Weight Lifting Program for Beginners

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Before you start a weight lifting program for beginners, make sure it has these characteristics:

1) Proven track record.

Any great weight lifting program for beginners will be time tested, and already have lots of successful users.

Don’t go onto Bob’s bodybuilding site and use his program, because frankly it probably hasn’t been proven to work as well as some other programs out there.

2) A solid nutrition plan.

Nutrition is INCREDIBLY important to see results from your weight lifting.

If you’re spending two hours a day in the gym then go home and drink 3-4 beers each night, do you think you’re going to get great results?

Instead make sure you’re eating at least 5-6 times a day, and that you’re including a lot of protein, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Saturated fat, sugar, and nasty refined carbohydrates like bread or pasta can definitely put you back.

3) Step-by-step walkthroughs of each exercise (videos are great!)

To make sure you don’t hurt yourself, a good weight lifting program for beginners will show you exactly how to do each exercise- not just show you one or two pictures and say you’re good.

Training incorrectly can cause injury, especially if you aren’t resting enough.

This leads me to one more key characteristic…

4) An emphasis on getting plenty of rest.

Muscles aren’t built in the gym- they’re broken down in the gym.

Muscles are built when you’re resting- so make sure you give your muscles at least a day to recover, and get PLENTY of sleep!

Then check out this gHP Sport free trial that will give you more success than you can believe!

The truth is, gHP Sport is one of the best muscle building supplements out there and really stands apart from all the others!

Running for Beginners: 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Looking for tips on running for beginners? Yes, running is great exercise that will help you burn those calories. However, it is not as simple as you may think. There are certain running practices that every beginner should observe. You will also learn how to avoid running mishaps for an injury-free running experience.

Running is a great way of exercising. It helps you in all kinds of ways. It can help make you healthier. It will make you stronger. You will also have more energy, and you can sleep better and feel more rested too. And of course, running will also help you lose weight. Aside from health benefits, running will also improve your concentration. But before you start running, check out some tips on running for beginners, so you start off on the right foot, so to speak!

Running for Beginners Tip #1: It’s Not Too Late to Start Running

Running is ideal for everyone. Even if you’re over 35 years old, you can still run. In fact, majority of runners are people over 35 years old. So do not think twice. Put on your running shoes and running clothing. Just go for it and reap the benefits soon.

Running for Beginners Tip #2: Visit a Physician

It would be wise to pay your doctor a visit. Check if you are in a good condition for running. You will need to be extra careful especially if you are overweight, suffer from a heart disease, have breathing problems, and are over 40 years old. Better safe than sorry!

Running for Beginners Tip #3: Use a Running Program

A common running mistake among beginners is to run too fast too soon. Running programs for beginners are very helpful. It will teach you all the essential running tips to help you increase your fitness, avoid injuries, and lose weight. So use a running program and avoid making those novice mistakes.

Running for Beginners Tip #4: Start with a Run/Walk Program

Most beginner running programs will let you start slowly and safely. There will be a combination of walking and running. The primary goal of this is so that you can increase your mileage safely and stay away from injuries. Do not rush. You will eventually make progress in a matter of weeks.

Running for Beginners Tip #5: Listen to Your Body

No matter how careful you are, you will still encounter minor running injuries, such as muscle and body pains. However, when you feel dizzy, experience pain in your chest area, your back or your legs during or after your run, then immediately stop running and take a rest. Visit your physician if you experience these kinds of pains.

So these are just some tips on running for beginners. Make sure you use them. Just follow these tips to enjoy all the benefits you can get from running.

To learn more about running for beginners, check out this running for beginners page of http://www.best-running-tips.com.

Best Running Tips is your website for anything about running. Whether you are looking for advice on training, apparel, shoes or gear, it is your running website of choice.

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Beginners’ Guide On Jogging Exercise

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Is jogging your daily exercise? Is there something you normally do before taking off the road? What rituals do you have before jogging? It is well known that jogging can do people good provided being done the right way. As a form of excersie, it keeps the body healthy and fit. However, you have to make sure you are engaging yourself to jogging the right way to get the best out of this exercise.


Each one of us has our own rituals before jogging. For a jogging pro, they have less ritual. But for beginners, they have to make sure everything is in place before going out and jog. Since beginners have limited idea or no idea at all on how to do jogging activities right, they might need some help with it.


This article will be dealing more on the preparations jogging beginners bear in mind.

Since they are new to the activity, they require more assessment and considerations before taking off the road.


