How female body builders can build more muscle mass naturally.

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Fritz Blanc

If you are a female body builder aspiring to develop your body and eventually enter your first female body building contest, you are certainly aware that you’ll need to do your homework in order to reach the desire amount of muscle mass and definition required. Building muscle is like building a house, you need to have a plan and work on that plan and finally one day you see the finished product of all your hard work. A female body builder can train much the same way as a male body builder. The only thing is that a man is generally stronger therefore can handle more weight than a woman body builder.

The female body builder needs to develop a good training routine. It would be a good idea to get a trainer for the first few training sessions so that she learns the correct way to do the exercises and the correct way to use the gym equipment.

How do the hormones work to build the muscle of the female body builder?Men and women produce exactly the same hormones, only in different amounts. It may come as a surprise to know that women’s ovaries primarily produce testosterone, from which estrogen is then made. This ovarian production accounts for one-quarter of the total circulating testosterone in a woman’s body. Testosterone is one of a family of hormones called androgens

To raise her muscle building hormone level, a woman body builder must always train with 100 % effort and intensity. If the female body builder wants to see real muscle gains, she must be willing to push herself to the limit in the gym everytime.

Diet to boost testosterone level in female body building:Oysters is loaded with zinc mineral and should be a food in your top food group. Zinc does many important things in the body, but one of them is to help create more muscle and thereby boost testosterone levels for the muscular development of the woman body builder. Chicken will also give the woman body builder a goodly amount of protein.

The egg yolks contain cholesterol and testosterone is produced from cholesterol, therefore consuming egg yolks would be a good way to get the important building blocks for testosterone for the female body builder.

Now, don’t be too concerned about clogging up your arteries, most people don’t realize that actually 85% to 95% of your cholesterol is made by your liver, and not from the foods you eat. Eggs yolks also contained other essential nutrients and vitamins.

A compound in garlic called allicin is one of the the best natural ways to raise the levels of muscle building hormone in a woman body builder. Allicin breaks down easily, so do get real garlic, not the supplements which often don’t have any active allicin left to raise any testosterone level. Broccoli and Cabbage can also be a great natural testosterone boosters because they contain Indole-3-carbinol.

I don’t have to remind any woman body builder to limit her consumption of alcohol and cigarette. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels. Also make sure to get adequate sleep every night. A lack of sleep contributes to cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.

Among the best natural ways to raise testosterone levels is exercise which should be of short duration and high intensity in order to boost human growth hormone production and keeps testosterone levels peaked for the female building her body. Obviously not everyone can exercise this vigorously, so make sure you talk to your doctor before you do.

The woman body builder will focus on high intensity exercises which require large muscles of the body such as leg squats and bench presses. In conclusion, if you follow the tips above which will raise your natural testosterone level. You will therefore be well on your way to build the mass and the definition required to win the next female body building contest.

Fritz has a web site dedicated to body buiding: http://www.muscle-sculpting.info

73 year old body builder ripley mother daughter.flv

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XTremeNO Natural Muscle Enhancer – Build Muscle Pill – Nitric Oxide Muscle Builder Supplement ~ 6 Bottles

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • Boost Your Load Capacity
  • Helps Maximize Full Body Recovery
  • Helps Improve Muscularity
  • Helps to Increase Strength
  • Helps Facilitate Muscle Growth

Product Description
You know that look you get right after an intense workout? The moment when your muscles are at their rock-hard rippling best? Wish you could get that ripped look all day long? If so, then you should try XTremeNO Nitric Oxide Booster.

XTremeNO facilitates a perpetual release: a new phenomenon in the world of bodybuilding that allows your body to release Nitric Oxide all day long to keep your muscles looking their best. It’s one of the stunning effects of the… More >>

XTremeNO Natural Muscle Enhancer – Build Muscle Pill – Nitric Oxide Muscle Builder Supplement ~ 6 Bottles

How To Build Muscle Fast And Get Ripped In Weeks With Nitric Oxide Suppement?

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Pierce Pope 23

Most of us have come across advertisements of products which claim to build muscle fast and also help you get ripped in just a few weeks. Many people believe these advertisement claims are actually true, but when they try the product, they are not able to gain muscle quickly. The reason behind this is largely because of the fact that not all the muscle growth supplements can produce results which can equate to build muscle fast.

