Basic Exercises For Back Pain
January 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Bang L.
Back pain can be a very discomforting and even painful experience. This is why it is very important that you take the necessary steps to treat it and even avoid getting back pain in the first place. In order to help you with this matter, here are some basic exercises that can help improve your back muscles and guarantee that the chances of getting the pain in your back is going to be minimized. If you follow the exercises outlined in this article, you will be able to definitely avoid getting back pain due to very strong back muscles. Here are some basic exercises for back pain.
Sit-ups – this exercise is not only used to develop abdominal muscles and achieve the popularly aspired for “six pack”. Sit-ups are also able to improve the back muscles. This is because the muscles required to perform a proper sit-up includes both the abdominal and back muscles. These muscles are also the same muscles that strengthens ones core. Sit-ups strengthens the core of you body which in turn, properly and safely supports your back. This means that with regular sit-ups, you can be able to avoid various popular causes of back pain.
Back stretches – aside from weak muscles, back pain is also caused by over strained or over extended muscles. Over stretching makes your muscles strain too much to the point that it can reach maximum elasticity and cause pain. If you are about to perform any strenuous activity, you need to make sure that you stretch your back properly. In order to do this, you need to perform proper back stretching exercises like the back flexion stretch, side stretch, back extension McKenzie and the TFL stretches.
Weighted back exercises – this is a very effective way to really strengthen your back muscles. The weight that you add in your exercises can make your back muscles stronger after regularly exercising with them. The most popular weight equipment to use in weighted back exercises are dumbbells because they are very convenient. With dumbbells, you can do exercises like dumbbell rows, dumbbell pullovers, reverse flies and lateral raises. Aside from dumbbells, you can also use barbells as well as elastic bands as part of your exercises.
These are just some of the examples of exercises for back pain that you can incorporate in your daily exercise regimen in order to strengthen your back and avoid getting back pain. In order to do this properly, you need to see to it that you gradually ease into it by first doing a few repetitions and a few sets and then slowly adding more as you become more adept and stronger. You need to make sure that you do not overwork yourself with these exercises as it might cause back pain for you. This is something that you are avoiding in the first place.
Bang L. is the creator of “Back Pain Alleviation“, a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men and women to relieve they’re back pain. Learn how you can cure your back pain woes by simple remedies by visiting: Back Pain Alleviation

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Here are the best ways to train your back at home with dumbbells. You can’t neglect training the upper back because it is one of the hot zones of fat burning in your body. Since there is so much muscle mass found in your upper back, you can really burn a lot of calories by training that area. However, a lot of people have problems training that area at home because they dont have access to a chin-up bar or an adjustable bar where they can do inverted bodyweight rows lying on the ground. So, this leaves us with a bench, dumbbells, and a ball. Fortunately, there are still quite a few different exercises we can do that will add variation to our workouts and help us enjoy them a lot more. The first exercise is the Dumbbell Pullover and it is going to train your abs, chest, and your lats. This exercise is a classic Arnold Era exercise. However, it is important to be conservative when performing this one, as you can really injure yourself if you try to do too much weight. There are a couple of different ways to do this exercise. One way is to do it lying regularly on a bench. Hold the dumbbell over your chest with a slight bend in your arms, and lowering the DB back over your head. You will begin to feel a stretch and using your lats, pull the DB back up over your chest. As the DB gets closer to your chest, then the chest muscles begin to do most of the work. An alternative method of performing the DB Pullover is lying …
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6 Basic Dumbbell Exercise For Weight Loss
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by TOAS
Weight training has a great number of numerous benefits we can all bear witness to. It can help you lose body fat and boost your health. It helps raise metabolism which encourages the muscles to burn calories, increase bone density and thus keep bones strong. In fact weight lifting is recommended by medical institutions to shed off excess weight.
It is important to begin exercising with some stretching for at least 10 minutes. This is to warm-up the body to gradually lead the body into a workout
Basic dumbbell exercises include workouts targeting at each of these muscle groups, with repetition of ten to twelve times for each exercise:
1. Chest Press
Lie down on the floor or on a bench with your knees bent. With shoulders apart, hold up the dumbbells over with elbows bent and palms facing out. Slowly extend your arms upwards until the elbows are nearly straight (that is don’t lock the elbows), and have the dumbbells touch each other. Return to the starting position, without dropping your elbows below the surface of the bench.
