Why You Should Not Ignore The Benefits Of Resistance Training

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Marley Martinerin

While the benefits of resistance training have gotten quite a bit of publicity in recent years, many people still haven’t taken the hint and started a strength building program. Once you begin doing this exercise program, you will realize there are no unwanted side effects. After reading the rest of this article, it will be clear as to why you should incorporate resistance training into your existing exercise program.

The local gym, which it used to be filled with younger guys trying to bulk up by lifting weights, has seen a gradual change. However, as research has shown the many health benefits of resistance training, especially to the bones, you now see people of all ages lifting weights and using strength training machines. Bone mass naturally begins to dissipate in your early 30s and 40s. As you get older, you will have to eat less and exercise much more in order to compensate for your slowing metabolism. Weight lifting or other forms of resistance training help to counteract both of these natural occurrences, increasing your metabolism and improving bone density.

Getting the maximum benefits from a fitness program really involves combining as many elements as possible. A resistance workout, combined with proper dieting and aerobic exercise, can create a workout that can help you stay in shape. Resistance exercise, combined with aerobic activity, can create a perfect exercise routine that can build muscle and help you lose weight. It is also very important to stick to a good diet that is free of junk foods and foods that are high in fat.

Benefits, such as increased physical strength, are found in those that do resistance training on a regular basis. If you play golf on a regular basis, or play tennis, this routine can help improve your game because of your added strength. Strength can also be important for many everyday activities, such as carrying groceries, moving furniture or shoveling snow. Your extra strength will allow you to prevent potential injuries from occurring when you do certain physical activities. As with most weightlifters, you will have been added feeling of confidence knowing that you are stronger than ever before. When you do resistance training, you are also improving the way you feel about yourself and your health on an everyday basis. If you are consistent, you will do well as you do this routine every day. If you’re not sure what kind of exercise is best for you, try some different methods, such as free weights, exercise machines at the gym or strength building exercises you can do at home. You will definitely enjoy your workouts once you get started as long as you remain consistent every day.

Marley Martinerin is a regular contributor to a number of sites and writes articles about such topics as the big tv stand, and the techcraft tv stand.

The Many Benefits of Weight Lifting For Women

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting


Despite the overwhelming benefits of weight lifting for women, why are so many women scared to lift weights?Because they’re fearful of turning into raging hulks or gaining the muscle of an Arnold Schwarzenegger.

But this simply does not happen and should not prevent women from using resistance training in their fat loss plans.

Men and women need to train and work out similarly if they want to see results.

Most people want to:

1. Gain lean muscle or get toned up2. Lose body fat3. Increase strength/endurance/energyOr all of the above.

And the thing is, whether you’re a man or women, those things are achieved the same way, using the same process of weight training, cardio, and nutrition.

They have to be, it’s cause and effect.

Much like a man and woman will get a sunburn the same way (light or sun) a man and woman need to train the same way to get leaner and more toned.

Human beings lose fat and gain lean muscle in the same manner. Physiologically, they have to.Now, some of the RESULTS will be different for men and women, but the approach should be the same.

The reason the results may differ is that weight lifting for women cannot build as much muscle as men can.

Women do not have enough testosterone in their bodies to pack on a lot of muscle.

So they tend to lose fat and tone up, where as men will gain more bulky muscle.

But again, the approach for men and women must be the same if any results are to be achieved.

In fact, weight lifting for women is one of the best ways to prevent against bone diseases.

Weight-lifting exercises monitored by University of Arizona researchers showed that women can maintain and build their bone mass and muscle strength in the hip and spine areas, where most fractures occur from the brittle bone disease of osteoporosis.

The study also showed these exercises help build and preserve the muscle mass lost during aging.

The more stimulation the bones receive, the denser they will be.

It’s important to gradually increase the weight in these workouts. When you have reached the maximum amount you can lift, vary the routines so you’re putting different forces on muscles and bones.

Without a doubt, weight lifting for women should be top priority when it comes to losing weight, toning up, or just plain getting into shape.A few other benefits of weight lifting for women are:

*** It helps directly in weight loss because the more lean muscle a women has, the more calories she burns even at rest!

*** Weight training can also help improve a person’s mood.

*** People who begin weight training can expect substantial increasing in strength.

*** Weight training also will increase muscle endurance, making aerobic exercise easier.

Bottom line…weight lifting for women is a must for overall great health!

Are you just starting out and beginning to learn how to weight train?

