Beginner Running Tips

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Richard Riley

Beginner Running Tips – Health – Fitness

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If you are new to running or just about to begin, motivation can often be the hardest obstacle to overcome. In the following article I’ll be giving you my top 5 beginner running tips that have been integral to successes over the last year.

1. Set yourself a target. A target is very important to your progress, without one you may be inclined to give up too easily. Use your target as motivation for your run, it could be run a marathon within 2 years or losing 2lb within a month it does not matter. Once you have completed your target set yourself a new one!

2. Invest in the correct equipment. I was temped to just stick with my 3 year old gym trainers, but without the ankle support of the correct running shoes you could end up injuring yourself. Buying new trainers is also a great motivation, you will find yourself wanting to try them out. Choosing the correct apparel will keep you comfortable and focused during your run.

3. Invite a friend. Bring out your competitive streak by inviting a friend along, you’d be surprised at how much difference this can make. Don’t be scared to invite a friend that is a experienced runner than yourself, I guarantee that they will help you find a good pace. If you cannot find someone who is willing to run with you or you prefer to run alone, sign up to the many social runner websites that make it easy for you to challenge people that are of a similar level.

4. Start slow. When starting out you will probably need to ease your body into the routine, but no matter how experienced you are this step is always important. Start at a slow steady pace and hold it for at least 5 minutes, if you feel comfortable gradually speed up. You should never get out of breath but if you do start to struggle just lower your pace never stop or walk. Once you build up a little experience your correct pace will come naturally.

5. Give injuries time. Injuries can push back your targets and if you are unfortunate enough to get one you must give it plenty of time to heal. Many running related injuries are reoccurring which could put you back to square one if you are not very careful. To get back to full fitness after a lengthy time injured take a lot of small runs, and if you feel any signs of it coming back stop immediately.

If you enjoyed reading this article I would recommend: The Essential Guide to Training For a Marathon

My final tip would be to always enjoy your running!

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Richard Riley

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Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner!

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner. 6 or 8 zone muscle belly, belly rolling, you can call it by different ways; your belly is the center for a beautiful body. It is a attractive persons of different sexes.

The beautiful abdominal muscles and clear, it wills expression of power and health. Both the girls and the boys were attempting to have the mid-muscular but very few people achieve this result. If you are looking for a perfect program for you to get a muscular abdominal muscles, you do not need to have father search.

Nutrition and cardio are indispensable for creating muscle belly. However, in this article we focus on fitness exercises for belly muscle.

The abdomen is composed of four parts, the next section, I will discuss the position and functions of each division and two exercises you can use to stimulate the muscles of your abdomen.

Straight abdominal muscles:
Position: Includes area from the sternum to the pelvis.
Function: keep your body.
Exercise: Crunch or Sit Up.

Italics muscle:
Location: two sides of your the belt.
Function: To assist, turn yourself..
Exercise: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches.

Intercostals muscles:
Location: Between the next rib cage.

It works when you bend, rotate the body sides.
Feature: Raising, bent down
Exercise: Air Bike.

Location: Between the stomach and the triangle in front of spine.
Function: pull the scapula forward and around
Exercise: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches.

Abdominal muscles are composed of fibers of “fast twitch” muscle fibers are denser “slow twitch”, so it needs constant weight exercises to stimulate.

This means you need to set the midrange frequency.

Not the endless exercises as in the past. You should focus on exercises about 8-15 times / 1 times.

All exercises should be practiced proper movement and posture. If you practice wrong, the result will be low that it can create long-term injury.

