Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming?
August 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Alex Miller
Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming? – Sports – Swimming
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First off, weight training for swimming is not just another trendy thing. Your competitive swimming rivals are using sports specific training. If they are doing it and it’s working for them and you are not doing it, then they will probably beat you. The water is both a resistance and liquid medium that you glide through. In swimming you are using pulling, pushing and kicking motions to propel yourself forward. Resistance exercises that mimic these movements will improve the speed and power of your strokes. That should be enough to get you started with some sort of dry land anaerobic exercise regimen.
Will Weight Training Make Me a Better Swimmer?
It is important to define what you mean by better. If by better you mean will it make you faster in swimming when the split seconds count then yes; with a sports specific training program, the way your muscles and nervous system generally cope with fatigue during a race will improve significantly.
What is the Best Way to Develop Anaerobic Power for Swimming?
First of all, the term anaerobic means “without oxygen.” Your muscles use up oxygen to do work. When they run out of oxygen, they can’t move. An anaerobic workout using weights will, in time, make your muscles more efficient by creating a greater capacity and efficiency for them to use the oxygen that you breathe in. One of the best ways to develop anaerobic efficiency is by sticking to a weight training program.
Is it Okay to Do Weight Training and Swimming Every Day?
There may be some debate about this. The best answer is that it depends on what your goals are and what your present fitness level is like. If your goal is to create your ideal physique for bodybuilding, then that is outside the scope of this article. As a bodybuilder, you will be using swimming as an aerobic exercise just to burn fat. Your goals then would be different.
As a competitive swimmer, no, it would not be advisable to weigh train every day. Adequate recovery is needed for your swimming. In fact, the best routine to follow would be some type of circuit training no more than two or three days a week. CR training is when you choose six to twelve exercises doing one after the other. Lighter weights than usual are used and you rest no more than thirty seconds in between exercise sets. If you were training off season you might follow a two month cycle in which you would start off with lighter weights performing fifteen to twenty reps which activate the slow twitch muscle fibers. During the two months you add more and more weight to your exercises until you are doing between eight to twelve reps (or even less) per exercise. Mix it up a bit. Do no more than three rounds of a circuit.
Some exercises may include:
Incline bench press for chest
Back squats for hip and knee extensio
Leg press
Leg extensions
Leg curls
Calf work
All kinds of rowing
Pull ups
Standing tricep press downs
Bicep curls
Stomach crunches
Can You Give Me an Exercise for the Front Crawl Stroke?
A good exercise for the crawl stroke is to find an overhead pulley system in your gym. Grab a hold of the pulley handle with one hand and get down on your knees. With your arm straight, pull down in front of you palm down using your lats, triceps and stomach muscles simulating crawl mechanics. Repeat.
Some More Ideas
1) Flutter kicks with ankle weights. Lie on your back on the floor or on a weight bench with half of your legs hanging off. Do as many flutter kicks as you can without going to failure. These will target your thighs and lower abdomen. Do the same lying on your stomach to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.
2) To strengthen shoulder, trapezius and upper back muscles for crawl and butterfly strokes, lie on your stomach on a (weight) bench. With your arms hanging down, hold a light dumbbell in each hand palms facing each other. Using the butterfly stroke motion, slowly pull the dumbbells back then out and up and around towards the front and then down as you mimic the motion of your hands re-entering the water in the stroke. At the top of the motion, your palms should be facing down. Repeat. Use one dumbbell at a time to develop crawling motion.
3) This movement is somewhat the opposite of the previous one to develop the crawl and butterfly strokes. You lie on your back and execute a type of pullover. Lie supine and start out with arms straight overhead towards ceiling holding dumbbells with palms facing away from you. In a circular motion, move both dumbbells away, down and back around and then “pull” the weights back up to the starting position. During the circular motion, keep arms semi-straight and palms in the direction as they would be when doing the butterfly stroke. Repeat. Then use one dumbbell at a time to develop the muscles used for the crawl stroke.
You Get the Drift
Your dry land weight training for swimming is supposed to simulate swim strokes. Training with cable pulleys and using various medicine ball throws are also excellent. Swimmers and triathletes would both benefit from sports specific weight training. Adding weight training to your swimming workouts is surely adding more work to your schedule but you’ll end up being stronger and faster in the water.
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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weights vs Bodyweight Training. Check out for more weight training information.
