Seven simplified tips to boost Metabolism

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by vijay jain

When trying to lose weight, one of the most effective things you can do to speed the process along is implement small changes in your routine that give a boost to your metabolism. This will magnify the results of your diet and exercise routines and help give you the confidence to keep going. Use the following seven simple strategies for how to lose weight fast, an instant metabolic lift:

1. Avoid eating within three hours of your usual bedtime – it is important to allow your body to digest before going to sleep; otherwise, you are likely to store away more calories as body fat since your system has no immediate need for the energy. Nighttime eating sabotages your metabolism, and if you choose just one recommendation from this list, this should be it.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day – keeping well hydrated is key to maintaining an elevated metabolism. Without adequate fluids, you will become dehydrated and your metabolism will slow down, making fat loss naturally much more difficult. For an increased metabolic boost, drink hot water with lemon instead of cold water.

3. Take a brisk 30-minute walk or bike ride at least a few times every week. If you have a regular exercise routine in place, walk on your rest days. You should also incorporate weight training into your exercise regimen if you have not already, since this form of exercise has been shown to raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours following a workout.

4. Drink tea – green tea, black tea and white tea have all been shown to help increase metabolism. Avoid coffee and diet pills that contain a lot of caffeine – caffeine does boost metabolism, but the side effects are not worth it. Drinking too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, which depresses metabolism and outweighs any gains.

5. Spice up your food – chilies and other spices have been shown to boost metabolism, and can have other health benefits, as well.

6. Eat rasberries – some studies have suggested that they help raise metabolism (it is not known exactly how, but they taste good anyway, so you shouldn’t need too much evidence to be convinced), and they also contain a substance that triggers receptors in the brain to signal that you are full.

7. Resveratrol, which can be found in red wine or as a supplement, is a powerful antioxidant that has also been shown to help boost metabolism. This is a good method to lose weight fast.

Vijay wants to give you the tips on how to lose body fat naturally , which is not harmful for our body.

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Ten Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Emily Josephine

“How can I boost my metabolism?”

One of my friends asked me this question over lunch the other day. It’s a question I’ve heard echoed repeatedly by various people, online and off, over the past few years.

I have a couple problems with the question. First, what research shows works for many people, may not work for you. Second, most people who ask this question are hoping to get a “magic bullet” kind of answer: just do this one really easy thing, and your extra pounds will fall off like ice cream melting from a cone on a hot summer’s day.

But if you will read this article with the understanding that first, the answer is different for everyone and requires experimentation; and that second, boosting your metabolism will require sacrifice and work, then I am happy to share with you ten ways to boost metabolism.

1. Eat several small meals per day.

Dave Ramsey says that if you want to know how to be thin, ask a thin person. So take a hint from me: I eat three square meals a day consisting of three to four hundred calories each, along with a mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack consisting of three hundred calories each. (How many calories you consume depends on your size and activity level.)

DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF FOOD. Eating every three to four hours actually keeps your metabolism going. As long as your body has something to process, it will keep the calories burning. But when you make yourself go hungry for even five hours, this can cause your body to instinctively go into survival mode and slow down its metabolism.

2. Exercise first thing in the morning.

Before you have even one bite of breakfast, do your daily exercise (yes, I said daily, not three times a week). Without any food in your system, your body has to burn the fat that is on your body, rather than the calories you just ate. Plus, your body gets revved up and keeps up a higher metabolism all day than if you had waited until later to exercise.

3. Do some kind of strength training three days per week.

Research shows that lifting weights or performing other kinds of strength training is better at boosting your metabolism, and keeps your metabolism going at a higher rate for a longer period of time than aerobic exercise.

4. Refrain from alcoholic and caffienated beverages.

Yes, coffee and black tea too. Sorry. I didn’t do the study. The only exception is green tea. Because of its chemical make-up, the caffeine in green tea does not slow down metabolism . Water should always be your drink of choice, followed by herbal teas and fresh green juices.

5. Take a maqui berry supplement.

People who drink the Be Young superfood juice Masaji have reported to constantly lose wieght. This would be because of the maqui berry it contains. This one superfood has been shown in studies to boost metaoblism and increase weight loss.

Plus Masaji will give you that burst of energy you’ve been using coffee for.

6. Get rid of processed foods.

I told you that learning how to boost your metabolism would take sacrifice. Processed foods often contain chemicals and “bad” fats that slow down metabolism. Learn how to eat a whole foods diet.

7. Eat at least twenty grams of saturated or monounsaturated fat every day.

Organic butter, virgin coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil…all of these fats actually stimulate the fat-burning hormone in your brain. Other kinds of fats, or low-fat diets, slow down the fat-burning process.

