Herbs That Boost Metabolism
April 19, 2015 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Elisa T Sanchez
Herbs That Boost Metabolism – Health – Weight Loss
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Metabolism is defined as all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms including humans. Metabolism includes digestion and the transfer of nutrients to all the cells in our body. Metabolism’s bottom line for us humans is about feeling good and being healthy.
Increased weight loss can result by boosting your metabolism. What it means is that the faster our metabolism, the more calories are burned resulting in weight loss.
A few herbs that boost metabolism can get your metabolism going and provide other health benefits.
Here is a list of herbs that boost metabolism.
‚§ Ginseng, both Asian and American, boost your metabolic rate, give you more energy, and elevate alertness.
‚§ Ginger, commonly used as ingredients in many dishes that we prepare, is one herb that boost metabolism. Ginger can help in weight loss because besides boosting your metabolism, it also helps curb your appetite. Gingerol is the major active component in ginger.
‚§ Green Tea is another commonly used herb that boost metabolism. Green tea causes a rise in body temperature, thus releasing a chemical, norepinephrine, which increases the burning of calories.
‚§ Kelp is seaweed that affects your thyroid gland to raise your basal metabolism. Basal metabolic rate is the speed that your body burns calories while your body is at rest. Therefore we can consider kelp as an herb that boost metabolism. If one is on high blood pressure medication the doctor say that it is safe to take kelp at the same time, because it can increase the potassium in you blood to an unsafe level.
‚§ Cayenne Pepper is another herb that boost metabolism. It contains Capsaicin that is shown to keep your metabolism high hours after eating it. Cayenne pepper is a good source of Vitamins C and D, the Vitamin B complex, and has high content of organic calcium and potassium. Capsaicin is a natural stimulant that does not cause bad side effects like palpitations, or rise in blood pressure, unlike other stimulants.
‚§ Turmeric used in most curry dishes, besides being herbs that boost metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels, can help detoxify your blood, and has anti-inflammatory effect and can be an effective pain reliever. It is advisable to take it with black pepper (peperine).
‚§ Yerba Mate is an herb that boost metabolism. It contains a component mateine that increase metabolism and energy. People who have high blood pressure or are sensitive to stimulants should not take Yerba Mate.
‚§ White Willow can be found in many weight loss supplements because if it ability to raise metabolic rate.
Herbs are best when obtained as organic herbs and pesticide-free. Growing your own herbs is the greenest way to do it. The second best way is by buying the herbs fresh from your local Farmer’s market vendor that you trust that do not use pesticides
For your free report and more information on Herb That Boost Metabolism click here
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About the Author: Elisa T Sanchez is a voracious reader and researcher. She likes to share information that she learns about health, and weight loss in particular.
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About the Author: Elisa T Sanchez is a voracious reader and researcher. She likes to share information that she learns about health, and weight loss in particular.
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A groundbreaking workout and diet plan that replenishes a man’s testosterone levels, rebuilds his body, and remakes his life Testosterone is the most crucial hormone in the male body—and every man’s T levels begin a slow, steady decline as he ages. The result? Loss of strength and muscle mass. Poor sugar metabolism. Increased body fat, especially around the waist. Loss of T also affects red blood cell production, vitality, bone density, mental acuity, and sex … More >>
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7 Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast And Slash Your Body Fat
September 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Jason Oh
7 Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast And Slash Your Body Fat – Health – Weight Loss
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The best ways to boost metabolism is to get the right nutrition to fuel your body, feed the muscle – and use ‘Total Body’ workouts to burn the fat and turbo charge your metabolism.
Fact is, if you don’t eat in a healthy manner, your body will not respond to the way it needs to burn the body fat, and function. Good nutrition is the key to kick starting your metabolism and allowing the body to burn fat and develop strength.
Your well-being is the key to a healthier body, so focus on yourself and let the results take care of itself. Below are some tips to boost your metabolism now-
Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast
1. Never skip breakfast and try to get healthy carbs to power up your body before 2 pm – and lighten up on your energy meals towards the end of the day. For dinner go for lean meat and leafy vegetables.
2.Downsize your treats – make treats miniature, instead of giving them up altogether. Instead of trying to live without dessert, choose smaller portions – like 1 piece of an apple crumble baked pie or a small bar of chocolate. Get your sugar hit without dangerous left overs.
3. Fiber fitness – because men eat less salad than women they are more likely to suffer constipation. Simple remedies are adding bran to your breakfast cereal, drinking more water, bulking up those lunch time with wholemeal sandwiches that includes salad and ensuring you include a range of veggies on your dinner plate. apart from cutting your bathroom time, fiber is filling and lessens the cravings. Reduce the cravings, you will reduce the belly fat. As always try to get your 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of veggies a day.