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How To Get Big Curls – Biceps Exercises And How To Get Big Biceps Fast
August 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
How to get big biceps fast and are there any magic exercises that can be done that make the biceps burst out of your t-shirt, is probably the most asked question I get from people who are just starting out in bodybuilding.
There are a couple of ways you can get big biceps fast the first is to take steroids, which I do not recommend and the second is hard work, knowledge of exercises, diet, routines and training like a mad man.
When you are starting out in bodybuilding, don’t fall into the trap that most people do, this being exercising only one body part to death and overtraining.
To get big biceps and fast first you have to know the muscle and its parts.
The biceps are made up of two muscles the inner head and the outer head, by training both of these biceps muscles you are going to see a great deal of mass appear on your arms, exercises for the inner biceps will be anything with a wide grip, such as.
Biceps barbell curls, seated concentration curls, wide grip barbell curls on a preacher bench, I think you get the idea.
For the inner biceps any exercise with a close grip, such as close grip barbell curls, close grip barbell preacher curls.
Also a good exercise for the outer biceps is reverse curls, dumbbell hammer curls personally found that when I first started seeing my biceps really getting big was when I started incorporating super sets and drop sets, my biceps just seem to burst out over night. How To Get Big Curls
So whenever I feel like my biceps are at a sticking point by super setting or using drop sets puts them back on the road to growth.
The reason for not doing these types of exercises all the time is because I would over train the biceps as supper setting is quite demanding on any body part especially on a small muscle group like the biceps.
So if you really want to see the biceps get big fast do not over train them twice a week at most and only if they are fully recovered from the previous workout.
The other key factor to getting big biceps is to having big triceps, without big triceps your biceps will look lost and small, as the outside head of the triceps makes the outer head of the biceps look
bigger when developed properly.
Good exercises for the outer triceps are close grip bench press, close grip push-ups, one arm laying on a bench dumbbell extension. These are just a few exercises for the outer head of the triceps.
Don’t forget about diet eating the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats are a complete must to grow any muscle group so make sure you are getting enough of all of them at lest 5 times a day every 3 hours.
So remember to get big biceps and fast know your biceps know your exercises do not over train eat the right foods, of you are a beginner keep your rep range in each exercise around 10-12 you will find that the biceps respond best to this not the normal 8 reps range and at first do not do more than 12 sets including the warm-up sets, or getting big biceps fast will become a slow uphill struggle. How To Get Big Curls
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Best Biceps Femoris Exercises
July 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
Are you looking to increase athletic performance? The biceps femoris is one of the most important muscles involved in multiple athletic movements including sprinting and leaping. Because of this, targeting the biceps femoris during your exercise program is one of the best ways to increase your overall athletic abilities.
1. Deadlift: The deadlift is one of my favorite exercises for building mass in the biceps femoris muscle. While the normal deadlift is a great exercise in its own right, you can modify it to better isolate the biceps femoris by using the straight or stiff-legged variation. These will deactivate the quads and make sure the hamstrings are hit exceptionally hard. When doing deadlifts make sure there is little to no lower back rounding, unless you want to walk around with a bad back.
2. Squat: The back squat is another good exercise for adding mass and strength to your biceps femoris. Depending on where you place the bar, the exercise can place a significant amount of stress on the any of the muscles in the posterior chain, in addition to the quadriceps. I recommend working with a low bar position to really promote breaking at the hips and hitting the biceps femoris hard.
Make sure that you start off with a weight that you’re comfortable with. Many people move up in weight too quickly and end up having bad form due to muscular imbalances. A common form misshap associated with the squat is the hula movement. This should be avoided as it can place undue stress on the knee ligaments.
Goodmorning: The goodmorning is a great exercise for increasing the strength of your biceps femoris. It isolates the muscle better than the deadlift and squat and is great for increasing your numbers in both of those lifts. The major downside of the goodmorning is that it’s a moderately technical and difficult lift, in that small mistakes can lead to dire consequences. I recommend developing a strong posterior chain before doing this exercise.
4. Leg Curls: This is the only isolation exercise on this list. Leg curls are a solid exercise, although they don’t come highly recommended. If you do them, make sure that you do adequate work on your quadriceps as well because a muscular imbalance between the two can cause shearing forces on the knees. Some people complain about knee pain when doing the leg curl. If this is the case, then I suggest switching to glute-ham raises. The problem with machines is that they often don’t accommodate the variety of bodytypes that people have. One person might be fine with a machine, but the another might not.
