Basic Boxing Training Equipment And Gear

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Al Dawson

Basic Boxing Training Equipment And Gear – Sports – Boxing

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In a contact sport like boxing, proper equipment and gears are essential. Here are the things you need to have when training for boxing.

Gloves – A pair of boxing gloves that is both comfortable and fitted to the boxer’s hands are essential. Laces should not be tightly (but not too tightly) tied around the gloves at the wrist. Cut off any lace tips that are hanging off the gloves before sparring. Laces should also be wrapped with tape and the gloves covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

Handwraps – Handwraps reduces the boxer’s hand injury both on training and in actual boxing match. Make sure that an expert demonstrates the proper way of wrapping the hands. If it is not available, remember that the fingers must be separated to allow freedom of movement and the knuckles should be padded evenly.

Headguard – There is a continuous debate about whether boxing headgear prevents head injuries or not. Still, there is no question that a proper fitting headgear reduces the risk of cuts, bruises and other eye injuries. A good headgear must snug comfortably and properly that a blow would not move it and obstruct your vision.

Mouthguards – You can buy a mouthpiece for 2 dollars but that doesn’t mean you should buy it. In fact, the worst thing you could do is to buy the cheapest mouthpiece your money can buy. The mouthpiece you should have is the type that is molded fit to your mouth. The extra amount you pay should be enough to prevent any possible injuries and damages to your gums, teeth and lips.

No-Foul Protector – Wearing a no-foul protector during training is as important as wearing a mouthpiece. If a mouthpiece protects your from any possible mouth injuries, wearing a no-foul protects you from the damage that can be dame by a low blow.

Shoes – Boxing shoes are different from your conventional snickers and other rubber-soled shoes. Boxing shoes are lighter, leather soled and provide excellent ankle support. Wearing shoes other than those that are truly made for boxing make you look awkward when moving around the ring. Non-boxing shoes also increases the risk of ankle injuries and increases your legs fatigue level significantly.

Jump rope -A regular jump rope exercise helps improve coordination, agility, speed, footwork and endurance. A good jump rope can cost under $ 5.

Training Apparel – Commercially sold training apparels are designed to give you maximum comfort while on the ring.

Boxing Bags – You can either make it your own or buy in a store. Boxing bags are usually made of canvas or vinyl. Other bags are made of leather. The earliest form of punching bags is made from kangaroo skin. Home-made punching bags can be a simple duffle bag filled with sand. The material which the bag is made of is really not that important as long as it is durable and can withstand daily use. Boxing bags are effective training equipment if you want to improve your punching strength, increase your stamina, and practice punch combination.

Speed Bags – Speed bags are either mounted on the wall or in a free-standing floor frame. Whichever you choose, it can provide loads of benefits including increased hand-eye coordination, improved reflexes and increased strength.

Speed bags also improve endurance and stamina.

About the Author

Al Dawson is a 25 year + keep fit fanatic and runs the company :

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Al Dawson

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Al Dawson is a 25 year + keep fit fanatic and runs the company :

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Kettlebells for Sale Utilize for Boxing Strength Training

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Oscarlyn Babasa

Kettlebells for Sale Utilize for Boxing Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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There is a persisting debate raging now for those who are enchanted in boxing strength training. Which do you consider is the best tool to use, a pair of dumbbells or a cheap set of kettlebells for sale? You will discover people that maintain unalike thoughts on this matter, yet the truth is that when you’re searching for the most efficient and impressive arm for your arsenal, and you can’t get incorrect getting a pair of kettlebells.When people are using kettlebells for sale, you will be incorporating several different muscular tissue groups. The broader than habitual handle, as well as the inconsistent weight balance will force them to work tougher than average. The innovation of cheap kettlebells leads to anyone being able to alternate and pull their wrists while holding them. This permits an individual to execute many compound exercises like the classic snatch or the clean and press, together with other more complex muscle builders like the Turkish get up, single legged squats and deadlifts, reverse rows and many more.Now you may be speculating why this is so essential for boxing strength training. For one good thing, people will be spending fewer time working out because they are efficaciously proposing multiple muscle groups. More essentially, though, you are training your body using kettlebells for sale to act together as one functioning unit instead of a series of diverse muscle performing biceps curls and triceps kickbacks that do not interpret in the athletic field.Utilizing even a pair of affordable kettlebells will as well permit people to boost their overall wellness level as well as their stamina. Taxing so many muscles so efficaciously instantly will emphatically push their cardio, and of course, this is really important for boxing strength training as well as comprehensive training for boxing likewise.So regard the debate answered then, purchasing a set of cheap kettlebells for sale is far superior compare to training using dumbbells. For boxing strength training, people won’t ascertain a much effective as well as competent tool to use than the kettlebells.

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Just check out the article at Adjustable Kettlebells versus Dumbbells which reveals the honest truth about the bizarre claims made by kettlebell marketers.

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Oscarlyn Babasa

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Just check out the article at Adjustable Kettlebells versus Dumbbells which reveals the honest truth about the bizarre claims made by kettlebell marketers.

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