Best Arm Toning Exercises for Women

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Chloe Ashworth

Best Arm Toning Exercises for Women – Health – Fitness

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Toned arms are one of the most sought after results of women working out up and down the country. With party dresses showing off the arms this Christmas, most women want to ensure that their upper bodies look toned and presentable in time for the party season and so are heading to gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds and elsewhere throughout the country! Here are a few of the best arm toning exercises to try out at your local gym:

Bicep CurlsIf you want to tone up your biceps, or the muscles at the front of your upper arm, then bicep curls are the perfect exercise. Find the right weight for you (start with the lowest weight and you can always work your way up to a weight you find comfortable for you) and then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for support.

Curl the dumbbell towards your pectoral muscles, being careful not to move your elbows which should be kept against the side of your body.

Alternating Bicep CurlsThis take on the traditional bicep curl allows you to concentrate on one arm at a time, giving one arm time to rest while you work out the other arm. Simply raise the dumbbell up to just past your shoulder and lower it back down again slowly while your other arm gradually begins to rise up to your other shoulder.

Triceps ExtensionTo tone the triceps (the muscles at the back of your arms responsible for dastardly bingo wings), stand with one leg in front of the other, knees bent; far enough for you to lean comfortably with your hand on your thigh for support with a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Starting with the weight resting in your hand with your arm resting at your side, slowly raise the dumbbell up so that your upper arm forms a straight horizontal line parallel to the ground with your lower arm hanging down forming a 90 degree angle at the elbow.

You will begin to feel the burn in your triceps and should gradually extend the weight so that your lower arm is right out behind you, forming a completely straight line with your entire arm. Then slowly return the weight to the resting position at your side.

Overhead PressStanding upright with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand facing forwards at shoulder height. Slowly start to lift the weights up in the air until your arms are completely vertical and then bring the weights back down to the starting position.

These exercises should help to work your biceps, triceps and shoulders for completely toned arms and if you consult with a fitness instructor at your regular gym, they should be able to show you how best to hold yourself to protect yourself from injury and also how many reps they think you can carry out to have a comfortable, yet challenging enough routine.

About the Author

Chloe Ashworth is Fitness professional who has worked in the industry for several years. She now writes and shares her wealth of knowledge about health and fitness. She also writes about her experience with gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds

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Chloe Ashworth is Fitness professional who has worked in the industry for several years. She now writes and shares her wealth of knowledge about health and fitness. She also writes about her experience with gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds

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What Are The Best Exercise DVDs For Weight Loss

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Trevor Dalley

What Are The Best Exercise DVDs For Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Because fitness is such big business, you can find exercise videos and DVDs by the dozen.

But which are the best exercise DVDs for weight loss?

That really depends on what you like. The best DVD for someone else might not be for you.

What kinds of exercise do you like the best?

Do you prefer walking or do you like to run? Do you use an exercise bicycle, or do you like to go swimming?

Have you always wanted to try ballroom dancing? Or would you feel silly bouncing around in your living room?

You need to ask yourself several of these questions to help you decide which exercise DVD will help you lose weight.

The general answer is, however, that any DVD you use will help you.

No matter what it is, as long as you use it, it will help you lose weight.

That’s because you’ll be getting a certain amount of exercise each week.

The problem is that if you don’t like it, you’re not going to use it.

If you buy that weight loss exercise DVD that you can’t keep up with and leaves you exhausted, how often are you going to put it in?

You need to find one that you like and that you can do.

The best way to do this is to hit your local library or video rental.

You don’t have to buy the DVD to try it.

Rent or borrow a few and try them for a couple of weeks. You’ll have at least one that you like better than the others.

If none of them are standout favorites, then choose the one you like best and look for other DVDs that are similar.

If your favorite DVD is an aerobic dancing weight loss workout, but you really don’t like it that well either, you at least know what kind of exercise to look for.

Because dancing DVDs are so varied today, you can find almost any kind of dance routine you like.

If you rented several and the one you liked best was a belly dancing routine, but you don’t really like it that well, try a hip-hop dancing DVD or salsa dancing DVD designed for weight loss.

