Getting your Booty in Bootcamp Shape

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

There is no point beating yourself up about fitness if you have let it slide over the years. It is easy to understand why. Little things called work, life and family get in the way, and add on top of that a busy schedule, stress and wanting to veg out in front of the TV and it is easy to see how your shape sags and your energy levels lag over time. Once in a while you might have joined a gym and have probably spent a lot of money on membership only to go a handful of times. It is not that you are weak, but really that you need to be taken in hand and given a good kick in the motivation muscle to get you really moving again.

Joining forces with others can be a powerful way of getting up off your booty and getting back into shape. The community, shared spirit of a fitness group, as well as the support can work wonders for your morale and be a real boost to any flagging spirits.

Having a shared aim and being able to offer your encouragement to other people has a positive impact all round. A bootcamp is not necessarily a military style exercise regime, which is the running joke about this type of fitness program. Instead, it is a way of getting involved with a group which has a specific focus and where a trainer, motivator and teacher can take you through the necessary steps to get you trim, taut and toned. Yes, you might have goals to reach and have to push yourself hard, but the emphasis is on you achieving something for yourself, on your own terms, and not being bullied and bossed into submission.

To get fit alone can feel like a real uphill struggle and with nobody expecting you to turn up or wondering where you are if you do not make it, there is perhaps more inclination to skip a few sessions. Unfortunately, as with any habit, it is easy to slip into not going or making such sporadic attempts that you are not feeling the full benefit. An exercise group is a way of making new friends and coming into contact with people who would not ordinarily be in your social circle and there is definitely something interesting, and energising about being around such a diverse set of people.

Bootcamp Coaching – Women’s Fitness

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

One among the most effective ways to become physically fit, tone your muscles, lose extra pounds look younger and feel great in a supportive atmosphere is thru training in women’s fitness bootcamps.
Prime indoor bootcamps offers anaerobic strength and stretching exercises to realize weightloss and fitness goals even in terribly stubborn cases and years of fitness neglect.
The coaching is concentrated for women of all fitness levels . Every woman gets personal attention during and when the workout amid nutritional counseling, so as to preserve the nice results for a protracted time. Stretching exercises are a necessary half of the training routine, and they are designed to match the prevailing condition of every woman. Although, the exercises are personalised to fit every women, the atmosphere is basically of a camp or a cluster working together toward mutual results, and so the motivational factor is key to the weightloss and therefore the fitness success of the whole camp.
A smart fitness technique is nevertheless another added value of such efficient personalized programs. For example, the angle toward stretching in ladies’s fitness bootcamp includes: Bootcamp trainers can use proper kind to confirm intensity and speed of every movement. They will regulate each exercise to produce better leverage in real time and create them easier for the campers to perform.
Another important issue well thought of by bootcamp fitness trainers is that the element of risk. Although a bound exercise would possibly be terribly effective in providing profit but a possible risk still exists. Thus fitness trainers will not always advocate all the exercises to any or all the women of the camp. For example, in some cases, a certain exercise that may cause too much strain on the joints will not be suggested for beginners or exercises that place additional pressure on the back will not be recommended for women that suffer from back problems, and alternatives can be urged instead.
Evidently, finding the right balance between individual campers training and training the group as a whole could be a great challenge of private trainers. The emphasis on motion in open house rather than on serious equipment (like in gyms) permits fitness coaches to travel from girl to lady and offer them with instructions throughout the workout, especially in cases where a sure exercises will not seem to be beneficial for all.
Doing what the fitness coach instructs is vital to the success of each lady as much to the group as a whole. And every one that women would like to try to to so as to succeed is simply show up within the camp and train a minimum of 3 times per week on an everyday basis.
When ladies perform what the fitness trainer indicates and obtain inspirited by different campers losing weight, their personal goals can be achieved more simply, and in simply some weeks of coaching ladies start to determine results!
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Women’s Bootcamp Fitness Workout Tips

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Women’s Fitness Bootcamps are becoming the most popular training method today. Women meet up from 2 days a week to 5 days a week to shed inches and burn body fat from problem areas. An important part of bootcamp training is a warm up session. Warmups prepare the body for exercise but shouldn’t be confused with stretching, although stretching is an essential part of the warm up

The warm up serves to elevate body temperature by one.4 to 2.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The comprehensive warming up session practiced in women’s bootcamps includes three essential parts: general warm up, stretching, and specific warming strength activity. A general warm up, where muscles are loosened and warmed is performed before starting up each bootcamp session.

Due to the importance of the warm-up, personal fitness trainers in bootcamps demonstrate and instruct women how to perform it correctly, in order to avoid risk of injury from engaging later in specific strength and stretching exercises.

Women’s Bootcamp warm ups are split into: joint movements and various aerobic exercises.

The joint rotations go down the body. Such rotations are targeted to improve joint motion by lubricating the joints. Bootcamp trainers demonstrate circular movements to improve the rotations and include circular rotations to the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, waist, hips, legs, knees, ankles.

Next, comes the light aerobic warm-up which includes a few minutes of aerobic activity such as jumping a rope to increase the cardio-vascular function. This continues to raise the body temperature and blood flow before effective strength and stretching training can take place.

Then the stretching phase of the warm-up includes both static and dynamic stretching exercises, where static stretching should precede the dynamic stretches in order to avoid potential risk.

Static stretching usually starts with upper body and goes down the lower body with emphasis on the muscles that will be used during the core workout.

Dynamic stretching comes next with some arm swings and leg raises to increase flexibility. The last phase of the bootcamp warm-up session includes specific strength exercises to warm muscles that will be used heavily later on during the bootcamp. This phase includes exactly the same bootcamp strength exercises but at reduced intensity to enhance the strength, balance, and coordination during workouts as well as prevent potential injury.

All that women have to do in order to take advantage of such carefully designed fitness programs-is join a successful women’s bootcamp that conducts assessment of women’s weightloss and physical conditions prior to starting the workout itself and provides women with personally tailored programs that incorporate the right amount of warmup exercises, stretching exercises, and strength exercises before the actual workout- to ensure the best fat loss and workout results over time.

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