Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

March 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Unsightly belly fat can make you feel unattractive and downright miserable about your appearance. You want so much to lose your belly fat but nothing seems to work. The best way to lose your belly fat has been elusive thus far. You may have tried the latest fad diet or even starvation but the belly fat remains.

A well toned mid-section becomes the focal point of your body. Have you ever noticed that when you look at someone who is in good physical shape that your eyes are automatically drawn to their stomach area? A flat well toned belly is far more attractive than a round protruding gut.

Unwanted belly fat prevents you from wearing the clothes you really and stops you from feeling comfortable, attractive and confident.

All of that is about to change if you are willing to put forth just a little effort.

Belly fat is a funny thing.

Have you ever noticed that is usually the first come and the last to go? If you lose 10 pounds it seems to disappear from everywhere but where you want it to disappear from most, your belly! Well, let me tell you that you are not alone in your dilemma. Many people experience the same frustration.

The most important thing to remember when trying to lose body fat is to realize that it will take sometime to see results. Once you have a balanced meal plan and a moderate exercise routine in place you can start to see real results in less than a month. That’s right! In less than one month you can be wearing nice form fitting clothes and feeling good about yourself.

There is a secret to losing belly fat that most people don’t even know. It’s so simple yet so effective it will have you losing your body fat faster than you ever thought possible without starvation or any crazy fad diet.

It’s called caloric balancing. Simple, yet so effective, caloric balancing employs the principle of varying calories of carbohydrates, proteins and fats on varying days of the week as to keep your body ‘guessing’ about what is coming next and therefore accelerating your metabolism and shifting fat lose into overdrive.

If you want to slim down faster than you ever thought possible. And shove your body’s natural fat loss mechanism into overdrive visit Check out my blog for the latest weight loss tips, news and recipes. Click On for your FREE VIDEOS and Watch Your Belly Fat MELT! Discover how to STOP Dieting… START Eating… and START LIVING! Learn the Foods that Burn Belly Fat and the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat WITHOUT Fad Diets and NO Spending All Day at the Gym! Ladies – drop a dress size or 2 quickly and easily Men – find those 6 pack abs that you know are in there somewhere waiting to show themselves! Healthy eating with foods that burn fat is definitely the best way to lose weight and get rid of belly fat fast!
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Lose That Belly With These Great Fitness Tips

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Harry88

Are you looking to get in shape? Fitness is an important way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but requires a lot of effort and time. If you are looking to get fit, this article has many useful tips to help and teach you the best methods to maximize your workout in the least amount of time.

When you exercise, your metabolism increases. This can cause an increase in the amount of calories that can be burned even when you are done with your workout. For the rest of the day, following your workout, your body will continue to burn calories even if you are not being physically active.

Many people want to increase their fitness but cannot because they have problems with their knees, hips or other joints. These people should try low impact exercises like walking or swimming. It is possible to fill all of your exercise needs by just doing these two things and adding in some training with light weights.

A great fitness tips that many runners do not realize is that they can become faster if they incorporate a resistance training routine to their workout. Studies have shown that a two month long weight lifting routine can significantly increase the speed at which a person runs. So all runners should lift weights.

Test your abdominal strength. Start in a sitting position, as if you were finishing a crunch, and lower yourself to the floor. The slower you go, the better you are doing with control. If you feel that you are going to give out and end up falling back quickly you need to do a bit more work.

If you are not feeling well, you would be wise to skip your workout that day. You should use your energy to help your body heal itself rather than using energy to build muscle and cardio vascular strength. Once your body has healed completely, then you can resume your routine.

In order to gain more muscle it is essential to eat some quality protein, such as lean meat, every single day. Make sure you get at least 4 to eight ounces. Avoid supplements; it is far better to get your protein in a tasty meal, and it’s cheaper doing it this way too.

If you want to get big arms faster, you need to work opposing muscle groups, back to back for a faster work out. In this sort of process, one muscle group is forced to rest while the other one is at work. This way you won’t have to rest as much between sets.

If you find yourself struggling with chin-ups, change the way you think about them. Instead of thinking of it as pulling your chin up to a bar, think of it as pulling your elbows down. Just by taking advantage of this simple mind trick, your chin-up efforts will seem a lot easier!

Change your fitness routine. We all get bored with things in our life, and a fitness schedule is no different. By trying a new form of exercise, you will find that you are suddenly invigorated and ready to put new effort into keeping fit. Change your routine, try a completely different exercise plan, and think of it as a new start.

