Bodybuilding Supplements are not a short cut to bodybuilding success.

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by John Campbell

Bodybuilding Supplements are not a short cut to bodybuilding success.The fantastically developed bodies you see featured in the bodybuilding magazines are all remarkable and unique but they have one thing in common.

They will have all been built in much the same way…

Compound Exercises Bodybuilders train hard and consistently over a lot of years. Their bodies are forged by compound exercises, mainly The Squat, Bench Press and Military Press. The weights used for bodybuilding will be heavy and in the 8 to 12 reps ranges to encourage hypertrophy and they will have consistently added a little bit more weight each and every session.You can be sure the bodybuilder with that incredible physique trained extremely hard until they failed to do another a rep.

Bodybuilders eat very well and understand their own nutritional requirements.Most of their bodybuilding nutrients will come from balanced meals with protein mainly from whole sources of chicken, beef, other meats and fish.The remainder of the bodybuilding meal is a balance of carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Bodybuilders also know that eating can be as hard as the training, splitting the vast amount of food they need to eat to gain the calories for muscle growth over 6 meals a day. If they cannot face consuming yet another high protein meal they will knock back a protein shake or meal replacement bar.Not only will they have the knowledge of good bodybuilding supplements and nutrition they will also have the will power to avoid the ubiquitous junk food which plagues the high street. They will also be found drinking plenty of simple good clear water instead of drinking growth stunting beers and wine.

Bodybuilding with Chemical Assistance Steroids could be referred to as extreme bodybuilding supplements.The more honest of these bodybuilding elite may well admit to help from steroids. The boost that steroids give is the ability to spend many extra hours in the gym that would be impossible without chemical assistance.

Steroids are not the easy route to bodybuilding success you still need to have the fortitude of mind and the willingness to sacrifice the time to put the hard work in to make your body grow to the extreme proportions that make a mention in the magazines.

The use and risk of steroids is well documented and like religion and politics people will get cross and angry trying to enforce their view on others and nothing will change. The people that are going to use them will use them. The people that do not want to use them are not forced to take them either.

It is a matter of personal choice. Nothing said here will dissuade either otherwise.

And before anybody writes in, does not advocate the use of steroids and that is our choice.

Bodybuilding Supplements are not a short cut to bodybuilding success.One thing for sure is that the bodybuilding elite did not get big because they took a bodybuilding supplement and equally as sure is you will not either.

As the name suggest they are merely a supplement only and will not take the place of proper nutrition and damned hard work.

It is my opinion supplements do not build muscles, training hard, eating and drinking well and getting plenty of rest build muscle.

Do not take my word!With the internet being the truly wonderful resource it is you can within one hour be able to draw you own conclusion about bodybuilding supplements. Do not even take my word for this, do your own research; be mindful of the creditability and credentials of the source and why they may say what they are saying and how they arrived at that conclusion.

Bodybuilding is a great sport and past time but it is being used to make money by selling bodybuilding supplements to people who want ‘it’ quicker than what their body can deliver.

Find out more about bodybuilding supplements now, your health, longevity and your wallet depends on it!I know how hard it can be to achieve Bodybuilding Success It takes a lot of know how, effort and time and does not come in a shake, a tub or a tablet. If you want to really want eye turning muscle mass in the shortest time possible you will need an action plan.Learn the essentials of effective, time saving muscle building in my free report here: Muscle Building Action Plan

My keeping fit interest are weight training, martial arts and mountaining boarding. My sat at a chair interest are my websites such as how to bodybuilding,these only make me a small amount of money so I work as a Building Surveyor. I like to write articles and I am available for hire. Here is an example: am 51 years old grey hair and all!

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The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding

January 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Are you interested in building dense, strong muscle?
Do you want to know the best way to build muscle fast?
Do you want a workout and Nutrition plan to completely suit you?

Then the Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding is what you’re looking for. Our complete no-nonsense approach to building muscle and losing fat will help you to the physique you desire in next to no time!

The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding covers the two main par… More >>

The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding

‘Muscle Confusion Myth’ – Don’t Let it Hold Back Your Bodybuilding Progress

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Scott Abbett

Why is it that so many myths and downright idiocies become commonplace acceptances within the bodybuilding and fitness industries? Does it stem from widespread use of anabolic steroids – resulting in general ignorance among those considered to be experts by mere exhibition of their overdeveloped musculatures? Is it perpetuated by fitness trainers who’d like nothing more than to convince their clients that there’s more esotericism to working the body than one might originally suspect? These questions might be worth contemplating if you’re one of the many people who are dissatisfied with their body improvement efforts.

