The Best Chest Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of: Build Your Best Chest Now
Product Description
In order to build a toned, powerful chest you need to do more than just bench presses, push-ups and other standard chest exercises. This book is packed with 53 new and unique chest exercises that will help you increase your strength and develop a more complete physique. Each exercise is explained with full descriptions, detailed instructions and pictures so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing every step of the way.
This results-oriented, step-by-step g… More >>
The Best Chest Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of: Build Your Best Chest Now
Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally
Product Description
This book is for bodybuilders who want the know-how on gaining huge muscular bodyweight. It contains a detailed multi-phase program to help increase present strength and accelerate muscle gains. Readers get primary and secondary muscle-gain workouts, core growth workouts, descriptions of sets and reps, and info on gaining muscle weight without gaining fat — the healthy way…. More >>
Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally
XTremeNO Natural Muscle Enhancer – Build Muscle Pill – Nitric Oxide Muscle Builder Supplement – 3 Bottles
June 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Nitric Oxide
- Boost Your Load Capacity
- Helps Maximize Full Body Recovery
- Helps Improve Muscularity
- Helps to Increase Strength
- Helps Facilitate Muscle Growth
Product Description
You know that look you get right after an intense workout? The moment when your muscles are at their rock-hard rippling best? Wish you could get that ripped look all day long? If so, then you should try XTremeNO Nitric Oxide Booster.
XTremeNO facilitates a perpetual release: a new phenomenon in the world of bodybuilding that allows your body to release Nitric Oxide all day long to keep your muscles looking their best. It’s one of the stunning effects of the… More >>
Push Ups To Build Muscle – Build Muscle With Push Ups
Is it possible for push ups to build muscle? Can this simple exercise that requires no special or expensive equipment, that can be done by children and adults alike, that has so many variations it is used by pro-builders and fitness models, really help to build muscle? This article will answer the question with an affirmative and continue to discuss how this exercise can be done to gain muscle, and other advantages of doing it.
Is it possible to do push ups to build muscle? The resounding answer YES. Now, a pro body-builder is not going to gain muscle by doing 20 reps. But a complete beginner can. That body builder isn’t left hanging though, because with about 500 reps in 40 minutes, even a pro-builder can notice a significant change in muscle form. Like in any exercise stress the muscle fibers and on the eccentric portion of the contraction cause tearing of muscle fibers.
When the body repairs these fibers and replaces them an increase in muscle mass is noticed.
How do you do push ups to build muscle? If you’re a hot-shot, unless you try to do several hundred push ups in a short period of time you’re probably not going to notice anything. But for a beginner, even 50 reps of push ups done with proper form across the period of the day can result in muscle soreness later on. So, the first thing to do is find your starting point. Find the maximum number of reps you can do. If you really challenged yourself you will notice muscle soreness all over your body. This is a great sign that your work out was effective and your body will then go into a state of repair.
Once you find your minimum push up number and heal from your soreness get right back on it but increase the frequency with which you do the exercise. Gradually increase intensity by increasing rep number, set number and by decreasing break time. Once you reach a significantly high rep number, focus on doing the same number of reps in a short period of time and really feel the burn.
There are many advantages of doing push ups to build muscle. The first one is that it involves multiple muscle groups. Therefore you train muscles in several different positions at the same time. This can be felt by the soreness in multiple places after doing the exercise for the first time.
A high intensity is required for push ups to build muscle, and the high rep and set number greatly improves the appetite and allows for a larger caloric intake, which is essential for body building. Finally, these exercises can be used with a variety of grips, speeds, and methods to target different muscle groups. For instance a close grip and a wide grip affect the muscles in completely different ways. Finally, doing push ups to build muscle not only helps to increase size and weight but also to strip down fat.
While it is indeed possible to do push ups to build muscle, the amount of weight gained from such a routine is greatly limited as compared to a more all-round muscle-building program. It must also be noted that, though I say it is possible for push ups to build muscle, this will not happen efficiently if the right nutrients, rest, and hormonal balance aren’t provided. So eat good quantities with good carbohydrates and oils, and plenty of protein packed in too. Do things right and you’ll definitely use push ups to build muscle. But for a whole other level of building and lot more muscle, push ups along might not cut it.
I’m Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.
