Why a Circuit Workout Routine is Better Than Cardio
January 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Clint Grimes
Circuit workout routines are a fantastic way to keep your workout routines lively while inducing fast weight loss. Since you have to move to exercises rapidly in sequence, your mind is on what exercise is next and how many reps do I do?Not only does circuit training burn 30 per cent more calories than weight lifting, eliminating rest time gives you all the benefits of cardio without the dangers of overuse injuries.With circuit training you can burn fat and build muscle simultaneously.
How to Perform a Circuit
A circuit workout routine is simply a series of of resistance and cardio exercises, with or without weights (usually dumbbells). The exercises are performed with 30 seconds to no rest period between exercises. When I use them for myself and when I condition my high school soccer players, there is no rest to maximize the cardio effect.
Designing the Right Workout RoutineNow it’s time for you to design your own workout routine. This will depend on several things. Do you have a specific weight loss goal? Are you looking to develop a specific body type? Are you training for a particular sport. I will give you a few examples. I am a soccer player and coach so I have a lot of lunges, kicks, step ups, and burpees in my circuits be cause I want leg strength for myself and my players. I also want them to able to leave their feet. If you are looking for extra upper body strength you may want to include chest presses and overhead presses with dumbbells, as well as some pullups and dips. If you want a nice slim athletic build, you may want to go with a bodyweight circuit without weights.Anyway you slice it, circuit training, with or without weights, with minimum or no weights is ideal for fast weight loss and building muscle. Here’s a circuit to get you started.Bodyweight Rows X 25 reps
Squats x 25 reps
Push Ups x 25 reps
Step Jumps x 25 reps
Grasshoppers x 25 reps total
Dips x 25 reps
Perform 2 rounds
Get Your Free Workout Routine at http://turbulencetraining4u.com
Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.
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Get your Free Workout Routine at http://turbulencetraining4u.com
Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys’ soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest,CA.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

www.turbulencetraining.com http Youre about to discover the Big 5 Barbell circuit workout that will help you burn fat and build muscle at the same time. This is great for fat loss, but it’s also really good for conditioning yourself for Mixed Martial Arts training. So, we will do a Barbell Complex where you do a bunch of exercises back-to-back-to-back, with each exercise being done for 15 repetitions. The type of exercises used in the Big 5 circuit include a squat, a pushing movement, a pulling movement, a single leg exercise, and a total body abdominal exercise. For each of these circuits, you will complete all of the exercises without any rest in between, and then rest one minute and repeat for a total of 3 times through the circuit. Start out with a barbell, however, if you are a bit weaker or are a female, then use a 25 pound EZ curl bar. If you find that that is still too difficult, then use a broomstick or just your bodyweight. In contrast, if you are super-fit, then you can go up to 55-65 pounds. The first exercise to do is the squat. For 15 repetitionspush your hips back, squat down to parallel, keeping your back flat, and then up. Next, move on to 15 push presses, making sure to really drive up on the way up. After the push press exercise, you’ll move on to 15 standing barbell rows. For proper form, bend over slightly, keep your back flat, and bring your shoulder blades together. Once you have completed all the repetitions for the rows, you’ll then go into 15 …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Be A Better Player With These 3 Proven Basketball Training Techniques
January 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Winterholler Lymaster
In order to make improvements in your game, you know that the right basketball training regimen is critical. There are so many skills to develop in basketball, and you also need a high level of physical conditioning to be at your best. If you want to improve faster, you should try some of the training tips that follow.
Endurance training is the single most essential aspect of training for basketball. You need almost endless reserves of energy to compete on the court, and without this, skills and abilities won’t help you. Basketball training, then, has to emphasize increasing your endurance. This may include jogging, jumping rope, bicycling or running on a treadmill at the gym. If you play basketball seasonally, you should still work on aerobic exercises throughout the year. Whatever else you do for your basketball training, you have to maintain a consistent regimen of exercises that work on endurance.
One principle of basketball training you should keep in mind is the need for intensity and explosive energy. Anyone who plays the game understands the need to be able to change directions and run or jump at any time. You should always try to do some research on the matter, but you should train in a way so it develops your ability for fast muscle reaction times. If you have ever been on a basketball team, then you know all about interval training; those are the kinds of drills that will help you. That kind of training is far better than a slow jog, although there are benefits to a slow jog. Try to do those particular drills that are similar to playing a basketball game, and that will help you quite a bit.
