The Ideal Body

September 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Basos

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You need to lose fat and build muscle. You know this, it makes sense, and is a goal you undoubtedly had at the outset. But what do you aim for in body composition? A belief exists that professional body builders know what makes the ideal body. They take measurements and use strategies to build a physique. So how do you fit into the picture and what do you aim for in size for your own body?

If Tom Venuto has taught me anything on the subject, it’s not about getting out tape measure or pushing for 20 inch arms. It’s all about visualisation of what I think is the perfect body suited for me. There are a range of different body building types and professional athletes and I find emulation is one key to achieving a fantastic body.

You may look at a body builder and believe that is the ideal body to strive for. There are several items to consider however when following this train of thought. Body building is a visual sport, and measurements in the end are never officially taken into consideration. Furthermore, due to the nature of competition, it’s not uncommon for competitors to bulk up before a show which can provide a skewed perception to the physique you watch on display.

So what do I do? I work on the principle of symmetry. Venuto himself has gone through the rigorous nature of different ‘measurement formulas’ but focuses now on working towards muscle symmetry. You definitely do not want any part of your body out of proportion. It would just look silly. So I visualise a muscular lean, equally toned body by making sure I embrace exercises that work all muscles.

One person of note who who was known for his aesthetically, symmetrical body was Steve Reeves. He endeavoured to create the perfect body, with a criteria ensuring all his muscle ratio equally measured the same. It followed as:

Steve Reeves Measurements: Arms: 18.5 inches Calves: 18.5 inches Neck: 18.5 inches Thighs: 27 inchesâEUR¨Chest: 54 inches Waist: 30 inches

Reeves even provided what he believed were ideal proportions for muscle to bone ratio, giving greater insight for his classic physique.

Muscle to bone ratios: Arm size= 252% of wrist size Calf size= 192% of ankle size Neck Size= 79% of head size Chest Size= 148% of pelvis size Waist size= 86% of pelvis size Thigh size= 175% of knee size

This is just one example of a formula used by a body builder. And while he certainly had the correct methodology of working towards muscle symmetry, it’s important that you pursue your own goal. Size matters, but make you don’t get hung up about it. I cannot put it more simply by saying the ideal body comes with making the sure you work your entire body. Plan, visualise and look to an aesthetic body from a magazine or video as motivation. That truly is what the ideal body is about.

About the Author

Ben Basos is the writer of the extremely popular Mission to Muscle blog which documented his 12 week transformation from flabby to fit. Ben also holds a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Human Movement studies and dedicates his time to keeping lean, fit and healthy. Read the full article on The Ideal Body.

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Ben Basos is the writer of the extremely popular Mission to Muscle blog which documented his 12 week transformation from flabby to fit. Ben also holds a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Human Movement studies and dedicates his time to keeping lean, fit and healthy. Read the full article on The Ideal Body.

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Quick Tips For a Great Body Building Workout Routine

August 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Emma Henry

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One of the best ways that you can build up your muscles, strengthen them and increase their health is to to regular body building exercises. Many people use body building workouts to keep themselves healthy and strong. There are lots of different ways to exercise and work out your body. One of the most popular ways to do this is with body building (this method is very popular with young men). You should take steps to ensure that you don’t forget that getting healthy is your main goal, not blowing your muscle size up to crazy proportions. Huge muscles could very well be your end goal, but your current goal should involve some compilation of staying safe and being healthy. Here are some methods of pushing past the body building stereotypes that are out there.

Choose a gym that is good. Not all gyms have the type of equipment you need to use when you want to do some body building. Look at a bunch of gyms before you make a final decision about which gym to use. You want to use a gym that is used regularly by body builders.

You want to also choose a gym that is brightly lit and extra clean. You should choose a gym that takes good care of its equipment (and that has equipment that is not always broken down). You should feel good about the gym you’ve chosen. It is hard to take real advantage of a gym membership if you don’t enjoy the time you spend there. This means that your body building efforts will suffer.