4. Strength training – bigger muscles create a smaller body. Muscle burns calories so you can actually eat more food without gaining weight, and strength training is the only way to do this. you need to lift weights or use other equipment that forces you to work your muscles against resistance so that they work harder than they’re used to. You don’t have to spend hours working out to increase muscle mass – 30 minutes 3 times a week will do it. If visiting a gym is an issue, try body weight exercises like the push ups, the plank and lunges with little rest in between – it’s a great way to measure and improve your strength.
5. Boring cardios, stay away! For beginners, any exercise is great – but the best way to slash your body fat is to look at High Variable Interval training and challenging resistance training. Studies have shown that a combination high variable training will boost your metabolism during and after a workout!
6.As your fitness improves, your body becomes more efficient, meaning you expend less energy in a 30 minute run than when you first started. So you’ve got to shake things up a bit. Play with intensity of what you’re doing, and if you can, change your routine. For example, if you walk regularly, try breaking it up with spurts of jogging, or add hills and stairs to your daily walk. Switching intensity will challenge you more than just staying at the same pace. As well as increasing your likelihood of losing weight, you’re most likely to stay motivated if you participate in a range of activities. So, instead of running four times a week, why not cycle, do some laps at your local pool or play a game of tennis!
7. Try to cut out or reduce the sugary drinks including the diet kinds. Those sugar fixes are not great for the body. Instead, just stick to calorie free water, green tea and low fat smoothies.
The above tips are just of the ways to boost metabolism fast, and are highly recommended to help you change the way you eat and train. For other efficient ways to boost metabolism and burn off body fat, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs And get a FREE ebook on ‘Training & Nutrition: Insider Secrets For a Lean Body”.
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For More Ways to Boost Metabolism Fast, Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast for Less Than 5 Bucks!
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For More Ways to Boost Metabolism Fast, Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast for Less Than 5 Bucks!
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How To Boost Metabolism
August 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Vikram Kuamr
How To Boost Metabolism – Health – Weight Loss
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One of the ways to boost metabolism is to eat the right foods at the right time of day, something that you will learn how to do when you follow the Zone weight loss plan. This is a plan that will help you lose weight fast by giving you what you need to burn off the fat and still not go hungry.
The reason that most diets fail is because people do not like to go hungry. Those who are consuming a great deal of calories per day will feel it when they go down to a more reasonable amount of calories to lose weight. While they may have the best intentions, the hunger can get to them after a while and will cause them to fail in their attempt to diet. Those who try to starve themselves will find that they are not losing weight at all and wonder why they cannot take off fat when they are hardly eating anything. This is because when you starve yourself, your metabolism slows down to the point that you are not burning any fat at all, but storing it on your body. Your body is smart and knows when it is not getting the fuel that it needs to work so when you do not provide it with enough fuel, it will hang onto everything it has by shutting down the metabolism.
When you want to lose weight, you have to boost metabolism without giving your body foods that will be turned to fat. The zone weight loss plan explains how this works in that you provide your body with more proteins. The body is happy because it is getting the fuel, it boosts the metabolism allowing you to burn off fat, but at the same time processes the proteins very quickly through the system. The end result is that you end up losing weight a lot faster this way.
Much has changed in dieting over the years and now people understand how the body works as well as how foods are processed through the body. Those who eat a great deal of proteins instead of carbs will have a better chance of losing weight fast especially if they eat several times a day. In addition to changing what you eat, you must also change when you eat. Eat smaller meals at intervals throughout the day so that you can get the fuel that your body needs to keep the metabolism up and running and allow you to lose weight fast. This really does work and there are many people who have tried the Zone diet to much success.
Following the diet is not hard, as long as you know which are the proteins and which are the carbs. Once you learn about foods that you eat as well as how they react on your body, you will have what you need to help you lose weight. This will only help you get into the shape that you want to be in but will also help you stay healthier in the long run as these are the foods that are processed easily through the body and do not tax the digestive system.
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When you want to Boost metabolism, you can do so with a good diet that increases proteins while decreasing carbs. The Zone weight loss plan is a healthy and easy way to lose weight and more can be found about this plan by going to Weight Loss 100.
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When you want to Boost metabolism, you can do so with a good diet that increases proteins while decreasing carbs. The Zone weight loss plan is a healthy and easy way to lose weight and more can be found about this plan by going to Weight Loss 100.
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Ways to Boost Metabolism
July 14, 2012 by admin
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Article by July
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Most of us care about our diets in almost every day. But we can not stop the cravings that we have on foods. We eat foods without knowing how they can affect our diets. And when we fell bloated, that will be the time that we think of losing our weight, which is not a good idea.