First on the list is to prepare everything needed for jogging. The shoes, type of clothes, and kits to bring while running should be intact. A pair of running shoes is really recommended for long term jogging activities as well as cottony apparels good for running. The night before you jog, make sure you have prepared everything so that you will have less time in preparing your jogging stuffs the next morning.


They normally start with warm up exercises such as stretching and breathing exercises.


This will make sure that the body is well conditioned to go jogging. Warm up activities is beneficial to us since it will prepare the body for more rigorous running activities. Experts prefer to have simple warming exercises to make sure that the body can adjust to the intensity of the activities and it will not be shocked for the changes with the activities you will be dealing with.


If say for instance, you are very exhausted with jogging, do not put yourself at a sudden halt. It should be a gradual stop so that the body again can adjust to the changes of the functions since your body will be put to rest.Don’t put a stop in everything. Even though you stopped running, continue walking first until you completely stop. Do not sit down immediately.


You breathe in and out of your lungs for a period of time. If your body becomes relax, that is the time that you can completely settle down.These are just some things that jogging beginners have to bear in mind. It is best to do a self-research before engaging yourself to jogging for you to be well informed and to get tips and ideas on how you can make your jog a worthwhile activity.


Arm yourself with adequate knowledge and understanding on how jogging works for you so as to get considerable results and to make sure that you are doing it the right way.


share knowledge to the others who care to understand jogging tip. Go and visit jogging tip for free website to get plenty of information. Come and visit us at: http://www.joggingtip.com/

Bodybuilding for Beginners

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Frank Gerome

After a good workout at the gym, I often enjoy sitting outside in evenings, with family and friends, in the backyard around ouroutdoor gas fireplace.  After a good meal there’s nothing more relaxing to me than being under the stars, staring at the glow from the fire and having some good conversations.

Often times conversations with some of my close friends turn to working out.  I’m an avid gym goer, and I often get questions about working out and bodybuilding from friends that are interested in bodybuilding but are unsure where to start.

One of my friends said he had been researching online, the many different bodybuilding programs for sale, but had no clue which one would be right for him.  I’ll tell you what I told him, “There is no secret to working out and bodybuilding”.  You won’t find it in an e-book that’s promises 10 lbs of muscle in a week.  Hard experience has taught me that the only true way to gain muscle can be summed up in these 3 things:

1. Your diet will comprise 80-90% of your muscle building success.  Most people think they eat too much; many probably do… but when it comes to gaining muscle, you must eat in excess of what it takes to just maintain yourself.  Your body just won’t grow without enough quality food, especially protein.

2. Sleep.  If you want to grow, you need to rest.  You might be tearing it up in the gym, but that’s not wear you grow.  Your muscles repair themselves while you rest.  Not enough rest also means low testosterone levels.  So if you are tired, that’s your body telling you that you need more rest.  Obvious?  Not to some.  Some think they can squeeze by on 5-6 hours of sleep at night and get through their day at work.  Maybe, but this does not apply when you’re trying to build muscle.  You need sleep and lots of it.

3. Avoid over training.  The fastest way to set yourself back is by over doing it.  For me, 3 times a week is plenty.  Some of you may have better recovery systems and your muscles repair faster.  Maybe you can handle more workouts, but the only way you will find out is just trying it out.  Everyone is different, it is your job to find out about your body… that’s part of the journey of bodybuilding.

Now, with that said.  Skip the e-books.  Visit well known bodybuilding forums and do the research.  Try intensemuscle.com; this is probably one of the best sites to learn about the basics.  Visit the journal section and see what others are doing that works for them.. Try a program out and see how you like it.  You’ll be far better off than paying $ 99 for an e-book that promises miracles.  There are no short-cuts.  Work hard, eat, rest and repeat.  In time your results will show.

Frank has enjoyed writing various articles for the last 4 years.  Be sure to check out his latest site http://outdoor-gas-fireplace.com which is useful for people looking for outdoor gas fireplace products to create a warm backyard setting.

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Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners: Mitsakes to Avoid

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Bodybuilding tips 4 all

These bodybuilding tips for beginners are intended for newbies that are about to embark on this quest to build muscle. Every bodybuilder has made mistakes but eventually overcame them to add muscle to their frame. Trainees will continue to make mistakes in their training but these tips will help minimize them.

There Are No Shortcuts

Aside from taking drugs, there are no short cuts in bodybuilding. For the person with average genetics, it takes years to build quality muscle. Don’t expect to gain 30 lbs of lean mass in a year unless you’re in the midst of a growth spurt. The key to gaining muscle is hard work, consistency, proper nutrition, and intelligent supplementation. If you plan to build a physique that turn heads, plan to be in this for the long haul.