5 Abdominal muscle exercises:

Form 1:

* Cable Crunches

* Side Bends

* Crunches

* Reverse Crunches

Form 2:

* Barbell twists

* Air Bike Crunches

* Hands Over Head Crunches

* Lying Leg Raises

Form 3:

* Frog Sit Ups

* Jackknife Sit Ups

* Oblique Crunches

* Reverse Crunch

Form 4:

* Russian Twist

* Abs Crunch Machine

* Barbell Side Bends

* Crunch – Legs On Exercise Ball

Form 5:

* Decline Crunch

* Dumbbell Side Bends

* Exercise Ball Crunch

* Flat Bench Leg Pull-In

You’ve seen five programs to train. I usually practice the abdomen every 2-3 days. Try rotating these 5 training programs. I guarantee that they will give you more toned abdominal muscles. Should remember that quality is more important than quantity.

To get more specific instructions and details of abdominal muscle exercises for beginer please visit the website: Fast Muscle Building . You can find the appropriate program and effectively help you have a muscle that you always wanted.



The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence:  21 Day Fast Mass Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !


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Five Important Beginner Running Tips

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Five Important Beginner Running Tips – Sports

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When you decide to start running you have got a lot of questions on your mind. How do I start running? What should I wear? Is it okay if I walk occasionally? In this article I will provide you with an overview of a few important beginner running tips.

Beginner Running Tip 1: It is never too late to start running

It does not matter how old you are, exercise is good for you. It has been proven in many scientific studies that regular exercise provides you with many benefits such as more energy, less chance of getting heart disease and cancer, better sleeping patterns and this list is far from over!

Beginner Running Tip 2: Start with a run / walk program

I always recommend beginning runners to start with a running program that consists of both running and walking. As a starter you will, initially, not be able to run far. And if you did you would expose yourself to a high risk of running injuries and health problems. You need to really start slowly and build up that stamina and those running muscles. You can make fantastic progress in a short amount of time and the chances that you will actually enjoy the running and keep on doing it are much higher.

Beginner Running Tip 3: Keep a running log

A running log you put the basic information about the exercise you have done. So how far did you run, how long did it take, what type of running did you do (e.g. run/walk, easy run, interval), etc. You could also enter additional information like your average heart rate during the run, how you felt, what the weather was, etc.You keep a running log for a few good reasons. One of those is that it definitely provides extra motivation when you see your mileage increase week on week. Another one is that it provides a chance to look back later and find out why a certain race did not go as planned, why you got injured etc. A log is a valuable tool for beginning and more experienced runners.

Beginner Running Tip 4: Tangible Goals

Start running with a goal in mind. This could be weight-loss related or performance related. For example, set yourself a goal of running 30 minutes non-stop in twelve weeks time. Or losing 5 kilos in 3 months. If you do not have tangible goals or reasons to keep running, it will be hard to keep on going when the going gets tough and the initial enthusiasm starts to fade. Believe me, it happens.

Beginner Running Tip 5: Low Intensity

Many runners, beginning and more experienced, make the mistake of running too fast. They run a certain distance and measure their time each and every run. And they need to beat that time every time. This is not necessarily the smartest strategy. For starters, faster running is much more strenuous on your body and therefore you are much more likely to get injured.

Another reason is that, strangely enough, slower running will help you get faster much faster than faster running does. OK, read that sentence again and let it sink in. Easy running, the pace at which you are able to hold a conversation, should be the core of your running training. It will help you go longer and further over time, will help build your cardio-vascular system and it will help make you really strong. Once you have build up that strong base, then you can go fast over shorter distances as well. Just imagine if you could run 10 miles easily, then how fast would you be able to do a one-miler? There is nothing as important as easy running.

These tips should really help to make sure your running career is off with a flying start. Happy running!

About the Author

Dominique de Rooij is an avid runner and founder of site contains lots of advice for beginning and more experienced runners including beginner running programs.His page lists the 18 most important beginner running tips and is a must-read for the beginning runner.

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Dominique de Rooij

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Dominique de Rooij is an avid runner and founder of site contains lots of advice for beginning and more experienced runners including beginner running programs.His page lists the 18 most important beginner running tips and is a must-read for the beginning runner.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner!

