Body Building Workouts For Beginners

September 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Rich Films

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Body building is a passion for many people especially for the younger generation as it gives them a unique identity and boosts up their confidence levels. The main intention behind bodybuilding is to shed the accumulated fat in your body. The quality of the results one can expect and attain greatly depends on the type of workouts they choose and plan and how sincere they are in following those workouts. One must understand the impact of all the workouts before they decide on some things and they also need to understand which workout perfectly suits their physic. This post provides the necessary information about the body building workouts exclusively for beginners.

Once you decide on practicing the body building programs the first thing you need to do is to consult a physician who is an expert in assessing the physical condition of the body. Confirm whether your body is healthy and perfectly eligible so that you can participate in the body building workout programs. Physical health prior to starting the body building workouts is extremely important in order to avoid unnecessary complications that may arise later.

Once you get a medical consent you can then concentrate on gaining knowledge on different workouts and thus choose the correct one that perfectly suits you. You can also take the help of an expert in deciding which workout works better for you but you should also have basic knowledge on the workouts. It is always advisable to choose a realistic workout plan and also realistic goals based upon your capability so that there will not be any disappointment later.

Try to concentrate both on muscle building and burning fat. This is self explanatory. A person can be healthy only when he is successful in burning significant amount of calories he has taken in a day. This reduces the unnecessary weight gain in the body so you can expect good results quickly. But many body builders concentrate just on muscle building exercises and neglect the concept of burning fat. And surely they will fail to attain what they expect.

Another significant factor you must concentrate on in the workout is to wisely split the training for the several body parts. Allocate sufficient time to workout each muscle group and body part and also ensure that you don’t do the same workout for the similar muscle group on consecutive days because it will not give enough recovery time for the muscles to grow. It is also essential to give significant importance to the cardiovascular training along with an excellent body building nutrition plan in your body building workouts.

There are no short cuts for bodybuilding and one must work hard to attain the fruitful results. However through tailoring and refining the good training plan you can get the significant results quickly.

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Are available stop by his / her most current internet site at workouts to build muscle which supports people find your finest or over up to now specifics of body building workouts

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Are available stop by his / her most current internet site at workouts to build muscle which supports people find your finest or over up to now specifics of body building workouts

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Weight Lifting Program For Beginners — The Best Weight Lifting Programs For Beginners

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Dave Vower

Weight Lifting Program For Beginners — The Best Weight Lifting Programs For Beginners – Health – Fitness

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Many youngsters are interested in undergoing some sort of weight lifting program for beginners . But you should know that at the beginning, weight lifting programs may not be as simple as you think. You should keep in mind some excellent tips to have a successful weight lifting program for beginners .

As all of us know weight lifting program for beginners should start from very simple weight lifting exercises. You should not go and lift insane weights! If you think that overnight you can build your muscles, I will be pity of you. A dedicated effort and patient weight lifting training only can bring achievable goals.

When you go for a weight lifting program for beginners , if you think that with one or two hour weight lifting training or with seven to eight hours weight lifting in a week You can get great muscles and imposing structure, I am sorry that you have not understood the general body building features.

Before venturing out for weight lifting program for beginners , you should set your goal perfectly and work for it.

In a weight lifting program for beginners, you should not undergo more than four hours weight lifting to begin with. You should get accustomed to the training process. Your body needs to be trained with the changed lifestyle as well.

Do not forget to take plenty of nutrients and other intakes. If you are not eating the required food, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and other essential items, you r body strength will deteriorate only. You will loose strength instead of gaining muscles.

During the weight lifting program for beginners , you should understand the necessity of each and every training program. You should check with the trainer what the particular training will do for you. Also make sure that you understand the movements of your body parts perfectly to have a great weight lifting program for beginners.

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Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: 8 Foot TrampolinePrince Badminton Racket

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Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: 8 Foot TrampolinePrince Badminton Racket

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The 3 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginners Who Want to Train at Home

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Let me be frank – I don’t care about muscle building. I’m an Average Joe who just wants to look lean and athletic. One of the most over-worked muscle groups are the Chest (after the arms). Go to any gym and you’ll see guys trying to build freakishly large chest muscle.

