The Benefits Of Body Sculpting And Weight Training Whilst Pregnant

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Edwin Camacho

The Benefits Of Body Sculpting And Weight Training Whilst Pregnant – Health

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During pregnancy, the activities you can do are limited compared to your normal routine, however, one thing you shouldn’t stop doing is working out. In fact, quite the opposite is now advised by health experts as they recommend women exercise sensibly until they reach their last month of pregnancy. Besides cardio, there are also advantages to body sculpting and weight training while you are pregnant. Let’s look at some of the best ways you can stay fit during your pregnancy.

Studies have shown that mothers who exercise during pregnancy have babies with more normal birth weights. This is especially important to know because babies with high birth weights are more likely to become overweight as they grow up and childhood obesity is becoming increasingly common. Because moderate, well rounded exercise is the best kind, you can include some weight training with light stretching and cardio. Doing so can have a positive impact on your baby as well as keeping you fit and feeling good.

When you exercise, it is well-known that you need to drink plenty of water, but staying hydrated is even more critical when you are pregnant. You should have a small snack before exercising because you shouldn’t do it on an empty stomach. Your body has to maintain its equilibrium, so you have to make sure you’re getting enough nourishment and water at all times.

You should keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go, no matter what kind of workout you’re doing. You may also want to eat a little fruit, or drink some juice before exercising. While large meals aren’t a good idea before you exercise, you still need a little something to ensure that you maintain good blood sugar levels and energy. Drinking plenty of water is essential, but at the same time, if you listen, your body will inform you of exactly what it requires.

Another important factor you should consider is that you can lower the risk of developing gestational diabetes if you work out during your pregnancy. You can control your blood sugar levels and avoid gaining excessive amounts of fat during your pregnancy with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Since gestational diabetes increases the risk of the onset of Type 2 diabetes, it is something you should do everything in your power to avoid. There are many good reasons to exercise during your pregnancy, but reducing your risk of gestational diabetes is a factor you should also keep in mind.

It’s quite clear that it’s possible, and even a good idea, to train with weights and do body sculpting exercises as there are many benefits for both you and your unborn baby. Before you start a new exercise program, though, make sure to clear it with your doctor first and ensure you don’t strain yourself. You will feel much better during your pregnancy, and afterwards, if you exercise regularly but in moderate amounts, which is a proven fact.

A lot of these methods might be extremely helpful for yourself in the time of and right after the pregnancy. Having said that, in case you wish to lose weight naturally more quickly throughout and right after the pregnancy period, then you will have to follow a detailed weight reducing system which includes both physical exercise program and diet plan.

check out this site about Michelle Moss Pregnancy Without Pounds and find out about a proven weight-loss system for pregnant women for losing weight during and right after the pregnancy time.

Also you can read a little more about ways to lose extra weight faster in this page.

About the Author

Below are some useful tips that could help you to shed pounds if you are pregnant.

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Edwin Camacho

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Below are some useful tips that could help you to shed pounds if you are pregnant.

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Women And Strength Training- 10 Benefits To Start Strength Training

August 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jag252

Women And Strength Training- 10 Benefits To Start Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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Strength training offers many benefits for women. Strength training has been overlooked as a viable weight loss method for way too long. Women are beginning to realize just how important a proper strength training routine is for their overall health and fitness.

Below are the top 10 benefits of weight training for women. Get to reading them and start your workout today!

1) Increase Your Metabolism – Here is one of the most important benefits of strength training for women. We always want to discover the secrets to weight loss… well here is the first secret! Strength training increases your metabolic rate by increasing the calories you burn on a daily basis. The more calories you burn, the more chance you have to drop body fat.

2) Increasing and Restoring Bone Density – Strength training prevents and fights osteoporosis.

3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass – Note: You will not get big and bulky by strength training! You simply do not have enough testosterone in your body. Yes, if you train for hours and hours and dedicate your life to becoming a bodybuilder you can bulk up. But simply lifting weights as part of a regular strength training routine will not cause women to bulk up.

With that said, for every pound of lean muscle mass that you have, you burn 35-50 calories per day! If you have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass then you burn between 350-500 calories. If you have 20 pounds you burn between 700 and 1000 calories per day! This is one of the biggest benefits of strength training for women.

