How to Become a Marine Biologist
September 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Marine Training
Article by Sutiyo Na
How to Become a Marine Biologist – Education – Science
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A lot of individuals dream of becoming a marine biologist but fail to acquire the right skills and personality required for the course. Determine your interest in the subject and find out how you can cope with the requirements. You do not have to take up the actual Marine Biology course in college to be a marine biologist. You will find that there are many related courses that you can take, for you to fully enjoy your career for the long term.
School Requirements
You have to build a strong and solid educational base. Study a lot of science subjects such as chemistry, physics, biology and geology in high school. You should also study intensely and try to aim for very high grades. Also focus on your writing skills, since you will write a lot of reports and proposals in the actual job. If you want to get a graduate or doctorate degree, take up language subjects too, like German and Latin.
Do special research studies in high school and participate in science projects and conventions for students. Volunteer in research facilities and raise an aquarium. You may want to spend some money traveling to different marine labs all over the globe. Once you get to university, choose subjects that will further expand your knowledge base such as biology, physics, chemistry and biochemistry. You can also add astronomy and geology.
Choosing the School
Pick the right university and master’s graduate study school that provides you with all the knowledge, tools and skills to become competent in your field. Talk to current students and professors. Find out how training is and what are the available resources and laboratories to equip you properly. Once you get your master’s degree, you can further focus on getting a doctorate degree to earn big positions or have the privilege to become professor and teach. Spend some time comparing schools before making your final decision.
Finding the Job
There are several branches of marine biology that you can work in, depending on your credentials and specific interest. You can be several other related things like being an educator, oceanographer, ocean engineer, etc. Most of the job entails gathering data, creating proposals, teaching and making proposals and reports. Choose the institutions that focus on the studies that you are truly interested in. Find more information by visiting online discussion boards, web sites and joining actual events and forums.
Planning and Preparation
It is recommended that you look for a mentor who will guide you through the process. This way, you avoid the common pitfalls such as missing a subject or two and having to go back and study before you become qualified for the job. You should already determine the course you want to take, as well as continue learning about the requirements of the job. Assignments will vary depending on your location, the subject and the institution. You can also take up more units to become qualified in another marine profession, should you lose interest in your current work.
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What You Need To Become A Marine Professional
July 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Marine Training
Article by Nia Lawrence
What You Need To Become A Marine Professional – Technology – GPS
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Aeronautics institutes for the aspiring pilots and maritime schools for marine professionals. In the maritime industry, there are many institutes that offer good scholastic foundation to aspiring students who are looking for a career. To become an expert in this field, courses and training in different areas of study in maritime can be provided by a well-renowned school. Different areas of expertise like engineering and hydrodynamics, port and shipping, environment and resource sustainability and business management focused on commercial maritime are possible choices for students. Navigational, operations and all the proper ways of using marine charts and other navigational tools can be a main focus.
Different courses and advanced training in different navigational tools and instruments are some things that one must go through to become a professional licensed to navigate a ship. Top schools and institutes also incorporate latest marine technologies in their courses. First-hand training on how to use top-of-the-line marine equipment like marine GPS, chart plotters, autopilot systems, multi-functional navigational displays, radars, sounder modules and other navigational instruments are what a student can expect. Top organizations or companies in the future will be looking for advanced knowledge, skills and experience in this area.
Government laws and compliance related to navigation and operations are also important data that a marine professional must also be aware of and familiar with. Health and safety regulations must be followed and certain appliances and equipment that are required must be on-hand and available at all times. To make sure that everyone are skilled and capable to practice safety measures and make sound decisions during life-threatening situations, emergency training programs must also be passed. As the life of the passengers rely on the professionals, these professionals must provide emergency tactics and provisions. Studies have shown that 80% of marine accidents caused by human error. Training and safety equipment are vital in reducing the risk of dangers on sea.
The future of the maritime industry relies on the professionals that will come from different maritime educational institutes. It is crucial to properly educate aspiring marine professionals not only in the proper operations and use of navigational instruments like marine charts, radars and radio transmitters but also in health and safety programs. Every commercial cruise line, shipping company or transport business will need the best professionals who can offer outstanding performance and expertise.
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The use of navigational instruments like marine charts and radars and health and safety procedures are crucial in a marine professionals education check out for more info.
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The use of navigational instruments like marine charts and radars and health and safety procedures are crucial in a marine professionals education check out for more info.
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Become A Personal Trainer
March 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
There is an exciting opportunity to put yourself in the position to make a better life for yourself and others, especially if you love physical fitness, health and well-being. You can become a personal trainer, and learn the art of yoga, the many facets of body sculpturing, aerobics, and nutritional wellness, and so much more about the human body. There are many areas and subcategories from which to choose when thinking about becoming a personal trainer. Anyone can concentrate their abilities, and study a particular chosen field specializing in an area that interests them the most. Or, if you prefer, you can become an expert in several of these areas. This will enable you to work various venues without the boredom of repetion.