Body building relies quite a bit upon proper protein intake. Protein is what helps your muscles rebuild after a workout so it is incredibly important that you get enough protein in your system. Body builders will often use protein powder in their food to ensure that they consume enough to stay healthy. New body builders don’t have to worry about this as much. For newbies, a properly balanced diet is just about all that is needed. If you get really into body building and start to do it more often or more intensely, you might want to consider increasing your protein intake to compensate for your muscles’ needs. Your doctor will be able to tell you which of the protein powders will work best for you.

Take some time to relax between each activity or exercise. It is easier to injure yourself if you try to do too much too quickly. Giving your body even a few moments to rest can help you lengthen your routines and improve your stamina. Not taking a moment to stop and rest is one of the best ways to dehydrate yourself. It is also a good way to cause muscle strain or to ensure that you will pull a muscle. You could even make yourself so weak that you have to stop your routine before it is completed. Professional body builders are the strongest advocates for rest periods and they know what they are talking about!

Body building can be an incredibly rewarding activity. It will help you stay healthy. It keeps your body fit and in shape. It helps you develop better endurance and stamina.

As you work to build your strength and improve your muscles it is very important that you take the proper steps to ensure that you stay healthy and that you don’t break your muscles down too much. You will see a high level of success with your body building when you take steps to protect your health.

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Emma website’s: White Patches On Skin, Fungus Treatment, Exercise Induced Asthma and Getting Pregnant Tips.

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Emma website’s: White Patches On Skin, Fungus Treatment, Exercise Induced Asthma and Getting Pregnant Tips.

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5 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

August 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
  • Double Factory Sealed For Freshness.
  • Lab Tested and Verified.
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

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1. Irritable bowel syndrome- If you suffer from this syndrome that is associated with diarrhea and poor digestion, L-glutamine can help. The supplement works by repairing the gastrointestinal lining, and improving nutrient absorption.
2. If you have diabetes, L-glutamine is used to effectively aid in glucose utilization by keeping blood sugar levels normal. L-Glutamine health benefits include reducing insulin resistance in those who have a diet high in fat… More >>

5 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living

August 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Donald Hood

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living – Business

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(1888PressRelease) Recognizing that the mind and the body work better when they’re in harmony, The Spencer Institute now offers an online Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program for coaches, trainers, yoga instructors and more. The self-paced program offers insight on mind-body training and exercises that can be used to boost and enhance performance.

“If you believe it, you can achieve.” “What you think, you become.” “Mind over matter.” All of these aphorisms point to one important thing – the mind and body are inextricably linked, and the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. In recognition of the importance of the mind and body connection, The Spencer Institute now offers a 100 percent online Mindy Body Fitness Coach Certification Program.

The only online mind-body fitness training available, this self-paced program is designed for fitness professionals, body workers, massage therapists, life coaches, physical and athletic trainers, gym owners and others interested in enhancing clients’ health, reducing stress and giving clients the tools they need for a healthier life.

“More and more, we come to understand how much our minds and bodies are linked, and how one can profoundly affect the other, which gives us the ability to harness the dual powers of the mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness,” said Dr. John Spencer Ellis, CEO and president of The Spencer Institute and creator of the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program. “Anyone who loves yoga, who loves running, who loves eating and living well likely understands how amazing life can be when the mind and body work in harmony for holistic health.”

The online certification includes digital manuals, video and audio PowerPoint lectures and an online exam. The Mind Body Fitness Coach online training program qualifies for continuing education credits (CEUs) for ISSA, the Spencer Institute and NESTA and does not have any prerequisites. The certification is valid for two years.

Topics covered included scientific mind-body practices to enhance health, tips on coaching clients, a variety of perspectives on mind-body fitness, details on yoga, meditation, bodywork and more.

“A Mind Body Fitness Coach is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers I can think of. It combines science with practical application, movement with breathing, not to mention helping clients find more joy, connection and fitness from the inside out,” Ellis added.