If you’re more of the boxing, kickboxing and gym workout type, there are several weight loss DVDs that you’ll enjoy.

Tae-Bo DVDs were the first of this kind to become popular, and they are still available.

Maybe you’re losing weight but you also want a work out to help you increase your strength and flexibility. These types of exercises are important, too.

You can find yoga and Pilates DVDs that will lead you through excellent routines. There are many of these workouts to help you lose weight.

You can even buy exercise DVDs that lead you through a walking in place work out in front of your television.

There really is something for everyone.

The most important thing to remember is that the best exercise DVDs for weight loss are the ones that you will use on a regular

Learn how to help you Lose Weight – 7 Tips you need to know!

These types of tactics are particular to the Benefits Of Weight Loss and will basically amaze you because of their usefulness. I couldn’t believe it as I noticed how quickly my Weight Problems improved.

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Best Exercises for Hardgainers

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Troy Foss

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Looking for the Best Exercises for Hardgainers? Look no further, I’m about to show you the best exercises a hardgainer can do to gain huge amounts of muscle.

Best exercises – Dips, Chin Ups, Bench Press, Rows, Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts. These exercises are the most efficient exercises to build huge amounts of muscle. They use more than one muscle, enable you to lift a lot more weight and they stimulate the release of our powerful muscle building hormones, Testosterone and Growth Hormone.

You may notice that I didn’t include any arm exercises. This is because exercises like bench press, dips and chin ups build bigger arms much faster than bicep curls or triceps kickbacks.

Only do one set to failure – Once you have taken a muscle to complete failure, there is no need to do any more work. You have done all that is necessary to stimulate muscle growth. Only go to failure on your last set for any exercises. After that, all you have to do is give your muscles enough time to recover and grow stronger. Doing any more work is pointless and can interfere with your recovery.

I should mention that if you can do your last set with the same weight as the first sets, for the same or more reps, then you didn’t do the first sets hard enough.

Train each muscle only once a week – Never train a muscle more thn once a week. Muscles don’t grow with training. Yes training is the stimulus for growth, but if you do not give your muscles enough rest, recovery and food, you won’t gain a pound of muscle.

After going to failure, your muscles need about 48-72 hours to recover and regain the condition they were in before the workout. They then need another 2-3 days to adapt and grow stronger. Statistics show that muscles keep growing stronger up to 3 weeks after a workout. It’s because of all these reasons that training each muscle only once a week is ideal.

I have just given you the best exercises you can perform if you are a hardgainer and some tips for how to perform those exercises. These will greatly help you on your journey to gain muscle, but if you want truly amazing gains, you will need to apply some other tips and techniques.

About the Author

Click to learn more techniques about the Best Exercises for Hardgainers. Troy Foss is quickly becoming recognized as one of the leaders in teaching the average guy how to build muscle. He manages a blog that gives tips on how to gain huge amounts of muscle in a short amount of time. You can visit his blog by clicking Here!

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Click to learn more techniques about the Best Exercises for Hardgainers. Troy Foss is quickly becoming recognized as one of the leaders in teaching the average guy how to build muscle. He manages a blog that gives tips on how to gain huge amounts of muscle in a short amount of time. You can visit his blog by clicking Here!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. http Best Tricep workouts Best triceps workout program bodybuilding workouts exercises routine Want to know how to develop a big back? Want the best back workout of your life? Want to know how to develop your chest and biceps? Want to know how to get cut and develop six pack abs? Want to know how to develop bulging quads? Want to know how to develop big shoulders and triceps? Want to lose weight without losing muscle? Victor Costa takes natural bodybuilding to the next level. Follow his workout program and develop a muscular and cut physique. Try his specialized weight training routines and add muscle quickly, gain mass quickly and get ripped and cut quickly without getting injured. Victor Costa has developed an incredible training program that can help you develop your arms, biceps, triceps, chest, legs, shoulders and abs. Vic provides 2 workout dvds- one for home workouts and one for the gym. The bets part about it is that Vic has developed his workouts so you can take them to the gym with you on your mp3 player or ipod. You can also take Vic’s workouts to the gym with you on your mp3 player or IPOD. Let’s get bigger and more cut biceps, triceps, back, biceps, shoulders a legs and abs. Victor Costa from Vic’s Natural is considered to be one of the Best Trainer’s in the World. Visit Vic now at and follow him on Facebook. http
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The Best Chest Workout Program – The Best Chest Workout to Bulk Up Fast

