Beginning Bodybuilding: Real Muscle/Real Fast

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Prepare to look, feel, and perform better than you ever have before! Why bodybuilding? Put simply, lifting weights–or resistance training–is one of the best ways to achieve total body health and fitness. Research has shown time and again that pumping iron provides a host of benefits: Bigger muscles, of course, but also greater strength, higher bone density, and improved cardiovascular capacity. Adding muscle also naturally ignites your body’s interna… More >>

Beginning Bodybuilding: Real Muscle/Real Fast

The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer: The Art, Science and Philosophy of a Bodybuilding Legend

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
The last word on how to build a better body–from the late, great Mike Mentzer With his revolutionary “Heavy Duty” system, Mike Mentzer changed the way bodybuilders train, showing them that “less is more” when it comes to making great gains. In The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer, you will discover Mike’s most advanced training techniques and philosophies–previously known only to his inner circle and personal clients. Drawing upon never-before-released material… More >>

The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer: The Art, Science and Philosophy of a Bodybuilding Legend

Parabal Bodybuilding Supplements

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Promotes a lean and hard “ripped” physique
  • Stimulate appetite to reduce fat deposited in the body
  • Does not cause bloating or water retention
  • Not toxic to the liver or kidneys.
  • Made from the purest, proven raw ingredients

Product Description
Parabol is used in cutting cycles when quality muscle gain is favored over bloating and water retention. It increases body mass more effectively than by weight training alone by increasing the nitrogen uptake in the muscles, leading to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. May stimulate appetite to reduce the amount of fat deposited in the body, and decrease the rate of catabolism. Does not cause water retention, insomnia, or high blood pressure. Not toxic t… More >>

Parabal Bodybuilding Supplements

Joe Weider’s Bodybuilding System/Book and Charts

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Joe Weider’s Bodybuilding System/Book and Charts

Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Here for the first time in one volume are all the basic and revolutionary concepts on exercise, training principles, contest preparation, diet and nutrition that have evolved into modern bodybuilding from the man who stands at the forefront of the sport. The “Encyclopaedia of modern bodybuilding” will answer every question any dedicated bodybuilder of bodybuilding enthusiast could ever think to ask. It is an exhaustive reference and instructional manual covering eve… More >>

Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Nutrition For Training Endurance

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

As you probably almost certainly already know, most of your success in competitive bodybuilding will be determined by the set of genetic gifts (or lack thereof) with which you were born. It doesn’t take a scientist in a white lab coat to ascertain the fact that all thing equal, Ronnie Coleman was going to be more successful in bodybuilding than say, a person with the physique of a Lance Armstrong. Our propensity to hold muscle is pre-determined. We can only work within its boundaries to become the best individual bodybuilder that our genetics will allow us to become.

That being said, we will all fall into our own genetic categories and end up on the local, regional, state, or even national stage, should we choose to complete. Once we are within the ranks of where our genetics allow us to reach, another factor is just about the sole determinant in how high we are able o soar in the bodybuilding universe. Here’s a hint: It isn’t training. No matter how hard you train, no matter how intense your workouts are, the limiting factor in how close you come to reaching your genetic potential is another factor: Nutrition.

Nutrition is the key to all things bodybuilding. If you want to be the best at your level, you have to make sure your nutrition works to fully support your goals. Your training will be much like the training of your peers – as hard as you can train, as frequent as you can train. The nutritional plan you follow will set you apart in the recovery and growth phase.

If you’re ready to get serious about nutrition, you’re probably ready to focus upon learning more about the tenets you should be following to allow you the most efficient training. First off you need a solid base of good, clean, slow-burning carbohydrates. Slamming a Red Bull before your workout might feel great, but the skewed insulin sensitivity your body experiences following such indulgence won’t help you grow. You need to consume complex carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, and sweet potatoes.

When it comes to protein, the slow-burners are also your best bet for the most successful training platforms. Whey is very quickly digested, and will be on its way down your digestive track in less than 30 minutes. This is useful for workout recovery – but if you want the most proteins present through a tough workout, sources such as beef, casein, or chicken are going to be safer bets. The higher the fat content of a protein, the slower it will be digested.