4) Injury Prevention – Strength training strengthens our muscles and tendons. The stronger we are the less chance of an injury. This is especially important as we grow older. The benefits of strength training for women and men are highly touted for injury prevention.

5) Improved Balance – Especially important as we grow older. Strength training builds a strong foundation. Strengthening our legs and core section means an increase in overall balance and coordination.

6) Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease – Strength training can reduce your blood pressure. It can also decrease your cholesterol levels. These benefits of strength training for women alone are a great reason to begin your program today. Heart disease is one of the highest (if not the highest) killer of women in America every year.

7) Aids Joint Stability – Strengthening the muscles around our joints is one of the best ways to prevent and recover from an injury. For example, the best way to recover from a knee injury is to strengthen the quads and calves.

8) Better Sports Performance, Exercise and Life In General – The benefits of strength training for women all boil down to one point- a better overall quality of life. We can perform our favorite activities with more ease and less pain. We are able to increase our health and mental state from a regular strength training routine.

9) Hold Back The Aging Process – With less falls and less injuries you are able to age gracefully.yOur lean and toned bodies create a warm and strong persona. Strength training is a major factor in aging well. Enhancing your muscles and reducing body fat are prime ways to prevent sagging body parts too.

10) Look Better and Be More Confident – I don’t think it is much of a secret that we all want to look great. We are all searching for ways to look young. Strength training is a vital part of a fitness routine. Strength training has been shown to increase your muscle tone, decrease body fat, and so much more. A toned body is but one factor to looking great. The other is purely mental. There are so many positive mental benefits of strength training for women. We feel accomplished, secure, and strong after a strength session.

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If you are looking for step-by-step instructions on the best way to strength train, drop fat, and tone up continue reading

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If you are looking for step-by-step instructions on the best way to strength train, drop fat, and tone up continue reading

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Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Richard Butler

Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises – Health – Fitness

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Pullups are an extremely effective way of building both strength and endurance. They are very good for full body conditioning, particularly if you are an athlete or martial artist.Pullups are one of the most beneficial overall muscle and strength developers. This exercise (also called a chin up) is a simple body weight exercise for building upper body, back and core strength. Unfortunately this exercise is often overlooked/neglected in favour of pumping iron or machine weights at the gym. Why do PullUps?• A pull-up is a compound, pull-type exercise which works a large number of muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms (biceps) at the same time. An added benefit is that it works the abs as well as burning fat. Bonus!• Standard exercise for special forces and elite organization fitness testing• Improves grip strength significantly• Develop a V-shaped back• Impress your mates!!

As a judo black belt who needs to apply practical strength i do pull up workouts to supplement my judo specific training along with other cardio based home workouts and dumbbell training.

If you are new to this exercise or are out of practice a weight assisted pull up machine at the gym will help your muscles adapt to this challenging exercise. Lat pull downs machines should also help prepare you for a non assisted pull up workout. Once you have mastered the basics there are various different types of pull up you can do including wide and close grip: learn more visit

I have a wall mounted pull up bar attached to my house for convenience, as a much prefer time efficient home workouts (especially as i am a new father with a busy work schedule). Other pull up bar include door frame pull up bars, and pull up stations, however, i have not used these.

Pull up workouts can be made varied and challenging by integrating them into explosive cardio circuits. There is also scope to attach weights to yourself or use a weighted vest if you become very advanced at pull up workouts. I am currently working on the twenty pull up challenge, and have improved consistently since i first started. Following a structured training programme, i have achieved positive results with good gains in my biceps, chest. triceps and shoulder muscles. Just need to work on my diet a bit more to get those abs.Good luck with your workouts.

Thank you for reading this articl.

For further information on pull up workouts please visit:

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

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Know the Benefits of Circuit Training

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

One of the most popular ways to get in shape is circuit training, in which cardiovascular moves and resistance training are combined to get one good workout. You are supposed to perform a move for a couple of minutes, and then switch to another exercise, with only about a minute between moves. There are various benefits of circuit training, such as keeping the workout interesting, getting a good workout without spending much money, and working out several muscle groups in one routine.

If you get bored with exercise routines easily, circuit training might keep you interested since you do several moves in a short period of time. You can switch up the order, or you can change the moves entirely each time you work out. For example, you can jog in place for a few minutes, and then do push-ups, followed immediately by crunches, leg lifts, and squats.

