pass the band around your ankles.

The exercise consists of working out your calf muscles by stretching your 2 legs apart. 20 to 30 repeats should be enough.

You can use your fitness resistance bands for many more lower-body routines. Remember to continue exploring, experimenting every day. It will make your daily workouts more enriching and so much more fun.

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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JP Davis

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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Resistance Exercise Bands

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Corey Bruhn

Resistance Exercise Bands – Health – Fitness

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Resistance exercise bands are excellent pieces of equipment for a resistance workout. The bands take up minimal space and are easy to take with you when you travel. They can be used inside or outside or for traveling. The funny thing about resistance exercise bands is that they can be harder to find then they are to use!

Among the best places to search for resistance exercise bands, is a local sporting goods store. Often times, a big national franchise type exercise store will have a wide selection of resistance exercise bands to choose from. It’s important to do your research on which resistance exercise bands are best for you, as well as trying them out for yourself at a local store. This will ensure that you get the most suitable resistance exercise bands for your physique.

You can also try the sporting goods section of a local retail or department store. The selection will certainly not be as big as if you go to a sporting goods tore or shop on the internet, but you can still sometimes find resistance exercise bands that will do an efficient job.

The very best place to get resistance exercise bands, would have to be online. There are so many stores, online stores and auctions that have a plethora of resistance exercise bands. You can surf through and check out all the brand names in order to find what you are looking for. On top of it, you won’t have to leave your house and waste gas or time when you order resistance exercise bands online, as it can be ordered from your home computer and then gets shipped to your front door.

Make sure you take your time and research the different brands diligently. These inexpensive, versatile and simple resistance exercise bands offer a solid workout.

About the Author

Resistance exercise bands offer users a great home gym option for half the cost of a gym membership or other home gym alternatives.

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Corey Bruhn

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Resistance exercise bands offer users a great home gym option for half the cost of a gym membership or other home gym alternatives.

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Bodylastics Exercise Resistance Bands – Why It Works!

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Robert Deangelo

Bodylastics Exercise Resistance Bands – Why It Works! – Health – Fitness

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The Bodylastics exercise resistance bands have become extremely popular gym tool. Since it has been recently been promoted on a larger scale and advertised online. Many individuals after having seen a commercial of the product have been tempted to buy Bodylastics, instead of other exercise resistance bands on the market. The major advantage of this home gym is that it offers the opportunity for more exercises than any other exercise gizmo available in a gymnasium.

There are other major advantages to the Bodylastics exercise resistance bands, the first one is it’s low-cost, however it offers many other benefits besides low-cost. The fact that it offers up to 140 health club type exercises is one of them. The lifetime warranty on the resistance bands is another.

Another great benefit is that they give you a complete training manual that explains how to perform all the exercises. In addition to that, you also receive access to their online video membership site. Here you will find hundreds of videos that explain in step-by-step detail how to perform each and every movement. There is no need for guesswork it’s all laid out. That means that anyone, from a brand-new beginner to a more experienced exerciser can use the system.

One other benefit I almost forgot to mention is that the handles allow you to attach up to 7 exercise bands to each one. So in essence what you have is comparable to a set of adjustable dumbbells. You don’t need to own hundreds of different bands of different resistance levels, this system allows you to add a 10 pound resistance band or a 50 pound resistance band… to the same handle, at the same time.

Most of the fitness exercises are easy to perform and take very little time. If you will put forth a little effort you can reshape your body after only a few sessions of using the Bodylastics exercise resistance bands. The secret to determining the most effective exercises for your body is in the position that you put your body into. Do not use too much swing in your your exercise movement, use a strict form to get the maximum benefit from the movement.

One of the great things about the Bodylastics resistance bands is that they can work out your entire body. In fact, in certain exercises you can work out your arms and legs together at the same time. The results are fantastic! That is one of the best benefits about the Bodylastics system that some simple exercises can work out your entire body at the same time. This ensures that you will spend less time working out and more time showing off that new “fitness model body” that you have created using you are Bodylastics exercise resistance bands.

About the Author

Want to turn yourself into a muscle building, fat burning machine like I am? Then check out my“> Bodylastics Home Gym CLICK HERE >>> Bodylastics Reviews and get started today!

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Robert Deangelo

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Want to turn yourself into a muscle building, fat burning machine like I am? Then check out my“> Bodylastics Home Gym CLICK HERE >>> Bodylastics Reviews and get started today!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Rounding Out Your Workout Regimen With Resistance Bands

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Vikram Kumar

Many people are often skeptical about the effectiveness of training with resistance bands, because they have been too heavily influences by modern popular culture, and only believe in the effectiveness of hardcore weight training. The truth, however, is that resistance training can do for your body some things that regular weight training cannot. One of these things is building better muscle endurance.