Are you familiar with metabolism? Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. We all have different rate. This rate varies from person to person and with the influence of age, sex or through heredity. It involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes. Just not only to convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel.
To boost metabolism also means to get a healthy diet. But how can you do that? Here are some ways to boost metabolism:
Boost metabolism by proper exercise. We all know that exercise burn calories. Swimming, walking, jogging and aerobics are few of the exercises that you can do in about 30 to 60 minutes a day and five times a week if possible.
Avoid starving and do not skip your meals. If you want to lose weight, starving is not the answer. Always make it a habit to eat your breakfast everyday because if you don’t your metabolism will slow down. Just make sure that you are eating a healthy morning meal. Starving is a big NO. It will just let your calorie intake for about below 1,000 and will cause your metabolism to slow down.
Always eat regular meals. If necessary, eat with snacks to give your body a constant supply of healthy fuel. And don’t forget to drink water because the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.
As far as possible stop your self from wanting your favorite foods. Sometimes when you eat that favorite foods of yours, there is a tendency that you keep coming back for more. This will give you a possibility that you will be craving to eat that foods you over and over again and you will end up over eating.
There still a lot of ways to boost metabolism. If you are really determine to lose weight, learn to discipline your self. Losing weight is not that hard if you are determined to do so. Always remember that you are responsible for whatever things you are doing.
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Ways to slim down and boost your wellness
Article by Mi Cedars
Ways to slim down and boost your wellness – Sports
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There is so significantly strain on folks to slim down and look excellent in the second buthow are you able to slim down in way that improves your wellness and positive aspects youWhen i was a youngster growing up there was usually a large emphasis on well being consuming healthily. So consuming 5 portions of fruit an veg each day and drinking lots of drinking water was a normal factor then.
As of late though when will come to shedding weight and improving wellness the market place has a tendency to contradict alone throwing at us lots of adverts for junk meals, junk meals and additional junk food.
Then around the other aspect with the coin were presented with dimension zero celebs whose seemingly rapidly fat loss ideas and wholesome diet plans have put the inhabitants, youthful and old into a dieting frenzy with persons trying all types of items just to try and size themselves down and appear superior.
It has opened up the floodgates of an increasing number of individuals getting diagnosed with anorexia, bulimia, scurvy and malnutrition all triggered by diets and diet aids utilised to try and accelerate the weight reduction procedure.
You study a lot more stories about men and women dieing via overdosing on diet program capsules or from lousy diet and these arent just everyday folks one instance is American baseball star Steve Bechler, who had reportedly been working with the fat loss supplement Xenadrine RFA-1 and overdosed. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, a sociologist at Boston College truly hit the nail around the head when she mentioned: “Thin is definitely part of what it implies to become desirable within this culture, the message is that its important to form as much as the correct kind of body. We punish and reward men and women for having the proper or incorrect body. We have so a lot hatred directed towards our bodies that entrepreneurs play to excess fat or perhaps the f-word,”She believes that this has designed a “cult of thinness” that leads some individuals to diet extremes that could be harmful. “It could be better”, she says, “to neglect what we look like and concentrate on what we do and becoming wholesome.”
So how are you able to go about shedding weight with no falling into the identical entice as every person else How are you able to lose weight in a way that is not simply heading to produce you appear great but really feel fantastic also
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Ways To Boost Metabolism
July 7, 2012 by admin
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Article by Andy Paul
Ways To Boost Metabolism – Sports – Track and Field
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Some of the ways to boost metabolism include changes to your diet and changes to your exercise routine.Even if you run regularly and are careful about your diet it can sometimes seem that there is perhaps a little too much round the tummy or thighs and sometimes you just don’t have the energy you feel you should have. Maybe you tried to run more or eat less but all that happened is that you got tired and hungry. This could be because your metabolism is slowing down. If you are over 30 years then your metabolism starts to slow down naturally by about 1% every year. There is action you can take to slow down the slow down and even boost your metabolism!
There are three types of metabolism at work in your body. They are:
Basal Metabolism,
Activity Metabolism,
Thermic Metabolism.
Basal Metabolism
This is your resting metabolism. Surprisingly basal metabolism accounts for about 60% of all calories burnt during the day. These are the calories you burn just to stay alive.
Activity Metabolism
As the name suggests this is your working metabolism.This accounts for all the calories you burn whilst doing everyday activities and any exercise like running. Approximately 30% of your daily calories are burnt in this type of metabolism.