The next day, you can take out a few moves and replace them with other exercises, such as dumbbell lifts and lunges. Just make sure to work out several muscle groups every time you do circuit training so that you get a great overall workout. Changing the routine or just the order in which you perform the moves will keep your workout interesting.

Most of the circuits in circuit training do not require you to spend a lot of money, or any money at all. In fact, this is a great workout to do at home. It is helpful if you have an exercise mat, dumbbells, and a cardio machine, such as an elliptical or exercise bike, but none of these are required. You can just do resistance moves, such as squats, lunges, and crunches. Then add in cardio moves like jogging in place, jumping jacks, and jump squats.

You can even do circuit training around your neighborhood or at a park, running or walking for the cardio portion and then stopping to do lunges or squats. You can also perform these moves at a gym or in a pool, making this one of the most flexible workouts available.

The point of circuit training is to work out several muscles in one routine while also allowing them to recover since you are supposed to alternate muscle groups with each move. For example, you can do crunches and then push-ups, then lunges, and then begin working out the abdominal muscles again with side crunches. You can also start over at this point with regular crunches since there is no rule about how many circuits you have to have. If you alternate muscle groups, they do not get too tired to finish the workout. At the same time, keeping only a minute or so between each move prevents the muscles from getting too relaxed, allowing you to get a tough workout that you are able to finish.

You do not have to completely replace your current routine with circuit training, especially if you are new to this concept. Instead, you can try it out by adding it into your rotation of workouts, maybe doing circuit training once per week to start. This way, you will definitely not get bored with your exercise routine.

Pilates exercises, information and resources for students and teachers. Learn about pilates equipment and how this would help you. For more information on Pilates please visit

Benefits Of Push Ups And What Muscles Do Push Ups Work

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Shaun Swilling

Benefits Of Push Ups And What Muscles Do Push Ups Work – Health

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Copyright (c) 2012 Forestnome Enterprises

Push-ups are going to be working all the major muscle groups in your upper body if you are doing them correctly. It is a great movement and that is why it has been used so effectively for years in order to stress the upper body so effectively.

There are four muscle groups that you have in your back and your rhomboids are a thick muscle in the middle of your back that holds these all together. When your elbows go past the mid-line of your body you are extending your rhomboids to their maximum.

So when doing push-ups, you will certainly be stressing your rhomboids but also you will be stressing your chest, shoulders and arms. It goes without saying that your triceps will be stimulated and stressed when you lock-out at the top of a push-up.

Probably the least amount of direct stress that you are putting on your upper body when doing push-ups is your biceps. The biceps are involved with any pulling movement and when doing push-ups you are pushing so the biceps are being used only as support and stabilizers when doing push-ups.

The same as when you do bench-press and change the grip on where you hold the bar you can also change the stress of a push-up by spreading your arms wider. The wider you spread your arms the more of the pec-delt tie-ins you will be working and eventually only be working your shoulders.

To increase the amount of muscle that you have one needs to increase the overall strength that you have and that includes all the different mechanisms of training. For example the basics are squats, bench-press and deadlifts. These three movements will increase the thickness of you abdominal cavity as well as the thickness of your neck as you get stronger.

But do not think that a simple press-up is something that cannot add strength because there is no doubt about it that simply doing a few sets of push-ups every day will make you stronger. But because we all know that the only way to increase muscle size is by progressive resistance you need to make sure that the stress of your push-ups is increasing.

This will start when you do more reps with your own bodyweight but it can also increase when you start to change the angle of your hands when they are on the ground. One can also increase the strength and also the stress of push-ups by putting your feet up against a wall and increasing the stress on your chest.

About the Author

If you want to gain good quality weight, that means muscle, quickly and efficiently then you should take a look at this:

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If you want to gain good quality weight, that means muscle, quickly and efficiently then you should take a look at this:

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Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment

July 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Shekhar Bhalla

Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment – Sports – Other Sports

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Resistance training refers to that kind of training that uses resistance to the force of muscular contraction. It is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance and weight training is also a part of resistance training. After using these equipment each and every exercise becomes easier with an explosive force. There are three types of resistance training:-

1. Isotonic: It is the kind of training in which the force is applied to muscle does not change while the length of muscles increases or decreases.