Fats are the final group whose consumption should be planned and implemented. A nice combination of fish oil and flax oil, mixed with a diet containing almond, red meat and milk will deliver the fats you need to shine through long and strenuous workouts.

The bottom line is that all other factors equal (including genetics), those bodybuilders whose diet delivers for endurance will see the most success in the gym – and the resulting growth will put them first on the stage!

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics.

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Bodybuilding Tips

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

As you embark on the strictest of routine for bodybuilding, you have to realize that your body will be going through a lot of strain. So you must allow it to have enough nutrients to keep going. Have regular meals throughout the day. Eat at least 6 meals a day. However, never overeat. And it is to stop you from gorging that we are suggesting you to have a number of meals so that you never go hungry. With the food, also have plenty of water everyday. Workouts involve a lot of sweating so to keep your body hydrated drink anything between four and five liters of water everyday.

Check your Gym

Before you enroll for a gym try to find out if they have all the facilities on offer which you are looking for or not. And apart from the facilities, what you will also need is a qualified trainer who can guide you through the entire process of bodybuilding.

Although many of us do not lay that much stress on this and just go to the nearest gym, it is something you should never ignore if you are truly keen on bodybuilding. You will be investing a lot on your membership fee, so you should not compromise. The other thing you must do before joining the gym is to consult your personal physician to make sure your body will be able to withstand the workout you are planning to undertake.

Figure Out a Routine

Once you have joined the gym, the next thing you will need to do is to figure out which are the exercises that work the best for you. While your trainer at the gym will be the best person to help you out, you can also help yourself by reading up on the topic. A huge amount of writing could be found on the Internet. However, you should make sure that you are referring to the proper articles, as on the net you can also get a lot of trash. Once you know the routine, you will have to single-mindedly pursue that routine. Give the best you have, maybe a bit more. However, you must remember a few of things. First of all, do plenty of stretches and warm up your body so that all the muscles are loose and in the right condition to undertake more rigorous challenges. Secondly, ensure that you have the right posture while performing the exercises. Thirdly, you should not push your body excessively as it might lead to breakdown.

Allow the Body to Rest

In your routine you should allow at least one off day every week so that your body has enough time to recuperate. Since bodybuilding involves a lot of strain on your muscles, there can be minor wear and tear over the week of exercise and this rest day allows the body the time to fix such issues. Also when you are planning the workout routine with your trainer do not suggest that you want to improve only your biceps or abs. Remember that the best of bodybuilders give equal importance to all the parts of their body. The other thing that you can do is to add variety to your training routine. This will kill boredom and you will be able to stay focused.

Be Mindful of Your Eating Habits

While lot of exercise and careful eating habits will greatly improve your features, for many bodybuilders a major issue becomes gaining body mass without gaining extra fat. The solution is to add proper supplements to your regular diet. That way you can gain body mass quickly and help develop your muscles in a shorter span of time.

INFORMATION ON PROHORMONES we suggest you stay away from pro hormones they are unstable and dangerous!!! IAD (I-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol) is the precursor to I-Testosterone and has similar pros and cons. However, as there are conversion byproducts here, there is an increase in the risk of side effects. Moreover, it offers a lower efficiency than I-Testosterone as only a part of it is converted in the conversion process. 4-AD (4-androstenediol) is another precursor to testosterone and offers the same benefits. However, as in the case of IAD, there is a conversion process here which leads to an increase in the conversion of metabolites. In addition to this, there is a decrease in the amount of converted testosterone wherein there may be side effects. Nordiol (19-nor-4-androstenediol) is another pro-hormone that doesn’t convert into testosterone. Instead it converts to nortestosterone to produce less androgenic effects and side effects. Thought there is no conversion to estrogen with typical pathways, you find that it produces unwanted estrogen through progesterone pathway. 1, 4-Andro (1, 4-androstadiene-3, 17-Dione) is a pro-hormone that has relatively fewer side effects. One of its side effects is water retention. However, it is a pro-hormone that has sufficient anabolic properties and also converts to estrogen in its conversion process. There is a possibility of an increase in estrogen related side effects like water retention, gynecomastia
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Bodybuilding Foods That Will Help You Bulk Up And Still Stay Healthy