August 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

The Best Chest Workout Program

Have you grown tired of being called scrawny or puny? Or maybe you’re embarrassed by your weak and flabby chest. This can be a real confidence-killer, and produce low self-esteem. It’s time to turn things around, and take control of your fitness future. One of the most fulfilling and confidence-building activities you’ll ever enjoy is increasing your strength and building muscle in your chest. So, let’s get pumped up and build the spectacular pectoral muscles you’ve always wanted using the best chest workout techniques available today. The Best Chest Workout Program

There is a plethora of outstanding chest workouts to select from.

Deciding what the best one is for you will depend on your specific fitness goals. A number of variables come into play, like your gender and your current body mass index. Typically, most women do not desire to add bulk to their chest muscle, but prefer toning their muscles and losing weight instead. Men, on the contrary, are much more focused on increasing muscle mass and building strength.

With that said, let’s examine some of the best chest workout techniques that you can get started with.

Chest Workout Tips

One of the very best chest workout techniques to begin with is called the dumbbell pullover. This is an easy exercise to perform. It’s quite similar to the barbell pullover. To execute this chest exercise, you will just use a dumbbell instead of a barbell.

Start this chest workout by holding the dumbbell firmly over your chest with two hands while bending your elbows slightly. Next, you’ll need to slowly lower the dumbbell back, and stretch your arms behind your head as far as possible.

Reverse the motion and bring the dumbbell back to the first position over your chest. Be sure you’re keeping your elbows locked in the same slightly bent position during the entire routine. This is probably the best chest workout technique to build muscle in the upper chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

Another powerful workout that you should include in your chest exercise routine is the cable crossover (also known as the “standing cable crossover”). To successfully execute this exercise, you’ll need to move the pulleys to a high position, and select the amount of weight you’re comfortable with. Now, take hold of the handles that are attached to the overhead pulleys on your chest workout machine, with your arms parallel to the floor and the palms of your hands facing the floor. Bend your waist slightly.

Next, you’ll want to lower your arms in an arc fashion and bring your hands together. Perform the reverse movement on the way back up.

This is without a doubt one of the very best chest workout techniques for beginners. It’s also a great technique for advanced bodybuilders. After just a few repetitions of this exercise, you’ll begin to feel your muscles burn, and you’ll know that your chest muscles are working hard. If you’re truly committed to reaching your goal, then make this chest workout a part of your regular exercise routine. You will progress that much closer to getting the big, muscular chest that you’ve always wanted.

The dumbbell pullover and cable crossovers are two of the very best chest workout techniques you can begin with to build and maintain a big, muscular chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

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Read more about The Best Chest Workout Programand start Gaining Muscle Now!

TryLean Hybrid Muscle and Change your Figure Right now! This is a complete chest workout that myself and Trish did the other day. We hit the chest from all angles and positions. Compound exercises, isolation exercises, stretching, peak contraction, etc. You gotta give this one a try! Start with a couple light warm up sets for each exercise. Then do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest about 1-2 minutes between sets. If you would like to follow a complete workout program make sure to check out my 3 Day Bodybuilding Split Routine at You can also follow along with my workout tips on Facebook at:
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The Best Bicep Workout

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Though experienced lifters know that you should focus on building the big muscle groups of the back, legs, and chest, everyone loves a good, hard biceps workout. Here is the best bicep workout that you can use to build the biggest arms possible.

1. Barbell Curl

The best bicep workout will start with the heaviest possible movement. For most people, this is the regular barbell biceps curl. This movement will allow you to use more weight than any other curl type of movement.

The form you use on this exercise should be somewhat loose. You do not need to use super-strict form on curls to tax your biceps, but just make sure that’s where the majority of the stress goes. Be honest with yourself about whether or not you are really working your biceps.

