Bodybuilding Strategies

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
The book introduces a prioritization scheme of choosing bodybuilding exercises during every training session with the main focus on BONE INTEGRITY and FUNCTIONAL BALANCE. Exercising every region in your body in every training session is a skill and art that you must master if you are serious about living long and healthy life. You can train every muscle every day, within reasonable training time, and at reasonable energy expenditure. Thinking spinal, thinkin… More >>

Bodybuilding Strategies

DianaDrol bodybuilding Mass supplement 100 Capsules

May 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Ideal for competitive athletes.
  • Supports Weight gain.
  • Gain Muscle Mass
  • Improve Recovery
  • Powerlifting Bulk Cycle

Product Description
Dianadrol 100 Capsules Ideal for competitive jocks whether professional or amateur. Utilized for Weight gainer, bulk up, assist grow muscle mass, strength gains, better recovery, amazing muscle pumps, muscle building and powerlifting bulk cycle. Not suggested for women…. More >>

DianaDrol bodybuilding Mass supplement 100 Capsules

Legal Muscle Building Supplements For Bodybuilding

May 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Big Bob

Legal Muscle Building Supplements For Bodybuilding – Health

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If you are like most bodybuilders or powerlifters, you are constantly looking for an edge. When you notice a superior athlete in the gym, you immediately scan the exercise he is completing, looking for any variance in motion you can apply to your own training to gain an advantage. When you see a highly muscular man in the lunch line at work, surely you scan his plate looking for an estimation of the types and total number of grams of protein and carbohydrate that he is consuming. The spike in blood testosterone levels is without a doubt a highly desirable outcome for bodybuilders, and the reason these illegal drugs are so popular. If you’re one of the lucky stiffs with a doctor’s prescription for testosterone, then you are in a very good place. However, since most people don’t have such a luxury, you may be reduced to resorting to online manufacturing firms in China, who can take your money and deliver a counterfeit product with zero recourse from you. What can you do, call the police and tell them China ripped you off on the illegal steroids you were importing?Then, there is a class of drugs known as legal steroids. By simply changing a drug slightly, manufacturers can output a product which is not illegal by any definition. Sure, the drug they deliver will be just as powerful as any other oral steroid on the market. And in time, as the drug finds its place on the map and it develops a solid following, law enforcement agents may pick up on it and take efforts to make it illegal. In an economy like this where law enforcement budgets are being slashed in a major way, the focus of their operations has been reduced to the limiting violent crimes, moving the investigation and often pursuit of legal steroid creation to the back burner for the time being. This means the best legal steroid is getting better each year – without as much legal interference as was seen in the past. The best legal steroid can change from year to year. Currently, it is the Androstenedione products that are making the most waves. As the government detects each of these and makes efforts to move them to the banned list, developers continue to design drugs which are better and better. The resources of the capitalist-driven private sector far outweigh those of law enforcement. As a bodybuilder and a consumer, your best bet is to try today’s batch of pro-hormone supplements and see which one works best for you. Enjoy this time period where legal steroids are allowed to remain legal, and get big!

About the Author

Don’t mess around with illegal steroids. If you want to find the bestLegal Muscle Building Supplements then visit, the leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and muscle building products on the market today!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Big Bob

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Don’t mess around with illegal steroids. If you want to find the bestLegal Muscle Building Supplements then visit, the leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and muscle building products on the market today!

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Primodrol 180 Capsules Steroid Free Bodybuilding Muscle Enhancer Metabolism Supplement

May 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Build Muscle Mass
  • Improve Protein Synthesis
  • Improve Vascularity
  • Jump Start Bulking Cycle
  • Increase Energy

Product Description
Primodrol 180 Capsules. For rock hard abs and massively lean biceps, rapid gains in strength, massive muscle pumps, gains in lean muscle mass, no water retention, and an overall increase in energy. Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement… More >>

Primodrol 180 Capsules Steroid Free Bodybuilding Muscle Enhancer Metabolism Supplement

PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 180 Capsules

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • get shredded
  • rapid strength gains
  • massive muscle pumps
  • lean muscle mass gains
  • increases vascularity