This article, as the title states, is for people who want to build a lean, strong, and athletic body while training in the comfort of their own homes. There are two effective ways to train at home: Bodyweight and Dumbbell Exercises.

The following five exercises are ones that you can do at home with minimal equipment. Here is what you need:

Bench (Optional)
Two sturdy chairs
Mat (Optional)

Here are the three best chest exercises:

Dumbbell Chest Press – Lay down on your back on a bench, or the floor. I personally use this old Total Gym bench thingamagig that’s only about 6 inches off the ground.

You can create your own bench by placing pieces of wood on the floor (but this might not be comfortable). The choice is yours. You can even perform Chest Presses on floor. All you do is start off with the dumbbells two your sides at chest level, then push them towards the ceiling until your arms are straight. Then return back to starting position.

Pushups – Lay down with your belly on a mat or floor. I just use the cold concrete floor in my garage gym. If you don’t like inhaling dust and getting your hands dirty, then may want to perform pushups on a carpet or mat. There are tons of push up videos out there, but the two main things you need to remember is to keep your back straight, and to stop the movement when your chest is just an inch off the ground.

Too many people drop their body and let it touch the ground during a set. This defeats the purpose of placing maximum tension on your chest muscles.

Chair Dips – Get two sturdy chairs and place the backs of the chairs in front of each other. Get between the chairs and grab the backs. Now straighten your arms out as you lift your body off the ground. Tuck your feet behind you and drop your body towards the ground. Lean slightly forward to hit the chest muscles. Keep going until your upper arm is slightly past parallel. Push yourself back up to starting position and repeat. This is an extremely difficult exercise, but it will boost your chest strength tremendously.

Once again, the key to an improved physique is to combing bodyweight and dumbbell training. Coach Eddie Lomax has written an entire program around this concept titled the Gladiator Body Workout. You can check it out on blog,

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Tips on How to Cut Weight Fast for Beginners

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Paul Betts

Tips on How to Cut Weight Fast for Beginners – Health

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How to cut weight fast might not be simple and easy for beginners in the fitness department. Diet and exercise are the two important factors of losing weight and adjusting to new set of meals and then doing exercises is quite tiring and difficult that beginners may give up already without even actually starting. But once a beginner develops a strong sense of will and determination, he can definitely achieve his goal and lose weight in a short matter of time. The following tips can be very useful for those who are just beginning the path towards a healthier and fit body.

1. Start with Cardio ExercisesAs a beginner who isn’t doing much exercise before, walking would be the ideal exercise to start the day. ‘Walking’ here does not mean leisurely walking where a person would only effortlessly walk around the park or around the mall. In brisk walking, a person uses the muscles of the legs as well as the muscles of the arms and torso while walking. The muscular activity in brisk walking is not intense that’s why it’s good for beginners. Moreover, brisk walking is the perfect warm-up for a more fast-pace activity that the person should start shortly.

After brisk walking, jogging and/or running should be started. When a person moves faster, he’ll need more oxygen for energy. Jogging and running makes a person breathe heavily and burn lots of calories. Alternate jogging and sprinting may also be done.

2. Train Your MusclesThere are numerous exercises that focus on training the major muscles of the body. These exercises include leg presses, shoulder presses, bicep curls, back rows and chest presses. These muscle strength exercises are very important on losing weight fast. By developing muscles, a person’s resting metabolic rate will increase because of the toned and strong muscles. Increased metabolism, even when resting, is the key in losing weight fast.

3. Control Your DietHow to cut weight fast is easier when the diet is well controlled. There are many ways on how to satisfy the unnecessary cravings for unnecessary source of calories such as extra sweets and fatty foods. One is by eating foods that will make one feel satiated after a while. These foods include those with high fiber contents such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Refrain from eating sweets, fried foods, and junk foods. Never ever include sodas in you diet, even diet sodas. Increase fat burning foods in the diet such as lean meat and some herbs like green tea and ginseng.