8. Move throughout the day.

Just because you did thirty minutes of exercise in the morning before breakfast doesn’t mean you can stay sedentary the rest of the day and expect great weight loss results. Get up and walk around, or at least stretch every thirty to sixty minutes throughout the day. Park a distance away from the store’s entry. Take the stairs. Etc.

9. Don’t eat before bed.

Be done eating your several small meals/snacks two hours before bedtime. If that’s impossible because of your schedule, make it at least one hour before bed. If your system has to spend the nighttime hours digesting food, the metabolism becomes sluggish.

10. Have some kind of protein with every meal or snack.

The protein in nuts and seeds counts, if you’re not the kind who wants to eat hard-boiled eggs, cheese and beef jerky all day long. But if you include some protein and cut back on the starch, your body’s metabolism gets a nice boost.

At least three or four of these ideas should work for you to answer your burning question, “How do I boost my metabolism?” Try them out today, and be sure to comment below to let me how these ideas worked for you.

Learn the principles of healthy living that the longest-lived and healthiest people on earth follow! It’s all at The Crunchy Coach blog.

Boost Your Metabolism Fast

January 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Eat frequently. Rather than having three big meals a day you should be aiming to get around five or six smaller meals. It is all about balance when eating to get lean. Also avoid eating right before you go to bed.

Drink more water. The more water you drink, the more fat you will burn. Researchers say that a cup of water burns off about eight calories of pure fat. It boosts your metabolism to the max and helps your body digest food. Water also keeps you hydrated through a tough workout on a hot summer day.

Have a cup of coffee. Despite anything you ever heard about coffee it is not a bad idea to have a cup in the morning or before you perform physical activity. Caffeine gives you that extra boost of energy to stay focused and burn more. Studies show that people who drank just a cup of coffee a day burnt more than those that did not.

Eat more protein.  By getting more protein in your diet you more boosting your metabolism to the max.

That is because calories from protein are burnt off much quicker than carbs or fat. On top of that you need to protein to build muscle mass.

Hit the weights. Working out more will greatly improve your fat loss results. Especially weight training because you build more muscle which promotes even more weight loss. Start off slow and go for a rep range of 12-15 to get toned up. Always have basics in your workout like push ups and sit ups as well.

If you want to learn about more fat loss tips click on this link. —> best fat loss program

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Foods That Boost Metabolism

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Kevin Michaels

Simply stated, metabolism is the process in which our bodies burn calories at rest. The human body expends energy (the burning of calories) for the process of digestion, breathing, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature, and detoxification.

Foods the boost metabolism are high in fiber, lower in calories, and are nutrient dense. These foods are also known as whole foods and they are: fruits and vegetables. whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and low fat dairy. Due to the higher fiber content in these foods, the human body takes longer to digest them, thus burning more calories, and your appetite is suppressed longer. Another benefit is the higher nutritional value.

Green tea helps to detoxify the body and is a power house of antioxidants that remove free radicals that can lead to dis-ease thereby improving the immune system. There are studies that show the compound EGCG found in green tea can increase the body’s metabolic rate.

Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, and fish oil supplements, increase the levels of fat burning enzymes and decrease the levels of fat storing enzymes. They also help with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Proteins help build muscle, and more muscle mass helps to improve metabolism. Weight training, resistance and strenght training help build muscle.

Water is important in a higher protein diet. A diet rich in protein can stress the kidneys, therefore, an increase in water consumption is needed.

Always eat breakfast. Your body’s metabolism has slowed down during the night. To rev up your metabolism you must break the fast by eating a healthy breakfast.

Eating whole foods that boost your metabolism will not increase your metabolism alone. You also need to incorporate exercise, weight or resistance training, and get adequate sleep into your lifestyle.

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Kevin Michaels is the publisher of Nature’s Wisdom blog. Check out his blog at:

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Ways to Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight – Doing Two Things at the Same Time

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Sally H

Let me show you how I lost 45 Pounds with a easy Weight Loss system in as little as 2 months. Click here now!

If you have experienced trying to lose weight previously then you have already familiarized your self with the various barrier that prevents you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Your plans may be blocked by temptation of eating junk foods; inability to resolve emotional issues, the program became routine, inability to be consistent and probably even genetics. But, you have to remember one basic thing in losing weight and it is metabolism. Metabolism has a lot to do with losing weight.

So, how do you boost your metabolism in order for you to lose weight?

Eating Breakfast

Skipping breakfast just because you want to lose weight is a big no-no. This is because eating breakfast is one of the ways that you can actually boost your metabolism. If you skip breakfast while you are trying to lose weight will not help since your body’s reaction would be to save up fat for future use and not burn them.

Increase in Protein

Your diet must be rich in protein because this will help you so much in building muscles and will heighten the speed of your metabolism, which in turn will make you burn more fats in the process. Since, protein is the hardest element to burn, your bodies will double the effort in order to burn it and in turn this response will make your body burn more calories during the process.