Thermic Metabolism
The final 10% of calories you use are allocated here and are used for digesting your food. The important thing to remember here is that some foods take more energy to digest.
With a little attention to your exercise routine and your diet you can raise all three metabolic rates. First of all lets look at the exercise. To increase your activity metabolism you will need to work hard. That means upping the intensity of your workout. Add some speed sessions to your routine,for example: do 2 to 4 mile repeats at 10k race pace or 5 x 800m repeats at 5k race pace. you could do some short sprints at top speed for 15 to 20 seconds with 2 to 3 minutes walk in between. This sort of activity will raise your metabolism higher than longer slower runs and also has an added bonus of raising your basal rate for a couple of hours after you have finished running.Running or exercising twice a day can make a difference because you will have the effect of the raised basal rate twice over. An example would be to run in the morning and then circuit train or do weights in the evening. It is important to ensure you are getting adequate food and drink to fuel these sessions.Weight training can boost your metabolism because as you build muscle your basal rate increases. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
What you eat has an effect on your thermic metabolism, some foods use more calories to digest than others. Protein generally takes longer to digest and so burns more calories. If you can have some protein at every meal you could raise your thermic metabolism by 1/3. A couple of glasses of milk during the day will give you the calcium needed to boost metabolism too. Calcium helps in fat burning by making your body prefer fat for fuel. High fibre foods also slow digestion which means more calories burnt. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. Spicy foods that contain capsaicin temporarily raise your basal rate. Stay hydrated all day. You need water to digest your food and becoming dehydrated slows your metabolism and makes you tired.A small amount of caffeine can make you more energetic and alert, so the odd cup of coffee can also raise your metabolism.
So with a few simple tweaks to your diet and training program you will start to loose some fat, gain some muscle and run better with these ways to boost metabolism.
For more information about running and training schedules visit www.runningamarathoninfo.com
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How To Boost Your Metabolism
June 19, 2012 by admin
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Article by Thomas Vu
How To Boost Your Metabolism – Health – Weight Loss
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Do you ever find yourself wondering how you can boost your metabolism? Well it turns out its really simple. First we must gain a basic understanding of how our metabolism works. Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms such as digestion, and the transporting of substances in and out of different cells. For the purpose of losing weight, the chemical reactions that we would like to focus on are the ones that supply energy to our body
For the purpose of losing weight; we need our bodies to get the most out of all the foods that we consume. The more effectively our bodies can breakdown food to supply energy, the less that will be stored in the body. This results in lower fat storage. Our bodies’ breakdown the foods we eat in order to sustain life, but the amount of food we need to gain weight, maintain weight, or lose weight vary. A faster metabolism would allow us to do the latter of the two while consuming more calories so the real question here is, what do I need to do to boost my metabolism?
The biggest boost to your metabolism comes in the form of exercise. The more often you exercise the greater your metabolism will be.
Heavy lifting provides many benefits. By lifting heavy not only will you speed up your metabolism during the points of lifting, but it will also build muscle. Muscle cells have a much greater resting metabolism rate than that of fat cells.
Stepping up your workout intensity greatly boosts your metabolism. Higher intensity exercises boosts your metabolism for longer periods of time after you stop exercising.
Drink lots of water. Water is essential to the processes in our bodies, and that includes digestion. Our body requires water to effectively break down foods. If you are dehydrated your body’s metabolism will slow down. Keeping yourself hydrated is one of the best ways to keep your metabolism running optimally.
Caffeine and other stimulants boosts metabolism. While not always the healthiest choice, caffeine enhances fat oxidation which as a result increases the rate at which fatty acids are broken down. Caffeine is the prized ingredient of many fat burning supplements.
Getting more sleep helps your body to run optimally. The more energy your body has available, the more effective your metabolism will be. These tips provide easy and effective ways to boost your metabolism. Boosting your metabolism is essential for losing weight and burning fat. The more often we rev our metabolisms, the faster the rate as which we can shed those excess pounds of fat. Getting fit doesn’t have to be a chore!
If you haven’t already, download your FREE comprehensive guide ‘The No-Gym Fat Burning Guide’ and just minutes from now you’ll discover:
About the Author
Thomas Vu lives in Louisiana, United States.
He loves to review and blog products that are great and useful to the community and he likes to let people know which products are worth to buy and which are not worth to buy.
He has been a strong candidate that loves to experience new products on the market and he will voice them all whether it is good or bad. He will give his honest opinions in order for the vendors know what their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats are so that they can continue to improve their products over time for better competition,
Thomas enjoys playing online video games, testing new products on the market, food tasting, hiking, camping, taking road trips, and doing other adventurous things.
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Thomas Vu lives in Louisiana, United States.