4. Make Sure that You Like what You’re DoingJogging, although it’s the most common form of cardio exercise that people do, is not the only cardio exercise there is. Other exercises good for beginners include biking, swimming, etc. It’s important that a person likes what he does during his work-out because loving what you do is a very big factor on how long you can last. How to cut weight fast would not be easy if you’re not enjoying your exercise routine and every minute you are thinking of quitting.

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Are you looking for more information regarding how to cut weight fast? Visit today!

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Are you looking for more information regarding how to cut weight fast? Visit today!

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How to Start Long Distance Running for Beginners

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Edwin Jones

How to Start Long Distance Running for Beginners – Health – Fitness

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Your heartbeat pounds in your ears, your eyes focus straight ahead and you only feel the thumping of your feet striding the path as the wind rushes by.

Yes, the experience of running can indeed be described as spiritual or poetic, but unfortunately many new runners find the experience to be boring, painful or even the cause of a serious injury which turns them off running altogether.

If you are interested in running for health, recreation or to train for a marathon supporting your cause, it is wise to take time to develop a healthy routine that will protect your body and create an enjoyable running experience.


It is crucial for a runner to invest in a proper pair of running shoes. Not doing so will put you at an increased risk of pain and serious injury. You will also quickly notice that a proper pair of running shoes gives you more cushion and support which will make running easier than using regular street shoes or those developed for another sport.

Hydration is also important for running. Staying hydrated will help you endure the run and keep your body in prime condition.

If you are training for a long distance race you will want to keep a log of your distance and/or time. You may also wish to log your style of training, any discomfort or feelings about the run if it suits your needs.


Concrete sidewalks are NOT the place to run. Harder than asphalt and full of cracks you should make the effort to find a more suitable running surface.

Tracks are usually safe, but can be boring. If tracks are the only option try taking a friend to encourage you to stick to your routine.

Smooth dirt paths are the best option. Grass can work as well but watch for obstructions or uneven surfaces. You can ask local runners or a running store for recommendations for places to run.


There are various training methods for long distance runners, including interval training and speed training. However, for beginners there are a few basic suggestions to get you started.

Begin every run with a warm up walk. This gets your muscles ready to move. Take a walk break every ten minutes to rehydrate and extend your endurance.

Don’t forget to breathe. You should be able to talk while running unless you are going for a fast run which is not usually suitable for a beginner. If you are gasping for breath you need to slow down. You will build endurance with time. It is better to start out easy and build up than wear yourself out.


You should always walk for a minute or more after a run to cool down. Stretch your muscles for 10-15 minutes within about 15 minutes of completing your run to keep them from contracting and causing discomfort.

Ice packs or cool water on your legs will also reduce inflammation and help keep your body in good condition for the next run. Not taking these steps can lead to severe injury.

Enjoy your run and take care of your body and you may find that you enjoy the mental benefits of running as much as the physical!

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About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Internet and health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed reviews on various types of Cross Traing Shoes. Find out more here about Cross Training Shoes You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.

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About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Internet and health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed reviews on various types of Cross Traing Shoes. Find out more here about Cross Training Shoes You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.

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Weight Lifting Routine For Beginners – Weight Lifting For Newbies

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

There are different ways to get your body become fit and healthy. One good way is by lifting weights. To get you started on the right foot, it helps to follow a certain weight lifting routine for beginners. The least thing you would want to happen is to injure yourself for not knowing the basics. And this is pretty much the reason why learning the proper mechanics on how to handle weight lifting equipments is a must.

Click Here For Weight Lifting For Newbies Instant Access Now!

Should you want to either put on some weight or perhaps shed off some extra pounds, lifting weights is one effective way to do so. And for starters, it is very important to grab hold of a certain weight lifting routine for beginners, those that could effectively introduce the different aspects on why you should bother lifting weights to begin with, along with the proper methods on how to go about each exercises.

Before you get hasty and get yourself injured, always try to get your body prepared for the strenuous activity it is about to undergo.

This is where the need for warm up exercises comes in. Doing so will get your heart pumping and all your body parts awake and in motion.