Work up to one or two sets of 6-8 reps with the barbell curl. If the straight barbell hurts your wrist (as it does mine), you can use an EZ bar, which has a bend in the handle that allows for more comfort.

Though you probably can’t use as much weight this way, your wrists will stay safe and able to lift weights.

2. Dumbbell Hammer Curl

You need to work your forearms as hard as your biceps, if you want fully developed arms. The best movement for working your forearms is the hammer curl. Like the barbell curl with the biceps, the hammer curl will allow you to use more weight for your forearms than any other movement.

Work up to two sets of 8-10 reps with this hammer curl for the best bicep workout. Allow yourself to use a little bit of swing in the movement, but make sure you really feel your forearms working. After these first two exercises, your biceps and forearms ought to be pretty fatigued.

3. Incline Dumbbell Curl

The incline curl must be include in the best bicep workout, for it is one of the most targeted exercises for this muscle. It allows for a huge stretch at the bottom of the movement, and one of the strongest possible contractions for your biceps at the top.

To perform the incline curl, set an incline bench at a moderate angle, about 30 degrees away from vertical. Keeping your back against the pad, curl the dumbbells toward your chest, using a full range of motion and no swing. Work up to 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

4. Machine Preacher Curl

By now your biceps should be very fatigued, but you’re not quite done with the best bicep workout. Head on over to your favorite machine preacher curl, and perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. Focus on the pump you get in your biceps, and stop when they are completely fatigued.

These are some of the best exercises you can use to train your biceps, but there are many more good ones to learn and use. Discover more movements to add to the best bicep workout at

Plyometric Circuit Training is Your Best Friend

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Plyometric circuit training is definitely something that the creative fitness fanatic should look into. And creativity is most certainly something that you should seek after if you are trying to get and remain physically fit. The truth about exercising is that unless you add variety to your routine you will run into what are referred to as plateaus. Plateaus are periods of your training in which you stop getting the results you are looking for. This occurs because your body grows accustomed to the strain you place on it and as such your muscles stop working as hard to perform the same movements. When this occurs, you experience stagnation in your fitness program. The problem with this for many people is that when they stop seeing results they lose motivation to continue working out. Plyometric circuit training is one way to help you overcome stagnation or avoid it altogether.

Plyometric training is a very specific type of exercising.

Research has shown that when you stretch your muscles in opposition to the direction you are trying to use them, you can achieve an added boost of muscle contraction. An example will help to illustrate this principle. Imagine trying to jump as high as you can without first bending down to a squatting position – you would be unable to jump very high. Now imagine trying to jump your highest immediately after squatting down to a low point. From this position you would be able to jump much higher. This is based on the principles of plyometrics. Plyometrics are essentially based on your body’s natural explosive powers.

Now let us discuss circuit training. Circuit training is a type of training in which you move from station to station and perform various exercises without taking a rest.

In this fashion, you are able to engage in resistance training while at the same time achieving a cardiovascular workout. You can use circuit training for a variety of purposes, including full body work outs and developing specific muscle groups. Circuit training, like plyometrics training, is a great way for you to overcome plateaus and reach new heights in your fitness training.

Combining plyometrics training with circuit training is one of the best ways of reaching unbelievable heights with your fitness training. A good way of performing a session of this sort is to alternate between upper body and lower body exercises. Jumping is always a great way of getting a plyometric workout for the lower body. Maximize this portion of your session by squatting as low as possible before jumping up. Perform ten of these squat-jumps for the lower body circuit. For your upper-body workout, explosive push-ups work great. These are performed by doing a regular push-up and pushing yourself as high off the ground as possible. Perform ten of these explosive push-ups for your upper body circuit. Alternate between the upper and lower body circuit until you have completed ten sets for lower and upper body.

Plyometric circuit training is just one way of maximizing your exercise program. For more helpful tips on staying fit visit

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BEST MUSCLE BUILDING EXERCISE: Acquire toned muscles right away.