If you’re looking to improve overall athletic performance, then I suggest checking out my website dedicated to strength and conditioning: MMA Strength and Conditioning
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Dumbbell Exercises for Biceps
July 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
The ideal routine for biceps wont only add strength to your arms but will give them that perfect look as well. The exercises discussed as followed are done either at home or gym, whichever preferred, all using some dumbbells.
The Important Warm Up
To avoid damaging your muscles, ligaments or tendons, always perform warm-up exercises beforehand. You’ll want to stretch your arms out and run on the treadmill for approximately ten minutes to warm up. Then, when you’ve finished, perform the actual exercises smoothly, without awkward jerky motions. To begin, you’ll want to use light weights and then slowly progress to heavier ones as you get stronger. Begin with light weights while performing more repetitions. Doing this makes maintaining the correct posture and avoiding injuries while maximizing results possible.
The Dumbbell Curls While Seated at
Sit on top of an inclined bench with proper support on your back.
Then, extend your arms out while turning them outward with a dumbbell in each hand. You need to raise the dumbbells up to the shoulders with ease, and only slowly bring them back to the beginning position. You must use slow and strong movements to perform these exercises. Keep on doing the exercise until you aren’t able to do it anymore because your muscles fail. When this happens, put down your dumbbells and stretch out the biceps while resting for approximately a minute. Another two sets should be performed, and again, until your muscles fail.
The Preacher’s Bench
Place your chest on the bench at the right position. Then, lift as much weight as you possibly can so that you challenge your arms. However, make sure you are performing the exercise properly.
As you lift the weights, you want to make sure that your elbows are close to each other and they’re perfectly straight. What the bench helps with is properly positioning your lower body, which helps you lift heavier weights than you normally would be able to lift. Descend the dumbbells as low as you can in order to gain optimal benefit from the exercise. Do the exercise until you cant take any more. Rest for a short period of time and repeat the exercise.
The Basic Curl
Lift dumbbells vigilantly with the knees slightly bent and place the feet apart at shoulder width. Squeeze as tightly as possible as you get to the top of the movement while remembering to keep your arms next to you. Also keep in mind that when you lower and raise the dumbbells, use a steady motion. Keep in mind that a slow and smooth approach to performing these exercises is much, much better than doing jerky motions. Other than that, do your curls until your muscles cannot continue. Rest for a short period of time when you’re done the exercise. Then, repeat and finish these exercises by stretching.
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Best Biceps Workouts and Exercises
June 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
I see a lot of people in GYM working daily on their arms. That means doing biceps and triceps exercises without any concentration on the muscle they are doing. Lifting to much weight that their muscle can handle. Doing exercises the way they should not and that leads slower progress on muscle raising and strength gaining. Are you one of them? Then read on to see what things you need to be careful on and which biceps workouts and exercises are the best to go for at the beginning!
First when deciding that you want a bigger biceps you need to follow some tips, no mater if you are a women or men, or if you do not even go to GYM, you do home based workouts. The first part to follow is the nutrition. You should have an ideal nutrition that means enough proteins and not to many carbs and fat food. Your muscles need proteins to grow (I recommend a lot of meet and whey supplement).
Second you need to work on your biceps 1-2 times per week, it is enough trust me! Third is that you work on other muscles of your body. The ones I recommend the most are chest, legs and back. The best exercises to help you gaining faster biceps muscle are squats and dead lift!
As I said you should work 1-2 times per week in GYM or at home to get stronger, bigger biceps. Here are the best biceps workouts and exercises that you should follow first week. Second week you need to change the workouts to get faster results, that is important!
Barbell Curl or Dumbbell Curl – The very basic exercise for your biceps. Sometimes is best to put on lower weights and more concentrate on your muscle, also do more lifts than usual. Try to lower your shoulders when doing it and not trying to help your lifting with swinging your body forward and back!
Chip-Up – You need to have the strength to lift your body up to 10 times. If you can not, that means you are not strong enough for your body weight. Practice it!
Incline Dumbbell Curl – The exercise that makes wonders, trust me! Usually I add in each routine an half routine that means I do 12 lifts, then I have a 8 seconds brake and I do another 6 lifts. I do 3 routines in that exercise, try it!
Concentration Curl – I do that exercise every time on the end of the day. That means putting on really low weight and trying to concentrate only on biceps when lifting dumbbell. Do lifts slowly and concentrated!