When it comes to basketball training, you can train much better and more effectively if you receive the proper nutrition. For maximum energy in your day, eat about four or five small meals as opposed to the traditional three large meal habit we all grew up with. More than most other athletes, basketball players often want to maintain or even increase their weight rather than lose it. Playing basketball burns a lot of energy, and what you do not want to happen is to lose too much weight. On the other hand, if you desire to add more weight, then the best approach is by eating healthy foods and avoiding the junk food menus. How well you progress with your game hinges on your dedication to your basketball training. The real truth about all this is the battle to stay dedicated is a mental battle and not the physical aspect of training. These basketball training tips have been proven to be effective over and over again. As you know, you are the only one with the power to make them work for you.
There is more content available on press release template there’s plenty of information not detailed in this article, find those details on Author’s web blog to locate more.
Advanced Basketball Trainer Dorian Lee demonstrates various ways to finish with the basketball around the basket. Become a basketball player that can finish the play.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Getting Better At Wrestling
December 18, 2011 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Wrestling is a dynamic and physical sport that is one of the oldest ones recorded in history. It has traditionally been a test of speed and strength, and is long standing way for two opponents to go up against each other in order to determine who is the better equipped of the pair.
Wrestling was performed by the Ancient Greeks in order to determine who was the more worthy of two opponents, and was a celebrated and glamorous event. Indeed, some of the more symbolic imagery that the Western world has is of two Greek athletes struggling to defeat each other.
Additionally, the sport was one of the primary events in the ancient Olympics, and remains as one of the more pure tests of skill and ability. It is still important part of sports psyche, and is one that requires training and dedication from its athletes.
Wrestling is accomplished by having two opponents grapple with each other in a marked off ring, with each person pushing to subdue their opposition by completely restraining their ability to move. This simple premise is made more complicated by the fact that most of the time the athletes are evenly matched from a weight and strength perspective, bringing skill into the mix as a potential catalyst for victory.
While being strong and fast are doubtless parts of being a successful athlete in this sport, skill ultimately determines the winner of the bout more often than not. There is a depth of strategy and tactics present in the sport that is almost unmatched, as opponent jockey for position and grapple with each other.
In most cases, both of the athletes involved in the activity share the same knowledge base and the same physical shape. Therefore, employing tactics and counter tactics that are meant to surprise the opposition and cause them to make a mistake are important parts of the overall experience.
The makeup of the activity is marked by either scoring points or subduing the other athlete in such a way that they cannot move. In the modern iteration for the sport, the athletes have a limited amount of time to win.
They can either score points by employing techniques and style as they grapple, or they can attempt to completely block the other person from moving. If the other person is unable to move, the bout is considered to be over and the athlete that manages to pin the other is declared the winner.
If a pin is not achieved, then the person who had more points is declared the winner. There are benefits to both possible options.
If the athlete does not think that they can pin their opponent, then they can perform stylistic and technical maneuvers that are meant to impress the judges and score points. If they can delay the other player from taking them out, this can be a viable way to achieve victory, because of the way that it can be done over time.
Likewise, if the athlete is confident in their ability to pin the other person, then they may forgo being technical and flashy and instead try to subdue the other participant as quickly as they possibly can. In either case, skill needs to be applied in order to defeat the maneuvers that will be utilized to prevent such an occurrence.
In order to be able to grapple effectively, participants need to be able to go for long periods of time and be able to employ explosive amounts of force when the time is right. Therefore, conditioning and hardening the body against the strain that will happen is something that needs to be apriority.
Part of this conditioning process occurs when the participant goes up against other people in practice and in reality. There are certain parts of the experience that cannot be taught from a hypothetical setting, and need to be experienced firsthand.
The training and condition that the participant goes through will ensure toughness and durability. This will greatly increase the overall effectiveness of wrestling technique.
Wrestling is a dynamic and engaging sport that pits two people against each other in a contest of skill and strength. If participants want to get better at what they are doing, they need to build up their skills with practice, conditioning, and extensive training.
Ronald Pedactor is a fitness trainer. He has been coaching athletes for more then 20 years. He recommends the bestExercise Equipment to achieve your fitness goals.
Contact Info:
Ronald Pedactor
Why A Golf Stretching DVD Is Not The Answer To A Better Golf Swing
December 16, 2011 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT
A golf stretching dvd can and would be a very effective way to improve your golf swing technique, power and overall performance…but you can’t forget one very important factor to make these results lasting!