This exercise strengthens the pectoral muscles in the front of the chest.
2. Bent-Over Row
Start with your right knee resting on a bench. With your back parallel to the ceiling, place your right hand on the bench for support. With your left arm hanging down, hold on to a dumbbell and slowly raise the arm up to the armpit. Lower the weight to the starting point.
To do this without a bench, stand with your legs apart. Then bend your knees and lean forward at the hips.
The bent-over row strengthens the muscles at the back of the shoulder.
3. Triceps Extension
Lie on your back with a dumbbell in your hand. Place your dumbbells above your eyes with elbows bent and palms facing each other. Slowly extend your arms nearly straight. A little bend in on the arm keeps tension on the tricep muscle. If you find it hard to keep the arms extended, use the opposite hand to lend some support.
The triceps extension can be done lying on a bench or on the floor. The exercise aims at strengthening the tricep muscles in the back of the upper arm.
4. Biceps Curl
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palm facing upward. Slowly curl the dumbbells up and try to touch them to your shoulders.
This exercise can be done standing or seated. It strengthens the biceps muscle in the front of the upper arm.
5. Quadriceps
With legs shoulder-width apart and arms hanging at the side with a dumbbell in each hand, squat down with your knees bent no more further beyond the feet. Keep the back straight as you bend.
This exercise works on the quads, hamstrings and glutes.
6. Pressing Up Abs
Lie flat on the floor and bend the knees. Hold a dumbbell with both hands stretched upwards. Do a sit-up while keeping your buttocks on the floor.
This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.
To learn more on how to use dumbbells in your workout regimen, check out fitness trainer and author Mike Westerdal’s Dumbbell Routines And Exercises (consists of an eBook, video demos and printable logs).
Tips Of All Sorts is a health reporter’s journal with notes on modern day issues that matter to everyday living.
Basic Explanation of the Powerlifting Sport
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Marko Dimitrov
In a nutshell, powerlifting is a sport that involves strength training of the body with the goal of lifting as much weight as possible in the following three disciplines: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Before this sport was officially formed there were events called the odd lifts, mainly concentrated in the USA. Odd lift meets usually included some of the three main powerlifting events with the combination of some other lifts, like continental clean & jerk, curl and other non standard lifts. Once established, powerlifting spread around many countries, especially becoming popular in UK and Russia.This sport involves training of strength and explosive speed abilities. In oppose to popular belief that having big muscles means being strong, in powerlifting quite the opposite stands true. Since men and women are divided into weight and age categories, each athlete is trying to develop maximal strength without changing his bodyweight which usually leads to creating a physique abnormally strong for its size and appearance. If you look at some of the World class powerlifters, like Jaroslaw Olech, who has only 75kg but can squat with five times his weight or bench with three times his weight, you’ll realize what I am talking about.Nutrition that follows powerlifting training is very specific and it can be considered similar to classic eating style of bodybuilders when dieting for a competition. It revolves around huge intake of protein to accommodate the recuperation and growth of the muscle tissue broken down by strenuous training. Amount of carbohydrates should be enough to keep body storage level of energy high for working out but still low enough so that the athlete does not add weight. Fat sources are kept to a minimum and usually only healthy fats are consumed.Powerlifting was divided to many federations, where each of them has its own rules of competition. For example, RAW federation forbids the use of appropriate apparel that is on the other hand allowed in IPF federation. IPF for example carries out anti-doping tests while WPO and WPC don’t. Also the difference can be between the lifts as well, like the depth of the squat or the style of the deadlift. Powerlifting is not yet a part of the Olympic community but it is on the way to become, although it is a part of Paralympics Games since 1984.Special apparel is used for training and competition to help the athletes lift more weight and prevent any possible injuries. This equipment includes weight belt, knee and wrist wraps, bench shirt, squat suit, deadlift suit, magnesium chalk, socks, singlet, special shoes and boots and deadlift slippers.Powerlifting is a sport not just for the biggest and strongest, but can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, gender or disability. Men and women can even pick it up when they are fifty and do it until their late seventies. If you have the opportunity, include it in your daily routine and after some time you will start to understand why people become hung up on it for life.
Powerlifting is very demanding and complex sport. To learn about its rules, training, nutrition and competition, visit the Powerlifting Academy, where you can read tips from a professional strength training coach and powerlifter Marko Dimitrov.