Click here to get my FREE MUSCLE BUILDING REPORT It will help you avoid all the things you have been doing that have been holding your muscle building progress back. You can also get access to my free newsletters
Visit me at: Well guys, DAY 100 is here!!! What are you doing reading this!? ..go watch the video already! LOL! 100Pushups a Day for 100 Days Straight! Start Date: November 9th, 2009 Finish Date: February 17th, 2010 “It all started from one idea I had late one evening as I was sitting in front of my computer updating my status on Facebook… A challenge to lead, inspire, and encourage people all over the world to take a stand for themselves to build muscle, lose fat, and have a whole lot of FUN! Meanwhile I release DAILY videos to help hold everyone accountable while also sharing valuable tips, techniques, and strategies for assisting in making a LONG TERM change in a healthy direction. No matter if you’re a veteran of fitness or just getting started, we’re all traveling this journey together. You’re one decision away from changing your entire life. Are you ready?!” “Be true to yourself, believe in who you are.” Love, Kyle
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Use a Standard Weight Lifting Bench to Build More Muscle
June 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
A regular standard weight bench can help you build more muscle with your bodybuilding workout routines if you know how to use one correctly. Set an olympic weight bench in flat, incline, and decline positions for more options on executing compound exercises. In the flat position, do dumbbell and barbell bench presses using 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Do that for 3-5 weeks. Then switch over to 5 sets of 5 reps for a few weeks afterwards for proper periodization of volume and intensity. Now adjust the bench to the decline position and use dumbbells for bench presses. Start with a low volume approach. An example would be 6 sets of 3 reps or repeat five sets of five reps again.
Then go to a lower intensity (with respect to weight) and higher reps and increased frequency. Something like 4 sets of 15 would be fine. Now switch to the flat position on the weight bench and periodize accordingly again.
You can follow this same periodization scheme with other compound movements like bench rows, db rows, and shoulder presses.
You can see how versatile a weight bench is for building more strength and muscle mass. Add a squat rack or full walk-in power cage to the bench and you can perform a number of lower body compound exercises. These include deadlift, squat, stiff leg deadlift, and good mornings. If you’ve followed the above examples, you’ll know that you can organize these movements with the same rep, set, and frequency schemes. Do high reps. Do low reps. Vary your training. You’ll build more muscle and strength in the long run if you use a standard weight lifting bench wisely. It makes for a great addition to your home gym.
If you want to know more about how a weight lifting bench can help you build muscle, then look into our standard weight bench guide.
Bench Press
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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How to Build Muscle Fast
April 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Michael Johns
Finding fast ways to build muscle is something almost every guy attempts at one point in life. There’s nothing more satisfying than building muscles and finding the best shape of your life, especially when it happens quickly. The problem is, building muscle fast is NOT easy. In fact, it’s pretty damn hard – but not for the reasons you probably think.
Many guys believe to build muscle fast it requires MORE work at the gym, and HARDER work. This is a popular misconception, in reality building muscle fast is less about working hard, it’s about finding the right techniques and programs. If you have the right plan in place, it’s actually very easy to build muscle fast. There’s a few thing you should remember when it comes to building muscle fast;
Eat lots
Eating is a huge part of muscle growth. For muscles to get bigger, they need to be fed correctly. This means taking in more calories than you burn. It’s the opposite technique to weight loss of course; as an important part of building muscle is gaining weight. It’s ESSENTIAL however, to make sure the calories you do add on are not fat. It’s best to stick to eating a lot of protein.
Intense workouts
When attempting to build muscle fast, the workouts you do should be shorter, but more intense. Doing long hours of easy reps and exercises will do nothing towards building your muscles or stimulating growth, it will only contribute to fitness and strength. To really get the muscles growing, it’s important to do low reps, at max weight. You should really be challenging those muscles you’re targeting to lift MORE than they ever have before.
Mix up your workouts!
Another huge part of muscle growth is challenging them to do new things, and keeping them confused and on their toes. When muscles are told to do the same exercises every day, they get used to it and will eventually go into a state in which they will practically stop growing. You always need to keep your muscles in an anabolic state (state of growth). Part of this is keeping them busy and excited with new workouts.
There’s a lot to muscle growth, and really it all comes down to one thing: having the right plan. A good program is the KEY to every athlete’s progress.