After thorough research it has been found that some muscle growth supplements are complete scams and they do not help to build muscle fast. At this point you might think about how to build muscle with the aid of muscle growth supplements if most of them do not have the capacity to produce results. Now you don’t have to worry because a premium product called Nitrocut muscle growth supplement can help you gain muscle quickly as it’s been used by many people and this product has received great feedback for its quality ingredients. If you want to know how to build muscle fast then you must select a best product like Nitrocut muscle growth supplements so that you can build muscle fast without the fear of getting scammed in free trials.

In order to differentiate between the different muscle growth supplements you need to research some of their benefits to find out whether they will be able to help you to build muscle fast. If some muscle growth supplements promise that you will gain muscle quickly without going through any exercise regime, then you should be alert as the growth muscle supplements cannot do all the work required to build muscle fast if a person does not exercise or workout. So you can be sure that these types of muscle growth supplements don’t function properly and they are least likely to give you results. The price of muscle growth supplements can help you to judge whether the product has the capacity to build muscle fast. If the price of the muscle growth supplements is too high, then you must get the hint that you should not waste your money and energy on such muscle growth supplements. Nitrocut muscle growth supplements have a good reputation in the market and hence people use it in the process for how to build muscle fast.

You need to consume L-arginine Bodybuilding supplements to enhance the level of nitric oxide in the body. Consider Nitrocut supplement for best muscle building results.

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The Top 5 Best Back Exercises that will help you Lose Weight and Build Muscle

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Zero

One of the basic and obvious ways of losing weight and building muscles is exercising. Exercising helps us in burning more calories, thus enabling us to lose weight in the process. It is also important to note that not all exercises are meant for losing weight and building muscle. There are certain exercises that are meant for building and strengthening muscles. There are some that are meant only for losing weight.

What exercise would best suite us then? Well it really depends on what your goal is and what part of the body you want to work on. Do you want to work on your chest muscles, your abs, triceps, biceps, and so on.

Whatever muscle in your body that you want to work on, exercising will be one of the key factors to get it done. Here’s a list of the 5 best exercises that will work on your back muscles.

1. Barbell Bent Over Rows – The barbell bent over row is considered as the best exercise to develop and strengthen your back muscles. It’s a compound exercise that works everything from traps to lats to lower back to hamstring.2. Pull Ups – The pull ups is one of the most basic back exercise that is very effective in strengthening your lats and biceps. 3. Lat Pull Downs – The lat pull down is a good alternative to the pull ups. It works on the same muscles as the pull ups but it’s easier to do because you don’t need to pull your entire weight to do the exercise.4. Barbell Shrugs – The barbell shrug is also an effective back exercise that works only the upper back and the traps. You’ll be able to do heavy lifting on shrugs without worrying too much about straining your muscles.bac5. One Arm Dumbbell Rows – Dumbbell rows are considered as the best back exercise because they can show you if your arms are equal in strength. They are a great functional exercise that can isolate each side of your back in turn.

These are considered the five best exercises for working the back muscles. These five exercises won’t necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you build and strengthen your back muscles.

So it’s important to have a goal when exercising. Is your goal to lose weight, build muscle or both? This is a question that you must yourself ask first before you choose what exercise you want to do.

My name Zero is I’m an internet marketer who enjoys doing research online.

Do you find the article helpful? Click here to learn more about losing weightIf the link doesn’t take you to the site, copy and paste it to your browser

Build Bigger Guns – 4 Bodyweight Exercises For Biceps

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Adam Nicholson

Building big biceps are associated with hitting the gym and cranking out numerous sets of bicep curls.

But you can also build bigger biceps from home by using bodyweight exercises.

Here is a selection of bodyweight exercises that will help you build bigger biceps from the comfort of your own home:

Chin-Ups For Biceps. This requires the use of a pull-up bar or some sort of bar that will support your body weight. Installing a pull-up bar in your home is relatively inexpensive and you just need to place the bar between a sturdy door frame and screw it in place. Grip the bar with your palms facing towards yourself, and then slowly pull yourself up until your chin touches your fingers. Exhale as you pull yourself up and inhale on the way down. At first chin-ups can be very hard and you may struggle to do just a few. Start off trying to reach 6 reps, and slowly build up the reps over time.