Many people believe that you can easily build muscular endurance by simply doing more weight training more often. The truth, however, is that when using weights, your muscles are engaged in short bursts, and this results in much greater increases in strength than in endurance. With a fitness band, however, you will be able to keep a constant pull on your muscles, so that they are continuously activated. This will result in a much greater gain in muscular endurance than with any form of regular weight training.

How To Use Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are relatively simple to use. This is due mostly to their simple construction. A fitness band is little more than an elastic band with handles attached to it. While this may not sound like much, modern resistance bands are manufactured to be light and strong, able to withstand the pressures of being stretched over and over again thousands of times without breaking or losing their elasticity.

The basic principle behind training with a fitness band is that you use the fitness band to generate a constant pulling force, and you then use your muscles to counter that pulling force. In doing so, your muscles are constantly doing work, thus allowing you to improve on your strength and muscular endurance.

With the right exercises, you can work almost every part of your body when you train with resistance bands. How to do that may not be obvious at first, but after awhile, the working principle behind the fitness band exercises will become obvious to you and you will not even need a guide or manual to figure out which exercises to do to achieve your training goals.

The most basic of exercises using resistance bands is also the staple exercise of many regular gym users – the bicep curl. It is a rare occasion that you step into a gym and you do not see at least one gym rat standing in front of the mirror, gripping a weight and doing bicep curls. With resistance bands, you can also do bicep curls that will give your biceps as good, or even better, a workout as you would get when doing bicep curls with free weights. Simply place your foot over the middle of the fitness band, then pull your arms upwards to your shoulders like you would with a regular bicep curl. Your foot will stop the band from moving, and you will be able to use the resistance generated from that to train.

The possibilities are endless when you exercise with resistance bands, and things get even more interesting when you start to make use of the fixtures around you such as pillars and railings to give your workout some variety.

If you are tired of your regular workout and want to try something different, or you simply feel that your workout lacks something, then you should definitely give Resistance bands a try. You can get your very own fitness band to train with from the Suspension Trainers website, where you are sure to find the Fitness band product to suit your exact needs.

How To Use Resistance Bands

May 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jordan English

Learning how to use resistance bands is something that many people are interested in doing. Resistance tubes and bands are lightweight and very easy to store. They are easily taken when you travel to help you workout no matter where you are.

How do resistance bands work?Exercise bands and tubes are made out of elastic. As you stretch out the bands, you will be met with more resistance the farther you stretch them. This resistance allows you to safely tone your muscles. Because the resistance can be applied in any direction whether up or down, you do not need to rely on gravity like with free weights.

An example of how this principle works can seen with a rubber band. Take the rubber band with both hands. If you keep one hand stationary while the other pulls away you will feel the resistance being applied. Try moving your hand away to the side, diagonal, up, down, or any other direction and you will still feel resistance. As your hands move farther apart, your muscles have to work harder to maintain their distance. This is how the resistance tubing and bands work, only on a larger scale.

Who can use resistance bands and tubes?Resistance tubes and bands can be used by any age group from kindergarten to a senior citizen it really does not matter. Exercise bands and tubes are also great for any type of lifestyle whether you are heavily involved in sports or retired and want to get into shape. The exercise bands are easy on the joints and allow for a smoother movement.

Are resistance tubes and bands safe?Resistance tubes and bands are safe to use. There are a couple things to consider with resistance tubes. First, each color means a certain resistance level. Because of this you do not want to buy a resistance band or tube solely based on the color. You must shop by resistance level rather than the color. Second, as you are working out keep in mind that the resistance bands and tubes act as a rubber band, meaning they want to snap back into their original form. Never let go of a resistance band or tube while it is stretched as this could cause injury.

How do I use resistance bands?Resistance tubes and bands can be used the same way you use weights. Because there must be resistance for the bands to work, you must step on or attach one end to a stationary object. For example, to do curls you simply step on one end of the exercise band and hold the other end in your hand making sure there is no slack in the tube when your arm is relaxed. As you slowly curl your arm upwards, you will feel the resistance causing your muscles to work harder.

You can apply the same principle to just about any exercise. Resistance bands are truly the universal exercise equipment and a must have for everyone.

Choosing quality inexpensive resistance bands is as easy as visiting

Jordan English is the VP of Marketing for He enjoys sports and loves spending time with his family. According to his wife he’s awesome.