Or maybe you’re advanced and want to be doing the best methods for losing weight and toning up. http://www.whattodotogainmuscle.com


The benefits of weightlifting for women are endless — helping your health, lose weight, and reach your flat stomach goals. Here are 5 reasons why every woman needs to be lifting weights. Blog — www.womensabworkout.com MORE tips and tricks — http
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Benefits of Fartlek Training Session: An Interval Training Exercise session to enhance Anaerobic and Aerobic Potential

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Avi Marents

While I typically advocate a HIIT training regimen so you can get in great shape, now I’d prefer to discuss the Fartlek training session. What is Fartlek? It’s an expression meaning “speed play” in Swedish and is an interval training workout that involves continuing exercise alternated between low, moderate, and higher intensity durations. The major aspects of Fartlek training are actually that it allows you to burn up fat and in addition increase both anaerobic along with aerobic ability. In other words, it may help you to more efficiently complete seriously intense training as well as improving your overall stamina.

So how exactly does Fartlek work in practice? Frequently, Fartlek is performed by way of jogging nevertheless, you could theoretically customize other activities to incorporate a similar key points. You begin with jogging at an average pace then pick a time to sprint. After you dash, you could run at a slower pace or perhaps the exact same velocity you began jogging at. It’s your decision. Then, when your body is all set, you can perform another dash or perhaps dash at a heightened velocity. You choose how frequently to enhance the intensity and how far the period can be. You may base distances around points of interest ( utility poles, light poles, trees and shrubs, and so forth.). Maybe one particular sprint span is merely 75 yards while the subsequent may be a fast paced quarter mile jog. There’s no arranged framework.

What makes Fartlek workout routines a great way to train? First, interval training in general is an efficient approach to burn up fat. It is often a lot better than merely jogging at a continuous rate. Second, Fartlek workout improves anaerobic and aerobic potential. While steady state jogging improves cardiovascular capacity, this doesn’t help with high intensity sprints or other anaerobic exercises. Even more remarkable, a number of reports about interval training demonstrate that it improves cardiovascular potential better than steady state jogging. It’s the best of all possible worlds. Last but not least, you’ll employ both fast twitch along with slow twitch muscle fibers meaning you boost power as well as speed (fast twitch) as well as endurance (slow twitch).

Another excellent aspect of Fartlek training is how versatile it is. Unlike a regular HIIT exercise plan which may entail sprints for thirty seconds along with resting for ninety seconds for any established time, Fartlek makes it possible for the body to determine the amount of rest time you may need in addition to how long the total program will be. You select how many times, for how long, and how intensely you intend to dash. You may also personalize your workout based on a specific sport or activity.

If you’re a sports athlete, I’d recommend including a Fartlek workout. This method of interval training exercise routine could increase your anaerobic along with aerobic ability as well as help you get better at your specific sport. For all the others, one of the primary benefits of Fartlek training is that it lets you successfully burn up fat. Plus, a Fartlek workout can add a little variety and supply a great break from a structured routine. Give Fartlek training a shot!

If you’d like to read additional information on Fartlek training, come look at my web blog where I provide you with diet and exercise techniques to help you shed fat and get a toned appearance. Start getting in excellent condition right now!

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Practice Anaerobic Exercises for Multifarious Benefits

January 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Kya Grace

Anaerobic exercises were initially considered to be only meant for body builders and people who want to gain bulging muscles. However, over time new routines of anaerobic exercises have evolved. With these new routines you can get all the benefits of anaerobic exercises even if you opt for getting a lean, ripped body shape.

Principles of Anaerobic exercises: The word aerobic literally means oxygen. Anaerobic obviously means without oxygen. As the name suggests anaerobic exercises are meant to be performed without utilizing oxygen. Since your body is not equipped to handle such a situation for long periods of time, these exercises need to be performed in short interval capsules. The effective principle which is the basis of these exercises is that oxygen is utilized by your body to provide energy for your actions. Now, if you perform rigorous exercises without using oxygen, your body starts burning fat to make up for the energy loss.

Main indicators of anaerobic exercises: Some basic indicators can help you realize whether you are doing an anaerobic routine. These indicators can also help you gauge the intensity of your workout. Increase in heart rate to up to 65-70% of maximum heart rate is a primary and necessary indicator. Hunger increases with anaerobic exercises because the metabolism gets a boost due to the routine. Anaerobic exercises are not supposed to leave you short of breath. In fact, if that happens during a weight lifting routine, it means you are not adequately healthy.