Nothing could undermine those efforts more than any bodybuilding principle that holds the same level of erroneousness as the “muscle confusion myth.” The attempts of some to make it a credible and scientific-sounding muscle building principle go back a long way – at least forty years. And yet anyone with an inkling of understanding about the mechanics of muscle anabolism would quickly surmise that ‘muscle confusion’ is a myth at best and a well-conceived farce at worst.

In my twenty-five years of natural bodybuilding, I’ve observed that a belief in the muscle confusion myth can severely hamper progress. I’ve also noticed that adherence to a principle that runs contrarian to ‘muscle confusion’ can send bodybuilding and fitness progress skyrocketing. More about that in a few moments.

The idea behind ‘Muscle Confusion’

No doubt you’ve heard the ‘muscle confusion myth’ as the premise behind many common workout sayings:

“You’ve got to change your routine a lot or your muscles will get used to the same one and stop growing.”

“You’ve got to ‘trick’ your muscles and keep them guessing.”

“If muscle growth hits a plateau, you have to ‘shock’ the tissue in order to resume progress.”

“Changing your workout routine often will give you a better ‘pump’, which leads to more muscle growth.”

The sayings above might be completely laughable except for one thing: Like many myths and misconceptions, the ‘muscle confusion myth’ evolved out of a truism that obviously became distorted over time. Muscles CAN become “adaptive” to whatever you throw at them. However, what they become adaptive to that requires constant augmentation is the “volume load” – NOT the exercise selection or workout sequencing. So if the muscles are not ‘volume overloaded’ and adequately recuperated between those volume overload sessions (workouts), they simply stop making progress.

Key point: If only one of those two requirements is not optimal, muscle building will hit a plateau. In other words, if the muscles are hit with enough intensity during workouts yet recuperation between workouts is inadequate, muscle growth will come to a screeching halt. Conversely, if muscles aren’t hit with sufficient intensity to stimulate ‘volume overload’, progress will likewise cease to exist.

Failure to understand this basic principle of bodybuilding and fitness has led many body improvement aspirants to buy into the tenets of ‘the muscle confusion myth.’ If their progress stops, they’re told to simply “change their routine.” Yet a simple change of routine typically yields little (if anything) for the following reason:

Muscles are Incapable of being “Confused”

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (there’s good news to follow), but muscles cannot be confused, baffled, perplexed, puzzled, or even “bewildered” in any way. That goes for the entire body (with the exception of the mind, of course) as well. Despite the claims of marketers who are looking to cash in on the rehashing of an old buzzword, we cannot “muscle confuse” our way to a better shape.

The reason: muscle is merely comprised of contractile tissue made of two proteins – actin and myosin. This makes it pretty simple stuff that’s responsive to sound principles of “precision overload” and “optimized recuperation.”

The ‘Muscle Confusion Myth’ can slow down progress

Some gym-goers and home workout enthusiasts are changing their routines on no less than a weekly basis. The rationale behind this is the chasing of that elusive evidence that their muscles are being adequately confused and that the resultant ‘muscle pump’ they perceive will be an assurance of bodybuilding progress. Sadly, they’re often slowing down their progress and wasting valuable time that could have been spent doing something better – such as simply hitting the beach and enjoying the results of effective bodybuilding.

The muscle confusion myth can slow progress by creating what I’ve termed “feedback confusion.” Whatever goals we have in our lives – whether that’s building a better body or building a beautiful house in the country, etc… whatever – we need to become sensitive to feedback in our strategies. Excessive changing of a bodybuilding or fitness routine can make meaningful feedback nearly impossible to read and interpret.

Here’s what Works better than trying to “Confuse” the Muscles

Let’s take a look at a big secret I’ve discovered from over two decades of bodybuilding experience with average genetics and absolutely no steroid use. Here it is in a nutshell:

“The workout routine needs to be somewhat rigid (once optimized) and the recuperation time between workouts needs to be flexible (even while being close to optimal).”