Check out our blog for the best Biceps Workouts and build up bigger arms thanks to our help. More Biceps Exercises inside!
Body building with biceps and triceps exercises
June 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
Article by Lyusi Jeff
Body building with biceps and triceps exercises – Awards
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Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. There are so many techniques of body building process that are focused on structuring and shaping the whole body. These techniques and tips help you in achieving a perfect shape body without any side effect.
There are several websites that help you in body building and provide all the information, tips and techniques related to body building that includes videos, articles, exercises, diet plan, supplements and more. You can get different exercises like biceps exercises, triceps exercises, exercises for abs and more on these websites.
There are several websites that help you in body building and provide all the information, tips and techniques related to body building that includes videos, articles, exercises, diet plan, supplements and more. You can get different exercises like biceps exercises, triceps exercises, exercises for abs and more on these websites.
Most of the young boys want to get Big Biceps so that it can attract people towards them. There are many types of exercises that should be done to get huge biceps and also it needs lots of hard work. You will have to include work outs in your daily routine and also there are so many things that you will have to change in your life in order to get a muscular body. It includes proper diet, regular exercise, supplements, work out and many more.
To get Ripped Abs is also is also an important part of body building and it is very common to hear about it through various sources like television, newspaper, magazines. For getting this, one should do very tough work as it needs exercises to lose fat that is fat burning exercises and a perfect diet that is also very important. You must control what you eat and it will result in your clearly visible abs.
To get Ripped Abs is also is also an important part of body building and it is very common to hear about it through various sources like television, newspaper, magazines. For getting this, one should do very tough work as it needs exercises to lose fat that is fat burning exercises and a perfect diet that is also very important. You must control what you eat and it will result in your clearly visible abs.
Another one process of body building is getting good triceps that is also very popular among youngsters. So, there are so many Tricep Exercises that will help you in getting a fit body. These exercises include bench press, weighted dips, skull crushers and more about which you can know from various websites and can get nice triceps.
About the Author
Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. Big Biceps , Ripped Abs. For more details contect on as :
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Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. Big Biceps , Ripped Abs. For more details contect on as :
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The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms
May 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
Article by Rick Porter
The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms – Health – Supplements and Vitamins
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The most trained muscle in the gym is the biceps. They are the best muscle to show off in a t-shirt (tight shirt) and they give the immediate appearance of strength. There are numerous biceps building exercises to choose from and the biggest mistake is picking the wrong ones and doing too many of them.
The reason most guys have arms that don’t grow is because they have the wrong idea about how to build huge arms. For some reason early on we are taught that more is better but I can tell you that those rules does not work when you try to use them with arm training. If you do too many exercises and sets and your arms will not be able to recover in between workouts and they will never grow. To build your biceps all you really need is two exercises. These two muscle building exercises will change the way your arms look forever.
The Close Grip Reverse Chin UpThe first of the muscle building exercises that you must use to grow massive biceps is the close grip reverse chin up. Don’t be fooled that this is simply a pull up with a reverse grip. It will make your arms grow faster than curls. Set your hands only about 6 to 8 inches apart rather than taking a wide grip. Anytime you do an exercise where you physically have to move your body through space your muscles are forced to work harder and will adapt quicker.That is why exercises like squats, deadlifts, chin ups, and dips work so well at gaining muscle mass. Do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of reverse chin ups. Pull yourself up as fast as you can and lower yourself down slower with a count of about 2 seconds. Rest about 2 minutes in between sets and hit another set. If you can do more than 6 to 8 reps it’s time to add some resistance. You’ll need one of those belts with a chain around it to strap plates on. If you don’t have one of these you can cross your feet and put a small dumbbell hanging from them. Or get some rope and tie a couple plates around your waist. Add just enough resistance so that you are hitting the 6 to 8 repetition range.
Standing Bicep Barbell CurlThis is pretty self explanatory, just a straight or cambered curl bar with some weights on the end. The best muscle building exercises are usually the simplest movements with free weights. Strict form is the essential part of a barbell curl if you want them to do something for you. Keep your back straight with your elbows tight to your sides. Don’t use momentum to get the weight started up. If you need to swing the weight up then check your ego and lower the weights. You want your biceps to be hurting at the completion for the set rather than your lower back and shoulders. Do 4 sets of this for 6 to 8 reps. Remember that the form is really the key here because you are looking for maximum biceps stimulation. Once you get to 6 or 7 really strict reps you can cheat on 1 to get to number 8 but that’s it.