If you want to be a better tennis player, enhance your ability to change your focus quickly from far away to near by. This simulates the same focus it takes to hit a ball, and then react to a ball hit by your opponent. Soon you will be beating your opponent with ease!

Boost your fitness by adding little bursts of jogging to your daily walk. It is great if you already have a habit of taking a walk every day. You can increase the benefits you get from that daily routine by increasing the intensity every few minutes and jogging for a minute or two. Not only will you burn more calories overall, but you will also finish your route a little more quickly.

Do not let any excuse come between you and your workout. Even if you are away from home and the gym, you can still find ten minutes to walk up and down stairs, or jog around a parking lot. Letting something stop you from working out is putting yourself on the path of quitting. Don’t do it!

Unless you’re working with heavy overhead weights, you shouldn’t wear a weight belt in your regular exercise. A weight belt will provide you with a lot of excess support, but in return it detracts from body’s natural balancing muscles. If you constantly wear a weight belt your body’s abdominal and core muscles will actually weaken due to a lack of strain caused by all the support.

Investing into a set of free weights for your household can help you a lot. If you don’t have time to go to the gym then you can work at the start or end of your day. Free weights around the household can also give you more motivation to workout to your true potential because you don’t have a bunch of strangers staring at you.

With the previous tips floating through your thoughts, you ought to be ready to create your own personal fitness routine! It does take some research and some work, but if you keep at it, it is indeed achievable. So, go out there, enjoy yourself, and achieve all of your fitness goals!

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How to Lose Belly Fat

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Ever wondered to yourself – “How to lose belly fat?”. Or perhaps you’ve just sat there and wondered to yourself why your weight loss goals have not magically appeared yet? Well perhaps it’s not so much as to why they haven’t magically appeared yet and more how and/or what can you do personally to help yourself successfully lose the excess belly fat?

Could it also be that perhaps you are self-sabotaging your weight loss goals? Well this can be seen as the case for so many millions of people who struggle daily with weight loss. The way that they sabotage it mostly is with their eating habits and also their disciplines in strategically doing or performing any aerobic activity. But why is aerobic activity so vital to successfully help you or anyone lose belly fat?

Exercise is a great way to help keep the midsection firm. Whether it’s kick boxing, jogging, cycling, cross training, or whatever workout you may favor, any cardio activity is much better than not doing anything at all. And plus, cardio activity has been shown to promote the elimination of food throughout the body much more quickly than no exercise at all.

The last thing that you want to do in trying or attempting to lose any belly fat at all is to be lazy. Being lazy will not only hurt you physically, but it will also end up costing you more, since people that are not in the best shape that they can be often end up spending a lot on medical expenses that regular, healthy individuals simply do not have!

Your diet also plays an integral part in how you successfully lose weight. A diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins is always the best, over a diet that’s rich in just plain junk food! So what can constitute a great diet? How about lean chicken, beef, fish, eggs, milk, vegetables, nuts (such as flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, Brazilian nuts, etc).

Also, plan on eating smaller meals, say every 3 to 4 hours, if you want a solid plan on how to lose belly fat.

I mean, this plan works for so many individuals, what makes you think that these individuals are so special over you ?

Just simply following this outline, plan strategy, along with some self discipline and you should be just fine really! In the beginning you might seem to think it’s really hard work, but seriously, it’s not as bad as it may seem!

To learn more visit

Avid fitness buff

How To Loose Belly Fat Fast – 3 Best Ways To Reduce Belly Fat

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by CG Kenai

How to loose belly fat fast has not been easy to most people. However, there is always a solution to it if you do it right and have patience. I am talking of the excess fat around your midsection. Not only is the belly fat unattractive, it is very dangerous to your health, period. Excess fat around your stomach can increase your risk of heart attack. Currently,there are so many products out there flooding the weight loss industry, and most of the people are left confused on how to effectively reduce the belly fat fast.

I would advise that, “how to reduce belly fat fast”, is not rocket science. It requires some approach that does not come from diet pills or taking some unhealthy foods and drinks. You cannot also reduce belly fat fast by trying to spot reduce only; doing crunches or mere sit-ups. You would be wasting your valuable time.

Here are the three proven methods that works:.