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Emily Louisa

Building Muscle Tips – 5 Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner! – Health – Fitness

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Abdominal Muscle Exercises for Beginner. 6 or 8 zone muscle belly, belly rolling, you can call it by different ways; your belly is the center for a beautiful body. It is a attractive persons of different sexes.

The beautiful abdominal muscles and clear, it wills expression of power and health. Both the girls and the boys were attempting to have the mid-muscular but very few people achieve this result. If you are looking for a perfect program for you to get a muscular abdominal muscles, you do not need to have father search.

Nutrition and cardio are indispensable for creating muscle belly. However, in this article we focus on fitness exercises for belly muscle.

The abdomen is composed of four parts, the next section, I will discuss the position and functions of each division and two exercises you can use to stimulate the muscles of your abdomen.

Abdomen:Straight abdominal muscles:Position: Includes area from the sternum to the pelvis.Function: keep your body.Exercise: Crunch or Sit Up.

Italics muscle:Location: two sides of your the belt.Function: To assist, turn yourself..Exercise: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches.

Intercostals muscles:Location: Between the next rib cage. It works when you bend, rotate the body sides.Feature: Raising, bent downExercise: Air Bike.

Serrated:Location: Between the stomach and the triangle in front of spine.Function: pull the scapula forward and aroundExercise: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches.

Abdominal muscles are composed of fibers of “fast twitch” muscle fibers are denser “slow twitch”, so it needs constant weight exercises to stimulate.

This means you need to set the midrange frequency. Not the endless exercises as in the past. You should focus on exercises about 8-15 times / 1 times.

All exercises should be practiced proper movement and posture. If you practice wrong, the result will be low that it can create long-term injury.

5 Abdominal muscle exercises:

Form 1:

* Cable Crunches

* Side Bends

* Crunches

* Reverse Crunches

Form 2:

* Barbell twists

* Air Bike Crunches

* Hands Over Head Crunches

* Lying Leg Raises

Form 3:

* Frog Sit Ups

* Jackknife Sit Ups

* Oblique Crunches

* Reverse Crunch

Form 4:

* Russian Twist

* Abs Crunch Machine

* Barbell Side Bends

* Crunch – Legs On Exercise Ball

Form 5:

* Decline Crunch

* Dumbbell Side Bends

* Exercise Ball Crunch

* Flat Bench Leg Pull-In

You’ve seen five programs to train. I usually practice the abdomen every 2-3 days. Try rotating these 5 training programs. I guarantee that they will give you more toned abdominal muscles. Should remember that quality is more important than quantity.

To get more specific instructions and details of abdominal muscle exercises for beginer please visit the website: Fast Muscle Building. You can find the appropriate program and effectively help you have a muscle that you always wanted.

About the Author

The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence: 21 Day Fast Muscle Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Emily Louisa

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The Fastest & Easiest Muscle Growth Solution In Existence: 21 Day Fast Muscle Building. Add Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days !

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.

To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!

To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!

The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.

This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Four of the Best Beginner Running Tips

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Running is a very effective way in achieving better health and a fitter body. It is a great habit that can build your heart’s endurance, increase your lung’s capacity for oxygen, and control your overall weight. Yes it is beneficial but in any exercise regimen you need to start right to prevent injuries happening to you. If you are planning to become a runner, you need to take note of some beginner running tips found in this article to make sure you start off your running the right way.

Beginner Running Tip #1: Go See a Doctor

The first and perhaps the most important thing you need to do is see a doctor. This is very important since some people whether you are really out of shape or not, may be diagnosed for some certain conditions that would make you unfit to run. Having heart problems, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, and other ailments could make the doctor suggest for you not to do some running because it can cause more injury to you or worsen your present condition.

Talk to your doctor about the plans that you have and ask for his advice on whether you should pursue your plans of running or not. If you have no existing condition then he would usually say it is perfectly fine and that he is happy that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your overall health condition.

