Strength Training Exercise – The Benefits of Lifting Weights
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Protica Research
It’s amazing to walk into gyms and fitness centers these days. There are so many new types of machines and gadgets that people can use to stay healthy. The really amazing thing about these places, however, is not the machines and technology – it’s the people who are using them. People from every age group and walk of life are enjoying the benefits that can be derived from resistance training. Strength exercise programs aren’t just for the huge bodybuilder or football player any more. People young and old, fat and thin, are learning how to lift weights in an effort to live healthier, more enjoyable lives.
The demographics of an average gym member today are a lot different than they were 20 or 30 years ago. Gyms used to be the dwelling place of the physically elite. Only huge, strong, full time athletes roamed the weight rooms back in those days. It was a good bet that people who were on a strength training exercise program back then were hardcore about their strength exercise and took their training very seriously. Over time, though, word got out that strength training exercise wasn’t just for bodybuilders. In fact, if you go to the average weight room today, you will see just as many beginners as you will seasoned athletes. We simply know more about the overall health benefits of exercise now than we did a generation ago.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Rest of Us
One of the great things that you see in gyms today is the number of women who are adopting strength training exercise into their fitness plans. There have always been women who lifted weights, but there was a myth that women who got on strength exercise programs would become ‘masculine’ and ‘muscle-bound’. For many years this myth continued to circulate and some women avoided touching weights for fear of becoming manly or getting too big. Fortunately, it has been proven that doing a strength training exercise routine alone will not result in women becoming huge and muscular. Even professional women bodybuilders are not likely to get very big or overly muscular without hardcore strength exercise programs, the right genetics and other variables being present. Simply put, women now know that they can, and should include resistance training in their exercise programs.
Women can enjoy some fantastic benefits by incorporating strength training exercise into their fitness routines. The first benefit is increased lean body mass, which results in increased fat loss. Women can also fight off degenerative bone loss later in life by becoming stronger and more fit. Strength training exercise is a true health benefit for women of every age.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Elderly
One thing that might surprise you, if you haven’t been to a gym in a while, is the number of older people who are pumping iron. Doctors are recommending that elderly people take up strength exercise routines as a way to combat the effects of aging. One of the first things that happens as we get older is that we naturally begin to lose muscle mass. As lean body mass decreases our bodies become weaker. Over time this weakness contributes to many other health risks that can be easily avoided by simply maintaining muscle mass. Doctors have seen the plethora of benefits that people get from doing strength training exercise and are prescribing it to more and more of their patients every year.
Strength training exercise acts as a preventative health measure for older people. Many middle aged and elderly people aren’t all that concerned about getting huge, ripped or buff, they simply want to stay strong and active well into their golden years. Adding muscle mass, by way of strength exercise, is one of the most potent ways for these people to stay strong, healthy and vibrant for years to come. It’s likely that even more elderly people will begin to adopt strength training exercise regimens, as doctors continue to see the massive health improvements that these types of exercise programs provide.
Strength Training Exercise and Nutrition
Even the best strength exercise routine in the world won’t increase lean muscle mass without the right nutrition. People who are trying to add muscle mass – whether they are professional athletes, work at home mothers or older folks – need increased levels of protein intake in order to sustain and increase lean body mass. The only nutrient the body can use to build muscle tissue is protein. It’s important for people to pay close attention to their diets when they adopt a strength training exercise program. Failure to take in enough protein will result in no gains, and perhaps increased chances of injury, when lifting weights. For your body to get the most from a strength training routine, you need to give it the raw materials it needs to increase muscle mass. Protein is that raw ingredient that your body needs, so make sure that you are getting enough protein to sustain muscle growth.
Nutritional supplements are available that can help people get optimum levels of protein to fuel their workouts. Profect is one of the more popular protein drinks. It provides a whopping 25 grams of top quality protein to help your muscles recover from any strength exercise session. Adding a protein supplement, like Profect to your diet can help you to make sure that you are getting adequate levels of protein to get all the healthy benefits possible from your diet and exercise program. Resistance exercise is for everyone and it goes hand-in-hand with good nutritional practices. Make sure that you are getting the right amount of protein to get the most from your workouts.