The main reason you can’t just look for a golf stretching dvd is the critical component of strength specific to your golf swing. You see…improving your flexibility with a golf stretching program, without the implementation of golf strength exercises will not warrant long-term flexibility gains.
Picture a rubber band for a second. Keep stretching it and stretching it. What happens? It breaks down and eventually snaps in two.
You muscles are the same thing. You can keep stretching your muscles, but unless you improve your strength in those newfound ranges of motion, they won’t be permanent results. In fact, just doing a golf stretching dvd could be detrimental to your performance by exposing your muscles to injury.
The wisest purchase would be a golf exercise dvd that incorporates both stretching AND strengthening exercises. Now you will see permanent results! You won’t be wasting your time in hopes of a better golf swing.
You’ll see a much higher level of power, accuracy and overall consistency. I am always surprised when a senior golfer says he/she needs to work on their flexibility, and the term strength is not put in there.
We know from statistics the human body loses range of motion AND strength every year that you don’t maintain it. The “use-it-or-lose-it” phrase comes to mind and it’s a true one. Your muscles were meant to be used, not just lay dormant and inactive throughout your later years.
When you start to really understand how the human body works, you’ll have a different outlook on your golf performance program. You will no longer think that the answer is a golf stretching dvd.
Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf fitness exercise site – Perform Better Golf.
Recommended in MORE magazine! Buy this Annette Fletcher DVD at www.worlddancenewyork.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Getting Better At Soccer
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
One of the more popular sports that people choose to engage in is soccer, because it is a fun experience that is also an excellent workout. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, because of the ease of play and nearly universal recognition in the international scene, making it both a game that can be played casually and one that can be engaged in in a deadly serious fashion.
Soccer is played by having two opposing teams face each other, using their feet to kick a ball toward the opposing faction’s goal. Points are scored by successfully using the head or the feet to kick the ball into the goal, which is marked off by a rectangular frame of accepted designated area.
This effort is hindered by the fact that once the ball is in any given participants ownership, the pother team immediately tries to knock the objective away and secure possession of it. Players are allowed to use any means necessary besides using their hands to interfere with the other team’s efforts.
In order to maneuver the ball, participants must kick it in a series of repeated movements down the field, usually utilizing short bursts of power to do so. This technique is known as “dribbling”, and it is utilized to quickly move the objective down the field while retaining control of it, and is also used to deny encroachment.
If a person manages to evade opposing participants all the way to the end of the field, then they are in a position to shoot a goal. However, there is one last barrier that stands in between them and their objective, which they will need to evade successfully in order to score.
The last obstacle that stands between the participant and the points that they are after is the last player on the opposing team, called the goalie. It is this person’s job to guard the goal and use any means necessary to stop encroaching invasion.
The goalie is the only player that is able to use their hands during soccer, which they can utilize to scoop up the objective and either throw it or kick it down the field. The goalie is a unique role in this context, and is one of the more specialized and interesting roles that a participant can undergo.
The team that scores the most points over two designated timed halves wins the match. Goals can either be scored in free fashion during an active state, or they can sometimes be scored via penalty kicks, which are awarded to people when the opposing faction breaks a rule.
There are many physical benefits to soccer, which include improved strength and endurance. Because the sport requires athletes to run great distances over a fair amount of time, both sprinting and distance running skills are important things to be honed. Over the natural course of time, people will improve their stamina as their cardiovascular system is worked out during the activity.
In order to become better at soccer, there are a few skill sets that should be emphasized. As stated, physical conditioning is an absolute must, because of the strains that athletes endure during a normal game.
Additionally, athletes need to know their strengths and play the appropriate role in the context of the sport. For example, strong runners who are quickly able to maneuver are usually assigned to offensive roles, while the defensive roles are relegated to selfless people who can act in the greater good of the others.
Lastly, memorizing the best tactics to apply in any given situation will help ensure success better than any other factor. When athletes are able to quickly adapt and make the right call for the situation, then they become much more effective in their endeavors.
Playing soccer and improving in the sport requires the participant to have an in depth understanding of the rules and conditions of the game, as well as knowing when to utilize the appropriate tactics in order to find success. The physical benefits that the sport provides the users as they engage in the activity helps ensure that they will be in better shape for future returns, making them more effective and efficient in their efforts.
Ronald Pedactor is a fitness trainer. He has been coaching athletes for more then 20 years. He recommends the bestexercise equipment to achieve your fitness goals.
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Ronald Pedactor