Lift Weights:.Lifting weights is one of the very best approach known to reduce the belly fat fast. If you do weight lifts regularly, you realize a lot of benefits to reduce belly fat. Muscles burn extra calories to reduce belly fat. The more muscle you have, the better, to burn the extra calories. Muscles take much less space than the fats, and give you much power to carry on your daily chores more effectively and spares you more energy.Health Diet:.To reduce belly fat fast, you need to avoid junk foods. Health diet includes fruits,proteins,vegetables,whole grains and taking a lot of water. If possible, choose foods close to their natural state, not processed. Cardiovascular Exercises:Cardiovascular exercises, if you do them on very regular basis, you are guaranteed to reduce belly fat fast. Walking is a great exercise. Wear sport shoes and get walking for at least half an hour every day.It does not matter how fast you walk, what is very important here is that you are moving your body aerobically and regularly. You could also run, jog and ride a bike, whichever aerobic exercise works for you and enjoy doing.

You know for sure that, the belly fat did not grow overnight, and you cannot reduce belly fat fast in a day, but you can reduce belly fat fast by using the above three methods if you are willing to play your part.

For more free information to reduce belly fat fast, check it out on this site,

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Get a Flatter Belly with Abdominal Exercise Equipment

December 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by John Edwards

Like many women, I had trouble losing weight after having kids. Prior to pregnancy, I had always been very fit and trim, and could eat practically anything I wanted without having to worry about the consequences (in terms of my waistline). But how things have changed now! It seems that I’ve been struggling for years to lose the last five pounds of extra fat that I gained during when I was pregnant. Most of that weight is concentrated in my belly, giving me a very noticeable paunch that gets in the way of wearing sexy clothes. I clearly need to add some abdominal exercise equipment to my routine.

Since I’ve been trying to slim down, I closely watch what I eat. I’m on a low-carb, low-fat diet, and do not eat packaged chips, cookies, crackers, or similar junk food. I also work out six days per week, alternating between running four miles outdoors and going to the gym to hit the Stairmaster and weights. From what I’ve read, this kind of routine should absolutely allow me to return to my old fit and trim self. But that’s not happening, which is why I’m going to buy abdominal exercise equipment to use at home.

There are many different types of abdominal exercise equipment available today, so it could take a while for me to settle on a particular product. Some of the abdominal exercise equipment I’ve seen is sold via late-night infomercials and seems pretty gimmicky. I’m obviously going to stay away from that stuff because I’m not interested in wasting money.

Instead, I want something that will help me work my core without straining my back or neck the way traditional sit-ups or crunches can. Whenever I try to incorporate sit-ups or crunches, I end up having to stop just a week or two later because my back simply cannot take the strain. I know there are some advanced pieces of abdominal exercise equipment that can target my abs and core without taxing my back muscles too much. These are the products I need to check out ASAP.

First I’ll probably head down to the local sports store to see what kind of abdominal exercise equipment they have in stock. There usually isn’t a huge selection in places like that, but they’re likely to carry the most popular products and at least I’ll be able to give the machine a test run. Next, I’ll probably read some reviews of different machines to see what has worked for other people. Then once I find something I want to buy, I can browse online for bigger discounts or whatever.

I’m tired of this bulging belly and the constant dieting I’m putting myself through in order to lose a lousy five pounds and firm up my abs. I think the answer here is to use abdominal exercise equipment for something like this instead of just jogging and using the Stairmaster. Hopefully I can find something effective!

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What exercise can you do during pregnancy? What ab exercises are safe for pregnancy? LIndsay Brin of MIF tells you all the do’s and don’ts to keep you and your baby safe during pregnancy exercise. Also includes nutritional advice and the newest weight gain recommendations.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Exercising Tips to Lose Belly Fat

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Belly fat builds up over a prolonged time, but it can seem to appear out of the blue. That’s because a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits lead to excess body fat. Unfortunately, most of that fat tends to gather around the belly.

The next important belly fat burning tip is to look at any changes to the foods you eat as a lifestyle change, not a diet that you can go on and off. A healthy food plan will only help you if you can stick to it in the long-term.

Subsequently, you shouldn’t choose any food plan that is boring, deprives yourself of things that you enjoy or doesn’t contain all of the vitamins and minerals that your body requires.

Natural Peanut Butter. You may need to take a look at that last line again. You should note that the word “natural” is present.

Unfortunately, the regular peanut butter you find in your grocery aisle has additives and sugars.

These will take you away from your weight loss goals.

