5 Ways to Get Through Navy Boot Camp

September 14, 2012 by  
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Article by William Gabriel

5 Ways to Get Through Navy Boot Camp – Education

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Graduating from high school and wondering what your next step should be? Not everyone goes to college immediately after high school. Some take different paths, and many decide that enlisting in the Navy is the way to go. It won’t be an easy road. A few guys will be overly confident, thinking that a little hand to hand combat training and a couple of Martial Arts Self Defense classes will be enough to get them through. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need to prepare physically and mentally for your time in boot camp.

1. All Navy recruits get their start at boot camp at the Recruit Training Command center in Great Lakes, Illinois. If you have a father or grandfather who was in the Navy, you have probably heard a horror story or two about this place. Don’t let them scare you away from enlisting, though. They made it, and so can you. The first step in making it through to the end is knowing what to expect.

2. First, find an alarm clock that doesn’t have a snooze button on it. You are going to be waking up every morning at 6:00, there will be no more waiting for that extra ten or fifteen minutes to wake up completely. Train your body for the Navy training sleep schedule now, and you will help make the transition a little easier on yourself. You are going to need all the rest you can get.

3. Expect plenty of physical conditioning exercises and tests. Your performance will be measured on several things like situps, pushups and 1.5 mile runs.

4. Expect to exercise your mind too. You will learn a lot of things at boot camp like signaling, seamanship, first-aid, and weapons training. In the beginning you will learn basic safety for weapons. After that, you’ll be out on the range for practice.

5. Expect big changes from boot camp. Once you work through all eight weeks of training, you will notice a lot of new things about yourself. In addition to getting into better shape, you will have received hands-on instruction, and your body will have adjust to a different diet. You’ll things like firefighting and damage control. All the while you will be learning to trust your group members and work as a team.

Things You Will Need

– birth certificates for your spouse and children, if you have any marriage certificate or divorce decree

– prescription medicines

– complete college transcripts, if you have them

– no more than $ 25.00

– stamps for writing

– medical records

– prescription glasses or contacts

– any court documents regarding child support or alimony

No doubt, joining the Navy will be a very rewarding experience for you. You will learn a number of new skills and find out new things about yourself that you can’t get from any other experience. Enlisting can help you earn money for higher education when you are finished, and it will also look great to potential employers when you include it on your resume.

About the Author

For more information about hand to hand combat training, please check out close Martial Arts Self Defense.

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William Gabriel

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For more information about hand to hand combat training, please check out close Martial Arts Self Defense.

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4 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Sam Johnson

4 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp – Other

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Marine Corps Boot Camp will most likely be the most grueling 13 weeks of your entire life and if you want to survive you will need to start preparing so that your chances of graduating increase dramatically. So…

What steps can you take, starting right now, to increase your chances of surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp? Here are 4 Steps you can take right now that will increase your chances of completing Marine Recruit Training dramatically…

1) Get in shape physically. The physical training in Marine Corps Boot Camp is very demanding. If you’re overweight lose it. If your upper body strength is poor – get strong. If your endurance is lacking – improve it. You’ll need to be able to:

* Accomplish at least 3 pull-ups * 80 sit-ups in 2 minutes * Run 3 miles in less than 28 minutes.

Those were MINIMUM requirements in 1972 when I went through recruit training at MCRD, San Diego. They have changed the requirements somewhat but IF you can meet those 3 PFT requirements now, you’ll be that much farther ahead and find the physical training to be a lot easier to swallow.

2) Get in shape mentally. For many recruits the mental abuse you will be subjected to during Marine Corps Boot Camp far outweighs the physical training demands in regards to difficulty. Keep in mind there are important reasons for the mental conditioning.

* To weed out those who can’t take it * To inspire unconditional discipline * To mentally transform each recruit into a team member

Remember, once you graduate you will be a U.S. Marine. What that means is that you could very likely see combat which requires teamwork, quick thinking, nerves of steel and unconditional discipline to stay alive. Your life and the life of your fellow Marines may very well depend upon your mental stability and courage.

3) Learn USMC history.