August 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Greg Evans

BEST MUSCLE BUILDING EXERCISE: Acquire toned muscles right away. – Health – Fitness

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In terms of selecting out the best muscle building exercise that would enable you to shape up the body, there are numerous maneuvers to select from. But you’ll find two workout routines which can be deemed best for this job – the squats as well as the bench presses – and beneath are directions on how you’ll be able to execute them effectively. Be warned even though: these workout routines could result in harm if not completed appropriately so be sure that you seek aid from an expert fitness trainer or watch on the internet workout videos in order that you’d know the correct way they may be executed.


Squats are one of many easiest workout routines there ever was. They may be deemed to become one of many best muscle building exercise, also, simply because they can place a complete group of significant muscles to perform at when. In addition, they may be excellent in burning added calories, toning down the lower and back extremities, promoting flexibility and creating cardiovascular and respiratory wellness.

To perform them, here are the instructions:

• Stand along with your feet a hip-width apart as well as your toes pointing slightly outward.

• Decrease down your body slowly as you tuck your abs towards your spine.

• Squat down until your thighs are parallel for the floor. Just ascertain that your knees won’t go past your toes.

• If you’re carrying out the squat effectively, your butt must be sticking out as well as your back must be straight. Pause to get a moment in this position.

• Right after that, place your weight into your heels and use them to push oneself back up.

• When you’ve got learned to perform squats proper, then feel free of charge to execute them anywhere and anytime.


The bench press in an workout which permits you to lift specific amounts of weight and develop your upper-body strength. This can be since the bench press stimulates significant muscle groups for example the pectorals, deltoids, forearm and hand muscles, along with the abdominals all simultaneously. Admittedly so, it’s a tiny difficult to do compared with other workout routines, nonetheless, it really is deemed to become one of many very best muscle creating workout routines that exists specifically when it really is performed accurately. But take note, you will need a person to help you and spot for you personally just before you get on with it because it is actually a tiny risky and could result in injury when completed alone.

As a way to execute the bench press, this can be what you ought to do:

• Lay down on the bench with all the bar at a proper height for you to grab it.

• Preserve you back on the bench although you preserve your feet flat on the ground.

• Grip the bar along with your hands and push it up slowly until your arms are extended. Ensure the bar is within a position at the middle of the chest.

• Right after that, lower the bar gently although inhaling till it touches your chest lightly.

• And after that, push the bar back up once again as far as your arms will permit.

• Repeat this seven a lot more instances to full a set and do yet another set right after a brief period of recovery.

For novices, it really is advisable for you to begin out with only the bar at first. When you receive employed to it, you’ll be able to then add weights for the bar provided that it’s not also heavy for you personally.

Muscle Building Tips

Apart from the squats and bench press, there several a lot more workout routines obtainable that will make the body stronger and your muscles firmer. You’ll find the isolated workout routines which target certain muscles and you’ll find compound workout routines that direct themselves to a group of muscles all at when. And as a way to attain the most effective results, an workout system that combines these two sorts of workout routines is necessary so ask a professional fitness trainer to produce you a single. Carrying out this would make creating muscles straightforward for you given that all you’ve got to perform is adhere to the list and do the workout routines which can be in it as specified by the number or repetitions and sets they demand. If you’d like to shape up the body as swiftly as possible, also, don’t just rely on the two workout routines given above. You’d do effectively to discover out other excellent workout routines which can be also looked upon because the very best muscle creating workout routines which would aid you in achieving the body you aspire to have.

So if you really want to gain attention the next time you show off your body, learn Muscle Building now! You may check out the site at

About the Author

Still desire to delve much deeper into how to build muscle fast? Visit our website at for more tips and suggestions

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Still desire to delve much deeper into how to build muscle fast? Visit our website at for more tips and suggestions

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Best way to Raise Metabolism The natural way

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Douglas Rizal

Best way to Raise Metabolism The natural way – Health

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Perhaps you’ve worked with any quite weight-reduction plan you can possibly imagine, nevertheless simply no weight loss? You can find easy methods to increase metabolic rate that you may never learn about. Metabolism is actually typically the value your body may make as well as uses fat and so energy. Learn how to accelerate your own metabolic process and your body will burn up unhealthy calories more quickly!Building muscle can be another methods to improve metabolism. Muscle will definately melt off fats, only while resting. However you need to have high fat calories to supply muscle tissues so as burning fats.

