Experiencing Mountain Biking
March 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Mountain biking is a challenging and engaging outdoor sport that is exhilarating and intensive in nature. People that participate in this activity are usually athletes that are looking for something that can test their limits on a continual basis.
Mountain biking differs from the street variant because of the way that the participant needs to address and conquer the variety of physical obstacles that are part of the terrain that they are traversing. The sport is built around doing technical routes outdoors, usually involving the person in a challenging experience due to the way that the land is contoured.
It is a completely different experience from riding on a road for the following reasons. Firstly, there is the issue of the composition of the material that is being traversed.
While roads are steady and made up of the same hard and smooth material, the trails that mountain bikers go over may be made up of a wide variety of things, all of which have different densities of grip properties. This changes the dynamic of the sport considerably.
Next, there will be more pitch involved in the landscape, since roads need to be of a certain ascending grade if motor vehicles are going to travel over them. This is to endure the safety of the drivers and to make sure that their vehicles can handle the array of forces present as the journey progresses.
Mountain bike routes have no such restrictions, so there can potentially be pitch and yaw in the landscape as steep as the person can handle. The grade of trail that the participant rides on can be smooth and flat one moment and quickly reaching skyward the next.
Lastly, there is the issue of terrain obstacles that will be present during the course of the trip. Roads are obviously not littered with obstacles.
Mountain bike trails can be full of obstacles, however. There may be rocks present that must be avoided or ridden over, and there may also be things like tree fragments and streams to cross.
This adds a layer of technicality to the whole process, since a road athlete does not experience this. The sport may become one of careful maneuvering at slow paces while regearing the equipment to be more effective, instead of simply speeding toward and objective.
Mountain bikers need to be physically fit in order to be successful at the sport that they are participating in. There is a certain range of muscle use and movement that is not normally experienced during the normal course of life involved in the whole thing.
This means that for the first part of the experience, there is going to be a degree of pain and discomfort. It is important to maintain a steady pace in this instance, even if it is a very slow one.
A steady pace will help the person ration out their energy and stamina level and will keep the body from being overwhelmed. After the first initial discomfort, many participants gain a second wind that allows them to continue on for much longer periods of time.
It is also important to keep the activity within the physical range of the participant. This means that people need to engage in activities that are suited for their current skill sets.
This is largely because of the way that biking takes the person engaged in the activity far away from their point of origin. If they burn out a great distance from their objective, then they still need to return to their point of original somehow.
Conditioning is important, as building up the body to be better at withstanding discomfort can greatly aid in the overall enjoyment of the experience. This can be achieved by building a steady regimen of exercise.
Biking can be enjoyed by anyone who likes to be physically active and enjoys the experience of the outdoors. As long as people stay within their means, then they will have a good experience.
Mountain biking is a dynamic and challenging sport that can test the abilities of almost any person; and if people employ a proper range of techniques and training conditions, then they can be better prepared for the rigors of the experience. Additionally, such conditioning can greatly aid in the effort to reach goals that the person may have regarding their abilities.
Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using home exercise equipment to stay healthy and fit.
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Jack R. Landry

I take a student into the Smoky mountains for some endurance and survival training
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Mountain Biking Endurance Races
January 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Tony B
For the casual cyclist, mountain biking is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors as well as get a great work out. Today, mountain biking is growing rapidly into an excitingly popular sport. With that growth arises an entirely new subculture of mountain bikers who race professionally.
Every year there are hundreds of events and races organized across the nation for mountain bike enthusiasts. These endurance races are generally for those in the absolute top percentage of mountain bikers. It takes a certain amount of conditioning and performance to compete in endurance races as the competition itself is so demanding. There are plenty of different categories, but these races can be as long as 12 hours, taxing the limits of human endurance.
Types of Races
Of the many categories of endurance races, most are beyond the scope of normal cyclists’ physical limits. Starting at three hours these races only scale upwards, reaching six or even twelve hours in length. The shorter three hour races are separated by gender and occasionally by age groups, but the longer races often open up to include both genders and all age groups.
There are numerous formats for endurance races as well. Some races are strictly solo races such as the shorter races. However, as they get longer, endurance races include all combinations of team work and trade off riding, with teams of up to four riders.
Endurance races are highly organized much like the marathons many of the nation’s major cities hold annually and require registration and occasionally physicals. In addition to assuring the participants are physically capable of participating, these events often require a demonstration of certain safety equipment that meets particular regulations.
Safety Measures
Safety is probably the most important thing organizers see to when there is a race. In addition to making sure each rider is in acceptable physical condition and has the proper gear, mountain bikes themselves are often checked to ensure they are in top shape, with fully aired tires, tightened handlebars, and properly adjusted frames and shocks.
Prohibited materials on the bike are also carefully watched. Such prohibited materials include reflectors, kickstands, adjustable hubs, sound frames, true wheels and any personal media devices. All of these items are checked for and expected to be removed before the race starts.
Finding Endurance Races
Endurance mountain biking is a high level addition to the sport of mountain biking. For that reason, if you are interested in getting involved, you should try and contact your local mountain biking association or club. They’ll have all the information you need to not only train for and prepare your bike for competition but the rules associated with the sport. There are numerous websites out there that cater to the crowd of endurance mountain bikers if you are looking for more information.
For anyone who has just gotten into mountain biking endurance racing might be a bit too much for you yet. However, you’ll find that in time you’ll be looking for a bit more of a challenge, and these longer more intense races might be just the thing you’re looking for to push your limits and test your physical conditioning. If you’re serious about endurance racing, take the time necessary to research and get in the shape necessary to compete in these races.
Tony Brian is a freelance writer for outdoor sports magazines and a contributing writer for angel paintball guns specializing in mountain biking, cyclist.

Do you want to know what it takes to come home with a buckle from one of the most difficult mountain bike races in the country? Watch our comprehensive video on endurance training and find out.
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