About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica present Free Coaching Videos and drills, training Videos and fitness club in, fitness club gym, the gym fitness center, training work out, weight training lifting, training for basketball, training in basketball, strength training exercises, muscle training workout, weight lifting exercises, athletic fitness club, training strength
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Health Benefits Of Aerobics Exercises
December 23, 2011 by admin
Filed under Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercises are the most common exercises that many people start when looking to lose weight, and there is a good reason why for this. Aerobic Exercise is fundamentally a kind of physical exercise with the aim of raising one’s general fitness including muscle power, flexibility and the hearts’ health. When you undertake physical activities that require a great deal of movement, your lungs require more air and you breath at a faster pace. This causes your heart to beat more quickly, which then increases the flow of blood around your body. When you undertake physical activities that require a great deal of movement, your lungs require more air and you breath at a faster pace. This causes your heart to beat more quickly, which then increases the flow of blood around your body. If you have excess body fat that you need to lose to be healthy you basically need to do two things. One, is to make sure that the amount of calories you burn each day exceeds the calories you take in. That requires that the amount and kind of foods that you eat need to be carefully controlled. Aerobic exercise also stimulates the production of norepinephrine. This body chemical may help eliminate depression. People who are depressed typically have low levels of norepinephrine so aerobic exercise may help combat this type of depression. Beyond just the weight loss and increased metabolism, aerobic exercise has other benefits. It can help if you are having trouble sleeping. It can also improve your mood if done on a regular basis. Aerobic exercise is a super way to reduce stress and anxiety. Mental Processing Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise: Not only will we be more relaxed about our lives, but we’ll perform our life activities better, too. Aerobic exercise improves blood flow to all areas of the body. For physical activities, sensitivity and stamina are improved. Good circulation is a boon to all parts of your body, providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells. A strong heart provides the blood flow necessary to keep the body well-fed. Some aerobic exercises often give the most attention to the leg muscles, especially in cases of walking, jogging, and cycling. Other aerobics give your entire body a full workout, such as swimming or doing dance aerobics. The benefits of aerobic exercise seem endless; there are so many advantages one gains from the implementation of regular aerobic exercise sessions.
Read About fast weight loss And effects of dehydration And Also water aerobics
Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises- Why Stretch Muscles?
December 22, 2011 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Chris Chew
In many exercise programs, be it weight lifting for building and toning muscles or cardio vascular exercises for increasing stamina and to lose weight, most people do not perform enough stretching exercises even though stretching exercises can be performed by anyone at any age unless that person has some physical restriction to stretch. What is worse, many people do not even stretch before and after exercising. Unknown to most people, stretching also has anti aging benefits.
*Benefits of stretching exercises for muscle growth
Stretching is an important aspect of exercising and should be a part of any exercise routine and program. There are many wonderful benefits when you perform regular stretching exercises. Stretching exercises not only help you to warm up and cool down before and after your workouts, it can and will actually help your muscles to grow bigger and stronger too. Don’t believe me? Then read on.
Stretching exercises help muscle growth because stretching lengthens your muscles and thus giving your muscle fibers a greater range of motion when lifting weights. So in effect, it recruits more muscle fibers and thus causing your muscles to grow stronger and bigger from your weight training.
By stretching your muscles after an intensive workout will reduce muscle soreness commonly known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle sore) which usually occurs a day after your workout.
Performing stretching exercises before your workout or before a physically demanding sporting activity will also decrease your chances of sustaining injuries and muscle cramps which will certainly destroy the joy of your activity.
When you stretch regularly, stretching exercises will help you gain agility which will make your daily chores much more pleasant and if you play sports, you will notice your agility is much better than others who do not stretch. This will put you in a more beneficial position against your opponents.
*Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises
If you are a baby boomer and age is catching up, this agility will make your life so much more pleasurable because you will be able to avoid stiff muscles and stiff joints unlike your peers who do not stretch. You will be more mobile, agile and suffering from less pain associated with aging and stiff body parts. These anti aging benefits from stretching regularly are priceless. Benefits that money can never be able to buy.
What is more, you can stretch anytime any where as and when you like. Stretching exercises need not be limited as a pre and post workout activity. So start a stretching exercise routine soon and make it part of your everyday lifestyle. You will surely enjoy the pleasures and anti aging benefits that a regular stretching routine can bring you.