(0:30)- Routine Sets & Reps (1:32)- Low Row (1:46)- Outer Row (2:00)- Inner Row (2:25)- Chest Press (2:48)- Chest Fly (3:06)- Speed Punches (3:28)- Bicep Curl (4:27)- Shoulder Press (5:01)- Overhead Tricep Extension (5:38)- Front Raises 2-4 circuits 10-20 reps per exercise 60 second MAX rest between exercises or TIMED: 30 seconds per exercise little to no rest between exercises Check out for more information and detailed exercises! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook! Check out my Routines & Tips on the SEARS FitStudio page! 🙂 iPhone App! Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN Check out my Meal Plan!: View TRX Pro Pack Here! Follow me on Twitter!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How To Perform Triceps Extensions With Resistance Bands

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Thomas Leroy

To train your triceps as well as other muscles and get a full body workout, exercise bands are really just what you need. You don’t even need much room, you can train anywhere without spending too much money. Triceps extension is one arm exercise you can perform the same way you would with dumbbells.

Grab the exercise band by the handles, each in one hand. This may be better for you to try fist with the Light resistance band. Step with one foot on the band, in the middle of the lenght.

You’re going to train one arm at a time. Lift the handle up behind your neck. Your elbow should be bent, just next to your head and stay there, keep it in. This is the starting position.

Now extend your arm all the way up over your head. That’s a triceps extension, you need to keep proper form, control the movement. Go back to the starting position by bending your arm, not too fast, still keeping the elbow in and up, your hand is now back behind your neck.

You can perform these triceps extensions using your two arms. Just grab each handle and move them up over your head in the starting position explained earlier, and extend the same way.

Your can also increase the tension by stepping on the band with yur two feet. This will provide you more resistance and make the exercise more challenging. You can also then use a heavier resistance band when it becomes too easy.

Depending on the resistance you use, you will still want to be able to perform 12 reps per set. When you can then again, increase resistance with a heavier tension exercise band.

Triceps extensions is just one exercise you can perform with exercise bands. There are many others you can do and still with the same comfort, versatility and portability.

For exercise bands reviews and more tips and resistance bands workouts, visit Fitness Bands.

Learn the dumbbell triceps extensions to exercise the tricep muscles in thisfree exercise video on working your triceps. Expert: Ricketta Butler Bio: Ricketta Butler is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Health Science Education. She is currently a personal trainer and group fitness coordinator. Filmmaker: Michael Carter
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Resistance Bands: Working Out Without Equipments

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Viola M. McCain

Many people have made lifting weights and operating out a part of their lifestyle. It has become an choice for people who want to attain improved physique and overall health. The majority of the time, individuals workout to shed undesirable pounds and gain muscle mass. Some workout and physical exercise for relaxation and relieve stress. Nevertheless some do not have the cash to avail of gym memberships and acquire necessary equipments. These individuals can use resistance bands to aid them in their workout regimen. These bands are versatile alternatives to workout routines that requires machines and equipments. Additionally, this bands are cheap, handy, and are simple to make use of. Resistance bands are widely utilized in strength, conditioning, and rehabilitation programs.

Resistance bands are hollow elastic tubes that are becoming a handy tool many workout routines. These bands provide continuous resistance all through each and every physical exercise movement which makes it feel harder. The tension supplied by these bands might aid within the development of muscle strength, speed and power. When used correctly, these bands can offer the right degree of tension with out using totally free weights or machines. In addition, these bands offer more selection of workout because one can create tension from numerous angles and may be adjusted to any shape and size of the physique. Because of this, not only the main muscles are trained but also the small ones. Fitness specialists believe that stabilizing the muscles properly is very important in muscle development, injury prevention, and improved well being.

Regular exercise along with a healthy diet can give numerous benefits like improved physical and mental health. Utilizing resistance bands during workouts might provide additional tension required for improved health along with a fit-looking body. Resistance bands added in a coaching regimen might help promote the following:

. Improved muscle strength and tone . Weight management . Prevention and manage of health circumstances like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis . Pain management . Improved mobility and balance . Improved posture . Decreased risk of injury . Increased bone density and strength . Reduced physique fat . Increased muscle-to-fat ratio . Boosted metabolism (burning more kilojoules when at rest) . Improved sleep patterns . Increased self-esteem . Enhanced efficiency of everyday tasks because of improved strength and flexibility. Enhanced self-esteem . Increased cognition and memory Working out with resistance bands not only promotes improved overall health but is also an efficient and secure method to train. In contrast to weight-training, working out with resistance bands uses tension to improve muscle development and strength. This tension could be adjusted rapidly and merely by altering bands or shortening the length from the band. Being able to change resistance rapidly in workouts may help increase the cardiovascular aspect of one’s workout. Additionally, resistance bands are perfect for numerous seniors simply because tension can be adjusted to the tension that suits them. Another notable advantage of resistance bands is it portable and may be brought whilst traveling because it fits in an ordinary bag. Resistance bands are perfect for people who want workouts that builds strength and improve overall well being.