One of the first things to do if you want to become a personal trainer is to make the decision as to whether or not you want to do the work.
There are a lot of mandatory abilities and knowledge necessary for a personal trainer to possess before they can take the exam and become certified in general training, or in an exact field of study.
Another needed quality is the love for people. You must have a love for many different types of people and have the ability to motivate them as well as yourself. Being a good listener and nurturing are traits you should possess as well. Having a healthy and active way of life along with having a high standard of living is of the utmost importance if you want to do well as a personal trainer. Lifestyle choices will be a key factor in being successful as a personal trainer.
The next step when you decide you have what it takes to become a personal trainer is to study for the certification exam.
There are many ways to prepare you for this exam. Online study and studying at home are both popular ways to pursue certification.
Choosing a special field of study may be to your advantage. To become a personal trainer with a specialty certification shows you have more to offer a prospective client, and in turn the client would also see the specialty credentials. This would also automatically confirm you are qualified to do a particular, distinct training.
The National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) is a experienced, member-driven, education and credentialing organization for personal trainers and exercise science industry experts to realize their goals. Find out more about become a personal trainer.
Find out how to become a certified personal trainer today! Learn more fit tips at Ever dreamed of helping others lose weight, get fit and achieve their goals? It’s easier than you think to get certified to be a personal trainer. TheSarah Fit Show features videos of Sarah Dussault and includes her tips on healthy living. Topics range from an easy ab workout in the gym to which foods are healthier than others. In these videos Sarah explains, and shows, easy ways to stay fit, thin, and healthy. New episodes every Monday on the Click Fitness Network. Sarah’s Channel Sarah’s Website: Sarah’s Twitter Facebook: ACSM: Click Fitness Channel
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Become A Powerlifter With Louie’s Equipments
February 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
A celebrated powerlifter like Louie Simmons needs no introduction. His vast knowledge about how to produce strength is the result of his 27 years of experience in various powerlifting organizations. Apart from being the only lifter above 50 years to squat 920 and a total of 2100, Louie is one of the powerlifters to total Elite in 5 weight classes. There is only five other powerlifters who accomplished the task.
Just like his powerlifting achievements, Louies dynamic training methods and lifting techniques are well appreciated amongst the lifters. In fact his training methods and knowledge have helped to create 25 World and National Champions so far. Butch Reynolds, the World Record holder of the 400-meter dash, also followed Louies training methods. In addition, the powerlifting training methods of Louie Simmons have helped to create 27 powerlifters who have totaled more than 2000 pounds, twenty-eight 800 lb plus squatters, thirty-three 550 lb benchers, eighteen 600 lb benchers, ten 900 lb plus squatters and five 700 lb benchers till date.
Simmons, through his legendary Westside Barbell, advocates the use of the conjugate method. This powerlifting method is loosely based on the conjugate parallel system, which was recommended by a number of strength coaches of the former Soviet Union. Westside Barbells training week includes four sessions per week. In the first two sessions the main focus is on the upper body work. Bench press is mainly used to work on upper body. While working on the lower body, which is included in the other two sessions, squat and deadlift are the primary focus. Box squats are used with lighter loads and fast speed.
The following are some of the special equipments used by Louie Simmons:
Belt Squat Machine: A real Louie original, Belt Squat Machine allows the lifter to get a full squat exercise for legs and glute area. Better yet, you dont have to put a bar on your back. There are weight pegs where you need to load plates and step onto the platform. You will find a supplied squat belt to hook the cable. The belt can be exchanged for other attachments as well; and this multipurpose machine can also be used to do pull-through simply by attaching a pair of web handle. For deep grip pulls, V-grip can be used and for curls, row and tricep extensions attach a single hand grip.
Zercher Harness: Zerchers squat, where you need to hold the bar in the crook of the arms, is the dynamic training method followed by many powerlifters. Louies Zercher Harness comes with two adjustments that gives the bar front squat availability. While doing a Zercher squat you need to lift the bar in your elbows and try to go as low as possible. You can either low your bar unit it is on your knees or you can lower it over your knees. Again, go as low as possible and then drop your hips low to stretch your lower back and stand up.
WheelFarrow: Louie named this machine after its designer Tom Farrow. You can do a number of exercises with the help of a wheelfarrow, including rows facing, military presses, pulls, standard pushes, static holds and grip work, and bench presses.
Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of
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How to Become A Personal Trainer
January 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Brodie Sword
These days, trainers are in soaring demand, and everyone is curious as to how to become a personal trainer. First, the education element of becoming a personal trainer is fairly straightforward. A high school diploma is generally required along with certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification, of course there is an exam needed should you want to become a certified trainer.
It takes about six to eight weeks to prepare for the certified trainer exam. However, unfortunately not all personal trainers are certified. It is by personal choice as to whether a personal trainer becomes certified. Yet, if certification is achieved the person trainer can expect better pay from their clients. Furthermore, there will be more respect and admiration with a certification, not to mention there is more knowledge of how the human body works and adapts to training as the studies for the exam will enlighten and teach several different wellness subjects.