2. Isometric: In this training the joint angle and muscle length does not change during contraction. Isometric training is done in completely static position rather than being dynamic.

3. Isokinetic: It is the form of training where the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.

Speed resistance training equipment is considered as the best sports training accessory and it is designed to add extra resistance to an Athlete as he/she attempts to move through a range of motion. These accessories are very helpful for increasing jumping strength, speed training movements, quick leg recovery drills, lateral speed and balance. By using training equipment an athlete can easily increase stride length, frequency, power and acceleration by selecting the most suitable equipment. It is very beneficial in increasing muscle power through both speeds in starting and stopping function and used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscle.

In market, there is a large collection of speed resistance training equipment that helps an athlete to gain experience and keep full control over his/her speed during game and practice situation and these are:-(1) Dual Resistance Trainer: It is the most economical equipment where two players are required for training in which one provides resistance while other one runs.(2) Evasion Belt: It is the perfect equipment that requires one on one marking up and mirroring and also useful for soccer, rugby, netball, basketball and other sports that require short space shielding.(3) Speed Chute: It is ultimate speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improving leg muscles which results in increasing performance during training and game competition.(4) Resistance Trainer: In this training equipment, require two Athletes to perform speed training in which one is providing resistance while other one runs.(5) Weighted Sledge: It is also one of the best speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improve speed, change direction suddenly and perform sport-specific skills.

In market, “Bhalla International – Vinex” is the leading and oldest supplier and manufacturer of best sporting goods and accessories since last 54 years that provides best speed resistance training equipment. The company becomes India’s Number 1 exporter of sporting goods due to its advanced manufacturing techniques and providing most excellent customer satisfaction.

About the Author

I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.

For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.

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I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.

For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.

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What Is Functional Training and the Benefits of Training Functionally

July 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by TC Personal Training

What Is Functional Training and the Benefits of Training Functionally – Health – Fitness

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What is Functional Training?

The origins of functional training lie in rehabilitation and sports conditioning.

In contrast to traditional strength training that uses resistance machines to train an isolated group of muscles with a single specific motion, functional training trains the body as a cohesive unit allowing unrestricted movement and using two or more muscles at the same time

p>It builds strength, balance and coordination for general fitness and to help with day to day activities, as well as specific sports requirements.

Functional training is based upon exercises which use the person’s own weight as resistance or uses bands, stability balls, free weights and other equipment which will challenge a person’s core strength and balance and involve multiple muscle groups and corresponding stabilisers.

Benefits of Functional Training.

By working muscle groups simultaneously functional training can help to achieve health and fitness goals faster than single joint exercises.

It can significantly improve balance, core muscles strength and joint stability.

By helping link your entire body together so it performs optimally as a cohesive unit, it can lessen risk of injury especially in sport.

A research study into the relative benefits of functional training versus fixed resistance machine training showed those undertaking functional training had a 58% greater increase in strength than those using fixed resistance machines and improvements in balance were 196% better (2009 Spennewyn)

By doing exercises that mimic a natural movement it can help build strength for everyday activities and repeated movements such as reaching up and bringing down heavy objects.

For athletes it can build strength to improve performance of a specific movement such as a golf swing, throwing a ball or jumping.

Cardio activity can be easily integrated into functional training.

Strength can be gained without putting on bulk or losing flexibility.

Neither multiple machines or space is needed to train multiple muscle groups.

Functional training might include such exercises as:



âEUR¢press ups

âEUR¢circuit training

âEUR¢mixed martial arts (MMA)

âEUR¢working out with cables or kettle bells or on gym balls

âEUR¢dynamic or stationary movements that are specific to a particular sport.

Here is an example of a functional and not so functional exercise.

Lets look at 2 pulling movements, say a lat pulldown on the lat machine and a tug of war type movement, pulling a cable with resistance.

Now the lat pulldown will use muscles from the arms and torso to pull the bar down towards the chest, however the legs are anchored to prevent you from lifting out of the seat. The load is being lifted by the entire arms and torso in unison.

Seems like a pretty functional movement, however because the legs are braced, standing postural integrity is not compromised, in other words the stabilising muscles of the lower body are not activated.