Increase the Resistance ConsistentlyThis is a simple workout and simple works the best. If you stick to this for six weeks your biceps will grow fast but you need to make sure you are consistently increasing the weight and always trying to perform more repetitions. Don’t do the same amount of work each time you hit the gym. The best way to make sure you always push a little harder is by keeping a workout journal. Keeping a log ensures long term success.
Muscle Building Workouts for the latest workout programs to gain muscle mass and how to get ripped fast or find prohormones to buy the best prohormones and legal steroid reviews.
About the Author
I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.
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I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.
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How To Get Big Biceps
May 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
Article by Jim Ryan
How To Get Big Biceps – Health – Fitness
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Ok guys, lets face facts here, how many times have you seen someone approached by a bunch of envious guys at the gym and heard the phrase “Wow – love your calves”. It just doesn’t happen does it. The bottom line is that the layman or woman tends to be more focused on the size and shape of your guns, and big biceps are more often than not used as a barometer for strength and success in your training program.
Of course, serious lifters and competitive bodybuilders will know that just as much hard work and dedication goes into developing each single body part, and clearly your peers will be hugely impressed when they spot your huge lats or traps. However, for a huge number of basic and intermediate lifters the focus will be on the growth and development of their biceps. Adding inches to your arms will be the primary motivator in your training regimen. So, just for you guys here are some fundamentals to stick to in order to help you reach that goal and show you how to get big biceps.
Bicep Fundamental 1: Concentrate On Working The Bicep.
This may seem like an obvious statement but it is incredible just how much it is ignored. You will doubtless have spent time in the gym and seen guys throwing huge weights around, grunting wildly and slapping each other on the back congratulating themselves on a massive set of barbell curls. The problem is however, that the vast majority of the work they have just done will be for nothing because they have been swinging from the shoulder or hips and the bicep has been largely under-used.
Irrespective of which bicep exercise you are performing, be it a huge compound exercise, barbell curl etc, or an isolation exercise on the machines it is absolutely imperative that you focus on working the bicep. All the weight has to be moved by the bicep contraction and the bicep only! At the beginning of the movement take a second and concentrate all your effort onto ensuring good form and technique. Feel the bicep contracting and curl slowly allowing the bicep to bulge and peak. It is incredible how much more you will get from the exercise if you just take the time to concentrate on it.
Bicep Fundamental 2: Add Weight
This is a key element in your bicep development and also one of the toughest things to get right. The problem occurs when the addition of weight means that form and technique are compromised. It is a common feature among newbie lifters that they tend to stay training at a certain weight and simply increase the reps in the mistaken belief that this will lead to huge gains. In fairness, at the start of a training program this may hold some truth but the dreaded plateau will not be far away.
The fact of the matter is that it is always advisable to increase the weight once you have reached your desired rep range. There is a fairly simple maxim to observe here and that is that your bicep will grow in line with the amount of weight you are lifting and will be aided by the correctness of your technique. Again we go back to the word “concentration”. Too many guys at the gym simply forget to concentrate on what they are doing and as a result they lose out on a lot of their potential gains. Concentration is key when it comes to performing at a higher weight for the first time. Feel the blood really gush into your bicep and enjoy the pump.
Bicep Fundamental 3: Concentrate On The Range Of Motion
A rep only counts as a full rep if you have fully completed the exercise. If you are performing a set of 12 barbell curls then you have to ensure that you fully extend and contract all the way through the movement. You have to make every rep count and this is the only sure fire way to get the blood flowing through the muscle and the only way to build a great pump.
I personally have a bit of an issue with the concept of training to failure as I am never completely sure what it actually means. I prefer to have a specific number of reps to work to as that gives me the focus I need to concentrate fully on the workout. Try to live and train by the maxim that “Failure is not an option”, get all your reps out and perform them to the maximum of your ability. There is absolutely no such thing a half a rep! If you are struggling to get the last couple of reps out with the correct form then consider dropping the weight temporarily. Alternatively, if you are getting the reps out and only feeling the burn at the top of the muscle and not really getting that deep pump that you need to really build the bicep, then up the weight.
The bottom line here is that developing big biceps is not going to happen overnight and it is certainly never going to happen without putting the right work in first. You can get huge biceps and you will find yourself being the recipient of those admiring glances as long as you get the basics right. Good luck, and for more tips on How To Get Big Biceps you should pop by our site.