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, fashion models and other celebrities. His websites Enjoy Fitness and Great Health Forever and Fitness Trainers In Singapore
Benefits Of Healthy Living
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Healthy Living
It seems that someone is always selling pills to put us to sleep, energy drinks to wake us up, and potions that are supposed to mirror the fountain of youth. What if someone told you that all you needed to reap these benefits and more was a small investment of time? Even though you may never discover the fountain of youth, you can discover the next best thing, a commitment to living healthy.
Increased Energy
Tired of being tired? Many people blame today’s increasing demands on their constant lack of energy. But the culprit is usually bad habits. Good habits, such as exercise increase blood flow to the brain and other vital organs, giving you the alertness and stamina to make it through the day.
Better Sleep
An active lifestyle balanced with a healthy diet allows your body to go to sleep faster into a deeper, more restful sleep. Sleeping well is a vital component to good health because in increases concentration, allows your cells to repair themselves and helps you to maintain a healthy weight.
Improved Immune System
Living healthy means a fit immune system ready to defend your body against the ravages of germs and disease. Your body’s ability to protect itself lies in the defense system that you’ve been building all along with beneficial eating habits and exercise. After all, it’s not the strength of the germs, but the ability of your body to ward them off.
Better Skin
The secret to radiant skin need not be found in a high-priced bottle the size of a thimble. A healthy lifestyle naturally detoxifies itself and sends more nutrients to the epidermis. If you want clear skin, eat antioxidant rich foods such as oranges, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Switching from high-calorie sodas to water and green tea is also an excellent way to be good to your skin without breaking the bank.
Weight Loss
You don’t have to walk it out on a stairmaster, but you do need to make a commitment to movement. Be the errand runner at work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator wherever you go. Park at the end of the lot when you go shopping. Give your leaf blower a break, and rake the leaves instead. There’s always an opportunity to exercise for healthy living in Rochester. And activity plus healthy eating will lead you to the weigh loss that you desire.
Prevention of health problems
By keeping your body healthy and fit, you are preventing problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease before they even start. More amazingly, changing to a healthy lifestyle can actually reverse the damage from smoking, diabetes, and other related illnesses!
Good health leads to happily ever after, and that’s no fairy tale. A physically fit body encourages the release of endorphins that relieve stress and give you a feeling of well-being. Besides, when you feel good, inside and out, what’s not to be happy about?
The path to living healthy is paved with benefits that last a lifetime. A few changes in your life can make a big difference. So start your journey today for healthy living in Rochester!
Explore ways to improve living healthy through exercise, activities, diet, habits, and other resources on Healthy Living Rochester.
Doctor’s Orders! Learn how Dr. David Steinman from Healthy Living Magazine was introduced to Noni.
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Four Benefits Found With Personal Training Studios
December 15, 2011 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Kylie Sultana
Majority of the people can find out that they are at present reaping the benefits of some type of dieting and exercise regimen so that they can improve the opportunities that persists with health. The main difficulty that is involved in this is maximum number of the people do not stick to the workout and dieting routines which in due course of time cause a failure in the efforts that are made with the purpose of improving health and getting over inefficient habits. To discover a resource of support so that you can enhance your opportunities for health and minimize the risks of failure, take a good benefit of the many benefits of personal training.
First Benefit: Obtaining Results
The first benefit that is generally the most appealing possibility for an individual to get benefitted from is seen with identifying real solutions to obtaining results. Through the resources of personal training Castle Hill you will be in a position to find an individual who is encouraged to assist you in achieving results and will develop a plan that is designed specifically around your needs. By determining the best resources of exercise and nutrition for you to reap the benefits of in order to accomplish your objectives, you will be in a position to meet both short and long-term results for enhancing your total health.
Second Benefit: Finding Motivation
While several individuals are motivated when they initially began an exercise or dieting program, this motivation starts to fade away as outcomes come slowly and temptation becomes a frequent influence in your life. By getting access to the resources of personal training studios, you will be in a position to discover a source of motivation that will assist you to remain on track and achieve your primary health-related objectives. By having an individual who actively takes part in your attempts and is proud of your results, you will discover a source of motivation that assists you to accomplish the seemingly impossible.