Once you get your body heated up and ready, try to carry out your weight lifting exercises in a smooth and graceful manner. Doing your exercises with weights this way will give you much better results and can also lessen the chances of having injuries. Jerking up should be avoided at all costs.

Despite the different exercises there are in weight lifting, be sure to perform each one in the safest way possible. Should you find it quite confusing, you can always look for a certain weight lifting routine for beginners that you can find just about anywhere these days.

Click Here For Weight Lifting For Newbies Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Weight Lifting For Beginner at Weight Lifting For Newbies

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Running For Beginners – Three Tips

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Running is so natural, people have been running for millennium, that some think they can just go start running. Although you can it’s best to follow the advice below.

Start slowly – You don’t run a marathon in the beginning. Regardless of your fitness level, running will introduce new stresses into your body so you need to start slowly. This also applies to runners who have taken a while off.

You can start very slowly, perhaps only running a quarter or half a mile at a time. Another great option is alternating walking with running. Even if you are only running a hundred feet at a time it’s a beginning and you can build up from there.

Vary your pace and distance – You’ll get more benefit by varying your pace and distance. Do you think marathon runners only practice by running marathon distances as fast as they can? Of course not! Some days push yourself and other days take it easy.

Don’t increase your distance too fast – That makes it more likely to get an injury.

You need to build up your distance very slowly. Some people recommend not increases your distance by more than 10% a week and that seems pretty prudent.

That may mean if you have a goal that it will take a long time to reach it. So what? If you enjoy running that shouldn’t be a burden. For example I’m planning on running a marathon in two years, which is quite conservative but safe in terms of minimizing the risk of injury.

Running can be great if you do it right and don’t push yourself too hard too fast and increase your odds of in jury. Since you need to build up slowly, why not get started today?

Harry loves to write on his passions of exercise, food, and wine. See his latest at best wine opener including the advantages of a screwpull wine opener.

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Kevin Pola

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners – Health

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Cardio and Aerobics The phrase, “Cardio Exercise” scares many people. Although weight lifting is incredibly beneficial exercise, for a completely well-rounded fitness regimen one must include aerobic exercise, or “cardio”, as well. Cardio, or aerobic exercises have a number of benefits: Reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke,Increase stamina,Lose excess body fat,Increased immune system Cardio or aerobic exercise is cheap and can be done anywhere. Make cardio or aerobics more interesting with a few basic ideas. OK, let’s get going! How many times a week should I do Cardio? To start with your cardio, aerobics exercise should be completed three days a week. If you are following the weight lifting program we’ve outlined in this series, it is a good idea to do cardio on the same day as you perform your weight training. Your weight lifting workout should be completed before doing your aerobic/ cardio workout. Cardio equipment very often is packed away in peoples home, if you have one it could be more convenient to clean it up and start doing your aerobic workout at home. Weight loss is best achieved by doing your cardio workout early in the morning. Waking up to an aerobic workout is a excellent way to start your day, so if you have this option good luck. How long should my cardio workout last? Cardio, like weight lifting should be started slowly and gradually built up. 15 minutes a day is sufficient to start with. What cardio is best. In the beginning, it is advised that you use a machine built for cardio exercise rather than trying to keep up with an aerobics or spinning class. This means you can start and finish when you feel you have reached your limit without pressure from others in the class. Cardio exercise can be completed in three types. Make your choice from the cardio workouts listed below: Exercise bikes are very good for reducing the pressure on joints. This is very good for people with sore joints or back problems. Elliptical machine, The aerobic exercise on this machine is more intense but is still easy on joints. The elliptical trainer, similar to the treadmill is used standing up but that is the only similarity. It is more effective in toning the glutes, or the butt) and also includes a workout for the arms. Stair climber or step machine, this gives an even more strenuous workout than the elliptical walker. The pace of the step machine is slower so a longer workout is generally necessary to deliver a decent cardio workout. This type of exercise machine is best used for advanced workouts. The treadmill is the most widely used in the gym. The exercise on these machines can be carried out at a slow walk right up to a fast sprint. The “incline” can also be set to provide a more challenging workout. The only caveat is that running or jogging is a very high-impact exercise and is not recommended for those with sore knees, hips or lower backs. A aerobic program for beginners. The first two weeks of your cardio exercise program should be….. Select whichever method suit you best and follow the guide below: Week 1Monday 15 minutesWednesday 15 minutesFriday 15 minutesWeek 2Monday 20 minutesWednesday 20 minutesFriday 20 minutes Enjoy you cardio exercise!