About the Spencer InstituteFounded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis, an international leader in wellness coaching, personal development and fitness, The Spencer Institute offers life coaching, holistic education, nutrition coaching, sports psychology and wellness training certification programs delivered in online and distance learning formats that are designed to provide a step-by-step blueprint to success. The programs were developed to help people find the career of their dreams while helping others live better lives. For more information about the Spencer Institute or the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification Program, please visit


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4 oz Creatine Monohydrate Pure Powder Muscle Amino Acid Body Building Weightlifting Pharmaceutical Micronized USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
  • Double Factory Sealed For Freshness.
  • Lab Tested and Verified.
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

Product Description
Benefits: Basically, once the creatine is stored inside the muscle cell, it attracts the water surrounding the cell thereby enlarging it. This super hydrated state of the cell causes nice side effects such as the increase of strength and it also gives the appearance of a fuller muscle. Some studies suggest that a super hydrated cell may also trigger protein synthesis and minimize catabolism. In addition, creatine provides for faster recovery in between sets and incr… More >>

4 oz Creatine Monohydrate Pure Powder Muscle Amino Acid Body Building Weightlifting Pharmaceutical Micronized USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

Six Star Body Fuel Six Star Nitric Oxide Hardcore 100 Caplets 100 Caps

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Iovate – Six Star Hardcore Nitric Oxide is a cutting-edge scientifically advanced line of supplements scientifically engineered to accelerate muscle growth, increase strength, get cut and enhance muscle performance. Each Six Star Muscle supplement is strategically formulated for bodybuilders using researched key ingredients to deliver dramatic results. Over 50 scientific studies support the effectiveness of the key ingredients found in Six Star Muscle supplements…. More >>

Six Star Body Fuel Six Star Nitric Oxide Hardcore 100 Caplets 100 Caps

Efficient Physical Fitness Tips That Will Modification Your Body

August 21, 2012 by  
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Article by Harry88

Efficient Physical Fitness Tips That Will Modification Your Body – Health – Fitness

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Let’s begin this discussion by acknowledging that maintaining fitness is not easy and it’s often not much fun either. But, we must also acknowledge that it is extremely important if one wants to stay healthy. Fortunately, extreme measures are not required. Just a little time and effort on your part is all that’s needed. It might even be fun.When you are doing repetitions of an exercise, try counting backwards to your goal instead of forwards to it. It’s a mental trick. When you are concentrating on those big numbers you tend to think it is impossible to do more, while just the opposite holds true when you are decreasing your count. You may find those sets that were hard to get through are a little easier this way.Just because you may have hurt one arm doesn’t mean you need to stop exercising your other arm. Research shows that people who worked out only one arm for two weeks were able to make their hurt arm stronger by up to ten percent. When you work one arm, you are actually sending a message to the muscle nerve fibers of the opposite arm.A great fitness tip that everyone should include as a part of their workout routine is Plyometrics. Plyometrics are great for increasing endurance, getting your heart rate up, and increasing your jumping ability. They are especially good for basketball players. If you have bad knees, you should probably stay away,All the major clubs offer fitness classes for those who wish to exercise in a group setting. Definitely choose this option if seeing others working out for a goal inspires you. You can find stretching, aerobics, kickboxing and swimming, among the classes offered. You can also incorporate the knowledge that you obtain during classes, into your own home exercise program.Limit yourself when you have a free day. Whether it’s free food day, no exercise day, or some other kind of relaxation technique it’s always important to not impede your progress with a splurge or for some people an indulgence spree. Running one mile in a week does not equate to three candy bars. This is where a lot of people falter; people lead themselves to believe that one good deed will balance one bad, which simply isn’t true.To repair muscles faster after a demanding workout, work them again lightly the next day. Traditionally people tend to lift one day and take the next off. While it is important to give your muscles time to recuperate from strenuous work, it is also important to keep them stimulated so that blood and nutrients continue to flow to those areas. This repairs them more quickly than when they are not used at all.A good tip to help you lose weight is to exercise moderately. A lot of people make the mistake of going too hard at first. They’ll do over two hours of cardio in one session and pretty soon they’ll burn themselves out. It’s best to go with a more moderate workout routine.To keep things interesting, try television workouts. Tune into a fitness TV network or find fitness shows on-demand on your TV. Learning new moves and not knowing what episode will come next keep your mind engaged and the workouts will fly by. If you don’t have access to a TV network that airs fitness shows, try searching for videos and routines online.Fitness can be addictive and necessary in your every day life once you can clearly identify the ways it is making you feel healthier, and an overall more energetic person. Exercising every day just adds to your fitness plan and to your lifestyle. Working out every day can become a part of your every day routine.Summer heat can really make it hard to get out and get the exercise that you want and need to get. Try to drink a low calorie slushie before or after your run. It will cool your body temperature down and give you a refreshing way to rehydrate after a long run.Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to change your metabolism, increasing the rate at which you burn calories. Three things will help you. Firstly, be sure to eat breakfast, as it gets your metabolism going right away. Next, try to be more active throughout the day. Try parking a few blocks away from your destination and walking the rest of the way. Finally, try to incorporate weight training into your fitness routine. Muscle tissue burns calories much more quickly than fat and by increasing your muscle mass, you will increase your metabolism.Have some hot peppers with your meals. Hot peppers will help you attain your fitness goals by speeding up your bodies hormone production. That, in turn, increases your metabolism and allows you to get more out of your workout routines. People who eat hot peppers tend to snack less.A great tip to help you get fit, is to invest in some body fat calipers. Scales only tell you how much you weigh and it’s common knowledge that muscle ways more than fat. Body fat calipers will tell you what percentage of your body consists of fat.Most people know the importance of stretching before a workout, but many do not hold their stretches long enough. Younger people should opt for a minimum of 30 seconds for each stretch. When you are topping 40 it becomes important to hold for at least 60 seconds because muscles are less pliable as we age. Allow time in your routine for full stretching.As stated before, being fit is not as difficult to achieve as many people perceive it to be. Using the proper fitness techniques, like the ones found in the article above, anyone with no previous fitness experience can become fit and healthy and start seeing results in no time at all.