Main anaerobic training routines: Anaerobic exercises have evolved a lot. The routines are now based on different criteria and they solve different purposes. Weight lifting remains to be a popular routine of anaerobic exercises. Only the quantity of the weights are differed based on the amount of build up that you prefer. Make sure to use a spotter during any level of weight lifting. Interval training involves sprinting in short bursts but at high speed. The routine is a great cardio workout and is basically taken up by athletes. Isometric training involves using machine or manual resistance to increase strength and stamina. You should make sure to get professional supervision before starting up any of the routines for the first time.

Benefits of Anaerobic exercises: It gives an overall boost to the immune system. These exercises target fat burn and help in alleviating diseases like obesity, lower back aches and even arthritis. Strength training builds up lean muscle. It does not matter what shape you want to be in, with anaerobic exercises you get the shape and the fitness. Age reduces bone density and calcium in the body. Strength training can actually help in increasing bone density and prevent brittle bones or osteoporosis at later stages of life. Weight loss is obvious with the training but what you lose is fat and water weight. You gain muscle mass and get a trimmer and healthier body.

It is very clear that most of these benefits are essentially needed for everyone regardless of gender or age. Therefore, anaerobic exercises have ceased to be specific for body builders and professional weight lifters. It is necessary that you incorporate some of these routines in your daily workout to stay fit with age.

If you would like to sign up for a Hyde Park Boot Camp or a two-week Bootcamps trial, visit Boot Camp in Sydney.

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Top Benefits Of Running

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

The following are the top ten running benefits. From general stress relief, to weight loss, to preventing bone loss, the reasons are truly extraordinary.

As with all exercise, you may not always have the motivation to run, and get your daily exercise. The great part of running is amongst the drawbacks, the benefits that it produces far outweigh the perceived negatives. Whenever you may be having doubts, review this list and remember why we love running so much!

1) Relieve Stress
Stress is the worst. It comes in many forms and can be caused from many sources. Next time you feel overwhelmed, get out and start running. It is guaranteed to help.

When you get outdoors, you naturally feel free. It will allow you to straighten your thoughts, and oftentimes find that solution you were looking for. Sprint workouts are also a great way to work through any anger or frustration you may be feeling.

2) Weight Loss
The act of running has always been a recommended way to lose weight. Unless you have the opportunity to cross country ski, running is your best option to burn unwanted calories during your workout. So whether you are just trying to lose a few inches for summer vacation, or drop 100 pounds, running is a highly effective way to lose weight.

3) Bone Loss Prevention
When you run, your body naturally gets stronger to account for the added stress it endures. If you sit in front of a computer screen for eight hours of your day, your bones are not being stressed, and grow weaker. People who choose to run are taking a stance against this sedentary lifestyle. Get a running routine, and your bones will get stronger!

Benefit of Running 4 – Make Your Heart Healthy
Running is one of the best exercises for your heart. Not only does it reduce the risk of blood clots, it also raises HDL cholesterol levels. Running strengthens your heart, and as a result, lowers blood pressure. It also improves your arteries elasticity because they are constantly expanding and contracting during your run, almost 3 times more than usual.

Running Benefit #5 – Boost Immune System
Running naturally produces more white blood cells (WBCs), which are used to fight disease in the body. It also promotes the use of almost half of your lung capacity that otherwise goes unused.

Benefit of Running 6 – Runners High
Many runners run for that illusive runners high. It is something that keeps them coming back, even amongst the worst weather conditions. It doesn’t matter if you are having a really tough day. Get outside and go for a run. The feeling you get will surely make you feel better. It releases endorphins that cause a feeling of euphoria, and a general sense of happiness.

Believe it or not, running is often recommended for individuals that are dealing with depression or those addicted to a substance. Patients often reported feeling less tension, fatigue, and depression after implementing a routine run into their daily lives.

7) Minimize Disease
Not only has running been reported to reduce your chances of heart attack, breast cancer and stroke, it has also helped people who are at high risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, and hypertension.

8) Get Coordinated
Personally, I’m not blessed with stellar coordination – I once sprained my ankle playing miniature golf. Whether or not you realize it, by running you are teaching your muscles to work together, making you that much sharper during your exercise.

If you are an outdoors runner, you are may often be on challenging surfaces, with tree roots, rocks, or uneven pavement. Plus, you naturally improve the ability to control your body over these tough surfaces. You will be stronger on each following run.

Benefit of Running 9 – Improve Your Self Confidence
As you start out your training routine, you may be unsure of your abilities. Trust in yourself and as you start running, you will slowly build your confidence. You will quickly see a change in your overall body strength and ability to exercise for longer periods of time.