It seems like a vicious cycle – and it’s – and you could use it to your great advantage whenever you understand that.Among the list of confusing the best way to boost metabolism is via diet program. Almost all people today try “Diets” reduced made use of on their own food intake therefore highly limit the amount of fat they have. What they don’t realize when they do this is always that the body system reacts to this reduction in fats by way of slowing its metabolic process to be able to save the energy saves, in this case fat.Get as much exercise everyday as you possibly can securely control.

Start slowly with walking if you have been out of the work out temporarly while. While fitness improves you’ll be ready to to add a little more strenuous exercises. Working out in the morning will certainly launch your own metabolism and get it firing the whole day.Reducing your calorie intake inside the healthful way will be revealed inside another report. Right now we’ll talk about methods boost your relaxing, or basil metabolic process. Most of us start cutting out meal when they’re trying to lose weight.

This is probably the even more serious actions. The human body needs food to function properly and effectively.The absolute best way to generate your metabolism is actually via physical exercise, specifically strength training. When you train using weight loads, you are breaking down muscle tissue and with the body getting as adaptive as they are, they turn into tougher and also in a better position to make sure you deal with the actual coming exercise sessions. This kind of adaptation normally results in a great amount of lean tissue (muscle) and therefore on it’s own is among the most efficient way to help naturally raise your metabolic process.

You might not exactly discover that sleeping is best method to maximize metabolism. Also remember, you’ll have to sleep not less than 8 hrs each night. Similarly, the metabolic process is going to be more slowly if you do not have enough sleeping. However, you’ll want to get alot more food if you do not sleeping enough. This is exactly why you need sufficient sleep at night to lose weight quick due to metabolism.The metabolic process boosters just like carbs and proteins trigger the greatest metabolism. In fact some sort of protein food have the ability to burn off about 25% of the meal’s calories via digestive system and absorption.

You might think you have to function a marathon or even work stressful aerobic exercise so that you can supercharge your metabolic process. This really totally incorrect! The right type of exercising to boost your fat reducing skill is going to be standing and walking exercise. This can also just be work outs completed making use of your personal weight, and / or light hand-held weight load that happen to be about 5 to eight lbs .. Building muscle turns unwanted fat, and increases the metabolism dramatically.

About the Author

Discover more simple methods to increase the metabolic process at my ‘Ways to Raise Metabolism’ page.

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Discover more simple methods to increase the metabolic process at my ‘Ways to Raise Metabolism’ page.

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Some of the best foods to eat when trying to burn off body fat are those foods that have low calories and higher fiber. Enjoy a healthier lifestyle withtips from a registered dietitian and nutritionist in this free video about understanding what foods to eat to burn body fat. Expert: Charlotte Lawson Bio: Charlotte Lawson is a licensed and registered dietitian and nutritionist who graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and health promotion specialization. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz Series Description: There are many different ways a person can increase or boost their metabolism to stay more lean. Discover great methods with tips from a registered dietitian and nutritionist in this free video series on boosting metabolism.
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The Top 10 Reasons Why Body Weight Exercises Are the Best Way to Get in Shape

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

From my experience a program of bodyweight exercises is the absolute best way to get in incredible shape in the shortest period of time. I am not saying this because I have read it somewhere. I am speaking from my own experience. I used to lift weights and use all of those fancy machine in the gym but no more. For me I know used a combination of bodyweight training, isometric exercises and yoga (along with hill sprints occasionally). I am now in the best shape of my life. Why are bodyweight workouts so effective? Let me count the ways:

1. All bodyweight exercises work your entire body as a unit. Exercises like Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushps, or variations of them, all work major muscle groups simultaneously. People who work out in the gym typically do isolation exercises of one kind or another. This can lead to the body becoming “out of balance” and more injury prone.