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Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about lose weight quickly now.

Do you want to start lose weight faster today? Then you can take a look at how to loose weight fast now.

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Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about lose weight quickly now.

Do you want to start lose weight faster today? Then you can take a look at how to loose weight fast now.

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The Top 10 Reasons Why Body Weight Exercises Are the Best Way to Get in Shape

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

From my experience a program of bodyweight exercises is the absolute best way to get in incredible shape in the shortest period of time. I am not saying this because I have read it somewhere. I am speaking from my own experience. I used to lift weights and use all of those fancy machine in the gym but no more. For me I know used a combination of bodyweight training, isometric exercises and yoga (along with hill sprints occasionally). I am now in the best shape of my life. Why are bodyweight workouts so effective? Let me count the ways:

1. All bodyweight exercises work your entire body as a unit. Exercises like Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushps, or variations of them, all work major muscle groups simultaneously. People who work out in the gym typically do isolation exercises of one kind or another. This can lead to the body becoming “out of balance” and more injury prone.

What I mean by this is it’s possible to work a muscle with an isolation exercise till it is proportionally stronger than another muscle group. When the muscles have to work together, whether this involves playing sports or anything else, the chance of injury is MUCH higher. When I was taking Judo I was also weight lifting. I was getting injured all the time. Years later when I tried Jiu Jitsu it wasn’t a problem.

2. Bodyweight workouts are vastly superior to more conventional gym workouts when it comes to fat burning. With bodyweight exercises you are constantly using major muscle groups. The more muscle you use, the more fat you burn. It’s that simple.

3. Bodyweight training forces you to really think about what you are doing as you perform the exercise. You are using the old mind muscle when you do this, and focusing your mind is as important as performing the physical exercise itself.

This self-concentration promotes neurological connections allowing for a deeper mind body connection. You will get much faster results this way.

4. Bodyweight exercises will not only build tremendous strength, but stamina as well. When Karl Gotch ( a real professional wrestler who was in amazing shape) took up weight lifting, he found he COULD lift heavier weights. However, the amazing stamina he once had that would allow him to wrestle for an hour or more completely left him. He was gassed after 10 minutes. The strength gained from exercises like Hindu pushups and squats is functional, and that makes all the difference.