Take on these challenges and prove to yourself that you can do it. Your self belief is a key cornerstone for long term exercise and health. If you are seeing your body change, and losing weight as a result of running, a gain in confidence is sure to follow.

Plus, if you are competitive, you will feel a confidence boost after every race, or each time that I beat my own time.

10) You Are An Athlete
The great part of running is you can do it anywhere. No matter where you live, make running a part of your life. Whether you started running at an early age or later in life, running can fill that exercise void in your life. Running is a great choice for those individuals who want to take charge of their health. Start running and become the best you can be.

Running only requires you to get some shoes. It is a cheap way to get some great exercise. And, the best part is that you can do it anywhere. Make the best decision of your life and become a running athlete. You will impress yourself.

Now that you know the benefits of running, there is nothing left to do except head out the door and start running. Get a training schedule and start running today.

For more resources on running and your own FREE training program visit RunPals.com. Collect your running benefits today!

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BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks – Top Benefits And Features Of This Supplement

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Benjamin Sheers

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks is a product that can be considered a must-have for weight lifters out there. Weight lifters tend to put themselves in harm’s way whenever they are lifting heavy objects. Finding a grip on slippery heavy objects can be difficult. You could injure yourself carrying these objects incorrectly. Why not try using this product in order to ease up your weight lifting tasks?

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks has been designed to help ease up your weight lifting work. This is a kind of hand gear that you use to help you find the best grip on the object you are lifting. This is what you need if you want to prevent your hands from slipping on the handles of the object. It also makes it easier for you to lift heavy objects without having to go the extra mile in finding the best grip.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can be attached well to your hands because it has extra wide Velcro closure. The Velcro closure ensures that the material is connected to your wrist perfectly. Try wrapping it around your wrist. It does not come off easily even if you are lifting very heavy objects. The material does not get damaged easily as well.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks is made from comfortable materials. The wrist strap has been incorporated with neoprene lining. This will ease up stress on your wrist and hands. It will help you lift heavy objects without making you feel like you are wearing constricting straps on your wrists.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can help you find a better grip because of the featured steel hooks. The wrist band features a steel hook. Use this to secure the object you are lifting. It makes it easier for you to lift heavy objects and reduces the chances of the object slipping even before you get a good grip on it.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can make lifting weights significantly safer. Injuries can happen if you don’t know how to properly lift heavy objects. While finding the best grip, you might inadvertently injure your hands, back or even your knees. This is why it is important to use supporting gears such as this one. It helps lessen the chances of injuries.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can be bought in free sizes. This product comes in free sizes so you can easily buy it. It would feel like the product has been custom-fitted for your special needs.

BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks should be a constant part of your workout routine especially if you are a weight lifter. It is what you need to make quick work of lifting heavy objects. This is comfortable to wear since it has neoprene lining. The wrist band has a steel hook that you can use to secure the object you are lifting. This can help put you out of harm’s way when lifting objects. This is available in free sizes so you can get the most out of the benefits of this product.

Benjamin Sheers is an expert in health supplements and beauty products. He is currently running a website about health, beauty, and fitness.

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Know the Benefits of Jogging – And Jog!

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Physical activity is an integral part of a fitness routine, or a health and fitness routine. That is, in conjunction with a healthy diet. A person can opt to take supplements as well, which are deemed essential by health experts nowadays. It is often these measures which offer optimal benefits to well-being. When it comes to an exercise regime, aerobic activities have been a common option, and quite effective at that. And then again, there are varied choices as well in the aerobic exercises melange. One of them is jogging. A lot of people engage in jogging as regular exercise.

And why is that, what are the benefits of jogging which make it a preference among many people? The benefits of jogging are well worth the time and effort of committing to the exercise plan. For one thing, it is an engaging exercise. That is, jogging can be addictive. Those who jog often have different motivations for doing so.

A large number enjoy the benefits of jogging in keeping their weight down, or to lose weight. And still, others jog to feel healthier and happier. Jogging, as well as most exercises do, causes the release of endorphins in the body, otherwise known as the “happy hormones”.

So other than the benefits of jogging with your body getting physically revved up and developing flexibility and endurance, you’d feel “happy”, too. That is, feeling a sense of buoyancy and optimism. And this feeling can be “addictive”, but definitely in a good way. So once you get started on your routine, hang in there until you get the hang of it. In a week’s time or so, you would feel the benefits of jogging, and you’ll actually like doing it. One of the most vital benefits of jogging is that of promoting overall health. As an aerobic exercise, it boosts your heart health, making it stronger as well as enhancing the circulation process.