He loves to review and blog products that are great and useful to the community and he likes to let people know which products are worth to buy and which are not worth to buy.
He has been a strong candidate that loves to experience new products on the market and he will voice them all whether it is good or bad. He will give his honest opinions in order for the vendors know what their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats are so that they can continue to improve their products over time for better competition,
Thomas enjoys playing online video games, testing new products on the market, food tasting, hiking, camping, taking road trips, and doing other adventurous things.
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Boost Your Immune System And More With These 3 Benefits Of Jogging Over Christmas
June 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Running and Jogging
Article by Tom Parker
Boost Your Immune System And More With These 3 Benefits Of Jogging Over Christmas – Health
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Over Christmas your exercise routine probably takes a back seat. The cold, icy weather makes you want to stay huddled up in your nice warm living room rather than go outside and do some physical activity. However, if you want to maintain your Christmas fitness you need to do something. In my opinion jogging is 1 of best Christmas exercises you can do. In this article I explain why by listing 3 benefits of jogging over Christmas.
Over the festive period you are much more likely to catch the common cold or the flu. A strong immune system keeps you safe from these viral infections and allows your body to fight them a lot more effectively than someone with a weak immune system.
Studies have shown that regular exercise such as jogging strengthens your immune system by improving the distribution of immune system cells in the body and stimulating the production of lymphocytes and macrophages (2 cells that protect your body from disease and infection as part of the immune system).
Vitamin D is responsible for keeping your bones and teeth strong. Your body produces this vitamin when you are exposed to sunlight. Most experts believe that 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight each day is enough for your body to produce the required amount of vitamin D.
In summer you generally spend enough time in the sun to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D as the weather is warmer. However, in winter there is much less daylight and you are much more inclined to stay indoors because of the cold weather.
1 of the main benefits of jogging over Christmas is that it forces you to get outside and as a result allows your body to produce the vitamin D it needs. Even a short jog should allow you to get outside for 15 minutes and produce the required amount of vitamin D.
During the holiday season your time is at a premium and you may not have the hours available to commit to your regular workout. 1 of the key benefits of jogging over Christmas is that it is flexible enough to fit into your day. If you only have 30 minutes free that day you can still go for a jog in that time. If a last minute Christmas event pops up and causes you to miss your Thursday spinning class, you can still improvise with jogging and go in the morning or the afternoon.
As you can see there are many benefits of jogging over Christmas. It stops you being cooped up in the house all day, it’s flexible enough so that you can go at any time of the day and it’s a great way to maintain your Christmas fitness. So if Christmas commitments are having an impact on your workout routine, go get your running shoes, get out there and start unlocking all these benefits of jogging.
About the Author
Tom Parker owns Fitness Tips – an excellent source of diet tips and exercise tips. You can get more jogging benefits and learn more about improving your Christmas fitness by visiting his website.
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Tom Parker owns Fitness Tips – an excellent source of diet tips and exercise tips. You can get more jogging benefits and learn more about improving your Christmas fitness by visiting his website.
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The best way to lose weight through jogging is to incorporate interval training, which alternates high-intensity and low-intensity running. Discover the benefits of interval jogging with advice from a strength and conditioning coach in this free video on cardiovascular exercise. Expert: Trey Zepeda Bio: Trey Zepeda is a strength and conditioning coach who works extensively with athletes to make sure they are getting the proper training and nutrition for their specific sport. Filmmaker: Christian Sosa
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Boost Your Metabolism Fast
June 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Eat frequently. Rather than having three big meals a day you should be aiming to get around five or six smaller meals. It is all about balance when eating to get lean. Also avoid eating right before you go to bed.
Drink more water. The more water you drink, the more fat you will burn. Researchers say that a cup of water burns off about eight calories of pure fat. It boosts your metabolism to the max and helps your body digest food. Water also keeps you hydrated through a tough workout on a hot summer day.
Have a cup of coffee. Despite anything you ever heard about coffee it is not a bad idea to have a cup in the morning or before you perform physical activity. Caffeine gives you that extra boost of energy to stay focused and burn more. Studies show that people who drank just a cup of coffee a day burnt more than those that did not.
Eat more protein. By getting more protein in your diet you more boosting your metabolism to the max.
That is because calories from protein are burnt off much quicker than carbs or fat. On top of that you need to protein to build muscle mass.
Hit the weights. Working out more will greatly improve your fat loss results. Especially weight training because you build more muscle which promotes even more weight loss. Start off slow and go for a rep range of 12-15 to get toned up. Always have basics in your workout like push ups and sit ups as well.
If you want to learn about more fat loss tips click on this link. —> best fat loss program
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