Third Benefit: Seeking Aid
The third benefit of finding a personal training Castle Hill resource is identifying a solution of help to assist you achieve your objectives. Many people understand unique exercise routines and even different dieting programs but are uncertain of what will work for them. The experience and education a personal trainer can bestow for you will help you to pinpoint the particular resources you can depend on to accomplishing your health-related goals.
Fourth Benefit: Long-Term Advantages
The final advantage you will be able to discover is seen with accomplishing long-term results. Through the resources of personal training studios you will be able to accumulate your short-term goals to eventually see long-term advantages that may have previously appeared impossible to accomplish.
Every one of these advantages assists to identify why people should look into the several resources that are available to them with the benefits of personal training.
At Lifestylz Personal Training, we try not to complicate things — we know there are a lot of different opinions and options out there! We work with the facts about health and wellbeing, and that’s why we think of ourselves as a healthy lifestyle centre, rather than just a training studio. Visit the website to create a healthier lifestyle
To expand your own knowledge of all that is available to you from Personal Training Studios resources, begin by looking for an improvement in your health by going to
Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises – Key Things You Should Definitely Know
December 8, 2011 by admin
Filed under Aerobic Exercises
Article by Tyler Freeman
Aerobic exercises are workouts done with the utilization of oxygen to improve the conditions of the heart, lungs and blood vessels. It usually involves the large muscles of the legs, back and chest and is done at moderate intensity for a longer period of time so that carbohydrate is turned into energy. When the carbohydrate stores in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles have become depleted, the body will metabolize fat to fuel the activity. Since this is a slow process, the individual exercising will feel fatigue and energy loss unless the person gets a little rest or guzzles up energy drinks to maintain the energy levels.
Because this kind of workout improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of your heart and lungs, it is highly beneficial for health. However, for aerobic exercises to achieve their desired effects, they must be performed for at least twenty minutes a day for a minimum of three times a week. Examples of workouts that develop your cardiovascular system are swimming, bicycling, running, dancing, jogging, power walking and climbing the stairs.
One of the best health benefits that can be derived from adhering to an aerobic regimen is reducing your risk of dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease. As air is taken in and expended out of the lungs, the muscles involved in respiration are strengthened and developed. Together with this, the heart muscle is also enlarged and fortified, improving its efficiency in pumping blood in and out of the system. When the heart and lungs are enhanced and circulation is improved, blood pressure gets reduced and more red blood cells in the body facilitate the transport of oxygen throughout the tissues.
Aerobic programs like the P90X workout do not only have beneficial effects to the lungs and heart. All the muscles in the body are made stronger as well with a regular aerobic regimen. High-impact aerobic activities like jogging also stimulate bone growth, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. With regular activity and a healthy diet, the risk of developing diabetes is also greatly lowered.
For athletes in training and even those who seek to amplify their workout sessions, aerobic exercises also augment the storage capacity of energy molecules, increasing stamina and endurance. Those seeking to lose weight will also find aerobic training beneficial since it improves the ability of muscles to utilize fats during exercise which results in the shedding of excess pounds. Because a greater portion of energy for vigorous intensities are generated aerobically, metabolism is also increased which also aids your weight loss efforts. When done regularly, aerobic workouts also enable the muscles to recover faster, allowing the body to do more exercises for more health benefits. Finally, aerobic exercises also encourage the body to release “feel good” hormones that reduce stress, lower incidence of depression and improve a person’s overall mental health.
So if you want improved heart and lung function, hastened weight loss, increased stamina and endurance, reduced stress and overall better health, then make aerobic workouts a part of your daily fitness routine. Strive for moderate-intensity exercises on most days of the week to get the best results.
Lastly, don’t forget to look over this review of the P90X workout and also this writeup of the Shakeology meal replacement product.
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The Benefits of Circuit Training
December 7, 2011 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Circuit training has recently grown in popularity, because of the great benefits that it provides. Circuit training is a way of blending your weight-training with cardiovascular exercise into one very-intense workout. The purpose of circuit training is to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time, build solid muscle mass, and boost your metabolism.
A typical circuit training workout consists of several machines, each targeting different muscles in the closely related muscle groups. For example, lat-pulldown, seated row, t-bar row, dumbbell curls, and barbell curls. Another day might include: dumbbell bench press, triceps cables, dips, butterfly, etc. The stations are performed in rapid succession, moving from one to the next. A typical rotation would include 5-7 stations. After each station, there is a brief rest period, and then you work through the stations again.