It hastens your metabolism in the same manner, allowing you to burn more fat. It thus helps in keeping your body fit and trim, and you’re off to looking better. Other then the benefits of jogging in health and weight loss, the activity also aids in weight maintenance. If you happen to have a healthy weight, you aren’t likely to have worries about gaining weight. You get to keep excess weight off as long as you jog regularly. But then again, you have to be wary of your diet in this regard. Keep your calorie intake in check, too. It means you have to have a healthy and regulated diet.

You may have been a regular jogger, but it doesn’t mean you’re immune to weight gain if you take in too many calories. Then stress, which happens to be inherent to the current mode of living. Running benefits your well-being by reducing your stress levels. Exercise is a good means for stress relief, and so is running. You can jog with a buddy, or else you can jog alone. This alone time when you jog can also mean time to be by yourself and your much needed quiet time. Wouldn’t this help in reducing your stress? If you happen to jog or run for a marathon, then this activity would be a good means to increase your self-esteem.

The self-esteem benefits of jogging are enhanced if you set a goal to accomplish. Try running for a marathon and make it across the finish line. You’d become familiar with this particular jogging benefit. The confidence gained from a goal accomplished is well worth the effort. Be it running for a marathon, or having kept to your exercise plan until you reach your ideal weight. Or better yet, constantly enjoying good health and well-being because you take time to be mindful of yourself through regular exercise.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at http://www.FlabAndFatAway.com.

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Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by claude richard

There are many health benefits to doing a regular daily aerobic workout. Taking part in any type of aerobic exercise greatly improves a person’s health and fitness levels and of course, it can also be effective in weight loss since different types of aerobic activities help to burn more calories and for that reason can be combined with a healthy diet to produce even more health benefits. The term ‘aerobics’ means ‘with oxygen’ since you take in oxygen when you breathe and when you are exercising your breathing is faster and you feel quite warm and sweaty when you are working out as a result of taking in more air. This type of workout is extremely good for the heart and helps in delivering oxygen to different parts of the body.

What Type of Activities are Aerobic Workouts?

Aerobic activity can involve any type of exercise that raises a person’s metabolism. Some of the more popular exercises include swimming, cycling, walking, jogging, running, stair climbing and general aerobic workouts. However, any kind of activity or exercise will help to improve a person’s fitness level and aid in a person’s weight loss. For instance, performing household chores such as vacuuming and cleaning can also contribute towards raising a person’s fitness level.

What about dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, skipping, rowing, basketball or skating? These activities are also very good at burning calories.

In other words, any type of exercise will help you to get fitter as long as you do it regularly and it does not have to involve activities that are exhausting to perform. In fact, doing regular light or moderate aerobic activities is easier to maintain and gives better results since they are more likely to be kept up than aerobic exercises that involve high intensity workouts. In any case, it is always best to start at a lower level and gradually increase your activity levels when you get fitter.

For a person who is new to exercising or someone who finds it difficult to get themselves motivated or stick to any form of aerobic exercise, the best place to start is with doing something you enjoy for around thirty minutes a day three to five times a week. One of the easiest aerobic exercises to perform is walking since a person can start off doing a low intensity workout that is easy to keep up and then gradually progress to a more effective type of brisk walking. The only special requirement is a reasonably good pair of walking shoes and appropriate clothing. There are many people who enjoy performing this type of activity since it doesn’t really feel as though they are doing any specific kind of aerobic exercise. Many have increased their fitness levels to the point where they actually enjoy going jogging or running.

The thing to keep in mind with exercising is that any type of aerobic activity is effective as long as it is adhered to regularly and when it is performed on the right fitness level to suit the person doing the exercises.

Claude Richard writes articles on diffrent topics. To know more about acne exposed review treatment, acne exposed system treatment visit http://www.squidoo.com/exposedacnetreatment/

What about dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, skipping, rowing, basketball or skating? These activities are also very good at burning calories.

The Benefits of Having A Physically Fit Body

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

There are more and more people who want to engage in a healthier lifestyle. Most of the reasons for these are to be able to get the perfect body that they have been dreaming off and get rid of the unwanted fats that makes them look ugly. What they do not realize is that having a physically healthy and fit body entitles them to a lot more benefits than just a perfectly curved body? Physical fitness can help you in a lot of different ways that you will surely like.