Most bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts do the opposite and experience lackluster results. They “mix up” their workout routines (creating ‘feedback confusion’) and nearly go into a depression if they miss a workout because they think it will result in a setback. Their rest days between workouts are rigid – as if they’ve made a pact with their muscle tissue and the tissue has agreed to recuperate in the time that’s been allotted. Evidence that this thinking is erroneous is presented every time a bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast says the following:

“I took two weeks off from my workouts and I thought I’d get weak and I came back stronger.”

Could that be because it’s the recuperation phase that’s most susceptible to variables that can change its time requirement?

My advice: Use that as your clue to success and leave the “muscle confusion myth” to those who choose to be… well – “perpetually confused.”

Scott Abbett is the mind/body connection expert of bodybuilding and fitness. By combining his experience of twenty-four years of natural bodybuilding, seven years of NLP and Sport’s Mental Training, and two tours through Navy SEAL Training, he shows his clients and readers how to finally achieve their fitness dreams by adding the one thing that’s been missing from their physical regimen all along; their dormant mental powers.

You can visit his website at

The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started in Bodybuilding

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started In Bodybuilding provides newcomers with a sound, systematic approach to realizing their muscular potentials through proper weight lifting. Designed to get beginners motivated and keep them motivated while providing them with a solid foundation on which to build, it: Coaches readers in bodybuilding fundamentals, such as proper form and the best numbers of reps and sets Describes specialized routines for different muscle … More >>

The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
From the pages of Muscle & Fitness magazine comes Bodybuilding 101, a complete motivational how-to guide based on Robert Wolff’s immensely popular column in the world-renowned fitness magazine. Covering everything from nutrition basics, common training mistakes, and powerful mental strategies to specialized training for your body type and the 22 best machine exercises, Bodybuilding 101 appeals to men and women of all ages, from beginner to advanced fitness enthusias… More >>

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want

How to Build Muscle Fast in Bodybuilding

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Franchis Adam

Nowadays people are getting crazy about bodybuilding. Hey! You wannabe a muscle man don’t you? Well, it’s not a big deal. Gaining muscle fast is quite possible. But it requires some strategy. The strategy has three main elements. First is weight training through weight or hydraulic resistance equipment. Secondly, high level nutrition intake supplemented by extra proteins is equally important. Third, taking rest for recuperation between workouts will serve the real purpose.

Weight training is critically needed for a sculpted body with prominent muscles. Here weight training should not be confused with strength training. Weight training builds muscle fast whereas strength training helps strengthen muscles and increases muscle flexibility. Weight training is not started abruptly. It should be preceded by some stretching and warm up exercises. Cycling, running and jogging are some good warm up exercises. Sit ups and push ups exercises constitute important elements in bodybuilding program.

It is always better to set a goal for the build muscle fast program. Build a three months program. In the first month the number of sit ups and push ups should be kept up to 15. It should be done in three sets followed by weight training. Weight training should be started with mild weight. It slowly improves the stamina and endurance of the body. Moreover, it should always be targeted to the major muscle groups such as biceps, triceps, and thigh and abdomen muscles.

In the second month the number of sit ups and push ups may be increased up to 50 in a week. The quantity of weight in the weight lifting should be increased as per stamina. The number of repetitions in the weigh lifting should be increased. In the third month the pace of sit ups and sit ups should be maintained with minor additions in the exercises. The quantity of weight should be increased to give maximum stretch to the muscles. But the build muscles fast program is still incomplete. What is missing here is the nutrition.

Adequate nutrition is must for the muscle building program. A body builder needs more carbohydrate and proteins than an average person. During weight training and other exercises muscles undergo micro tears which later recuperate. Therefore body demands extra energy and nutrition. Extra energy is provided by carbohydrate and protein works as bodybuilding substance. Therefore an ideal diet for muscle gaining program should incorporate protein and carbohydrate enriched food such as rice, oats, nuts, mutton, soy, fruits and green vegetables. In addition to it, plenty of water intakes are also must. It helps in digestion and keeps body metabolism in good condition. This is all about how to build muscle fast. Just keep it up and see the difference within six months. Good luck!!

You can Build Muscle Fast by buying Bodybuilding supplements and Legal Steroids.

Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by mely salv

Gym workout programs can vary dramatically from bodybuilder to bodybuilder. One gym bodybuilding workout for one bodybuilding enthusiast can deliver outstanding results while another gym workouts can be quite a disappointment for another bodybuilder.