Pull-Ups For Biceps. These are like chin-ups but the main difference is in the pull up bar grip. With chin-ups your palms are facing towards you, with pull-ups your palms face away from you. Also, with pull-ups you adopt a much wider grip (thus the term wide grip pull ups) that is shoulder width apart. In addition to working the biceps, pull-ups give the back muscles a great workout as well. Slowly pull yourself up as your exhale, and then inhale as you lower yourself (at an even slower pace). Mix-up this back and bicep bodyweight exercise by experimenting with different grips. Close grip, wide grip, medium grip and reverse grip pull-ups all focus on slightly different muscle areas. Also change up the tempo every now and then to shock your body into action.

Push-Ups For Biceps. The old classic bodyweight exercise that everyone thinks about when they refer to chest and bicep bodyweight workouts. Push-ups work many muscle groups at the same time including the chest, triceps, back, abs, biceps and shoulders. It is a great all round exercise. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise and concentrate on slowly going through the movement, working all those muscle groups. For best results do this exercise slowly and steadily increase the repetitions that you do on a weekly basis. A great way to spice up a push-up is to put weights on your back.

Bicep Curls Without Weights. A bicep curl typically involves using dumbbells and barbells at the gym, but it can also be done without using weight lifting equipment. You just need to get creative and find your own replacements for the resistance. Popular make-shift weights include sandbags, empty milk-jugs full of water or sand, and also backpacks full of books. You do not need to go to the gym to build big biceps, you just need to find any form of heavy weight that you can use to stimulate muscle growth.Aim to do slow and steady reps of this exercise. For maximum muscle growth aim to reach failure after around 6-8 reps. As your biceps get stronger, keep increasing the resistance to make sure you keep reaching faillure within the 6 to 8 rep mark.

So there you have 4 of the best bodyweight exercises for biceps that can help you build muscle without weights. They key is now to go away and put these to action.

Remember, not having access to the gym is no excuse for not building bigger biceps. You can do bicep exercises at home!

For a complete home workout routine to help you build biceps without weights and sculpt a lean physique, check out: The site was set up by Adam Nicholson to spread the word about the benefits of bodyweight exercises.

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What is the Best Way to Build Muscle?

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Eric Rotherman

A common question in novice bodybuilding circles is, “What is the best way to build muscle?” This is really a loaded question as there are many different ways to build muscle and each individual’s body responds to different methods of muscle building. There are however some basic fundamental principles that do not change and are essential to every weight lifter’s program. So it could be said that these are the “best way” to build muscle. However they need to be taken and customized according the individual lifter’s needs and requirements. Lets look at what those common elements are.

Firstly a regular time slot needs to be available for training. Before you start to plan your program work out how much time you have and how you will make it regular. If you can’t keep a regular training slot your end goals will be further away then you thought they were. A routine is a must for getting the best out of your weight training.

Secondly you need to ensure you are getting the maximum amount of rest that you can. Remind yourself that your muscles grow when they are rested so ensure you get as much of it as possible. The strain and stress you put your muscles under in training is done to enable them to grow in the recovery phase. The recovery phase is your rest time and so is an essential part of building muscle.

Ensure you eat a balanced diet which effectively fuels your body, so that it can continue to train at maximum intensity. Food is the fuel your body requires and because of your bodybuilding or weight lifting routine you need to ensure you have a good mixture of food groupings. Including, carbohydrates for long lasting energy, proteins for muscular strength and vegetables and fruits for the health benefits of the vitamins and minerals they contain.

The other area you need to consider for best results is the amount of repetitions you perform of each movement within a set of an exercise. Strength athletes usually have one aim chosen from three different options: strength gain, mass gain or muscular endurance. If an increase in strength is the most important for you then you are best to perform sets of 2-6 reps with heavy weights. If you focused on mass gain you will want to perform the exercise in sets of 8-12 reps with moderate weights. Where as if you are wanting to build muscular endurance you will need to perform more than 12 reps per set and use light to moderate weights.

All of the above are foundational to a program that builds muscles the “best way” for you as an individual. Adjust your program to suit your time, your aims and your body type but ensure you consider all the above elements and include them in your training. They will help you gain long term muscle building success.

Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on the Best Way to Build Muscle and Work Out Routines for more information.

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Build Muscle Up and Increase Flexibility with Kettleball Training

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Jared Conley

While Kettleballs have been around for nearly 100 years in countries such as Russia, their use was not widespread until recent years. In America, kettleball training is just exploding, thanks to some very unique benefits that you can achieve with kettleballs. For anyone looking for muscle weight gain, kettleballs make an attractive addition to your conditioning routine.