If you want to know how to become a trainer, there are many programs available for the serious student. Anyone who wants to become a personal trainer has the option to go online and search the many web pages that are dedicated to the trainer certification exam. There are programs for studying at home, and the local fitness centers can also point you in the right direction if you are interested in studying close to home. Just remember, there is a venue to fit your lifestyle if you are serious about becoming a trainer.
Taking the exam is only the first step in becoming a trainer. Becoming a personal is more than ordering someone around, and making them do exercise and stretches. It also is more than giving health advice on taking vitamin supplements and proteins. It entails caring about your clients, and sincerely wanting them to succeed at becoming healthier. So, becoming a successful trainer isn’t about becoming certified, it is about being passionate in relation to what you do and how you affect and help your clients’ lives.
Taking the exam is only the first step in becoming a personal trainer. Becoming a trainer is more than ordering someone around, and making them do exercise and stretches. It also is more than giving health advice on taking vitamin supplements and proteins. It entails caring about your clients, and sincerely wanting them to succeed at becoming healthier. So, becoming a successful trainer isn’t about becoming certified, it is about being passionate in relation to what you do and how you affect and help your clients’ lives.
The Personal Trainer Certification Exam was developed by subject matter experts from throughout the United States under the management and administration of Prometric, the de facto standard in professional test administration. How To Become Personal Trainer.
Become A Personal Trainer
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
If you have a passion for people and health and fitness you already have the first step to becoming a personal trainer. Your next step is to complete one of the informative and innovative personal trainer courses on offer.
The trick to being successful in any career is knowledge and passion. If you have the passion there is a Personal Trainer Course that will give you the knowledge that you need to be a success. The more successful you are the more successful your clients will be in obtaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
There are many people that need to change to a healthier lifestyle, but they are unsure of themselves and of what to do. A personal trainer plays an important role in putting these people on the right track and keeping them there. If you think about it a personal trainer needs to be very knowledgeable in fitness and nutrition. Maybe you would prefer to help people in a set environment like a Gym. With the range of courses you can choose from, you could become a qualified gym instructor. Or you could start off with the gym instructors course and work your way up. They say knowledge is power, but it is money too. The more you know the more you earn.
Discovery Learning knows the importance of high quality training. That is why the tutors they use are not only well trained; they are experienced in their field. They all have successful businesses away from teaching. That makes Discoverys Personal Trainer Courses all the more effective. The tutors do not only teach you the theory, they can draw on their own experience to make sure you are properly equipped to deal with situations in the field of fitness. To view the courses in more detail and make a booking for your future visit
Top Muscle building Meal Plan ? Become you own Muscle Building Cook
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Building
When you look at bodybuilders, you see them eat most of the time when they are not working out and that is because they have a muscle building meal plan that they follow. Having a muscle building meal plan is key for building muscle as your growth depends on the food you eat.
This article will be about having the right muscle building meal plan and you can mix the different foods to combine them in a way that fits you.
Muscle Building Meal Plan – The Foods
-1st Muscle Building Meal Plan – Eggs:
Eggs are a great source of protein and rich in healthy fat. The healthy fat we are talking about is not what is found in fries and other fast foods. That is saturated fat and something we want to keep our hands from. Eggs are also easy to digest for building muscle.
-2nd Muscle Building Meal Plan – Fish:
Fish is another great source of protein as well as healthy fat.
It really doesn’t matter which kind of fish you choose, as they are all great, but most bodybuilders go for salmon and it taste great if you know how to make it. Fish should be eaten several times a week.
-3rd Muscle Building Meal Plan – Lean Meat:
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that meat is rich in proteins and is also one of the greatest sources of iron in muscle building meal plan. But it is also high in cholesterol and should be kept on a low.
-4th Muscle Building Meal Plan – Peanut Butter:
Peanut butter is rich in proteins and fat. A lot of people think that it is unhealthy because it is usually associated with being a snack meal, like jelly peanut butter sandwich. But if you cut the jelly and white bread out, you will find it to be a great source in your muscle building meal plan.
-5th Muscle Building Meal Plan – Chicken:
Chicken is key for people who also want to lose weight. That is because chicken is low in calories, but rich in proteins. And if you want to cut weight, you need to have lower calorie consumption. But chicken is also great for bodybuilders because of the richness in proteins and you can eat a lot of it in your muscle building meal plan.
Muscle Building Meal Plan – Carbohydrates
You also need sources of carbohydrates in your muscle building meal plan. Some great sources of carbohydrates are brown rise, oatmeal, whole grains, fruits, vegetables etc.
Especially after your workout session, your body needs the right nutrition to repair the muscles with. A great way is to take a protein shake right after your workout with carbohydrates, to transport it faster to your protein receptors.
You should also have a muscle building meal plan with carbohydrates before your workout, because you need the energy to have a great workout session.
All the above foods are great for growth and should be included in your diet. To make the muscle building meal plan more exciting, you can imagine yourself being the greatest cook on the planet and make a dream dish come true.
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