Build the Muscles with Natural Muscles Builders Xtreme NO

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Dedy

Have you ever heard of a supplement called xtreme no? Do you have a dream to have a good body shape? Well, if you have the dream, you are not alone. There are millions of people out there that also want to have a good body shape. There are many reasons why they want to have a good body shape. Most of the reasons are dealing with the fashion. People usually want to have a good body shape because they will look good in wearing the latest fashion trend. However, there are other reasons why people want to have a good body shape, such as the health reason. People that have a good body shape usually are healthier. There are many ways that you can do to build your muscles.Xtreme no is Natural Body Builder

Xtreme no is the answer of your need. You may need the muscle build supplement to help build the muscles. The muscle builders usually contain proteins that can help the muscles to form a good shape. There are many muscles builder products in the market but you have to select the best one such as the products of xtreme no. Xtreme no is one of the best places to go to get the best body builders in the market that can give you the body shape that you want. When we talk about body builders, we can find many products that claim can give you the best result in the efficient time. However can they really fulfill the promise? Xtreme no is the best place to go to get the products which are effective and can give you the best result. There are many products that made of the chemical ingredients. However xtreme no only offers you the best products that are made of the natural ingredients. Xtreme no is made of the natural ingredients and contains the blend of amino acid that can improve the muscles. That is why xtreme no is the best body builders in the class.

xtreme no muscle builderWhy we have to Choose Xtreme no?

The xtreme no is the place where you can find the best fitness and muscles building programs. With the best instructors, the xtreme no believe that you can get the result that you want. Xtreme no believes that we need an extra passion and will to able to build the muscles. With the professional instructors from xtreme no and the natural ingredients of the xtreme no supplements you can get the muscles that you want. For the man it is very important to build the muscles. Xtreme no understands that men will attract more women if they have a good body shape. That is why xtreme no offers you the best formula to gain the muscles that you want.Best Place to Get Xtreme no

There are many places in the internet that offers you the muscles builder products. However you have to able to select the best place to get the xtreme no supplements. For you who want to get the original xtreme no supplements. You can check site xtreme no. On the site you can get the original xtreme no. Check the site to get the xtreme no right now.


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How To Build Muscle With Free Weights and Machine Weights

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Niz Rambo aka Nizam Shapie

Something you need to keep in mind and by no means put behind you is with the intention of while you do exercises, you are training for life. You still may well consume an hour a day in the fitness center, although that will still leave an additional 23 hours or so on behalf of your muscles to function exclusive of using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of drill, the movement of your body in the course of the work out is established as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more efficient the work out will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.Take on behalf of the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl.

If you aren’t familiar with the drill, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forwards, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the work out as many times as you want.Using that same movement in favor of exercise on a bicep curl machine, you ought to sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, followed by perform the same movement like above to move the handles in an upward movement.

At this point, looking on the muscle contractions in this work out, you are contracting effectively your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. While you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders perform. The machine has several muscles used during this drill limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles within your forearms and fingers.

For the most part of the time, while using machine weights, you will always be restricted as to what type of drill you can do. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.One of the most excellent thing about free weights is the fact that you move a slight chuck around to choose the weight you want to work out. Instead of dragging it over to your work out area, you simply choose it on the machine.

When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.A lot of people argue in the reality that free weights are the most excellent for your body. While this is normally factual, many people out there feel that machine weights are the most excellent.

There are pros and cons with both equipments, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to reach dramatic results.Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask the majority of them regarding machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to stop joking around.Inside a nutshell, free weights will operate more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more efficient overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer various significant advantages.

In some cases, it is most excellent to stabilize the muscles that are being used during a movement, which is where machines are the best to use. The decision on which to work out for you must be based on what you expect to accomplish with lifting weights and where you intend to operate the equipment, such as residence or at a gymnasium. Both systems are significant for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you wish for the most excellent possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the proper workouts they need.

Nizam Shapie is an expert on fitness consultation and losing fat for man (gynecomastia). For more information about weight training and supplementation, please visit You also can get FREE Fat Killer Report at

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How To Build Muscle Fast

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by marko

How to do it?How to build muscle?We all know methods of weight gaining, but most of the methods demands time. In fact – a lot of it. When You are struggling with weight gaining you will need even few years to achieve your goal. So the question is – how to speed up the process? How to build muscle fast? During few months? Even few weeks? There are two ways for that. One is short but can be devastating for our health, the second is bit longer, but its 100% safe. Which one we should choose? First one is based on injecting anabolic steroids or men’s hormones (testosterone) which stimulate our muscle to rapid growth, we can gain more than 20 pounds in a month!