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

It is really important that if you are going to seriously get into bodybuilding, you have to start eating the right types of bodybuilding foods. If you are working out every day, but not eating the right foods, you are not going to achieve the results you are after, and will soon give up on your goals of being totally ripped. But, when you are eating bodybuilding foods in addition to working out, you are going to achieve your goals, and do it a lot quicker.

The Top Healthy Bodybuilding Foods

There are many healthy foods that you can eat when you are trying to gain muscle but make sure that you do not gain fat at the same time. Foods that are low in fat and high in protein are excellent for this, and with protein being an essential tool for bodybuilders, these are the foods that you should be eating when you are trying to bulk up while still being healthy. You will find that there are many food choices available to you, but there are some that are better than others for providing protein and the other nutrients that we all need to be healthy.

Egg Whites – The benefits of eggs have long been known to bodybuilders, and they are probably the first type of protein supplement that was ever used. But today, we also know that whole eggs are not always the healthiest choices, especially if they are not prepared in a healthy fashion. You can get all of the protein benefits that eggs have to offer just by eating the egg whites, and there are many different things that you can do with them to keep your diet creative, even if you are using egg whites as bodybuilding foods. You can enjoy delicious egg white omelets, or use egg whites to make eggnogs (using artificial sweetener of course). If you don’t have the patience to separate eggs yourself, you can purchase egg whites at any supermarket.

It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your level of fitness is. We all get the urge for a tasty sweet treat now and again. Even bodybuilders! But, even though we have these cravings, it is important to try to satisfy them with treats that are healthy and diet friendly. When it comes to egg whites, you can create sweet treats in a matter of minutes that will satisfy your cravings, but have no fat, very few calories, and are loaded with protein. You can make meringue cookies with egg whites, a few drops of lemon extract and some artificial sweetener. They only take a few minutes to bake, and they are delicious, healthy treats that even make great bodybuilding foods.

Salmon – Salmon, as well as many other types of fish, are very high in protein, not to mention omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely important. Salmon is also loaded with the good, unsaturated fats that everyone, including bodybuilders, need to have in their diets. The best way to have salmon is in a fillet, either baked or broiled. When you fry it, you get the additional oils that are not healthy, unless of course you are using olive oil, which is also loaded with protein and other nutrients. It is better to go right to the fish section of your supermarket to get fresh salmon, as it has the most nutritional benefits. If you are unable to get fresh salmon, frozen will also do the trick.

The healthiest way to prepare your salmon, especially if you are using it as one of your bodybuilding foods, is to bake it. The easiest way to do so is to simply get rid of all the bones, place it on a baking sheet with your favorite seasonings (lemon pepper is really nice on salmon), and bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes, or until it is flaky and pink in the center.

Sweet Potatoes – This is something that is becoming more and more popular these days, and unlike the sticky sweet potato dishes you are used to seeing at family get-togethers, there are actually many healthy dishes you can make with this vegetable. And, just one ounce of sweet potatoes will provide you with four grams of protein, and added to meat and other vegetables, you can get much of the protein you need in a day in one single meal.

If you love sweet potato fries, but don’t want to have the grease and fat that goes with them, you can still enjoy this tasty treat. Cut your sweet potatoes to look like fries, but instead of deep frying them, bake them in the oven. They will come out crispy and tasty, but be a much healthier alternative to their greasy counterpart.

Getting enough Protein Is Essential

Even if you are eating all kinds of healthy bodybuilding foods, you may still not be getting enough protein in your diet, which is essential if you really want to bulk up, and have the energy to do it. If this is the case for you, it is a good idea to add protein supplements to your diet. Not only will you be getting the additional protein you need, you will also be getting many other vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that our bodies need, whether or not we are into bodybuilding. You will find that there are many different types of protein supplements available, and the ones you use will really depend on your needs, your personal tastes, and your lifestyle.