There Are No Magic Pills

This is one of the most important bodybuilding tips for beginners, especially teenagers. The purpose of supplements is to SUPPLEMENT good nutrition and training. Each year supplement companies produce the next greatest supplement promising to add X amount of muscle in Y weeks. Each year, these wonder supplements are replaced by the next greatest thing. There are great supplements on the market but they will not perform miracles. If a fat burner promises to shed fat without changing your eating habits, leave it on the shelf!

You Must Be In a Caloric Surplus to Gain Muscle

One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is trying to stay super lean while gaining muscle. There are blessed individuals that can gain muscle while maintaining a chiseled six pack but the majority of trainees don’t fall in that category. To gain muscle, you must consume more calories than your body uses. If you do this correctly, the excess calories will be used to build muscle. Unfortunately, some of this new muscle will be accompanied by fat gain. This is NOT an endorsement to get fat (over 15% bf) but don’t expect to be super lean while in a gaining phase.

Genetics Play a Huge Role

Don’t you hate that guy that can eat McDonalds and pizza everyday and not gain a pound? Or that guy that barely touches a weight and seems to gain muscle quickly? That is genetics. Thanks Mom and Dad! Every individual has to play the hand he was dealt. If you have a high metabolism and can’t seem to gain muscle no matter what you do, you better start eating A LOT, everyday. If you seem to gain weight by just looking at a cheeseburger, you better cut back on the carbs, buddy! Your calves won’t grow? You need to train them almost every day.

YOU Need to Get Stronger

This is one of the bodybuilding tips for beginners that most trainees don’t understand. Bodybuilding is about looking good and building larger muscles. With this in mind, most newbies go to the gym and hit set after set with little regard for strength. Your muscles need a reason to get bigger. If you are constantly exposing your muscles to the same stimulus (weight), it has no reason to get bigger. If you are constantly trying to add weight to the bar, your muscles will need to grow in order to handle the extra weight. You don’t need to train like a powerlifter but your goal should be to handle more weight in a rep range conducive to building muscle.

These were a few bodybuilding tips for beginners. Many beginners keep making these same mistakes. Mistakes aren’t entirely bad because it is part of learning how your body responds to different things. Hopefully these tips will minimize the mistakes you make. Learn more bodybuilding tips for beginners on www.bodybuildingtips4all.com

Want to become a bodybuilder? Read the best bodybuilding tips on www.bodybuildingtips4all.com

3 Tips to Muscle Building for Beginners

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

Making a decision to changing the body for the better takes courage and muscle building for beginners is a wonderful journey if done the right way. I say “the right way” because muscle building for beginners is an unknown path for many and if done the wrong way, you can end up getting some nagging injuries or not experience the results you were hoping for.

I will in this article go through some tips to building muscle for beginners, so you build muscle the right and efficient way, because our time is precious. But if you want the building muscle for beginners tips to be effective, you need to apply them and stick to them. This is a common trap that a lot of people fall into, because they don’t stay consistent to what works.

Knock the following tips into your head and you will make your journey a lot easier and more important, an enjoyable one.

Guidelines to Muscle Building for Beginners

-Tip #1 to muscle building for beginners: If you want to build muscle you need to have a progression when you do weight training. When starting out with the building muscle for beginners it takes some time to get used to lifting weight, because your body has never used any of those muscles in such an intensive manner.

But as time passes by in your building muscle for beginners journey, it will be easier for you to lift those weight that used to be heavy, that is when you know that you should increase your lifting weight. Because by surprising the body and constantly putting it under pressure, that is when your muscles starts to grow and you see results that you might not have thought possible.

-Tip #2 to muscle building for beginners: Having a nutrition plan is your key to success when you are on your building muscle for beginners journey. Without the right nutrition you won’t see the results you were hoping for.

A good example of how important nutrition is to building muscle; imagine putting a car together with all the right tools to make it awesome and then you try to start the car, but you have not put any gasoline in it, it’s simple, the car won’t start. It is the same thing with building muscle for beginners, without the right nutrition, you dream body will just remain a dream.

-Tip #3 to muscle building for beginners: Even though you are in your muscle building for beginners journey and you just want to see results right away, you need to rest. It is when you rest that your muscles grow.

Muscle building for beginners is fun

The above tips might sound very simple and they are if you apply them and follow them. By you reading this article about muscle building for beginners, it shows that you are committed to getting your dream physique. If you are going to put your time into it, why not make sure that you do not waste your time and make your muscle building for beginners journey towards the body of your dream a wonderful one.

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a Reality….

Don´t waste anymore time, let me teach you how you can totally Transform your body. Visit us Now and start your Bodybuilding for Beginners journey.

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