* What the Corps stands for (core values) * Who the Corps’ heroes are and why * Famous battles

4) Learn basic USMC knowledge. By taking the initiative to learn these things in advance you’ll find you are much farther ahead of the other recruits you’ll meet during your 13 weeks of Marine Corps Boot Camp. Learn:

* 11 General Orders for Marines. * USMC Code of Conduct * The USMC Rifle Creed * USMC Quotes and Jargon * USMC Leadership Traits * Commandants of the USMC * The Marine Corps Prayer

By taking the initiative to prepare in advance for Marine Corps Boot Camp you’ll begin to learn the qualities of leadership and you’ll also find you are much farther ahead of the other recruits you’ll meet during Marine Corps Boot Camp and your recruit training adventure.

5 Reasons Fitness Boot Camps Are Awesome Workouts For Everyone

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Katy Fitness Challenge

5 Reasons Fitness Boot Camps Are Awesome Workouts For Everyone – Health – Fitness

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Fitness boot camps are just like any other fitness class, your showing up to it because you want good direction in an energetic motivating atmosphere, right? You also don’t want to workout 10 hours a week for specific results – How can you get the basics done in minimum time?

Katy boot camps allow you to mix serious strength training exercises with a cardiovascular routines of anaerobic and aerobic activities. Katy Boot Camps focus on the entire body’s fitness from the core out… Use this link to visit the Katy Boot Camp company, www.katyfitnesschallenge.com. You can also join ‘Katy FitnessChallenge’ on Facebook and KatyBootCamp on Twitter for special promos!

First, Boot Camp Rocks because you workout at YOUR PERSONALIZED FITNESS LEVEL!

Anyone is capable of finishing boot camp though everyone will be challenged! It does not matter how unfit or fit you are, you Can Be successful in Boot Camp. If the group is performing pushups, one person may be using a wall instead of the ground for their pushup which makes it hugely easier. A pushup can be done on your toes, knees, bench, wall, or various ways to personalize it for the individual being trained. The entire group may be doing pushups but different folks may be doing very different kinds of pushups. This allows us to all get fit in a personalized way. It also constantly leaves room to challenge yourself each day!

Secondly, Fitness is way more fun as a group, so long as it’s the right group:)

You’ll find Katy Fitness Boot Camps to be a motivating environment yet fun and challenging too. They are fast paced energetic workouts that you will not want to miss. The group will quickly become ‘your friends’, and your friends will not let you skip class. Fitness is more fun when accountability to fitness is a second thought… you sign up, you show up, you have fun, you get really fit. We really can ‘only’ say enough about how important ‘Accountability’ is to your workout by showing it to you….. & we will!

Third, Boot Camp Rocks Because You Work Your Arss Off!!!

It’s true, boot camp is definitely not easy for anyone! There is absolutely NO way to loaf through a workout. Don’t get freaked out – remember, anyone can complete boot camp- seriously!!! But, it’s not easy for anyone. The good part is that you don’t have to think too much about your workouts not being enough to benefit your body. These workouts will absolutely be challenging though simultaneously very rewarding.

Making New Friends is only 4th here because this isn’t ranked in order of importance:)

Seriously though – making new friends is not as basic as it sounds. For example, some of my friends enjoy running, as do I…. but there’s not a lot of people that enjoy running 12 by 400’s on your 5k pace w/ 45 seconds recovery after each 400, after a 4 mile warm up including drills, w/ a recovery of a few miles afterward. Those kinds of friends are what I call special friends. They are not easy to get together as a group either! Ive actually just moved to Katy and I still have not found many of those kinds of friends yet, for running anyways:) Specialized groups such as this Boot Camp group or the KatyFit running group make specialized fitness more possible for everyone – especially with their reasonable price tags! On that note… I’ve heard KatyFit is awesome – I’ll have to join! No matter what workout awaits you in boot camp – your fellow recruits will be alongside you, waiting for the punishment with you – you’ll be able to finish the workout because your doing it as a group – you wouldn’t let them stop and they won’t let you stop.

Fifth – Katy Boot Camp is A COMPLETE PACKAGE for only $ 49 per month

You get fit from the very real strength training mixed with cardio, mixed with nutrition guidance, mixed with Boot Camp Book that you follow along with, mixed with additional guidance that you receive, etc etc – you get the point… Boot camp is 3-5 weekly hours of group training mixed alongside a little extra work and good common sense that’s delivered well to you on a daily basis from your instructor. You’ll even be called at home if you start skipping or have a tough day and perhaps need encouragement. Katy boot camp works because it’s the real thing – it’s good hard work mixed with good education. When your results come surprisingly soon – you’ll have no more trouble staying motivated!

