Brawn: Bodybuilding for the Drug-Free and Genetically Typical

February 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Guide

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If you thought Arnold Schwarzenegger put Graz, Austria on the bodybuilding map, how about Stuart McRobert and Nicosia, Cyprus? Imagine, one man, on a Mediterranean island no less, who has the audacity to directly challenge most contemporary bodybuilding advice. Instead of being another me-too bodybuilding book, Brawn is unique: its tone is serious, its manner evangelical, but most importantly, its focus is on things that actually work for the average trainee. “Drugs… More >>

Brawn: Bodybuilding for the Drug-Free and Genetically Typical

Target Bodybuilding

November 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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High-level strength training programs have advanced almost as fast as technology itself over the past decade. In Target Bodybuilding, Per Tesch combines the two to present weightlifting techniques that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has revealed to be most beneficial for muscle building and sculpting. The book begins with an explanation of the MRI technology and how the information acquired from it takes the guesswork out of training. Tesch then provides… More >>

Target Bodybuilding

The New Hardcore Bodybuilding

October 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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The place to start — all the top training methods, with over 300 workout photos of the world’s muscle champs. The fastest, safest, surest way to blast your muscles to superstardom…. More >>

The New Hardcore Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Mind – Think and grow muscle with mental training

October 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Training your muscles means using your mind. Bodybuilding excellence is the result of your mental state. Research shows dramatic improvements happen when you focus, visualise and use mental training to develop the physique you wish for.
The ability to plan and perform consistent exercise programmes comes from an overwhelming sense of self-mastery.
Here, over 31000 words give you easy, fast and fun techniques described step-by-step so you can apply and ad… More >>

Bodybuilding Mind – Think and grow muscle with mental training

Bodybuilding Motivation: Inspiration for Lifting and Life

October 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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With each stride; each repetition, With each run into the wind and rain, Each set to fatigue that seems unwinnable, with each strange look from comfortable passengers in a car, I continue to fight. Each rep, each stretch, each gate means one step closer. Each stride and pull makes my enemies shrink in fear and my allies feel more secure. This isn’t lifting, working out, or jogging. This is a battle. No, this is war. And I forgot to bring my white f… More >>

Bodybuilding Motivation: Inspiration for Lifting and Life

Super High-Intensity Bodybuilding

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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Super High-Intensity Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Foods – List of Muscle Building Foods That You Should Know

September 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Ryan Mutt

Bodybuilding Foods – List of Muscle Building Foods That You Should Know – Health – Fitness

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When thinking about bodybuilding, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is weight lifting. Although the workout routine is an essential component in growing muscles, there are people who dedicate their life to physical exercises and they don’t achieve the expected results. If you are one of them, you know how frustrating this can be. You exercise a lot, you have completely cut out sweets and junk food, but you are no step closer to the physical shape you desire. This might be because although you have given up junk food and sugar, you are still doing some dietary mistakes.

If your diet is not proper, your effort is totally in vain. I am sure you know which the bodybuilding foods are and that you have to eat protein, good fats and good carbs, but do you know exactly what to pick up from the supermarket in order to provide these nutrients to your body? It is important to choose foods that aren’t going to offer bad fats or bad carbs besides the good nutrients because the positive impact will be cancelled by the negative effect.

Here’s a list of bodybuilding foods that are going to only provide you what you need to grow your muscles harmonically and to sustain your physical effort.

1. Skinless chicken breast2. Lean turkey3. Egg and egg whites4. Cod5. Salmon6. Pollock7. Canned tuna8. Lean beef9. Fruits10. Vegetables – the green ones are the most beneficial11. Oatmeal12. Brown rice13. Whole wheat14. Almonds15. Avocados16. Olive oil17. Fish oil

By consuming the above mentioned foods, you will be able to ensure to your body protein from lean sources, good fats and good carbs. The main idea is that you have to stay away from bad fats and to avoid complex carbohydrates. You have notice that lean protein is welcomed, while protein from fatty sources is to be avoided. Fruits and vegetables can be consumed without any restriction because besides nutrients they also contain a high amount of fibers which are helpful in digesting foods and in eliminating toxins.

Stay away from fatty meat, bacon or farmed fish and completely forget about sweets, soda, ice cream, chips or candies. You can also forget about fried food and to start backing or boiling it. Butter and margarine are unhealthy fat sources as well as some oils. Once you truly understand which the bodybuilding foods are, your workout routine will start to produce visible results and your frustration will vanish.