After 1000s of bodybuilding fitness consulting sessions, and publishing a trendy weight training guide, I constantly teach bodybuilders a results proven gym workouts routine that builds muscle fast.

All you have to perform is follow my 8 Gym workouts Bodybuilding Tips and you’ll soon see your muscle building results double.

8 Gym Bodybuilding Workout Tips

1. Have a very clear weight lifting routine purpose.Upon entering the gym it really is imperative to use a clear bodybuilding routine course of action. You need to understand what exactly exercises you will perform, simply how much weight you need to lift, and exactly how many reps you should beat. Therefore, the whole bodybuilding routine is 100% planned, occur stone, ahead of beginning your gym workout. You have to approach the fitness center using a definite plan, and purpose.

2. Be in a “warrior” high intensity weight lifting frame of mind.It is vital to enter the fitness center workout focused. I can remember entering a health club and instantly starting out perspire. I mentally had worked myself up into state of intense weight lifting desire. This really is before I lifted one weight. It is called focus, and anticipation.

Bodybuilding email address details are only seen if you force you to ultimately grow. That can high intensity weight training, along with ultra high mental focus. Your mind ought to be totally dedicated to conquering the subsequent rep. It is important to imagine yourself forcing out that certain additional muscle building repetition.

In the effective gym workout, your attitude, and drive determines your altitude of muscle development.

3. Target effective pre- gym workout bodybuilding nutrition.Make sure you ingest a tiny bit of complex carbohydrates, and protein approximately 2 hours prior to beginning your gym workouts. This will assure you of having the adequate numbers of energy producing nutrients to expel within your intense weight lifting session.

Another essential gym workouts tip is always to remember to be properly hydrated with, preferably, water. You should be consuming a minimum of one-half of your respective bodyweight in ounces every day.

Bodybuilding training preparations are like space shuttle preparations. Your ultimate goal should be to buy your system ready for the high intensity body building blast off.

4. Do you bring your bodybuilding workout log to your gym workouts?One of the greatest mistakes bodybuilders consistently make is neglecting to follow how much they weigh lifting progress. Without measuring progress, there generally is nothing improvement. Can you be sure what you are suppose to conquer for those who have no data? How can a mall set sales goals if they do not track sales? It’s just absolutely silly seeing bodybuilders completing their gym workouts without recording data. That what exactly is not measured is not going to improve.

5. Gym workouts are for training, not socializing.Remember, you’re in the gym to acquire muscle development results. In case you are talking and goofing around, how on the globe are you able to be ultra dedicated to gonna war while using weights? Get a work done, then socialize if you wish. I tell my clients to stay focused, , nor allow distractions. Target conquering that near impossible, muscle growth repetition.

6. Use only proven bodybuilding program principles.Don’t tune in to Joe Bodybuilders newest theory on building muscle. Follow what has been scientifically which may work. Stay away from all of the gym chatter boating. To learn each of the sophisticated proven bodybuilding principles visit my muscle building weight training exercise guide presented in digital audio. Bodybuilding Performed correcly is a the best way to bodybuilding audio revealing the proven scientific bodybuilding program principle the pros use, but will not share.

7. Avoid Overtraining.When you have completed your pre-designed 100% intense bodybuilding routine, it’s about time to get out of a health club, and go back home and grow. Hold yourself back from doing one extra set. Remember, more is not necessarily better. Stick to your plan. With good intensity body building you need less amount of work. Any extra basic weight training exercises may be a bad idea in your bodybuilding muscle growth.

Escape the fitness center, and let your body compensate, and then overcompensate with added weight loss muscle tissue.

Also, ensure your system has fully recovered through the previous gym workouts prior to deciding to train again.

8. Begin the process of recovery with optimal bodybuilding nutrition.You have an hour after your intense weight training workout to replenish your glycogen levels, thus, aiding in the body building, and process of recovery. Take in two parts complex or simple carbohydrates with one part protein. It is deemed an important bodybuilding tip which has been which can aid in the muscle recovery, and building process. So power your gym workouts with your proven tips.

They’re 8 important gym workouts tips that should be followed. Following these bodybuilding workout tips will do wonders for the weightlifting, body building results.