About the Author

Katy Fitness Challenge offers Katy Boot Camp groups for everyone at $ 49 monthly boot camps are awesome! Katy Fitness Boot Camps

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Katy Fitness Challenge offers Katy Boot Camp groups for everyone at monthly boot camps are awesome! Katy Fitness Boot Camps

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A simple tool that delivers countless options for intense cardio and strength training. www.CalRopes.com
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Being in Tiptop Shape Via a Fitness Boot Camp

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Jayden Pease

Being in Tiptop Shape Via a Fitness Boot Camp – Health – Fitness

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This article discusses some of the practical benefits that participants can expect to gain from joining fitness boot camps in their drive to tone up.

While it may be difficult to eliminate unwanted flab, this does not mean that we should allow it to ruin our self-confidence. To deal with such a dilemma, it would not hurt one bit to get a gym membership and exercise.

However, even a lifetime membership with a fitness facility is no guarantee that we can win the ‘battle of the bulge’ because often, our hectic daily schedule can get in the way of our physical regimen. Thus, if you want to get rid of excess fat for good, it is time to take your workout seriously in a training camp designed for health warriors.

So, why give this fitness strategy a shot?

You get support from a group. Recent studies suggest that being in a group sharing the same aspiration as you can help in driving you to follow through your goals compared to joining peers who are cynical about your plans. Thus, by enlisting with fitness training camps where you will be with individuals wanting to shed weight like you do, you will find it easier to achieve your ultimate health goal.

You get to burn fats in a limited amount of time. When you are barely losing any inch of your belly despite having an in-house gym in your residence, try joining a fitness boot camp and you will be surprised how the physically demanding exercises you do here can make you lose a great amount of pounds in just a matter of weeks.

You can work with a personal trainer without having to pay much. Although these exercise experts can help modify your lifestyle and exercise routines to suit your physical requirements, their services can often cost you a hefty sum. So, if you wish to get help from them in coming up with a weight loss programme without breaking the bank in the process, find them in health training camps.

You get to be with people who push you to be the best. While it is easy to feel demotivated when you see little or no improvements in your physique despite following a strict fitness regimen, the facilitators and peers you encounter in the said military-like camp can urge you to keep going by assisting you every step of the way. Some may even offer to talk to you personally about not giving up your dream to be in tiptop shape.

All these reasons should be enough to convince you that joining training camps for fitness can provide you the best shot in overcoming obesity.

About the Author

Boot Camp Contact Number: 0117 973 1213Email Address: francesca@prestigebootcamp.com

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Jayden Pease

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Boot Camp Contact Number: 0117 973 1213Email Address: francesca@prestigebootcamp.com

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Boot Camp for Women

June 30, 2012 by  
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Article by Ana Plenter

Boot Camp for Women – Health – Fitness

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There are a lot of gyms in Toronto that offers services for toning men’s muscle as well as for men to work off those extra flabs. Just in Toronto there are so many gyms men can choose from. For women’s fitness needs there is only Body beautiful boot camp. It is the only gym suitable for women.

Body beautiful bootcamp is an indoor training bootcamp in Toronto aimed in providing women with a means of improving their own body and health. Found in downtown Toronto, it is the gym for women who are specifically looking to get a sexy, lean, fit, feminine body and also burn those stubborn body fat. They have programs designed specifically for shaping women’s bodies, with the focus on sculpting a beautiful, femininely toned body and giving them a sexy physique. It far surpasses other gyms in Toronto when it comes in providing women with the body they can flaunt around men. The bootcamp provides unique bootcamp exercises that combine various training styles which delivers unbelievable results for women.

The program includes:• Two boot camp classes a week• Body composition analysis• Fitness analysis• Nutritional Planning• Social events• Product giveaways & much more

Not only that it aims to improve women’s overall health, but it is also bent in making women feel great from inside out. It is the only women’s fitness boot camp that can help women get physically fit, shred those unwanted fat, lose some inches on their waistline, meeting all those goals while finding new girlfriends and having fun. With Body Beautiful boot camp women can meet new people who share the same mindset and have similar goals as them. And those trainings with other women, offers necessary mental support and gives-off a friendly atmosphere that will help the exerciser get more out of their training.