5. Bodyweight Workouts promote flexibility. Many of the routines you can do stretch your muscles at the same time as they are strengthening them. You just don’t get this with weights.

6. Bodyweight training allows you to work your body from all angles and directions. The same cannot be said of weights and all of those ridiculous machines.

7. Bodyweight exercises increase your strength, endurance and flexibility at the same time. Again, Hindu pushups and squats are a perfect example of this.

8. Bodyweight training attacks the muscle at a much deeper level than weights, thereby giving you a greater ‘functional strength” The person who does a set of pull-ups, for example, works the back and arms far more than a person who uses the lat pulldown machine. What’s more, the person doing the pull-ups will be able to use the lat machine no problem. The reverse is not true.

9. As they don’t require any equipment, bodyweight workouts can be done anywhere at anytime. No excuses about not being able to make it to the gym!

10. Bodyweight exercises also save you a lot of time so that you have more time to do the things you want.

David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of, a fitness site with a unique twist. Check out his website for more information on yoga, bodyweight exercises, isometric exercises and other aspects of bodyweight training.

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Are Steroids a Problem in Body Building?

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Andrew Lee

Are Steroids a Problem in Body Building? – Health

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Body building is a sport that really reached the national (and to some extent, global) consciousness when Arnold Schwarzenegger was dominating the scene back in the late 1970’s. The documentary “Pumping Iron,” which followed Schwarzenegger and memorably told his story as he attempted to win yet another Mr. Olympia title, really helped the general public to see what body building was all about.

However, since those times, the sport has become very much a niche thing all over again. Body builders now are considered to be “roided out freaks” rather than mostly-proportionate, big, strong guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno were. Many people simply do not like the sport because they know the competitors are not clean. So, are steroids a serious problem or even a threat to the future of body building?

As a consequence of the fact that steroids have such a negative stigma attached to them, natural body building has become a more popular thing in recent years. Organizations such as the INBF/WNBF, INBA/PNBA, and more hold body building contests where urinalysis tests are required before competition. Other events such as Muscle Mania or Ultimate Fitness Events do the same thing, and their hope is that this kind of body building brings a certain legitimacy to a sport that was trying in vain to be included in the Olympics several years ago.

Since Arnold’s time as the most famous professional body builder of all time, the sport has really gotten a black eye from the knowledge that most of its competitors (if not all, at the top levels) have used steroids. Despite the fact that anybody could simply

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or a similar substance and use it themselves, people see this steroid use as something that makes body builders even less relatable as people than they already were because of their unbelievable builds.

In fact, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself has had to distance himself from the sport because it linked him to world of steroid use that he had to escape when he became a politician. Because steroids are illegal in the United States, it is not just a matter of using a supplement that is frowned upon, but actual criminal activity that we’re talking about.

Many organizations or events do not worry about testing for anything at all, and instead turn a blind eye to what can only be called rampant steroid and other substance use for athletes that need to train as hard as possible in order to build unbelievable physiques. Whether or not mainstream America or the rest of the world would warm to the sport even if steroids were not an issue is not known. However, we do know that in many countries (especially the United States), steroid use is frowned upon in professional sports, which could definitely be holding body building back from becoming a bigger sport.

In such a visual sport, though, where the results are all about looks and not objective performance (such as lifting an object of a certain weight in a power lifting competition), how could we go backward and start celebrating people with physiques cannot match up to what we saw in years past? After all, that’s what banning steroid use outright would do to the sport of body building.

It is a very controversial topic and there is no right or wrong answer in sight, but one thing is for sure: body building and steroid use will continue to be linked, possibly for as long as the sport exists. For better or worse, it’s something body building will not be able to get away from anytime soon.

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I am an online marketing consultant with expertise in SEO, SEM, Web Analytics & Affiliate marketing.

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I am an online marketing consultant with expertise in SEO, SEM, Web Analytics & Affiliate marketing.

Generic labs produce anabolic steroids in the form of injections as well as oral steroids. Customers have rated both of them as being superb and up to mark in terms of performance.

