Synchro Genesis- Plant Based Superfood + Protein Shake

October 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • Superfoods + Plant-Based Proteins For Performance Nutrition
  • Superfood Protein Shake
  • Chocolate Flavor – All Natural, Vegan
  • Excellent For Recovery Nutrition For Atheletes

Product Description
A truly revolutionary food for the intense demands of life in the information age, Synchro Genesis is a unique blend of high-quality, plant-based proteins and the most nutrient-dense and powerful superfoods the world has to offer. The idea behind Synchro Genesis is simple: the body performs better when fueled by nutrient-dense foods. The ingredients in Synchro Genesis were carefully selected to work in synergy to support metabolism, boost ene… More >>

Synchro Genesis- Plant Based Superfood + Protein Shake

Weight Lifting Exercise Based On Your Gender

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Jeremy Page

Weight Lifting Exercise Based On Your Gender – Health – Fitness

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Weight lifting should not be confused with “weight training,” which is the general lifting that you do at the gym. Weight lifting standards are an indication of the maximum load or one repetition max (1RM) that you should be able to lift for a particular weight lifting exercise based on your gender, body weight and weight lifting experience. Weight lifting, when done properly will increase your lean muscle. Weight lifting can also help to increase the tendon, bone, and ligament strength. Weight lifting exercises will have a very positive influence on your physical performance, metabolic efficiency, physical appearance and reducing your risk of injury.


Strength training is safe when properly supervised and controlled. Strength training is one of the best exercises for women, to help you stay fit, lose weight, and maintain strong bones. Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance with the objective of increasing strength, tone, mass, and/or muscular endurance. Progressive overload means that you increase the workload gradually over time as your muscles accommodate to the resistance with the objective of gaining strength and/or mass. According to the principle of progressive overload, at this point, you would increase the weight if strength improvement is your goal. Your strength will remain the same if you keep the weight the same. Although there isn’t a large body of research to prove that lifting every set to volitional fatigue is necessary for maximal benefit, most strength and fitness professionals agree that working to exhaustion changes muscle fibers in a way that leads to significant growth. The development of all round strength is best achieved via circuit training and then progressing this through weight training. The exercise must be specific to the type of strength required, and is therefore related to the particular demands of the event (specificity).


Do make sure the equipment you use is in good condition. Go to a near by gym and enquire the registration formalities, check the gym equipments and rest areas. A reliable weight lifting equipment guide is very helpful when you start researching and purchasing body building gear, exercise equipment and weight lifting accessories at online stores. Once you have identified your personal weight lifting goals and determined what available space you have in your home for home gym equipment you will be able focus your search for both weight lifting gear and body building supplies. Knowing this will facilitate your quest for the proper weight lifting accessories and body building equipment.

Weight lifting is hard on your central nervous system and without proper rest and recuperation it’s very hard to maintain proper intensity, so good rest is very important. Weight lifting belts help to safely maximize workouts and weight lifting routines. Weight lifting straps and attachments are also vitally important if your goal is to increase the intensity of workouts. Weight lifting is a complicated sport and you need a combination of things to be successful.

About the Author

Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Jeremy Page

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Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Education and Career Based Aspects towards Being a Marine Biologist

May 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

The field of marine biology is very similar to other fields of biology, but the sources along with the targeted study are different. Like the name suggests, a marine biologist works in the field of research and study of life forms (including plant life) that flourish under the sea. 
Most of the aspects of study can be accommodated in 3 facets as follows: Study of the habitat and all the major and minor factors affecting itStudy of animals along with the plant life (flora and fauna)Life cycle and scope 
The roles and responsibilities of marine biologists focus on the cycle – observation, research and experimentation. A major part of their working includes performing experiments in a controlled and calculated nature to understand all the factors, and this forms a basis of further exploration. Mostly, they are required to take specimen to laboratories to conduct experiments and for research purposes. 
With the knowledge of sea creatures and plant life, they work as a part of rescue missions and other emergency issues related to sea (including oil spills). 
Education Based Requirements
Bachelor’s degrees and masters degrees are offered at many universities and colleges.

Degrees in biology and other related fields can also offer opportunities in the field of marine biology. Theoretical aspects involve a lot of online education while practical training is adjusted via laboratory work and visits. 
Job Prospects 
The exciting field of being a marine biologist however doesn’t have a very good employment outlook, but researchers who are fascinated with marine life can choose this field after working in other scientific fields. 
Many marine biologists often author books, journals and even articles in science based magazines.  This field also offers many excellent opportunities for paper presentations during seminars and conferences. The teaching field offers many employment opportunities to folks who have completed masters in marine biology. Salary aspects are decent and pay packages increase with experience.  These biologists often form a part of TV programs and documentaries related to marine life. 
Marine biologists often get to visit many exciting places in terms of flora and fauna. Government sectors and study projects also offer many opportunities to scientists excelling in marine life.

The exciting field of marine biology covers all the 3 aspects, theoretical study, practical learning and online education. Learning, education, career and specialization based aspects towards being a marine biologist is made easy by many professional career directories.

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