Beginner Running Tip #2: Do a Run/Walk Program

Contrary to what some may believe, running needs to be learnt. Everybody can run, but running longer distances needs to be trained. Therefore you should start with a walking / running program before you run non-stop. Especially when you are overweight this is important as you do not want to put yourself at unnecessary risk of getting injured or experiencing health problems. Bottom line is to start slow and gradually increase your pacing and distance. You will be surprised of your progress in just a matter of weeks.

Beginner Running Tip #3: Check Your Pulse

When you are already running, one way to check your progress and see if you have made considerable amount of improvement is to check your pulse. Remember that running is a cardiovascular activity therefore it trains you heart to pump more blood through your body than it did before. In other words, as you get better trained the heart will need lesser beats than before to let you do the same amount of work. So regularly test yourself by doing a similar workout and then see if your pulse is lower or higher.

If it is lower, then there is a good chance you have made some progress.

However, if it is higher, than this could mean you might be overdoing it and the best way to get around it is to rest for a day and check your pulse the following day. When it is back to its normal level then you can start running again.

Beginner Running Tip #4: Keep a Running Log

More experienced runners keep a running log to help them monitor their progress. It does not mean that you can skip this since you are a beginner, it is better to practice this as early as possible so you get used to the habit and do what is commonly seen as best practice. In your record book, log your distance, time, and type of workout you can also add other information there to keep it more interesting for you.

This will help you follow your improvements, but can also be useful later on when you get injured and you can see the trajectory towards that injury. Especially over a longer period of time this becomes helpful. You might find out you always get pains after about 3-4 weeks of more intense speed work, or after increasing your weekly mileage to over a certain threshold. Your running log will help you understand better how your body functions and what it can and cannot handle.

Following these four beginner running tips should get you on the right track in your newfound passion. It is a great sport, providing plenty of benefits to you, including improved stamina, reduced risk of heart diseases and it can even help combat depression. With that mind, turn off that computer now and go for a run right now, so you can start reaping the benefits derived from running.

Want more beginner running tips? Then check out The 18 Most Important Beginner Running Tips of Best Running Tips is your website for anything to do with running training, apparel, gear and beginner running tips.
 CLICK HERE for a FREE RUNNING WORKOUT. Learn how to run and better your running form to run faster!

Beginner Running Training – Break Your PR

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Chris Fenton

So you want to be a runner. You want to engage yourself in runs and then be successful in these runs. Well, you don’t have to worry as all these can happen. You will only need to go through all the running trainings. First, you will need to go through the beginner running training.Click Here For Break Your PR Instant Access Now!You will need a good running training guide and great patience and determination to make it through all the running trainings. Well, with the good running training guide, there are a lot of running training guides you can find and own simply. Of course, a good running training guide will guide you in every training. It will teach you what you should actually do in every training. It will help you become a runner, be engaged in runs and then be successful in these runs.Yes, there are many running training guides you can find and own simply. You will not have any problem finding and owning one. But be careful as you might end up having the wrong one, the running training guide that can’t guide you properly in every training, that can’t actually teach you what you need to do in every training.Be wise when choosing which running training guide to have. You must have researched about running and you can make use of what you’ve learned to know which one to own for your guidance.You can find the running training guides online. Just explore the Internet and you will see, you will find a lot of them. You will not have problem finding running training guides and owning one. But you actually need to be careful not to end up having the wrong one, the running training guide that can’t actually help. Good luck and may you end up having the right one!Click Here For Break Your PR Instant Access Now!

This author writes about How To Train For Marathon Running and Break Your PR.