Gyms in Toronto now have the services women need for their fitness needs. Not only men can be flab free in Toronto but women can also have the best fitness services in the gym. Body beautiful boot camp have the best means to get women feel the best they ever had in their life. With their unique boot camp programs, woman will definitely get the sexy body they want. And with the boot camp’s group classes, women would definitely get moving with their new girlfriends they will be getting sexier while having the best time of their life. For women’s health there is no better place to be.

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Gyms in Toronto

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Gyms in Toronto

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Will Boot Camp Workouts Get Me in Shape Fast?

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Boot camp workouts have been rising in popularity amongst health trainers and those searching to lose weight and get in shape fast.

Boot camp workouts are more popular than ever. Why? Here’s why — Boot Camp Workouts WORK!!!!

Thousands of people all more than the world each young and previous are experiencing the advantages of boot camp workouts for health, health, and rapid weight loss

A health bootcamp offers variety, fun, and Outcomes! Outcomes create even more motivation and determination to continue on having a program. Outcomes feed the fire of your desire. Early and fast outcomes will maintain you inspired and coming back for more. When you get results fast you are energized for more!

Boot camp workouts have become well-liked amongst each men and ladies because you get to suffer right along some other people while sweating off those calories and feeling your muscles burn.

The pain and intensity feels so a lot much better whenever you suffer with others because everybody in class can relate to each other.

There is a strange bond that develops whenever you suffer with other people. The previous saying “misery loves company” comes to mind, and it sure does really feel better when you know you aren’t the only 1 who has legs that feel like jello that has been lit on fire. Boot camp workouts are tough and boot camp workouts can get even tougher!

This bond you develop with other people is precisely how young males and women are in a position to get via 13 weeks with the real Bootcamp Exercise at Paris Island when coaching to be a U.S. Marine. I remember watching grown males cry, and even pee their pants because they were too afraid to ask if they could go to the bathroom.

Luckily, you won’t run into this issue at your local health boot camp. You are able to really walk away at any second to go towards the restroom and you won’t have to worry about going to jail for being AWOL. When you see other individuals just like yourself overcoming obstacles and pushing through the discomfort it really does make things so much easier mentally. If they can do it, you are able to do it!

Boot camp workouts can even be carried out at home by yourself or with a couple of friends. No equipment necessary! Bodyweight exercises are really the king with the hill when it comes to toning up fast and stripping off physique extra fat.

If you want a truly efficient and fast extra fat reduction exercise then look no further than your own backyard or anywhere within the house with sufficient room to spread out and do pushups. You’ll be in a position to do a variety of workout styles to increase your heart rate and tone up your muscles at the same time.

There is no require to do a separate “cardio” exercise and muscle toning workout because you’ll get them both in at once. That’s proper – you are able to really train 3 days per week for about 35 to 45 minutes and get exceptional outcomes. Have you ever heard of interval training workouts? They’re super effective for fat loss.

What do you receive when you combine interval training exercises,boot camp workouts, extra fat reduction workouts, and bodyweight workouts?

You get this – an Interval Training Fitness Bootcamp Exercise with Bodyweight Exercises for Extra fat Loss!!!!! That’s impressive!

Abs Workout – With out the Boring Crunches

I’ll tell you what else is great about doing full physique exercises with bodyweight workouts. You’ll never again do crunches for an abs workout. The exercises carried out in a boot camp exercise will have you using your core and abs in methods you by no means imagined. Have you ever tried doing planks? You literally lie on the floor like a board propping yourself up with your elbows and you’ll feel your abs burning like by no means before.

No crunching needed! Plus, doing simple planks actually works each muscle and stabilizer in your body so you burn much more calories just lying on the floor like a board. It hurts though so do not get as well excited!

Whether you’re a fitness bootcamp workout instructor of someone looking for one you can discover everything from beginner to advanced boot camp workouts. There are even specialized boot camps made for athletes.

If you’re an athlete and can’t find an athletic bootcamp inside your area you may want to believe about starting one. Athletes wish to stay in shape during the off season, but they just require just a little nudge. Get the nearby football players into a athletic boot camp and have them show up to their next season in much better shape than ever.