Spinach – This is a vegetable filled with nutrients, minerals, and anti-oxidants, it also contains high levels of iron, calcium and lutein. Spinach is a great source of fiber, be sure to eat it when it’s freshest. Spinach loses nutrients as it sits in the refrigerator. Think about buying spinach at a farmer’s market, fruit stand or grow it yourself.

Reverse crunches – Lie on the floor with your knees bent and arms stretched out along the sides of your body. Raise your knees and by contracting your abs, bring them toward your torso. You should lift your buttocks and lower back while doing the motion, but keep your head down on the floor.

Fiber is another great thing for your body.

Fiber regulates your digestive system. Also, like protein, fiber fills you up. Some great examples of fiber-filled foods include green beans, Brussels sprouts and tangerines. Also, other fruits and vegetables can be great sources of both fiber and vitamins and minerals.

Use common sense when indulging in fast foods. When you have no other choice but to eat at a fast food restaurant, avoid “all you can eat” buffets and large servings. Eating like this too often will quickly add extra inches to your waistline. Regardless of whether you’re dining in a restaurant or at home, you can curb your hunger by starting with a salad or cup of soup. While waiting for the main course, this provides a feeling of fullness that will help you consume smaller portions. Of course, smaller portions are part of a fat burning diet or any other weight loss plan.


Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips, Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat.

The best yoga exercise to lose belly fat is the plank, with your abdominals engaged. Lose belly fat through yoga withhelp from a personal trainer in this free video on workout tips. Expert: Tanya Batts Contact: Bio: Tanya Batts has been a certified personal fitness trainer for more than 11 years. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC Series Description: Working out with different equipment requires different techniques to use the equipment best. Ge tips for burning belly fat and using exercise equipment with help from a personal trainer in this free video series on workout tips.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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What Is The Best Diet To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle – Natural Bodybuilding Diet to Burn Belly Fat

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Diet Expert

What Is The Best Diet To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

Eating a natural bodybuilding diet to burn belly fat fast will complement your body-building routine to ensure that you will build muscle and burn fat. Not only will you burn belly fat – one of the most difficult areas to target – but you will speed up your metabolism combining the two.


Your natural bodybuilding diet should be high protein, low-carbohydrate, fiber, good fats and lots of water. The other benefit you will find is that your insulin levels will not suffer from the fluctuations normally experienced when you eat foods high in sugar or empty carbs. You will feel much healthier and have more energy throughout the day enabling you to carry out your exercise routines more efficiently.


We have all experienced that sagging of energy in the mid-afternoon. What you choose (or not) to eat could be the root cause of your lack of energy. Skipping breakfast, or grabbing something high carbohydrate along with a cup of coffee, can be a major contributor to the energy problem.

Carbs give a momentary jolt of energy, but this fades very quickly and leaves your body craving more nourishment.

Most fast-food carbs spike your blood sugar, but quickly leave your body calling out for more. When you don’t eat properly, your energy lags. What Is The Best Diet To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

Try to eat smaller amounts 5-6 times a day also. That way you will boost your metabolism also allowing you to burn belly fat quicker.


There are a number of foods that promote fat loss and stimulate muscle growth and energy. A short list of these foods is:

* Oatmeal – This slow acting, complex carbohydrate laden natural food will keep you feeling full for hours, suppressing your appetite.* Almonds – Good fats, protein and fiber.* Protein Powder – A good supplement will boost your muscle growth.* Olive Oil – One of the “good oils” can be used in cooking or on salads.* Berries – Nutritious and high in anti-oxidants.* Eggs – Reclaiming their title as natures perfect food. A good source of protein and low in calories.* Beans and other Legumes – Good source of protein and fiber. Carb content is slow absorbing.* Lean Meats and Fish – Great source of complete proteins (containing all essential amino acids). Fish is a source of Omega3 Fatty Acids.* Whole Grains – No highly processed flours or meals.* Peanut Butter – Organic PB has good proteins and oils. Do not buy the processed, sweetened varieties as they have either added sugar or high-fructose-corn-syrup.* Green Vegetables – Good carbs and lots of fiber.* Dairy – Calcium actually activates fat burning hormones. Yogurt is the best.* Avocados – Good source of protein, fats and fiber.* Hot or Iced Tea – The anti-oxidants in green tea are the best for you.

In summary, following a natural bodybuilding diet to burn belly fat which consists of a high-protein natural diet coupled with strength and cardio-vascular training will get the job done. What Is The Best Diet To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

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