Kettleballs look like small bowling balls with large, thick handles. They come in varying weights from around 4 pounds to 70 pounds, but the heavier weights aren’t used often, as kettleball training focuses more on conditioning, explosive strength, and movement, rather than brute force.

The beauty of kettleball training is their versatility. In one short workout you can accomplish a number of goals. Some of the many benefits you’ll gain from kettleball training include:

* Strength improvement* Explosive power improvements* Increase in your level of conditioning* Improved joint flexibility and range of motion* Anaerobic condition* Core strength gains* Balance and stabilization improvements

And I’ve saved the best for last: kettleball training can boost your metabolism for quite some time after a workout is over, making them ideal candidates for both muscle building and fat loss.

Kettleballs do have drawbacks, however, but they can be worked around. The one cited most frequently is that kettleballs only work for upper body and core conditioning, and not your lower body, so you’ll need to be sure to supplement your kettleball routine with a good lower body routine, maybe even a quick high intensity intervals training (HIIT) session.

Keep in mind that ketteballs are considered most effective in interval-based workouts, so traditional strength training routines aren’t the best fit. However, if your goal is to build muscle mass and you pay attention in advances in exercise science, you’re likely already aware that traditional strength training exercises aren’t the most appropriate option.

With the many advantages that kettleballs offer, they should be added to your workout routine, provided that your routine emphasizes recent advancements in exercise science and is a good fit for your body type and goals.

Like many time-strapped professionals, Jared is interested in staying fit in as little time as possible. Through research, experimentation, and professional consultations, Jared has learned how anyone can build muscle up quickly, burn fat, build explosive power, and improve conditioning through short, focused workouts.

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THE Weight Training Tip – Use These Tips to Build Muscle Fast

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Aaron McCloud

When you’re weight training to build muscle, sometimes it’s easy to end up in a plateau where you feel like you’re not making progress. If this is your problem, you may be looking for a weight training tip that will help you move beyond that plateau so you can begin building more muscle. Get ripped fast by using the following tips as a part of your training routine.

Tip #1 – Increase the Weight

One weight training tip to build muscle fast is to increase the weight you’re lifting. Many weight lifters make the mistake of working out with weights that are too light. How many reps can you do with the weights? If you’re able to do more than 10, the weight isn’t heavy enough. However, if you only make it to 7-8 reps, you need to decrease the weight.

Heavier weights help you build muscle faster when you’re weight training to build muscle. You should be working to failure when you’re lifting for the best results, so give your weights a boost.

Tip #2 – Avoid Overtraining

When you’re working to get over a plateau and build more muscle, you may be tempted to overtrain. Don’t give in to this temptation.

Overtraining doesn’t do you any good. You can’t make up for having a lazy last month, and you won’t get results faster if you overdo it.

Many weight lifters don’t realize that overtraining can actually decrease your muscle size. Over work your muscles and you won’t receive benefits – you’ll actually move in the opposite direction. Overtraining can cause many complications, including injuries, so make sure you avoid it.

Tip #3 – Get Rest Between Workouts

Between your training workouts, another important weight training tip is to get some rest. Lifting everyday won’t give you faster results.

Remember that weight training actually damages and tears your muscles. As you cause micro-tears to occur, the body works to heal them by building larger muscles.

The tears in the muscle are healed while you are resting, and especially when you are sleeping. This means that rest is just as important as doing the right workouts. It’s best to have at least one day of rest, and preferably several, between lifting sessions.

Tip #4 – Use Split Routine Workouts

Using split routine workouts is a great weight training tip that will help you see results faster. What are split routine workouts?

These workouts focus on training several body parts each day until you have trained all your muscle groups throughout the week. Don’t try training your entire body in one day. Different body parts should be trained on different days for better results.

Tip #5 – Boost Protein Intake

Last, boosting your protein intake is an essential weight training tip to follow when you want to build muscle fast. Quality (complete) protein is needed to build healthy, lean muscle.

However, don’t think overdoing the protein will help. The body will only use so much protein each day. It’s best to take your weight in kilos and multiply by 1.2 – 1.8 grams to figure out how many grams of protein to eat for the best results. Less than that, and you won’t be able to build muscle.