By rapidly moving from machine-to-machine, you will maintain an increased heart-rate- getting your cardio exercise while you lift weights. A typical workout would consist of 3-6 cycles through the rotation, depending on your level of experience.
Because the workout stations performed quickly, they must be performed with less weight than you are accustomed to lifting. This can give the wrong impression at first that the workout is not as good because the amount of weight that you are lifting is considerably less- this is not true. Just like with pushups or pull-ups, it is true that you will not build enormous bodybuilder muscles, but you will build solid, toned muscle.
I do not endorse any particular circuit training programs, because I think it is best to change up your workout periodically to re-stimulate your muscles.
But, I do recommend that you make sure whatever program you choose works out the entire body through the course of training. The muscle groups should be divided up into separate workouts, to be performed on separate days. Here is a sample workout:
Day 1: Dumbbell bench press, triceps cable, incline dumbbell bench press, triceps cable, overhead shoulder press
Day 2: Lat pulldown, t-bar row, barbell curl, dumbbell curl, seated row, shrugs, hammer curls
Day 3: Leg press, leg curls, lunges, leg rotation (hips), calf raises
Day 4: Rest
* Do 10-12 reps at each station. Take a 1-2 minute break after each rotation. Perform 3-6 rotations.
Jay DuBois is a fitness expert, former Hollywood personal trainer, and he is a regular contributor to
Benefits of Doorway Pull Up
Doorway Pull Up Bar are an exceptional bodily physical exercise to do every day because of the fact they allow you to practice your core, burn fat, and construct muscle. A pull up is normally completed by making use of potentially a chin or pull up bar. It really is feasible to find the regular pull up gear at any health club otherwise you might set up 1 in your residence.
There are a lot of distinct kinds of exercises available for you personally to complete that emphasize specific components around the physique. You will discover exercises that operate inside your again, legs, thighs, hips, and butt. A pull up bar is a lot more than in a position to supporting your excess fat as you grip the bar and try to pull yourself up. Using a couple of chin ups, pull ups, and leg ups everyday is far more than sufficient for an effective, strengthening bodily workout regimen.
Best Doorway Pull Up Bar strongly emphasize your arms and abs.
By using the correct method, anybody can successfully complete a couple of sets. If you are in a position to total a pull-up, then that’s just one additional advantage you will have for obtaining into the rather finest type of one’s lifestyle.
In the starting, plenty of women and men can’t even do 1 chin-up or pull-up. Which is why I’d recommend creating up your muscle by strengthening the arms and core with simpler workouts. Each and every time you get to the pull-up bar, try to pull yourself up only a little bit additional. With time, you will be shocked by how far you have arrive. Also, do not overlook to alter your diet plan to make certain that it fits your workout program. If you are consuming unhealthy, then it does no very good to physical exercise. Diet strategy and physical exercise have to run together so as for you personally to obtain into very good kind.
For your residence, a totally free standing pull up bar is just as efficient as anything the fitness center has to supply. By operating in your pull ups and using the pull up bar the suitable way, you’ll be able to do 10-20 reps in no time. Via a healthy individual diet plan plan, the suitable exercises, and the right attitude, obtaining into great shape may be a breeze.
The 3rd benefit is the fitness element, time and time once more we are informed that regular physical exercise will support maintain a healthy system. In case you have time restraints or can not pay for the expense of heading to the fitness center, the doorway chin up bars offer a price successful way for getting match which can effortlessly be scheduled into your day without the hassle of going towards the gymnasium or if you are self aware about the body, you are able to work out in the comfort of your property.
Check you more information about Entrance Pull Up Bar. For more reviews about the Doorway Pull Up Bar Damage and other consumer products, visit
Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Resistance training refers to that kind of training that uses resistance to the force of muscular contraction. It is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance and weight training is also a part of resistance training. After using these equipment each and every exercise becomes easier with an explosive force. There are three types of resistance training:-
1. Isotonic: It is the kind of training in which the force is applied to muscle does not change while the length of muscles increases or decreases.
2. Isometric: In this training the joint angle and muscle length does not change during contraction. Isometric training is done in completely static position rather than being dynamic.