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Tips for Beginner Weight Training

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Nathan Garcia

So you have made the decision to improve your body and life through weight training. Beginner weight training can seem intimidating at first, because there is so much that you need to do and know. Beginner weight training does not have to be scary if you start out right. You will probably feel sore at first, but eventually your body will adapt to the extra activity and movement.If you want to give yourself the best possible start, do some research before weight training. Find out what muscles are worked by which machines, and how to use the machines. Establish a routine that you will use when you work out. Max Workouts has a great routine that is both effective, and easy to do. Do not go to the gym the first time and work out for two hours straight. Start small and you will have a better chance of continuing until you have success. Overdoing it the first day will only discourage you and make your body incredibly sore. Start small with short workouts of about forty five minutes. Your body will then get a better chance to adapt to these new activities. Easing yourself into it will help your muscles gain the strength they need in order to continue working out.Set smaller short term goals. Be specific in these goals and you will get a sense of accomplishment early on in your new workout life. This will ensure that you do not fail at reaching your goals, and feel discouraged early on. This is what causes many people to say “I can’t do it” and then quit. Working out is a great activity for both your body and your mind. You will have improved confidence plus your body is going to look and feel better.

Want to know more about beginner weight training? Nathan Garcia can help! Nathan believes in your right to be fit and fab at any age. He writes informative articles on strength training, weight loss, and more. Get free tips from Nathan when you visit YourStrengthTrainingGuide.Com today!

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Start a Beginner Jogging Program

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

I’m here to help you start a running program. “Running program? That doesn’t sound very sexy,” I hear you cry, “It sounds like something Bill Gates does.” OK then, I would like to help you make running a part of your life. How does that sound? Or how about, I’ll change your life for the better! Actually I just lied. You are going to have to change your own life for the better, but I would love to help.  

If you’re a total novice then the best way to start is to not even think about running…Yet. I want you to wake up your muscles slowly. Forget that image you have of a running coach as a Drill Sergeant with a bullhorn screaming, “Damn it! I know you’ve done nothing but sit on the couch for two decades, but in one day we’re gonna transform you into Ahnold Swarzahneggah, you maggot!” Think of me more as a kindly nurse, softy coo-ing “Wake up muscles, it’s time for your sponge bath.” And if that sounds a bit creepy, it might just come useful later…

Anyway, we are going to start by walking – actually you are going to walk.

I’m going to do nothing. Oh God, now I’m reminding myself of my high school coach, I can hear him now bellowing, “We’re going to run 25 miles today, gentlemen.” That bloody beep never ran a step. OK, so I promise to run if you promise to walk. Deal? Walk every other day for 4 to 6 weeks, for 20-30 minutes, depending on your starting fitness. Avoid hills and, in the beginning, don’t push yourself. Over the weeks slowly increase your walking speed. To help you do this, try visualizing Frankenstein’s Monster closely following you – and he’s not wearing any pants. If you find yourself slowing for his embrace, you could alternatively try thinking of your mother-in-law, the tax man, or your ex-boyfriend, whatever doesn’t turn you on really.

You may wonder why I am suggesting you start so slowly.

It’s like this: If you suffer no injuries, you’ll take one step forward. But if you were to have a physical setback, you’d take many steps backwards. I don’t want that to happen to you. It’s really depressing to throw yourself into something only to be slapped in the face by an injury. Do not try to be a tough guy early on, be a big baby. If anything hurts, stop immediately, rest and ice the area of soreness. After several weeks you may want to pump up your walks. You know that hill you’ve been avoiding? Cease avoidance. Hills are great for your heart and great for your bum. Please venture down slowly though or you and your knees will have a long and painful discussion.

After you have successfully walked for 4-6 weeks, it’ll be time to mix in some short jogs. After walking for ten minutes, jog 100 meters, one block, or the space between telephone poles. Walk until you feel recovered, maybe a minute or two and repeat the 100 meter jog. Try to run softly, using short strides and don’t bounce. Slowly increase the amount and duration of your jogs until you can run the entire way. Keep it up and some day soon a person will inquire, “Hey, are you a runner?” and you will lift your chin and proudly reply, “Why yes…Yes I am!”My work here is done.