Now lets look at a much more functional exercise, the tug of war type movement, a standing cable row.

With the cable pulley wheel about chest height and away from you grab the D handle with one hand and pull it down while slightly rotating, like a rowing motion towards your side.

Now because the legs are not braced your going to need to summon a considerable amount of lower body muscle to stabilise your position and keep you from taking off.

This sort of movement could be used in football to drag another player over the side line or a UFC fighter pulling his opponent to the ground, all functional.

The problem is your only as strong as your weakest link and in the latter’s case the lower body is the weak link. However the pulldown eliminates this, which basically means you can lift a much heavier load. This is why bodybuilders are big and the functional training brigade are…well…. not!

Its the same with doing a bench press. Because the back is braced against the bench you can push a hell a of a lot of weight away from your body in this position.Pushing something (standing cable press)or someone away from you, again something a footballer or fighter would experience in competition, because there is nothing to brace the back here less power can be produced in the pushing movement plane, simply because you can not get the necessary leverage, so its the weak links that needs to be strengthened not the prime mover. Something only the later exercise can do.


About the Author

Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instuctor, Manchester, Cheshire, Cheadle Hulme, Wilmslow, Bramhall, Didsbury, Altrincham, Hale, Stockport, Fitness, Exercise, Fat, Loss, Weight Loss, Workout, Kettlebell, Functional, Tabata, HIIT, Plyometric, Metabolic Training.

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Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instuctor, Manchester, Cheshire, Cheadle Hulme, Wilmslow, Bramhall, Didsbury, Altrincham, Hale, Stockport, Fitness, Exercise, Fat, Loss, Weight Loss, Workout, Kettlebell, Functional, Tabata, HIIT, Plyometric, Metabolic Training.

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The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by James Waltermaine

The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program – Health – Fitness

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An effective strength training program and a healthier diet can enhance weight loss while maintaining good health. In today’s rising problems with obesity, more and more people are gaining unwanted weight due to the quality of foods they eat and their chosen lifestyle. Concerns about obesity and other health issues brought about the need for healthier food options and proven exercise programs.

Program for Men and Women is one of the Best Options to Consider

Numerous studies have proven that an appropriate program is one of the most effective and healthy options for losing weight. However, before we can say that such a training program is truly the best option, it is essential that we first learn what it is all about. It involves exercises that make the muscles to tighten by resisting pressure provided by weights, rubber tubing, high-resistance equipment, or the individual’s own body weight by repeating a certain exercise step for about two minutes.

The different types of strength training program include:

• Basic Strength Training is the common type used by people who want to lose weight while gaining strength and energy in order to be healthy. The major objective is to make the major muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, and joints strong, flexible, and healthy.• Hypertrophy Strength Training is usually used by people, especially athletes who want to add extra muscle bulk.• Maximal Strength Training is the type of training that focuses on developing strong coordination between nerves and muscles in order to create maximum strength.• Explosive Strength Training is for people who need explosive power in order to have maximum strength for a sport activity.• Muscular Endurance Strength Training is a training that concentrates on building strength to beat low resistance, but for an extended period. Marathoners and mountain climbers benefit from this training program.Strength training programs may also be classified as weight training program, plyometric training program, and resistance training program.

Remarkable Benefits of a Reliable Program

A reliable training program has numerous benefits in maintaining good health and providing the needed energy, especially among people over forty. Some of the remarkable benefits are:

• Weight Loss – program that involves plyometric exercises and the use of weight lifting belts is most helpful in enhancing metabolism and burning calories that results to weight loss. Weight training for women keeps most women in shape and helps fight obesity.• Reduce Pains – program helps reduce back pains, muscle pains, and cramps.• Healthier Bones and Muscles – program helps in making bones healthier and minimizes osteoporosis. It also improves body posture and figure. Strength training also provides well-toned and firm muscles.• Anti-Aging Benefits – program is also helpful in preventing aging by improving the quality of skin, improves cardio and respiratory conditions, and increase muscle composition. Weight training is effective in the elevation of testosterone levels among older men as proven by studies on testosterone replacement.Before you enroll, make sure that you first consult your doctor or any licensed physical therapist. It is crucial that the exercises suit your body requirements. A wrong training program will result to more injuries than health benefits.