If you can’t formulate your own plan effectively, I suggest you check out for a COMPLETE program that GUARANTEES results.—3-Key-Components&id=1864373
Build Muscle With a Personal Trainer
April 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
Are you looking to make a change? Is that change fitness related and you don’t know where to start? An easy start would be by having the right personal trainer hand selected for you and your specific goals. There are many goals specific to each individual and all of those are taken in to consideration when looking for your perfect personal trainer.
Is one of your goals to learn how to build up muscle? Building muscle is one of the three components to total body fitness. The other two being cardiovascular exercise and nutrition. You must build muscle to lose fat if weight loss if one of your fitness goals. Building muscle, or lean body mass, is important for more reasons that just decreasing body fat. Muscle is the body’s machinery, and the more muscle mass you have, the more efficient your body is at burning calories and, in turn, losing body fat.
All three components of exercise together are what it going to get you the body you desire and deserve.
You can build muscle by strength training with weights at a gym, or you can build muscle at home. You do not need traditional weights to build muscle. You can use your own body weight to build muscle. It is important that you know how to build up muscle mass properly. It is easy to injure yourself while strength training if you do no know the proper technique or are not familiar with the proper weights for your strength level. The best way to know that you are training properly is to consult a fitness professional who can assess your strength and build a program for you according to your goals and needs. If you goal is to learn how to build chest muscle, a Personal Trainer is generally can help you with that.
Muscle takes up less space than fat, so it is possible to gain weight when first beginning a strength training program, even though you look and feel like you have lost weight.
Once your body has adapted to this new program, let the fat burning begin! You body is now a machine and can’t wait to get you to where you want to be. A Certified Personal Trainer can provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and motivation to get your machine up and running!
Finding a trainer that is specific to your needs is the number one most important part of any fitness routine to begin losing weight. Building muscle is important no matter who you are or what your goals are.
We want to simplify the process of getting in shape by assisting you in a search for a professional certified personal trainer. Whether you are looking to lose a couple pounds, train for an event, or injury rehabilitation, we help you find a trainer that is specific to your needs. By having you answer a few basic questions about your fitness objectives, we scan our extensive list of pre-screened, qualified professional fitness trainers who are eager to help you change your life now. We strive to make fitness attainable and simple. Our professional services are free of cost and full of possibilities.
Follow me in my store at
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Top 5 Exercises To Build Neck Muscles
April 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Balu Muscle
There are several reasons why people want to build neck muscles; you will look taller, you will look great in your outfit and it gives a feeling of strength and health to the public.
A lot of fighters work on their neck because studies have shown that having strong neck muscles will make it harder to get knocked out and I guess every fighter want to avoid that.
Exercises for your neck
How to Build Up Your Triceps – Tricep Workouts and Exercises
April 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
Article by Ryan Mutt
Triceps contributes up to 75% of your arms, therefore to build up biceps is not the only worthy effort for toning arms. Triceps is majorly constituted of fats and in the older stages, the need to strengthen your triceps increases. A pile of exercises are there to shape your triceps. A lot among them do not even require any bulky, spacious machines.
Triceps can be exercised at home only with a regular and honest schedule. As of course you need to take care of your diet along with the workout. The intake should remove the arm flab. Do not go for any synthetic diet which is not advised by a diet expert. Two categories for triceps are bodyweight exercises and heavy weight exercises.
A common exercise for triceps is “Triceps’ pushups”. It is like normal pushups but in this you need to bring your hands closer. Try to touch the thumbs of both of your hand.
1. Firstly, lie down and be in the regular posture i.e. normal posture.
2. Move your hands closer so that the thumbs intersect with each other. Maintain the linearity of your back and try to lift up as you do in normal pushups.
3. Lift should be the maximum. Avoid any locking in your joint.
4. Steadily come back on the floor with all force on your hands and feet.
5. Repeat it for 4 sets a day with 16 wraps.
List of alternatives begins with bear walks or crab walks. Get yourself into the position of bear or crab as per your choice. Now start walking like them in the house itself. In this way you can increase the efficiency of your cardio system as well.
Next is the triceps dip. Get a bench or a chair with non slippery legs. Don’t sit fully on the bench. Now hold the bench from both sides of your body, by making a contact of your hands and hip sides. Move into the air and lift up-down. Make such moves thrice a day with 20 wraps each.
You can also opt for the shadow boxing to your mattress. It seems to be a bit kid dish but is really effective. Get your mattress stand taking support of a wall. Set a target point on the mattress. Start punching it without bending your wrist. Another advantage of such act is that it helps in fat burn.