But here is the dark side – because of the speed of the muscle growth , our organism can be overloaded, our heart will be overloaded, also our skin will be stretched so hard that on the biggest muscles we will get muscle scars! There is a lot of cases where skin on the biceps just burst! The second method is natural. It is based on high calories diet and weight gainers, which helps us to build muscle fast. Fast – in a month we can gain around 8-10 pounds, still pretty good , right?

Build Muscle fast – the benefitsOkay , but what we will get along with bigger muscles? The answer is simple? Yes for the first sight – we will be stronger. That’s for sure! But also our organism will be able to get more load on training, our stamina will grow too. So our trainings can be more intense. Also, if we are taking part in some sports events – we will also improve on that ground. Also, the important benefit of is the fact that we will see the results fast enough, and continue our trainings. Because there is nothing worse that training without improvement. Imagine that You are training from 6 months and you not gaining , or gaining very little weight. You need to be obstinate to continue. Every people want to improve fast,build muscle fast, also when coming to bodybuilding and every other sport! Because the rule is simple: more mass = more muscles = more strength = more speed

Build Muscle Fast – SummarySo we all want to be big. And we all want to build muscle fast. And we Know how to do it. We need to stay focus on our goal, training hard , be strict with our diet , get the best gainers.You will see that after first month You will see the difference! So if you really want to build your muscle fast – you will get them with ease. I don’t know anybody who fail when building muscles. It’s easy fro those who really want it. I was struggling with weight and I always wanted to build my muscle fast. After first month I gain 8 pounds of pure muscles, and I was really bigger ? In fact everyone can build muscle fast.

But What If…Instead if trying, hours of training, liters of sweat, your muscles just don’t want to grow?I know it sounds scary… but I’ve experience this by myself… but finally I’ve found a solution! Check out my story and find out what weight gainers I’ve used. – Click Here: Weight gainersCheck out more Weight gaining methods here

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Push Ups To Build Muscle – Build Muscle With Push Ups

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Is it possible for push ups to build muscle? Can this simple exercise that requires no special or expensive equipment, that can be done by children and adults alike, that has so many variations it is used by pro-builders and fitness models, really help to build muscle? This article will answer the question with an affirmative and continue to discuss how this exercise can be done to gain muscle, and other advantages of doing it.

Is it possible to do push ups to build muscle? The resounding answer YES. Now, a pro body-builder is not going to gain muscle by doing 20 reps. But a complete beginner can. That body builder isn’t left hanging though, because with about 500 reps in 40 minutes, even a pro-builder can notice a significant change in muscle form. Like in any exercise stress the muscle fibers and on the eccentric portion of the contraction cause tearing of muscle fibers.

When the body repairs these fibers and replaces them an increase in muscle mass is noticed.

How do you do push ups to build muscle? If you’re a hot-shot, unless you try to do several hundred push ups in a short period of time you’re probably not going to notice anything. But for a beginner, even 50 reps of push ups done with proper form across the period of the day can result in muscle soreness later on. So, the first thing to do is find your starting point. Find the maximum number of reps you can do. If you really challenged yourself you will notice muscle soreness all over your body. This is a great sign that your work out was effective and your body will then go into a state of repair.

Once you find your minimum push up number and heal from your soreness get right back on it but increase the frequency with which you do the exercise.

Gradually increase intensity by increasing rep number, set number and by decreasing break time. Once you reach a significantly high rep number, focus on doing the same number of reps in a short period of time and really feel the burn.

There are many advantages of doing push ups to build muscle. The first one is that it involves multiple muscle groups. Therefore you train muscles in several different positions at the same time. This can be felt by the soreness in multiple places after doing the exercise for the first time.

A high intensity is required for push ups to build muscle, and the high rep and set number greatly improves the appetite and allows for a larger caloric intake, which is essential for body building. Finally, these exercises can be used with a variety of grips, speeds, and methods to target different muscle groups. For instance a close grip and a wide grip affect the muscles in completely different ways. Finally, doing push ups to build muscle not only helps to increase size and weight but also to strip down fat.

While it is indeed possible to do push ups to build muscle, the amount of weight gained from such a routine is greatly limited as compared to a more all-round muscle-building program. It must also be noted that, though I say it is possible for push ups to build muscle, this will not happen efficiently if the right nutrients, rest, and hormonal balance aren’t provided. So eat good quantities with good carbohydrates and oils, and plenty of protein packed in too. Do things right and you’ll definitely use push ups to build muscle. But for a whole other level of building and lot more muscle, push ups along might not cut it.