Take These Training Tips And…

Take each weight training tip and start applying them to your weight lifting workouts. These tips will help you see incredible results when you are weight training to build muscle.

Of course, these aren’t the only techniques that can help you get ripped fast. Take some time to find tips and advice that can boost your results even more by checking out the links below.

If you want to get more info about weight training, check out the 5-Day Beginner Weight Training Course. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I’m an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer, and I’ve been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There’s a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training. Check it out! – Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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7 Great Build Muscle Exercises

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Balu Muscle

To get the body of your dreams, you should know some build muscle exercises that can make the difference you are ultimately looking for. But every build muscle exercises have their purpose and you need to know the right ones to build muscles the way you want.

This article will be about some build muscle exercises that focus on isolation workouts, as they are excellent for specific areas on your body. However, full body workout exercises like the squat, bench press, dead lift etc. should also be in your workout schedule.

Biceps and Triceps

-Exercise #1:The first exercise is the close grip bench press. This is one of the build muscle exercises that works on your triceps in a way that a lot of exercises don

How To Build Muscle Fast

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

I”ll never forget my first encounter with “Big Joe.” I had just gotten my driver”s license about a week before, so I was 17 at the time. Up until my 17th birthday, I had been training at our crappy high-school weight room and was counting the days until I could drive myself to the real gym about 15 minutes down the road. I had been training for a few years at that point and was really starting to get obsessed and read everything I could about how to build muscle fast. Of course, I had been doing everything wrong up until that point, but I didn”t know any better. I was convinced that when I was finally able to join Main Street Gym, I would start to grow like a weed.

During my second week there, I saw Big Joe for the first time. I was about halfway through my workout when he walked in. He was massive from neck to calves with a thick goatee, long sideburns, and a mop of curly brown hair. Big Joe stood about 6″4″ and had to have weighed close to 300 pounds. At the time, he was in his late 30″s or early 40″s and walked with a slight hitch””I would later find out that it was from an old football injury””but he continued to squat and deadlift on a regular basis.

He was doing standing military presses that day and throwing around 275 like the bar was empty. I couldn”t help but stare as he hoisted the weights up with ease. After every set I did, I would walk to the water fountain just to get a closer look at one of the most jacked guys I had ever seen in person.

Eventually, we crossed paths and he nodded. That was it.

All the gym vets seemed to know him and every few minutes I heard one of them acknowledging his presence.

“What”s up, Big Joe?”

“Big Joe, what”s happening, my man?”

I had to move to another section of the gym to complete the rest of my workout, but I figured I would see Big Joe again when I was done. I was wrong. When I finished my workout, I looked around the gym and Big Joe was gone.

It was about two weeks before I saw Big Joe again. He came in the door right behind me one night and thanked me when I held the door for him. We both went about our business and started our workouts. He was doing bent-over barbell rows that night and had worked up to 405 for a few sets of six.

About halfway through my workout, I had to run to the locker room to get my straps out of my gym bag. When I returned Big Joe, was gone again.

Over time, I started to see Big Joe more and more and began to notice a trend- he was in and out of the gym before most guys were even halfway done with their workouts. He was so much bigger and stronger than everyone else that I figured there had to be something to what he was doing.

Finally, I worked up the courage one day to go up to Big Joe and ask him about his short workouts. I wanted to learn more about how to build muscle fast and I just knew Big Joe was the one to help me.

“Uh, excuse me,” I said.

“What”s up, big man?” Big Joe replied.

“I just wanted to ask you a few questions about training. I notice that your workouts are way shorter than anyone else”s in this entire gym, yet you are bigger and stronger than everyone,” I said.

“Finally caught on there, huh, diesel? That”s the secret right there. If you keep your workouts short, you never overtrain, you recover faster, and you constantly make progress,” Big Joe explained. “Your testosterone output peaks about a half hour into your workout and is completely shot within 45 minutes. So get in and get out in 45 minutes or less and you will get huge. That right there is one of the most important things I can ever teach you about how to build muscle fast.”

From that day on I have kept all my workouts short and have always done so with all of my clients. The results have been nothing short of spectacular. There is no reason to spend your life in the gym. Hit it hard and get out. And get ready for guys to start stepping aside when they see you coming.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as humanly possible. He is the head training adviser for Men”s Fitness Magazine where he also has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For more How To Build Muscle Fast please visit

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