They Great Thing About Bodybuilding Nutrition Is That You Get To Eat A lot

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Some athletes may not give too much thought as to what they eat. They just know what they should eat and then they eat it. They don’t eat too much or too little and they likely never count calories. Bodybuilding nutrition is different. Bodybuilding nutrition requires a lot of eating. That’s because with bodybuilding nutrition you’re looking to always fuel your muscles, whereas performance nutrition only has you eating to get results out of a single event.

Bodybuilding nutrition has changed over the years. It used to be that bodybuilding was all about how big you got and so bodybuilding nutrition consisted mainly of eating everything in sight. This resulted in a lot of muscle gain, but it also resulted in fat gain. Bodybuilding nutrition has now become much more scientific.

Goal Oriented Nutrition

Bodybuilding nutrition today consists of scientifically getting the right amounts of nutrients in your body at certain times. For instance, bodybuilding nutrition includes lots of protein for muscle building, it includes lots of carbs for muscle fuel and it includes fat as well to help coat the muscles and to help them work more efficiently. However, bodybuilding nutrition depends on the bodybuilder’s goal. And no two bodybuilders likely eat the same thing or the same way.

Bulking And Cutting

Bodybuilding nutrition depends on what goals you have in mind. To become a bodybuilder, you have to bulk. This consists of eating lots of protein, lots of carbs and lots of fat. The workouts are hard and the idea is to convert all of those nutrients into rock hard muscle. Then, when the bodybuilder wants to show those muscles off, the bodybuilder nutrition must be different.

Bulking builds lots of muscle but it can also build up fat. That means that all your hard work is being covered by a layer of blubber. In order for your hard earned muscle to show, and to actually officially be called a bodybuilder, you must remove that fat while keeping the muscle. This takes a little know how and a lot of experimentation.

No two bodies work the same way. Some people have faster metabolisms than others and that means they may burn through nutrients faster than others. For that reason, bodybuilding nutrition must be tested and tweaked until you find out what works for you. Building muscle is easy, it’s the losing of fat while keeping the muscle that truly makes a bodybuilder a bodybuilder.


Bodybuilding for Women

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

We feel vindicated that our vision of the strong, liberated woman has been accepted by the main stream media, as well as by the sports world and the medical community. Weight training will pay off for you in the long run. The following are just some of the rewards women enjoy by following the bodybuilding lifestyle.

Body Fat Control

Weight control is the main reason most women work out, but aerobics alone isn’t the best approach. By building some muscle, you increase your metabolism so you can eat more without gaining fat.

Increasing Bone Density

Weight training is the best way to make your bones stronger. This is important in your younger years so you can have more bone density as you age, when osteoporosis could otherwise be a major health problem.

Avoiding Terminal Illness

Bodybuilding exercises for your back and shoulders can help prevent bad posture and back and shoulder pain that comes from spending too much time at your computer.


Everyone likes feeling strong. It’s more important as you grow older.

Body Contouring

Weight training tightens sagging triceps and hardens wobbly thighs which are the main problem areas for women.

Healthy Children

Healthy mothers have healthier babies, and the bodybuilding nutrition and exercise lifestyle can help you before, during and after pregnancy.

Stress Management

A tough session focusing on moving lots of weight can ease the day’s tensions and release calming endorphins. Bodybuilding training is the best tension reducer around.

Easy on the Joints

Knees and ankles may not be able to withstand continued aerobics or running programs, but with smart weight training you can work out without jarring your joints.

Buddies Welcome

Bodybuilding is something you can do with the guys, with the girls, or by yourself.

Healthier Lifestyle

The bodybuilding lifestyle of good nutrition, no smoking, minimal alcohol, adequate rest and sleep will make you healthier and stronger and help you avoid diseases associated with bad habits.

Self Realization

You do something that feels good. You develop your physical potential, not letting sexist stereotypes hold you back.

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