I’m Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.


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How to Build Muscle Fast in Bodybuilding

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Franchis Adam

Nowadays people are getting crazy about bodybuilding. Hey! You wannabe a muscle man don’t you? Well, it’s not a big deal. Gaining muscle fast is quite possible. But it requires some strategy. The strategy has three main elements. First is weight training through weight or hydraulic resistance equipment. Secondly, high level nutrition intake supplemented by extra proteins is equally important. Third, taking rest for recuperation between workouts will serve the real purpose.

Weight training is critically needed for a sculpted body with prominent muscles. Here weight training should not be confused with strength training. Weight training builds muscle fast whereas strength training helps strengthen muscles and increases muscle flexibility. Weight training is not started abruptly. It should be preceded by some stretching and warm up exercises. Cycling, running and jogging are some good warm up exercises. Sit ups and push ups exercises constitute important elements in bodybuilding program.

It is always better to set a goal for the build muscle fast program. Build a three months program. In the first month the number of sit ups and push ups should be kept up to 15. It should be done in three sets followed by weight training. Weight training should be started with mild weight. It slowly improves the stamina and endurance of the body. Moreover, it should always be targeted to the major muscle groups such as biceps, triceps, and thigh and abdomen muscles.

In the second month the number of sit ups and push ups may be increased up to 50 in a week. The quantity of weight in the weight lifting should be increased as per stamina. The number of repetitions in the weigh lifting should be increased. In the third month the pace of sit ups and sit ups should be maintained with minor additions in the exercises. The quantity of weight should be increased to give maximum stretch to the muscles. But the build muscles fast program is still incomplete. What is missing here is the nutrition.

Adequate nutrition is must for the muscle building program. A body builder needs more carbohydrate and proteins than an average person. During weight training and other exercises muscles undergo micro tears which later recuperate. Therefore body demands extra energy and nutrition. Extra energy is provided by carbohydrate and protein works as bodybuilding substance. Therefore an ideal diet for muscle gaining program should incorporate protein and carbohydrate enriched food such as rice, oats, nuts, mutton, soy, fruits and green vegetables. In addition to it, plenty of water intakes are also must. It helps in digestion and keeps body metabolism in good condition. This is all about how to build muscle fast. Just keep it up and see the difference within six months. Good luck!!

You can Build Muscle Fast by buying Bodybuilding supplements and Legal Steroids.

Top 6 Exercises to Build Chest Muscles ? So Cool

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

The chest muscle is a big and important muscle and this article will be about some very effective exercises to build chest muscles with.

Before going into the exercises on how to build chest muscles, I want to emphasize the importance of having the right nutrition. Without nutrition, you won’t be able to build chest muscles that stand out. Having the right kind of nutrition is the main ingredient for awesome chest muscles.

How to Build Chest Muscles – Exercises

-Build Chest Muscles #1 – Incline Bench Press with Dumbbells:
This exercise to build chest muscle is excellent for your upper chest area. You need an incline bench and a pair of dumbbells. As soon as you are ready, you take the two dumbbells and push them upwards towards the ceiling and return to the start position where your elbows are bending.

Repeat as necessary.

-Build Chest Muscles #2 – Flat Bench Press with Barbell:
This exercise is standard for every gym and is a great way to build chest muscles with. Lie on the bench with the back of your shoulders pushed towards each other. You will this way only make use of your chest and triceps and not your shoulders. Grab the barbell and extend the bar upwards and then lower it right above your chest.

-Build Chest Muscles #3 – Incline Chest Flyers:
Sit on an incline bench. Grab a pair of dumbbells and extend your arms upwards which will be your starting position. Now slowly lower your arms to the side, all the way until you can feel the stretch in your chest area. Return to the starting position and repeat as necessary.

-Build Chest Muscles #4 – Decline Bench Press:
Bodybuilders know the effectiveness of this exercise to build chest muscles with. Lie on a decline bench and grab the bar. Lower it towards your chest and push it upwards. Repeat as required.

-Build Chest Muscles #5 – Barbell/Dumbbell Pullover:
For this exercise, you can choose to use a barbell or a dumbbell. Grab your desired choice and lie on a bench, facing upwards. Extend your arms upwards, which will be your starting position. Now slowly lower your arms all the way to the back of your head and feel the stretch in your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat as necessary.

Build Chest Muscles – The Cool Way

-Build Chest Muscles #6 – Push Up with Exercise Ball:
You might be surprised to hear that this exercise is a great way to build chest muscles without weights. Position yourself in a push up position, but with your feet on an exercise ball.