Product Description
Primodrol 180 Capsules For rock hard lean muscle mass building. Get rock hard abs and massively lean biceps with only 30 days of use. Users report rapid gains in strength within the first week of use, massive muscle pumps, gains in lean muscle mass, no water retention, and an overall increase in energy…. More >>

PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 180 Capsules

Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate, 500-Gram Plastic Jars

April 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Contains only pure pharmaceutical grade creatine monohydrate
  • Contains 100% contaminant-free creatine monohydrate
  • Increases muscle stores of creatine by as much as 50%, resulting in lean body mass gaines

Product Description
Dietary Supplement. 100% lab tested pure. Labrada Creatine Monohydrate contains only pure pharmaceutical grade creatine monohydrate. Research shows that oral administration of creatine, several times daily, increases muscle stores of creatine by as much as 50%, resulting in lean body mass gains. Creatine supplementation may also increase muscle torque production, reduce plasma ammonia, and aid muscle fiber in maintaining a higher phosphocreatine level, resulting in … More >>

Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate, 500-Gram Plastic Jars

Winning Bodybuilding

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Winning Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Training or Powerlifting Training?

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Bob Giddy

The sport of powerlifting is one that was spawned from bodybuilding training as many of the desired outcomes are essentially the same for both sports. The techniques and practices in bodybuilding training and powerlifting training can benefit each other, however the major difference is in the competitions which powerlifters and bodybuilders enter. As a bodybuilder the aim is to look as big and as defined as possible, whereas in powerlifting the aim is to lift as much weight as possible.

If you want to enter powerlifting competitions you’ll have to compete over three sections, the squat, the bench press and the dead lift. The winner of the competition unlike bodybuilding is no based on how good you muscles look but how much weight you can lift in total. If you enter a competition you’ll be put in a certain category or class depending on a number of factors such as age and experience. You don’t have to worry about your body’s aesthetics as you do in bodybuilding, so you can focus 100% on training your strength instead.

Like bodybuilding, powerlifters still need to eat well balanced healthy diets incorporating plenty of protein and enough calories to ensure optimum muscle growth. Avoid fried foods, fast foods and other sources of bad fats and bad carbohydrates. Try and eat plenty of vegetables, pasta and high protein sources such as turkey and chicken. Don’t forget that powerlifting is not about having the lowest body fat percentage or having the highest muscular definition, so you don’t have to worry about a bit of extra fat.

If you want to power lift you need to follow a strict training program as you would if you were training to be a bodybuilder. Make sure that you schedule rest days into your training program to allow your body and muscles to grow and repair between training sessions. Many serious powerlifters and bodybuilders often take a rest week, every twelve weeks or so to reduce stress and allow the body to rest and recover which will enable you to keep training harder and longer and give you a chance to properly reassess your goals and training routine.

Like any sport, you need to set goals and have a detailed training program as a power lifter to keep you focused and on track. Reassess your goals often; stay positive and dedicated and you’ll be winning competitions in no time.

Do you want to learn how to pack on massive muscle, melt away fat and get the body of your dreams? If so, get your hands on free bodybuilding training tips for beginner bodybuilders by clicking the following link:

More Powerlifting Training Articles

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Bodybuilding Nutrition

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

  • Softcover. 220 pgs

Product Description
A bodybuilder can do all the reps and all the sets he or she wants, but it’s fertile unless one has the right fuel. Ironman magazine and Peter Sisco have collaborated once again in the Ironman series to bring readers the most up-to-date and proven information on nutrition. This guide includes the real scoop on protein, diet secrets for getting “ripped”, and roles that various supplements play in building muscle mass.
— Contains the latest information on suppleme… More >>

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Bodybuilding Nutrition

ADrol 100 Tablets Bodybuilding Supplement

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Muscle Building Supplement
  • Massive Muscle Pumps
  • No Water Retention
  • Increase In Energy
  • Bodybuilding Supplement

Product Description
ADrol 100 Tablets Bodybuilding Strength and Mass Cycle Support. Promotes extensive gains in body mass, weight gain by greatly improving protein synthesis and raising serum testosterone levels. When used to jumpstart bulking cycles, Anadroll can cause a rapid, equal buildup of both strength and weight with mind blowing muscle pumps, accelerated recovery time and rapid strength gains. Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement… More >>

ADrol 100 Tablets Bodybuilding Supplement

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