3. Isokinetic: It is the form of training where the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.
Speed resistance training equipment is considered as the best sports training accessory and it is designed to add extra resistance to an Athlete as he/she attempts to move through a range of motion.
These accessories are very helpful for increasing jumping strength, speed training movements, quick leg recovery drills, lateral speed and balance. By using training equipment an athlete can easily increase stride length, frequency, power and acceleration by selecting the most suitable equipment. It is very beneficial in increasing muscle power through both speeds in starting and stopping function and used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscle.
In market, there is a large collection of speed resistance training equipment that helps an athlete to gain experience and keep full control over his/her speed during game and practice situation and these are:-
(1) Dual Resistance Trainer: It is the most economical equipment where two players are required for training in which one provides resistance while other one runs.
(2) Evasion Belt: It is the perfect equipment that requires one on one marking up and mirroring and also useful for soccer, rugby, netball, basketball and other sports that require short space shielding.
(3) Speed Chute: It is ultimate speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improving leg muscles which results in increasing performance during training and game competition.
(4) Resistance Trainer: In this training equipment, require two Athletes to perform speed training in which one is providing resistance while other one runs.
(5) Weighted Sledge: It is also one of the best speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improve speed, change direction suddenly and perform sport-specific skills.
In market, “Bhalla International – Vinex” is the leading and oldest supplier and manufacturer of best sporting goods and accessories since last 54 years that provides best speed resistance training equipment. The company becomes India’s Number 1 exporter of sporting goods due to its advanced manufacturing techniques and providing most excellent customer satisfaction.
I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.
For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.
Benefits of Weight Training For Women
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Paul Yost
Weight training for women is still a fairly non-existent subject. This is because women typically don’t perform much, if any, weight training exercise in comparison to their male counterparts. Almost every gym I’ve ever been to has the same dynamic — women on cardiovascular machines and men on the weights. This is due to a number of factors, but weight training for women should definitely be incorporated into any fitness endeavor.
Why Women Don’t Weight Train
1. Fear of Big Bulky Muscles
This is easily the number one reason why women don’t weight train. I completely understand why. There aren’t all that many men that want a woman with huge legs, a big muscular back and bulging biceps. The main problem with this idea is the fact that most women don’t produce enough testosterone to cause this effect. If you still don’t believe me, just think of all the gyms packed with young males trying to get HYUUUGGGEE with little success. If a hormonally advantaged male can’t get jacked, why do you think you can overnight?
2. The Environment
Let’s face it, most women don’t weight train all that seriously at your typical gym. That means the male to female ratio is largely skewed. This intimidates many women from using the equipment. Some of it could be lack of training knowledge, but I think most of it has to do with the screaming and clatter of weights.
3. Social Aspects
I all ready said it before, but most women don’t weight train so there aren’t any other women to talk to. Not that I think it should be a huge social event, but many women would like a training partner or at least someone to talk to.
4. The Media
Media gimmicks will have you believe all that you need is something simple. It could be a supplement, a piece of cardio equipment, a piece of plastic to squeeze, etc. to reach your fitness goals. I have news for you; Very little of this stuff will get you the results you’re after. In fact, most of it is useless crap!
The Benefits
1. Increased Muscle Mass
Yes, I said it. Most women need to build muscle to reach their goal. Why? Because most women have very little muscle mass to provide much bodily shape. Having more muscle also increases the metabolic rate, increasing the number of calories burned daily. Obviously, this is a desired benefit.
2. Increased Strength
Most women need more strength. Having higher levels of strength will enhance daily productivity and make ADL’s (acitivities of daily living) easier.
3. Maintenance of Muscle Tissue
The bodies main purpose is to remain as efficient as possible. When in a caloric deficit, muscle mass can be sacrificed due to it’s high caloric cost. Muscle tissue is desired because of it’s shaping properties as well as it’s energy consuming effects.
4. Increased Energy
Weight training also stimulates metabolic changes. Metabolically speaking, weight training promotes enhanced energy through increases in muscle oxidative capacity.
5. Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis
Often, this is the last thing women worry about when embarking on any kind of exercise program. Cardiovascular exercise itself is limited in promoting bone growth. Weight training is a highly favorable choice.
If not, you should be. Weight training for women is very important for both short and long-term health. It also provides desirable changes in a woman’s physique which you probably care more about.
Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Fitness Training, a fitness company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at:
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