Coach Carvey is passionate about running and helping others to do the same. His unique style of writing blends humor with helpful tips. Carvey’s website address is Coach Carvey is an international contributing author for

Related Jogging For Beginners Articles

Beginner Weight Training Tips

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight training has long been recognized to have many health benefits. For those of you just starting out, these beginner weight training tips will help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls and mistakes many beginners make. By following these tips, you can look forward to lowering your risk of injury, getting more out of each workout, and avoiding some unnecessary pain.

Beginner Weight Training Tips

Stretch Stretching is a long held practice that is designed to lengthen your muscles and loosen your joints so that you can move more freely. However, you don’t want to over-stretch as it can lead to unstable joints. Holding each stretch for 10 seconds or at the most 30 seconds, is sufficient.

Start with light weights It may be tempting, especially for guys, to prove how strong you are. As a beginner, you need to resist that urge, since this is the easiest way to become injured.

Instead start with light weights, light enough to do 10 to 15 reps. Also perform at the max three sets.

The next day after your training you are going to experience some soreness. The level of soreness you have will depend on the amount of weight you tried to lift and the duration you spent on each exercise. If you used light weights and performed the recommended amount of sets, your soreness should be bearable. If you went overboard … Well, let’s just say that the pain will go away in a couple of days.

Develop proper form When you begin weight training, the most basic skill that you want to develop is proper form. This helps to avoid injury, as well as helping you to maximize the working of the muscle.

Some common mistakes that you need to look out for has mostly to do with your back.

For instance, when bench pressing always keep your back on the bench. When performing leg exercises such as squats, keep your head up and your back straight.

To avoid joint injuries, do not lock your elbows. When you do, you transfer part of the force of the weight from your muscles to your joints, which can lead to overextension.

Go from light to heavy When weight training, you should always go from light to heavy weights. By exercising in this manner, you give your muscles a chance to warm up and increase the blood flow to that area. Also, this progressive type of training is the best way to develop and strengthen muscles.

Carry weights with two hands For safety, when you are transferring weights to different places in the gym, always use two hands. It may appear more manly to use one hand, but the weights can slip and cause an injury, if not to you, then maybe to someone else. And as a reminder, again do not lock your elbows.

Replace weights & wipe down As a courtesy, replace your weights to their proper place. Guys need to be particularly attentive about doing this, since you tend to lift more weights than women. If you don’t and a woman is following you on a machine, it can be very difficult for her to take off the weights that you have left on the apparatus.

Also, wipe down the bench after you have finished. No one wants to sit or lie down in your sweat.

Rest Muscle grows after you have finished weight training, not during. So the process can take place you need to rest your muscles. If you exercise your muscles everyday, they will not get a chance to recuperate and grow.

As such, most trainers recommend that you exercise your major muscle groups only once per week. The only muscle group that takes exception to this advice are your abdominals, which you can train several times a week.

Check out the latest news and information on diets, weigh loss products, and exercise at It’s Lee Hayward here with a complete chest and shoulder weight training workout routine. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get at least one e-mail from someone asking how they can build a big muscular chest. Well in this video clip I’m going to share one of my all time favourite chest workouts for fast muscle gains. I like to start my chest workouts with a big basic compound power exercise. Usually some form of the bench press. In this video I’m doing the barbell bench press but I’ll sometimes use dumbbells or incline bench presses instead. When doing bench presses make sure to set up properly by expanding your chest, arching your upper back, and pulling your shoulder blades back. This will help to fully activate the chest muscles and place less strain on the shoulder joints. It’s also a good idea to have a spotter with you at all times just in case you need help lifting the barbell off your chest. The next exercise that I like to do is the dumbbell flye. This exercise works the chest in the fully stretched position. I don’t use heavy weights here, but rather I emphasize getting a full stretch in the pecs. I even hold the weights for a second at the bottom position to get a better stretch. You’ll also notice that I only lift the dumbbells about ¾ of the way up. Going all the way up just takes the stress off the chest muscles. In the video I’m doing incline bench flyes. But sometimes I’ll do flat bench flyes, or decline bench flyes to work the chest
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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