Lower yourself all the way down, but without touching the ground and then push yourself upwards. This exercise to build chest muscles with can also be performed with a weight plate on your back or with a weight vest.

All of the above exercises to build chest muscles are excellent if you choose to apply them. Take the above exercises with a nutrition plan and you will have a great cocktail to build chest muscle with.

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How to Build Muscle Faster – Gain Slabs of Muscle With This Guide to How to Build Muscle Faster

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Everyone who wants to build muscle seems to be looking for a quick fix. Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen! However, if you want to know how to build muscle faster, then read on to find out what you can do to accelerate your progress.

This article will tell you how to build muscle faster through weight training, nutrition, and supplementation. At the end of the article, discover the best, move proven guide to building muscle, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds in just 6 months.

Train To Get Stronger!

If you’ve been looking for advice on how to build muscle faster, you may have read a bunch of bull about how many sets, reps, and exercise you need to do to “fully stimulate” each muscle. All you need to worry about is getting stronger.

A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period. You need to gain strength on compound, heavy movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses.

These movements will allow you to use the most weight and gain the most strength.

Eat To Grow

The most important part of how to build muscle faster is eating enough to grow. You can leave blood, sweat, and tears on the gym room floor every time you train, but you will never make any progress if you don’t eat enough.

First, you must get enough protein, about 2 grams per pound of body weight ever day. Second, fill the caloric void with complex carbs and healthy fats. Make sure you are eating enough to actually GAIN weight!

Choose The Right Supplements

Though they should definitely not be your focus, some supplements can help you with how to build muscle faster. Just be sure to ignore the bogus products with hyped-up ads, bodybuilder endorsements, and crazy claims.

Protein powder, creatine, and amino acids are the basis for a good supplementation program.

You’re going to have to research other good products, but make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned money on any junk!

Follow A Proven Muscle Building System!

Secrets Of Body Builders: The Best Way To Build Muscle

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Best Way To Build Muscles

Do you wonder why most body builders look alike? With those six pack abs and massive arms and thighs, even from afar you can see that these lean mean machine of a man have broad shoulders, great physique a V-formed torso and rippling muscled legs. It is then very easy for you to become envious with how great they look. However, achieving a great and healthy body is now easy if you know how to do it properly.Unfortunately, if you want to build your muscles the right way, there is no magic pill or short cut. The best way to build muscles is for you to work hard and building it slowly but surely. Please don’t take this task very lightly because if you want a magic pill, there are plenty of over the counter steroids but the negative effects of this to your health is not worth it! So how do you get those rippling muscles and six pack abs properly? Here are the secrets most body builders use.

Proper Diet

Some people overlook diet when it comes to building muscles. The thing here is that before you hit the gym, make sure that you eat the right food to help you grow your muscle. Having said this, don’t expect to grow your muscles if you are on a banana diet. The best food to eat when trying to build muscle is through protein. Protein and its amino acids is the precursor of muscles. Although this may be the case, don’t go binging on hamburgers and fries daily. Make sure that you choose healthy protein like fish, chicken, eggs and lean meats.

Do The Right Exercise

So what is the right exercise regimen for people who want to build their muscles? The answer is weight lifting. Make sure that your exercise regimen has a lot of squats, push ups and military bench presses. You can also do dead lifts to increase your muscle mass.

Let Your Muscles Rest

Unfortunately, only a few people understand the benefits of resting. In a hurry to achieve the best way to build muscle fast, most people spend day in and day out inside the gym doing weight lifting. The problem with over training is that your muscles tend to become injured thus you may end up loosing them instead of gaining them in the process. This means that if you lifted weights today, you can still go to the gym tomorrow to perform other workouts and resume your muscle training a few days later.

So if you want to learn how to build muscle fast, do it the right way!

The author is a certified fitness professional who wants to help people build muscle the right way. For more information, please clicks here and you are on your way to a great body full of rippling muscles.

Do Push Ups Build Muscle Mass?

December 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Brandon Young

I joined the Marines back in 1999. Prior to joining, I was obsessed with building muscle. I was so obsessed that I lifted weights for two hours a day, six days per week. I thought that joining the military was going to help me gain muscle mass. It was simply not the case. The way we did push ups built muscle, but not the kind of muscle I was hoping to build.

I was pretty naive at the time, and did not know that much about training. I did not realize that there were different muscle fiber types. We were training our type one muscle fibers, which are used for endurance training. Type one fibers have little or no ability to get bigger.