To learn more with this good topic Please check the page provided. gym training

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The Importance Of Bodybuilding T Shirts And Other Workout Clothes

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Julian Hee

When it comes to the clothes that people may have to wear when they exercise, bodybuilding t shirts can have a high importance. There are many reasons for which casual tops and other similar clothes may be valuable. When workout is involved, individuals must wear quality and comfortable clothes, because otherwise, they may not feel good and their energy while exercising may decrease.

No matter if people workout using weights or they practice aerobic, baseball, football or tennis, it may be recommended to cover their joints first. Also, it may be recommended to wear sweat pants and a sweat t shirt that are both made from a thin material. The clothes should be from a thin material instead of thick, that is light and that can give a comfort sensation during exercises.

Bodybuilding t shirts can be used for more than workout and they can be taken to various places. Peoples should not worry about their clothes when they exercise, or do other similar activities. Worrying will only distract them from what really matters: building a beautiful body.

Because, according to medics, the most common injuries can happen to elbows, knees, or low back, wearing joints may be recommended. The clothes should not be loss fitting, but tight fitting on the body, in order to allow blood circulation. During workout, the muscles have to receive as much oxygen as they can for eliminating toxins.

The risk of being injured when exercising is also increased when the clothes are not covering large parts of the body. The muscles need to be warm to avoid various injuries and not using a t shirt can keep the muscles cold. Wearing quality clothes help people to minimize the risks, generate a lot of sweat and burn fat more efficiently.

Wearing more than three shirts at once for trying to sweat more may not be wise, as this is too much for the body. People could dehydrate seriously in this way and because of this they should drink a lot of water, prior to beginning the exercises.

Because the bodybuilding routine is a fact for many people, it may be better to wear the proper clothes when going to the gym, or other places that involve sport and exercises. Being comfortable and receiving all the oxygen that the muscles need, may be very important and for this to be achieved, people can wear bodybuilding t shirts.

Julian Hee is a fitness enthusiast who started bodybuilding guide, which is about workout routine and bodybuilding supplements that work: protein powder, creatine monohydrate, meal replacement bar, glutamine, etc.

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Three female bodybuilding Workout Exercises

December 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Workouts made specifically for women must be specified to cater her bodys needs as well as help her get the ideal look that female bodybuilders seek. Followed is a detailed explanation of three exercises that have helped women throughout the years to attain their goals for bodybuilding.

Dumbbell Press On Ball

A large ball and two dumbbells is all it takes to perform this exercise. Start by lying down on the ball with your back so that it supports your upper back. With a dumbbell in both of your hands, push straight up into the air ten times. Perform two sets of ten after you take a break in between for about a minute. The chest and the rear of the arms are the main targets of this exercise.

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Hold a barbell while bending at 30 degrees and holding your back upright. Suspend the barbell in the air while holding it in your palms.

Pull the weights with your elbows kept inside. This exercise is extremely efficient for developing your back while burning calories.


To perform squats, you’ll need a barbell that’s on a rack. Using your shoulders, lift it up behind them. Squat down and raise yourself back up. This exercise will help you achieve a toned butt and strong legs. This exercise is compound as it affects all muscles from down to your legs all the way up to your back and your shoulders.

The exercises discussed prior to this are ideal for female bodybuilders because they help develop the entire body. To work efficiently, you’ll need to incorporate them into a regular exercise routine. A proper workout doesn’t only include those exercises, however, but many more. Make sure that your workout is including exercises that develop all of your muscle groups.

If you want to lose fat and get the perfect body, you have to have good nutrition along with exercise. This is because you need the building blocks and energy to make muscle as well.

Discover more about losing body fat and suggested program to how to become a female fitness model here. Click the How to become a female fitness model to Read more…

Sandow the Magnificent: Eugen Sandow and the Beginnings of Bodybuilding

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Before Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Reeves, or Charles Atlas, there was German-born Eugen Sandow (1867-1925), a muscular vaudeville strongman who used his good looks, intelligence, and business savvy to forge a fitness empire. “Sandow the Magnificent” is the story of this first showman to emphasize physique display rather than lifting prowess. Sandow’s is also the story of the earliest days of the fitness movement, during which he established a worldwide chain of gy… More >>

Sandow the Magnificent: Eugen Sandow and the Beginnings of Bodybuilding

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