Have a look at Help Me Lose Weight to lose belly fat and learn how to lose weight

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Prevent Christmas Fat with an Orange County Boot Camp Gym Routine

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Bryan Abram Marks

Creating an Orange County boot camp gym routine is the best solution for keeping Christmas pounds away. The months of November to December can be known to make people fatter with all the parties that are thrown. With a coastline that goes for more than 40 miles long, Orange County is known for its warm beaches; and having a beach-worthy body is important. With a number of gyms in the area, locals can consult with their OC personal trainer on how to create a special workout routine designed to be more aggressive towards reaching fitness goals. In making an Orange County boot camp routine, gym goers have to consider how much time they can invest in working out. Workouts should be designed to counteract the fat that is gained from the parties that are attended. Since this will require double the effort, gym goers will have to be committed to meet their goals and make it a point to follow the routine without fail. When creating the program, gym-goers should also consider doing different exercises, as compared to their regular “off-season” routine to prevent muscles plateau. Recommendation from any OC personal trainer available at the gym should be welcomed to see which alternative exercises can make the Orange County boot camp even more effective. By keeping this up, anyone can look their best during and after the Christmas season. Everyone can enjoy the celebrations without having to count calories or worrying about gaining weight. As long as people stay true to their goals, they can maintain their weight, or even get better results, and prevent the need to buy a bigger sized swimsuit for the next year. Resource Box:Premier Fitness is a family oriented gym located in Orange County, CA, that believes in a private, workout environment as the better alternative to the usual overcrowded gyms. An OC personal trainer is provided to each client and is highly effective with multiple specialties, making him ideal for creating personalized training programs like simulating a client’s very own Orange County boot camp. For inquiries, call 949-622-9670 or visit PremierFitnessPersonalTraining.com.

Bryan Abram Marks is a certified digital marketer and experienced online article writer. Bryan’s interest in a diverse range of industries and what they have to offer drives him to conduct extensive research, and publish informative articles that aim to benefit astute consumers like himself.

Various San Diego Boot Camps

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Ben Pate

When someone talks about going to a San Diego boot camp workout, you may think that they mean the boot camp that recruits have to endure when they join either the Navy or the Marines. You might also think that they are talking about a prison boot camp that juvenile offenders have to attend or one that children with behavioral issues have to go to. These are several examples but there are also boot camps that involve fitness and personal training.

There are many programs throughout the San Diego area that involve fitness, including adventure and outdoor camps. Several companies offer boot camps style conditioning classes that include muscle strengthening, cardiovascular, core exercises and agility drills. They use a variety of exercise equipment, including dumbbells, medicine balls, jump ropes and agility ladders. One company also offers training programs at the beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert levels.

One such physical fitness program is only for women. It lasts for four weeks and at the end of the program, you will have lowered your body fat, lost weight and increased your stamina. Your posture will improve and you will have gained self-confidence. Many of these programs have been developed by trainers to target the most popular female fitness issues.

One type of camp centers around people and their pets. Many pet owners feel bad about going out for a jog or going to the gym while their faithful pet has to remain at home. This new program involves an exercise routine for you while you train your dog to be obedient. This is an interesting way to multitask, especially when you feel that you barely have enough time to exercise. Now you can include your best friend in your daily routine.

An interesting San Diego Boot Camp is known as a wilderness boot camp. This is designed as a therapy program for children and teens who have behavioral issues. Several methods of intervention are utilized by the therapists to address substance abuse in teens and provide family counseling which is very important in resolving family issues and help in relationship building between the parents and their children.

One company also offers fitness vacations where you backpack for one to two weeks and lose weight in the process. If you are overweight or just an older individual who is still interested in backpacking but prefer to take it slow, these types of vacations might be just right for you.

There is a project management boot camp that is given by one of the local colleges that spans the length of four days. In this course, the students learn project management skills as well as budget creation which can be used in their careers. Some companies also have programs that assist you in developing your home-based business. They also revolve around teaching people to be recruiters for major businesses. Since these programs last only a few days, many people view them as being very intense.

Most of the San Diego bootcamp workout involve fitness techniques developed by different trainers but there are those that are either business oriented or address behavioral issues in children and young adults. Many of these boot camp work out programs can also be found in other areas of the country but the weather in the San Diego area is advantageous for the outdoor and wilderness camps.