A friend recently asked me, “Do Push Ups Build Muscle Mass?” He knows that I do them on a regular basis and always comments on my muscular body. I really wanted to help the guy, but he was pretty lost when it came to training. When he asked, I had to really think about what I was going to tell him. In the military, I did not build any muscle mass. I actually lost weight. However, I now know more about training and realize that there are ways to modify exercises and make them more suited for mass gain. Although I had never tried the modifications I was going to tell him about, I knew they would work.

I told him that he could if he modified the exercise for building muscle. I told him that to modify them for building muscle, he would need to use extra weight. I told him some methods of adding extra resistance include using harder versions of push ups, such as one hand push ups or diamond push ups, raising his legs onto a table or platform of some kind, buying a weight vest, draping chains over his back, using resistance bands, or loading a book bag with anything he could think of.

My friend was glad to hear that push ups could build muscle. He is a big fan of doing them. In fact, he used to do entirely too many of them. He did them in the morning and at night. After toying around with the new versions I suggested to him, his physique changed quite a bit. So, if someone asks you, “Do Push Ups Build Muscle Mass?”. You can give them the same answer I gave my friend. Yes, doing push ups will build muscle if they are modified for building muscle.

Brandon Young has experience in building muscle. He wants to help you reach your physique goals. If you want to get bigger, go to

The Elite Push Up Exercises These Varieties Of Push Ups Will Build Your Pectorals Like Crazy

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by chif chanton

There are so scores of different types of push ups you can do there is zero way you might ever get disinterested with creating bodyweight pectoral exercises. The modes of push ups you can complete will for definite add in the muscle confusion essential feature and give you first-rate pay off. You can pull off plyometirc push ups, static push ups, diversified arm and hand placement push ups, the run down goes on and on. In this post, I will certainly review a little of my cherished types of push ups you can act out as well as create a push up exercise out for you.

The Modes Of Push Ups That Act The Best

I have been completing push ups for years. The excellent thing is, it feels almost once a day that folks set up diversified modes of push ups and post those around the online network. This has supported me to keep focused to do hundreds of push ups a week with loads of fluctuation. Here is a small run down of the varieties of push ups that I know for a fact will get you exceptional positive changes. These three varieties of push ups are the infrastructure for all other varieties of push ups:

General Push Ups

Yeah I understand reasonably commonplace, though general hand broadness and normal momentum push ups are the groundwork for the varieties of push ups you can do. You need to without exception do these, mainly for a warm up set before to you getting into the more demanding modes of push ups. beginning at this base, you can alternate hand placement to narrow, wide, diamond, off set, plank, and so on. You can align your body to achieve decline push ups, incline push ups, hand stand push ups. As long as you are creative or frankly go to Youtube, you will certainly not run out of the varieties of push ups you can fulfill.

Plyometric Push Ups

These types of push ups I be fond of, erupting up and leaving the air when you complete the plyometirc push ups. These are challenging, fun and you are able generate varied types of these as well. You can fulfill the clapping plyo push up,s the airborne plyo push ups, the double and triple clap push ups, and so on. These will be the catalyst for your pectoral development.

motionless Push Ups

Motionless push ups or isometric push ups are brutal. If you plainly maintain your position for at smallest 20 seconds you will no dispute feel it working and your arms will begin to quiver like mad. These varieties of push ups will certainly really focus on the solid muscle fibers in your pectorals.

Now that you are informed the varieties of push ups that are the groundwork to all other types of push ups its time that you give the training session beneath an attempt. Don’t complete this exercise more than 3 times per week. Your muscles need to renew.

Here is merely an example of the varieties of push ups you can complete in a given exercise routine. The regimen beneath will have you carrying out a total of 200 push ups, with varied varieties of push ups. I bet you any one thing it this will brutish even the most exceptional.

Do 25 universal push ups

Complete 25 contracted push ups (arms touching sides)

Achieve 25 outspread arm push ups

Perform 25 diamond hand placement push ups

Fulfill 25 plyometirc clap push ups ( your feet stay on the floor)

Act out 25 jumping plyo push ups ( your entire body goes airborne the floor)

Complete 25 burpee push ups

Finish with 20 seconds isometric hold push ups at bottom of your stance (chest almost touching ground). Then for 20 additional seconds with your body posture should be half way up from the ground, and the last 20 seconds your body placement should be 3/4 the way off the floor totaling it an aggregate of 1 minute.

As you can notice the varieties of push ups you can pull off are for sure nearly endless. Changing it up, and having fun with the exercises is what you aspire to shoot for. Fix in the mind, the varieties of push ups you can do is only restricted to your creativity.

There are many ways to get in shape, visit Types of Push Ups and Develop Lean Muscle

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