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Sexually Please A Women Best Penis Male Enlargement Exercise Tips For Beginners

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by demetriceballengee

Sexually Please A Women Best Penis Male Enlargement Exercise Tips For Beginners – Relationships – Sexuality

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You don’t need to feel embarrassed about having a small penis. There are ways to get a bigger penis if you aren’t afraid to try a few options.

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

Do male enhancement pills work? What really is the best way to increase your penis size? This article will answer these questions so you can make an intelligent decision about which method of penis male enlargement to use for maximum and permanent growth!

Many men make the same mistake of buying into penis male enlargement scams that do not benefit them at all. I am here to tell you today that you do not need to take pills use extenders or have surgery to make your penis bigger! You can actually increase the size of your penis naturally by following an enhancing exercise guide with the proper techniques. Let’s learn a few facts about these exercises that actually make a man’s penis larger!

Are you wondering how to increase the size of your penis? Discover how to increase your length and girth size permanently. Great results in weeks with 100% safe natural penile exercises.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

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In medicine a matrix is defined as a structure or surrounding substance that allows something to develop within it. A good example of this is the womb. How does this apply to natural penis male enlargement?

A natural enhancement program is simple to follow and involves no exotic drugs or machines but it is proving to be the best way of making the penis bigger. Tests on natural enhancement confirm that the natural method can easily add anywhere between 2-5 inches to the average male penis. I tried natural enhancement myself a few years ago and I’ve seen its effectiveness for myself – my own penis grew by 3.9 inches using all-natural means. If you want the same kind of results this article will tell you how to do it.

If you have started to read this article the chances are that you are unhappy with the size of your penis and would like to try something that can really make a permanent difference. The likelihood is too that you have already tried some methods of enlargement such as pills or extenders and have seen no difference at all.

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How To Enlarge Your Penis With Only Your Hands Penis Enlargement Help – How To Make Penis Enlargement Work For You

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How To Enlarge Your Penis With Only Your Hands Penis Enlargement Help – How To Make Penis Enlargement Work For You

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Running for beginners

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Running for beginners should be fun, your very first run should be short so that you get round quickly and without too much fuss. If you wake up the next day and don’t feel stiff then you can always go out again and run a little further.

Before embarking on your running career you really need to make sure you invest in a good pair of trainers. It makes little sense to run in pumps or other unsuitable footwear and end up with an injury that could halt your progress before it has even begun. So invest in a really good pair of trainers, if you are unsure if running is for you, still buy new trainers but maybe look at ones that you could also wear to the pub should you decide running is not for you. Also look to buy some sports socks, shorts or good jogging bottoms, a suitable light weight top and if needed a sports bra. Consider the time of year when looking to buy this clothing.

It may sound like a lot of stuff but you should be able to pick it all up online for around £60.

Once you have purchased your running equipment then you should consider your route. Planning a good route is really important, are you going to road run or trail run? Both are excellent excersise but road running tends to be more popular especially on winter evenings when trails will be in darkness. Its also worth buying some flurecsent bands so that cars can clearly see you, some trainers already have these on. For your first few runs it can be a good idea to drive to a running track and run around it, use a treadmill or run around a football pitch, these are suggestions that mean, should you get really tired you can finish easily. You can imagine getting half way round a five mile circuit and running out of energy, the above suggestions stop this being an issue.

The main  running tips would be to get out there and make it happen, get your arms up, don’t set off too fast and keep your head up, you soon be running further and faster than you ever thought possible.

For more tips and information please visit us at

Running Tips is a new website designed to help new runners find information to make them better, faster runners.

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