If you are doing your training at home, find a good online personal trainer who can help you achieve your goal with the appropriate program recommended by your doctor. Most online personal trainers are highly trained and hold certification from known fitness organizations. When you enroll in any of the online programs, you will definitely gain the numerous benefits from a strength training program.

About the Author

James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit

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James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit

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Benefits of Running: Top Ten Reasons To Run

July 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jen Warner

Benefits of Running: Top Ten Reasons To Run – Health

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Why should you start running? Check out these running benefits to learn why you should start your running routine today. Whether you run for pure enjoyment, weight loss, or to stay healthy for your family (and yourself), running is a great exercise.

You may have reasons why you dislike running. It can feel downright boring sometimes. The great part of running is amongst the drawbacks, the benefits that it produces far outweigh the perceived negatives. That is why we have created these running benefits- to keep you going and remind you why you love to run.

Benefit of Running 1 – Stress ReliefWhether I

Kettlebells Workouts-Top Benefits

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Sharon Summer

Kettlebells Workouts-Top Benefits – Health – Fitness

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Kettlebells workouts are now being used by a large number of fitness professionals, athletes, weight lifters, and even Olympians. Why? Because this type of workout is not only affordable but also can give you guaranteed quick, consistent weight loss results. The best part also is that a kettlebell workout does not need a gym-size space. You would only need a little space to execute your movements and store your tool afterwards, a kettlebell of course, some basic kettlebell workout routine, and the discipline to continue what you have started.

So why should you use kettlebells when you can just go to the gym and lift a barbell or a dumbbell?

That’s a very good question. Actually there are kettlebell moves that you can also execute with the use of a dumbbell, but in most cases you do not get to see the same results when you use a kettlebell. So how did that happen? Because the weight of a kettlebell is not actually centered, like that of a dumbbell, and knowing that you now force your body to put extra effort to complete your kettlebell moves properly. It turns out that Kettlebells workouts are harder to execute than their dumbbell equivalents but do not be discouraged since often this is the most effective workout there is.

Aside from the simplicity of a kettlebell movement, the little space you need, and the guaranteed results after every workout, here are more reasons why not only fitness professionals but also teens, elderly, and even pregnant women use kettlebells.

1. If you are an athlete and you do a lot of sprinting, jumping, and kicking, then a kettlebell routine will help you build up your hip thrust fast which can be very beneficial in any sport you are currently doing.2. Aside from building your hip thrusts, kettlebell training is also good both for your shoulders and back, keeping them strong and healthy. With kettlebells, you build more strength, improve your endurance, and you lose weight.3. It helps you work on your muscles, strengthen your posterior chain, and makes your lower back more resilient.4. If you are into high intensity workouts, kettlebells help you complete intensive workout sets effectively.5. It is very versatile giving you full workout freedom.6. Since kettlebells are also very versatile, for as short as 15-20 minutes of your chosen routine you see the results immediately.7. Increases your balance and body coordination.8. It helps you improve your flexibility and your stamina.

Well of course apart from using kettlebell exercises, it is also wise to maintain a healthy diet, have some motivation, and do not stop until you reach your fitness goal. With kettlebells workouts, you do not just lose weight or build muscles, and prevent yourself from accumulating the same amount of fat you already get rid in your first kettlebell training, you also start to love yourself more and believe that yes you can have that body you have always wanted.

Now, if you want to learn more about Kettlebells workouts I suggest you read my best-selling book entitled Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED? Simply check out and get more advise and instructions about kettlebell workout that you can easily follow.About the Author

Sharon Summer is the author of the bestselling book “Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED?”

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Sharon Summer

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Sharon Summer is the author of the bestselling book “Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED?”

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. brings you one of the most powerful full body workouts you can do at home for weight loss using just a KettleBell! I used this exact same workout to lose over 100lbs in just 6 months! If you want to get ripped and lose fat fast and make you six pack abs stand out then this is the workout for you. It will help you lose fat and build muscle in 10 minutes per day! This is very affective home workout for fat loss and getting. six pack abs. Did you enjoy the Killer Weight Loss Kettlebell Home Workout! I Lost 100lbs!” video? For the web’s best Six Pack ABS Workout & Excercise Videos visit http for everything you need to get ripped!

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