Staying physically active is one of the best ways to increase the energy levels of the individual. Since exercising is a good way to improve the heart, it also means that the heart tends to work better. The heart is able to pump more blood into the body and provides more energy to the muscles whenever it is needed.

This way, you are allowed to stay physically fit for a longer time.

The body resistance of the body is also developed by staying physically fit. Exercising is a good way to develop different part of the body like the heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Healthy body parts lessens the risk of developing different kind of illness and created a stronger resistance to serious diseases like heart ailments, strokes and even some forms of cancer.

Stressed is also reduced with if you maintain a physically fit body.  If you take care of your body’s fitness by regular exercise and physical activities, you are allowed to reduce your stress and create a happier and more relaxed mood.  It is known that every time the body does a physical activity, the brain releases endorphins that make the body feel good and develop a good mood.

And of course, staying physically fit also helps you improve your physical appearance.

Since you are able to burn all the extra calories in your body, you are entitled to a slimmer and more beautiful body that you can absolutely brag about. You can dress the way you want without worrying of exposing flabby part of your body. Because of this, your confidence is also boost up and you can be proud of yourself.

With all the additional benefits that you can get by staying fit and healthy, there are more reasons for you to choose to live a healthier and fitter lifestyle.


Drop here: Daniel Corcia

Benefits of Physical Fitness

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

We encourage everyone to lose weight the old fashion way; burn it. But, we acknowledge this is not for everyone, so regardless of how you go about tackling fitness or weight loss. Understanding the benefits of physical fitness can go a long way in your long term success. On the other hand, not being fit and healthy can affect your overall health, including your cardiovascular health, your well being, your energy levels, and even your mood. So grab yourself a cup of coffee or better yet a healthy cup of tea and stay with me.

Improves how your body works

Probably the biggest benefit of physical fitness is how it improves the way your body functions especially your heart and lungs. Exercise improves the amount of oxygen you take in which in turn improves the flow of blood to your heart. Unfortunately this only happens when your heart rate is elevated which requires cardiovascular and physical type activities or exercise. This type of activity raises your metabolism and helps you burn fat and tone up those trouble zones. It also raises your energy level improving your ability to tackle your favorite physical activities. Exercising on a regular basis will help you maintain your proper weight level and a healthy lifestyle.

Gets you in a good mood

Another benefit of being physically fit is the effect it can have on your mood. Exercising actually can improve your mood and help you dump any negative energy you may have acquired during your day at the office or stuck in traffic on your way home. Rigorous exercise can cause your body to release endorphins that will make you feel better. Plus your energy levels will be higher and more than likely you will live a longer and healthier life. This improved attitude and new found vitality will give you confidence; maybe even improve your sex drive. In addition, these benefits of physical fitness apply to you whether you are male or female, young or old.

Can help you sleep better

Yet another of the great benefits that comes from exercise is that you will be able to sleep better at night. There is nothing like a good restful night’s sleep to improve your focus and concentration during the day. In addition you will find other sleep related benefits; there have even been some cases of people with sleep apnea or sleep disorders due to breathing problems that benefitted from regular exercise. What they found was that exercise enabled them to take in more oxygen and open up their airways to improve the quality of their sleep.

Improves your health

Finally and probably one of the most important benefits of physical fitness is that it helps to fight off diseases which can cause us a multitude of problems throughout our lives. Some of these include reducing the risks of some forms of heart disease, lowering your cholesterol levels, helping in balancing your blood pressure, preventing some forms of cancer and greatly improving your chances of preventing the onset of diabetes. In as little as 30 to 45 minutes a day of cardio exercise you can go a long ways to enjoying a long and healthy lifestyle and perhaps even avoid the complications that come with any of these type illnesses. Adding resistance or weight training to your routine will help you build muscle and tone up your body.

It seems blatantly obvious that the benefits of physical fitness can impact a big part of our lives, yet so many of us never seem to take the hint. In order to actually enjoy these benefits, all you have to do is commit to spending a little time three or four times per week to get some exercise. When you find yourself overweight you tend to think it comes from having put on a few excess pounds by not minding your diet. But this extra fat is not the only reason you may be overweight it can also have a lot to do with how your metabolism is working or not working. Regular cardio exercise helps to keep your metabolism active and adding some resistance training builds muscle which also burns calories even when you are resting. If you are ready to engage in a healthier lifestyle you will need some detailed information on nutrition options and proper exercise routines.

Hope you enjoyed this basic information, for more detailed information on nutrition plans and exercise suggestions feel free to visit us at http://shedsomelbs.com

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