If you want more information on“>Total Gym Review, don’t read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off.Go here: Best Resistance Bands

Bodybuilding using fitness bands

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Harry

Fitness bands are a new addition to the Body building world. The fitness bands have gained increased popularity because they are versatile and can give a full body workout. These bands are also portable and cheap.

These fitness bands apply the same theory of resistance like those of the gym. Except that these bands rely on elastic bands to provide the resistance whereas the weights in the gym rely on cables and pulleys. The bands offer various levels of resistance depending upon their thickness.

These fitness bands are also effective as they will allow you a wider range of motion and provide you with a full body workout rather than the traditional weights. When you’re able to get a wider range of motion then you can recreate any exercise similar to those of the health clubs.

The cost of fitness bands is very low compared to the gym equipment and the traditional weight machines or the home gym systems. The bands generally cost just around fifty dollars while offering resistance of five pounds to twenty-five pounds. These bands can be attached to ankle straps and used to perform exercises so that they give you increased resistance. For example, the resistance offered by the band is very less then you can change another band or add another band and attach the bands to the ankle straps.

These fitness bands can be used to build muscles for any body part. So you don’t need to go buying fitness equipment for different body parts. The convenience offered by these fitness bands is its strongest selling point. You could take your fitness bands and use them while holidaying or at home or in the field. You can carry them anywhere you want and they are also versatile. They are quite easy to pack in a bag and you can work with them anywhere you want. You can build muscles with these bands no matter what your fitness and budget level is.

Fitness bands are inexpensive but most of these bands are not quite effective. Currently the most effective fitness bands are those of the Bodylastics. Bodylastics is the industry standard home gym that is available from just fifty dollars. You can buy these fitness bands separately or purchase the whole package with various extensions. The bands at Bodylastics just cost from ten dollars.

Visit Bodylastics Fitness Bands Here.

Read my review of Bodylastics.

Read a comparison between Bodylastics And Bowflex .

Harry Ramsay is a muscle building expert who quit working out in the gym after using bodylastics.
 – Fitness Band Thera Band Workout FITNESS 4 MMA is sponsored by Otuga
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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New Mini Stepper with Resistance Bands

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Mini-Stepper with resistance bands combines the lower body workout of a stepper with the upper body workout provided by the resistance bands, for full body cardiovascular conditioning.
  • Use the resistance bands to work various upper body muscle groups
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Heavy duty steel frame for years of long life.
  • LCD computer function: scan, time, count, total count, calories

Product Description
Mini-Stepper with resistance bands combines the lower body workout of a stepper with the upper body workout provided by the resistance bands, for full body cardiovascular conditioning.
This compact unit comes complete with dual hydraulic cylinders for resistance and an LCD monitor for tracking time and steps taken.
Compact design for easy storage.
Heavy duty steel frame for years of long life.

LCD Batteries – FREE – included
No need to run out to the store, the Mi… More >>

New Mini Stepper with Resistance Bands

How Can Using Stretch Bands Improve Your Strength Training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jordan Glenn

If you are looking to take your workout to the next level, it may be time to enlist in the help of a personal trainer. This can help you get a more advanced workout and there may be some great tips that you can use to help you maximize each workout. There are many great parks in Brooklyn and this can give you a great place to begin using stretch bands and each workout you participate in will be more effective.

A Brooklyn personal trainer will be full of insight and offer you new things to do in the parks of Brooklyn. This can include many small things that can make a big difference in your final results. It is important to keep each workout new and fresh to challenge your body and this is where a personal trainer can be the biggest help. You will be able to ask questions and get some great feedback that you can incorporate into each workout.

Your personal trainer Brooklyn may be one that has experience with resistance bands. This can increase any workout that you do and the right trainer can show you how to use stretch bands the proper way. Bands increase resistance and this can help you to get more out of even the simplest workout.

These bands are easy to transport and if you have been using weights, you know that you do not have a lot of flexibility on where you can take and use these weights, but stretch bands can be taken anywhere. When the weather is nice in Brooklyn, many people take to the parks for their workout and you can easily use stretch bands outdoors when the weather is best. You may like to mix up your workout so you do not become bored and this is where stretch bands can change with you and will not keep you stuck with one workout routine.

When you use a personal trainer Brooklyn area, you will find that your workout can be modified and with the simple use of stretch bands, you may see some great results.

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

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