Read more information about Bodybuilding Supplements. Find How to Lose Chest Fat. Also know How to Lose Hip Fat fast and effective.

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Ryan Mutt

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Ryan Mutt

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Nitric Oxide Bodybuilding Supplements – Why You Should Not Buy Nitric Oxide Supplements

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by David J. Washington

Nitric Oxide Bodybuilding Supplements – Why You Should Not Buy Nitric Oxide Supplements – Health – Supplements and Vitamins

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There are a lot of good muscle building products out there, but nitric oxide bodybuilding supplements are NOT among them. These products have super-hyped ads, endorsements from pro bodybuilders, and crazy claims of what they can do for you, but in the end, they are an utter waste of money.

This article will explain the most important reasons for avoiding nitric oxide bodybuilding supplements. Read carefully to avoid wasting your hard earned money on a purchase you will certainly regret. At the end of the article, discover the best possible muscle building guide, information that will actually help you build muscle mass.

What Good Does A Pump Do?

The main thing that these nitric oxide bodybuilding supplements claim to do for you is to give you a “massive pump,” or something along those lines. However, you have to ask yourself: What good does a pump even do for building muscle mass?

The answer is very little. Gaining muscle mass is all about gaining strength. A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period. You can read the horrible advice about supersets, drop sets, and whatever other crazy techniques are in vogue, but that will never change the basics of getting big and strong.

You Can Get A Pump For MUCH Cheaper!

Now if you still are concerned about the pump you get while training, there are MUCH cheaper ways to improve it! Don’t let the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement ads convince you that you need their products to have lots of blood flowing in your muscles.

To get a good pump without spending a ridiculous amount of money on bogus supplements, just eat plenty of starchy carbs, and drink plenty of water before you train. The carbs will be stored as glycogen in your muscle cells, giving them energy and making them appear fuller.

The extra water will be soaked up, to a degree, by the glycogen in your muscles, making them look even fuller and more pumped. All of these carbs and water also help direct blood flow to specific muscle when you use them.

Follow A Proven Guide To Really Build Muscle

You can get all the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement advice you want, but you will never gain an ounce of muscle without following a proven system for your weight training and nutrition. Many people never find this perfect system, and they end up spending many frustrating years in trial and error without making any progress.

Discover the best, most time-tested muscle building program at You will find a system that has help thousands of people get on the right track and start building some serious muscle mass. Don’t get hung up for years using bad advice and poor training techniques.

About the Author

David J. Washington is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit

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David J. Washington is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Strength conditioning coach Bill Gillespie set a open world record for his weight group and gives credit to the best workout and weightlifting supplement on the market, MaxGXL. This supplement is for anyone not just professional athletes. MaxOut your workouts and exercise by taking MaxGXL.Increase your endurance, recovery time, and overall well being.
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Testosterone Booster, Libido Booster, Sleep Enhancer, Bodybuilding Cut, Bodybuilding Pump, Testerrol-o

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Boost Testosterone, Increase Libido, Enhance Sleep, Increase Strength
  • Scientific studies show possesses the following properties : anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-ulcer, anti-stress
  • Proven to acheive more size, better pump, higher reps, more muscle cut and definition.
  • Icreased muscle strength, quicker recovery time, increases body mass and strength, repairs muscle damage.
  • Results can be felt within a few days, while benefits can be seen and belt within a couple of weeks.

Product Description
Testerol-o has the super potent GAMMA ORYZANOL as the primary ingredient. Scientific studies have shown that this nutrient provides a

HUGE array of BENEFITS including

* Bigger, more defined muscles

* Huge boost In Libido

* Increased Lean Muscle Mass

* Reduces unwanted fat

* Better Sleep

* A sense of calmness during the day

* Increased energy

* Increased muscle pump and many more.

Scientific studies have shown that our pr… More >>

Testosterone Booster, Libido Booster, Sleep Enhancer, Bodybuilding Cut, Bodybuilding Pump, Testerrol-o

The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results

August 31, 2012 by  
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Publisher’s note: Your muscles can be, and should be, developed efficiently through intense, brief exercise. Intense, brief exercise works – only, and this is important, if you have the knowledge and the guts to train in this manner. Almost anyone can make it through 3 sets of 12 exercises in 2 hours and call it a workout. But the real renegade is in and out of the gym – after 25 minutes of take-it-to-the-limit, heart-pounding, muscle-burning exercise. That, for t… More >>

The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results

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