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Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Mark McMannus

Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises – Health – Weight Loss

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For years people have been asking whether or not it is possible to get ripped simply using body weight exercises. Many of us are led to believe that lifting heavy weights everyday and dieting is the only way to get ripped, but there is definitely a way to do it without having to go to the gym.

Everyone’s body works differently and even though lifting weights has its benefits, body weight exercises can deliver the same results, sometimes even better results. All you really need is your body, the right knowledge and a strong willed mind. By having the right knowledge you will use proper technique and form, and developing a muscle building mindset will ensure you reach your lean muscle goals in no time.

Experience Fat Burn and Lean Muscle Mass Gain Without Weights

The only way to continuously gain lean muscle mass is to put your muscles under more stress that they were compared to your last workout. This is often experienced when bodybuilders add more weights after every set or training session. Even though this is a great way to gain muscle, you can still experience these results at home by simple increasing the intensity of your body weight workouts.

If you were able to do 3 sets of 15 push-ups on Monday, then aim to do 18 on Wednesday. By gradually increasing the number of reps you perform you are essentially increasing the amount of stress your muscles are put under and thus the intensity of your workout.

Push-ups Are A Must!

As one of the most efficient body weight exercises, the push-up continues to be a workout that everyone should be doing. There are different variations of the push-up and it is essential that you progress through each one in order to reap the benefits of this amazing upper body workout.

The push-up will work your chest, back, core and even your arms and shoulders. This is truly a full upper body exercise and if you can do 50 repetitions without stopping, you will be well on your way to shedding upper body fat and building lean muscle mass.

The Measuring Stick Of Strength – The Pull-up

As arguably the most difficult body weight exercise there is, the pull-up continues to be the measuring stick of strength. If you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you general have a far amount of relative strength. Relative strength essentially is how strong you are compared to your body. If you are very heavy person, yet you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you are still considered to be quite strong.

By performing pull-ups you will be able to work your entire body throughout the exercise but most importantly your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Forget the bicep curls and focus on doing as many pull-ups as possible.

Most men have a hard time performing one or two sets so it is advisable not to lose motivation if you find that you are struggling throughout each set. Let’s say you are capable of doing 8 pull ups to failure (i.e. your muscle physically can not perform another pull up) then if you are able to complete 3 sets of 8 pull-ups, you will be well on your way to getting ripped.

Use Your Leg Muscles

One of the most overlooked muscle groupswhen trying to get ripped with body weight exercises is the legs. Your leg muscles essentially support your entire body when standing, jogging or running. By working your legs, you will not only be sculpting your lower body but you will be strengthening and toning your body’s foundation.

One of the most effective body weight leg exercises that is crucial to burning fat and toning your lower body are squats. By performing leg squats, you will be working your quadriceps along with your hamstring and glutes. This will not only increase muscle gain in your lower body but will also improve your cardiovascular workout regime which is crucial to getting a ripped lower body.

Your cardiovascular workouts should include both cardio and interval training exercises and by developing strong leg muscles you will find that you can run or cycle faster for short periods of time making it through each interval training circuit with ease. Remember that you want the ripped legs of a ripped sprinters body, not a marathon runner’s body.

Diet And Why It’s Important To Getting Ripped Without Weights or Gym Machines

If you truly want to learn how to get ripped without weights, you must have a healthy diet. Though many people will suggest that you should count your calories and make sure you eat a certain amount of proteins and carbs, people simply do not have the time and patience to do so.

As long as you are sure that you are eating a diet that contains lean, high-protein meats like tuna and chicken, healthy carbs like oats, and healthy fats like nuts, you will have an easy time losing body fat during your weight-free workouts. However remember that there is no substitute for focus and hard work but you will have to eat strict in order to have a rock hard body.

Focus on long term results and you will definitely see short term results come faster. People tend to overestimate what they can do in one month and under estimate what they are capable to do in one year. Stay focused and you will definitely reach your goals of getting ripped in no time. For more tips on how to get ripped visit

About the Author

Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.

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Mark McMannus

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Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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