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Find everything you need to show you How To Get Big Biceps right here.
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Find everything you need to show you How To Get Big Biceps right here.
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Biceps Exercises – Keeping Muscles Healthy
May 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
The key to muscular strength and breadth as well as a toned body does not only lie on doing exercises correctly and consistently. You also need to take care of your muscles to ensure that they develop properly and do not stagnate in terms of their growth because of muscle strain and injury. There is nothing worse than having to stop doing your biceps exercises or stomach crunches because you’ve pulled a muscle. This could terribly affect the continuity of the effects of the exercise and throw you off mentally.
The first step in caring for your muscles is stretching before working out. Gym instructors, coaches, and fitness trainers all stress the importance of warming up through stretches before any physical activity. This is especially critical when performing a workout that requires lifting heavy weights or pushing your flexibility to the limits.
You should establish a proper stretching routine that will cover all the muscle groups that are central to your workout. Keep in mind that you should not rush stretching, as it conditions your body to perform at its best during the exercise.
Just as carrots are good for your eyesight, there are also certain food groups that are integral in the strengthening and maintenance of your muscles. Protein aids in the repair of muscles that are worn out, so make sure that you eat a lot of dairy products, soybeans, lean meat, fish and grains. Iron-rich food, like chicken or beef liver, almonds, spinach, and beans, will also help you take proper care of your muscles.
Aside from taking these steps, consolidating strength training in your daily workout can also make your muscles less prone to injury and strain, as this kind of discipline is meant to build the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. While most exercises already have the strength-training factor incorporated in them, like biceps exercises, resistance training, and isometric exercises, not all do. Therefore it is important to ask your fitness coach or research on a few drills that can help you increase your muscle strength and endurance.
The previous techniques are established methods of nurturing your muscles, but it still would be incomplete without rest. Getting the right amount of sleep and relaxation is the very key to muscle regeneration. Further, if you over-exert your muscles, waste material will collect in the tissues hampering their ability to contract properly. Rest gives the body time to rid itself of this harmful buildup. Some trainers suggest that the best ways to relax after exercise include a dip in the swimming pool or taking a shower for at least 15 minutes as these greatly reduce muscle tension.
While the ultimate goal of many people who exercise and body build is achieving a physically attractive and sexy body, it is impossible to achieve that if the muscles are not cared for internally first. Regardless if you are doing biceps exercises, cardio, or abdominal toning, keep in mind that muscles too need to be nourished, strengthened, and given a rest to grow at their maximum potential.
Also remember, it is not just biceps exercises that you need but a complete system of the best exercises. Visit for more useful and helpful information.
Raffy Chan is a writer and internet enthusiast, based in California. He enjoys doing research, writing, and website/s creation. He is the originator of the QuidErgo Group: a community of professionals, authors, artists and computer enthusiasts who come together with the common aim of communicating with the online world.
Best Dumbbell Exercises For Biceps
May 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
The best dumbbell exercises for biceps are listed below. Dumbbell training for the bi’s is one of the best arm developing workouts there is. You not only can build bicep mass, but also develop definition and peak in the biceps through the use of dumbbells. You also will work both your arms equally, as opposed to just using a straight curl bar, where often times one arm is doing a little more work than the other, hence their development becomes out of balance.
Standing Dumbbell Curls.
These are powerful movements and will develop overall mass in the biceps. These will be your “heavy” bicep exercise, where you focus on lifting heavy without sacrificing form. Because your standing you can curl heavy weight up and still maintain good form. But, standing dumbbell curls also allows for you to safely “cheat” on your last few reps. Arnold use to use “cheat curls” to pound out his last few reps that really put size on his bi’s.
Seated Incline Curl.
These are excellent bicep developers.
They isolate your bi’s at an angle and really force the peak or low bicep to get worked good. You sit on an incline bench, and alternate curls. You will use a much lighter weight than you did with standing curls, and the motion tends to be a bit slower, more concentrated. You can also perform effective negatives on this exercise, slowly lowering the weight on your way down for the last few reps. Some trainees, for their last reps, will cheat the dumbbell all the way up, then very slowly lower it down for muscle building negative reps.
Here is how to perform the 2 best dumbbell exercises for biceps, as well as performing many other effective muscle building dumbbell movements –