There are still other ways that you can boost your metabolism in order to lose weight. But, these two major things mentioned are a good way to start.

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How to Boost Metabolism

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Alex Bjorkin

Increasing Metabolism

With each passing year, our culture becomes increasingly over weight or obese. The concern for weight related medical problems has never been greater. Many people are looking for approaches to loose weight and become more physically fit.

Improving your metabolism is one evident way to lose weight, and many people do this with exercise. Working out is a successful strategy to help boost your metabolism since it makes your heart work harder and thus boosts blood flow. Additionally, it can give you more energy and stamina and also improve your mood.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the level at which calories in your system are burned and ultimately decides how rapidly weight is gathered and dropped by the body. Metabolism and metabolic rate are largely caused by genes, although fitness experts think that regular exercise raises metabolism by about 10-20 percent.


Exercise is among the greatest options to help you improve your metabolism. Physical exercise helps to cut down unwanted fat and increase the quantity of lean tissue in the body, which is great because muscle mass or lean tissue, is much more “metabolically active” than fat. Exercises must be varied to keep things intriguing and give your muscles a more unique workout.

Aerobic exercise, which could even be just taking a short stroll, will slowly build up a higher metabolism, in addition to increasing all around wellness. Exercise has many advantageous benefits but concerning weight reduction, one of the major advantages is that lean muscle mass is increased therefore increasing your base metabolism or metabolic rate. You should also eat the right food while exercising. Adequate protein intake is important in boosting metabolism.

Weight Loss

Many of the more well known plans for slimming down entail severe calorie restriction and cutting carbs. However, starvation only works in drastically slowing the metabolism, thereby preventing weight loss or even promoting weight gain. Feelings of tiredness, nervousness, frustration and head pain are very common side effects of food depravation. To boost your metabolic rate while experiencing rapid long-lasting fat reduction, you must also focus on properly hydrating your body, maintain good eating and dietary habits, and a reasonable level of fitness.

Organic Herbs to Boost Your Metabolism

For those who struggle with losing weight, an herbal supplement may be the answer to boost metabolism and attain that desired body weight objective. Guarana is the herbal equivalent of caffeine and is also used in weight loss supplements due to its stimulating qualities. Bitter Orange is successful in increasing your metabolism and also behaves as a thermogenic (heat producing) weight reduction supplement. Coconut oil is yet another organic way to boost your metabolism. It can be utilized as a substitute for margarine or cooking oil.


Most health and fitness experts in recent years have concluded the easiest method to increase metabolism is by adding muscle via strength training, such as weight lifting. The best program consists of weight training and aerobics ideally on different days. Because muscle tissue is denser than fat tissue, it takes more fuel (calories) to maintain the same weight. So with the addition of lean muscle mass, you naturally increase your base metabolism.

After some practice and commitment, you can manage your weight rather than it controlling you. You can take control of your body’s engine and burn those calories at the speed you select.

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Boost Your Metabolism Eating Your favorite Food

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Trudy Stevens

How will you feel when you know that you can boost metabolism and control fat as well even after eating your favorite food. Also, there are some ways by which you can prevent several diseases harm your body just by eating your all time favorite food. Some Simple steps you can follow to burn fat using real food are as follows:Eat more Spicy: It is a fact known by very less people that spicy food is very helpful in burning the calories and hence reducing fat. People generally use spices to make their food more delicious, flavorful and attractive (some spices acts just to enhance the color). But these spices are beneficial in other ways as well. Some major spices which are very helful to boost metabolism are mentioned below:Cayenne is one of the major spices which boost your metabolism and burn a lot of calories. So, just mix cayenne pepper to your favorite non vegetarian food and stay fit.Garlic is a zinc rich spice necessary to boost immunity of human being. The best way to use it is with lemon on fish baked well. It is very effective for cough and cold. Garlic not only prevents from such allergic infections but also adds taste to your food.Cinnamon is known to be used to increase the storage life of some foods. Its best used with tea and meats. The ground part is less sweet than the stick of cinnamon. It is having a good medicinal value and is considered very good for diabetics as it helps insulin hormone function properly hence controlling blood sugar level. It can also be used to prevent sores, inflammation etc.Nutmegs are rich in antioxidants they are said to lessen the impact of toxins and free radicals that are harmful to our body and prevent fatigue. It can be consumed with coffee or shakes or spinach. They help a lot in boosting up the metabolism.All the above mentioned spices not only make meals tasty but also help burning fat and calories that comes with gravies and other foods consequently promoting an internally healthy and fit body. So, what do you think? Isn’t it the best way to stay fit? Especially the food lovers who love to eat do not need to worry about their favorite diet now. Breakfast Booster: Not only spices but the breakfast booster also helps you boost your metabolism. Strawberries and blueberries are very good antioxidants which can again be good for you.

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