Next for you are the dietary tips. Take the advised amount of proteins and avoid the food with rich content of fat, sodium and sugar (glucose). You must follow the diet instructions strictly.
Workout is not all about heavy exercises. You can go for some fun loving sports. Running and swimming are some of them. This will help you tackle with your fat.
To formulate the ultimate conclusion, go through the list of tips. A treasure of exercises is there to tone up the triceps. But triceps pushup and bench dips are the most effective ones that you can do easily anywhere.
Find How to Lose Cellulite on Thighs and get smooth skin. Also know How to Lose Love Handles Fast to lose excess side fat. Read effective ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat naturally.
How to Build Chest Muscle Lightning Fast in 3 Easy Steps
March 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Richard Knight
Copyright 2006 Richard Knight
If you’ve been trying to build chest muscle but aren’t seeing the gains you were looking for then there are a few key steps you can take to build chest muscle in lightning speed.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step I – Dissect your chest work out
If you want to build chest muscle you have to dissect your chest workout. Your chest which consists of your pectorals “pecs” are pretty big muscles, which means you’re going to have work out different parts of your chest “one at a time” if you want maximum results and the fastest gains possible.
It’s real simple. All you have to do is break down your chest workout or chest exercises to work out the 4 main parts of your chest.
These 4 parts are your upper chest, your lower chest, your inner chest and your outer chest.
Here are a few exercises you can use to build chest muscle very quickly.
Upper Chest Muscle Exercises
– Incline Barbell Bench press – Military Dumbbell Presses – Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Lower Chest Muscle Exercises
– Decline Barbell Bench press – Parallel Bar Dips – Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Inner Chest Muscle Exercises
– Standing Cable Crossovers – Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
Outer Chest Muscle Exercises
– Flat Bench Barbell Presses – Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
By dissecting your chest workout in this way you will not only build chest muscle fast but you build ALL the different areasof your chest muscle which leads to a bigger, stronger and wider chest.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step II – Work Your Chest to Failure
If you want to build chest muscle, you have to train your chest to failure. If you don’t know what I mean, it’s very simple. You have to push your chest muscles to the point where it is unable to do any more reps on its own during that set.
This is why you also NEED a spotter – someone to help you when your muscles fail during an exercise. For example, if you’re bench pressing and your muscles fail halfway on your last rep, you want someone there to assist you, so you can keep pushing even though your muscles have failed – that’s the key to unlocking HUGE muscle gains.
When you train your chest muscle to failure like this, your body says “Woe, I better start sending more nutrients (protein, water, calories, etc.) to build my chest muscles so next time we deal with this stress (weight training to failure), it won’t be as strenuous as last time”. Training like this can and will lead to HUGE chest muscle gains quickly.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step III – Don’t Cheat on Your “Negatives”
What are “negatives”? – Negatives are the eccentric or lowering phase of your particular exercise. For example, if you were bench pressing, your negative would be when you are lowering the barbell once you’ve reached the top. In other words, negative is the motion you take after you have contracted your targeted muscle (in this case lowering the barbell after we have contracted our chest muscle to push the barbell to the top).
Most people use gravity during negatives instead of having a controlled movement downward. This is what I call “cheating your negatives” and it’s also hazardous to your muscles. Think about it, if you just finished pushing a 150lb barbell upward, it’ll be pretty dangerous and “useless” when you’re trying to build muscle if you just relaxed your chest muscles as soon as you were about to lower that barbell it.
Instead, take your time and bring the weight down in a controlled motion and try to really feel the burning in your chest muscle as you lower the weight thus stretching and really targeting your chest muscles as a result.
Remember, it’s not quantity but quality. Think about it, you could lift 30 pounds ten times with poor form or 30 pounds six times with proper form, and you would notice much better results with the latter example
So don’t cheat yourself out of building the massive chest you desire by cheating on your negatives – this is when much of the pressure is being put on your muscles, so don’t “wimp out”.
To anyone who wants to learn how to build chest muscle and quickly at that simply follow these 3 simple steps and you’ll be on the road to a massive chest in no time.
This article has been written by Richard Knight, a “former skinny guy” and weight gain consultant. Richard teaches other “Average Joes” step by step how to build lean muscle mass in 28 days FLAT with his own weight gain system. Get his FREE tips today…
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