What I mean by this is it’s possible to work a muscle with an isolation exercise till it is proportionally stronger than another muscle group. When the muscles have to work together, whether this involves playing sports or anything else, the chance of injury is MUCH higher. When I was taking Judo I was also weight lifting. I was getting injured all the time. Years later when I tried Jiu Jitsu it wasn’t a problem.

2. Bodyweight workouts are vastly superior to more conventional gym workouts when it comes to fat burning. With bodyweight exercises you are constantly using major muscle groups. The more muscle you use, the more fat you burn. It’s that simple.

3. Bodyweight training forces you to really think about what you are doing as you perform the exercise. You are using the old mind muscle when you do this, and focusing your mind is as important as performing the physical exercise itself.

This self-concentration promotes neurological connections allowing for a deeper mind body connection. You will get much faster results this way.

4. Bodyweight exercises will not only build tremendous strength, but stamina as well. When Karl Gotch ( a real professional wrestler who was in amazing shape) took up weight lifting, he found he COULD lift heavier weights. However, the amazing stamina he once had that would allow him to wrestle for an hour or more completely left him. He was gassed after 10 minutes. The strength gained from exercises like Hindu pushups and squats is functional, and that makes all the difference.

5. Bodyweight Workouts promote flexibility. Many of the routines you can do stretch your muscles at the same time as they are strengthening them. You just don’t get this with weights.

6. Bodyweight training allows you to work your body from all angles and directions. The same cannot be said of weights and all of those ridiculous machines.

7. Bodyweight exercises increase your strength, endurance and flexibility at the same time. Again, Hindu pushups and squats are a perfect example of this.

8. Bodyweight training attacks the muscle at a much deeper level than weights, thereby giving you a greater ‘functional strength” The person who does a set of pull-ups, for example, works the back and arms far more than a person who uses the lat pulldown machine. What’s more, the person doing the pull-ups will be able to use the lat machine no problem. The reverse is not true.

9. As they don’t require any equipment, bodyweight workouts can be done anywhere at anytime. No excuses about not being able to make it to the gym!

10. Bodyweight exercises also save you a lot of time so that you have more time to do the things you want.

David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of, a fitness site with a unique twist. Check out his website for more information on yoga, bodyweight exercises, isometric exercises and other aspects of bodyweight training.

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Best Exercises for Toning Your Arms

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

For the many people who are unhappy with the appearance of their arms, getting toned and firm arms is a priority. Most people want to burn fat and build muscle, improving not only the appearance of their arms, but also their strength and flexibility. And while toning up arms takes some work, there are easy exercises that can get anyone started.

Bar bicep curls are a classic exercise to help get arms toned up quickly. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and lift the barbell, making sure to keep the back straight and the elbows still. Lift the barbell to just over the pectoral muscles and lower back down.

Close grip bench presses are a triceps exercise that also incorporate a barbell and heavier weights. Lying back on the bench, take the barbell in a narrow grip and bring it down to the lower ribs. Using the triceps, lift the barbell and lower it back down to the same position. The barbell should not touch the chest, and the reps should be completed quickly to make the exercise easier.  Kickbacks are also exercises that involve the triceps muscles, but which require the use of lighter individual hand weights instead of a barbell. Bending the body at the waist and pulling the elbows up to torso level, straighten the arms back, using the triceps to pull them up. This exercise can be done one arm at a time, or both at the same time.

Triceps extensions offer another opportunity to use lighter hand weights, as well as the option of using an exercise ball. Not only does this exercise engage the triceps, it also gets the abs involved, making it a more beneficial workout. While sitting, either on the exercise ball or bench, hold one medium weight in both hands. Take the weight straight overhead, then lower behind the head with the arms at a forty-five degree angle. Keep the back straight, and do not lock the elbow joints.

The last workout is probably the most recognizable, and the one that can be most easily customized. Push ups engage not only the triceps, but also the biceps, and require no equipment. Knees can be bent or kept straight, one or both arms can be used, and reps can be easily altered.

Most of the most beneficial exercises require equipment, which are readily available at all health clubs. Even sports involving racquetscan be incorporated to tone arms, including racquetball and tennis. The most important thing is to get moving to get toned.


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