Body Building for Skinny Guys – The Push Up

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Emily Louisa

Chest Exercises

This exercise is my favourite chest exercise. It mainly works out the chest muscles, also known as the pectoral muscles. Did you know that 90% of the time, the first part of the body that a person looks at when they see another person is the chest? Forget the phrase “your eyes are the windows to your soul.” Your chest is the first and most direct channel into a person’s head.

More often than not, the simplest exercises that require the least amount of money are the most effective ones. This exercise is one of the most overlooked exercises in bodybuilding.

The Push-Up

The main muscle group targeted in this exercise is the chest. Although you would feel quite a lot of strain on your triceps when starting off, it also serves to train other smaller muscle groups that can improve your overall trunk region.


The most important thing to keep in mind is correct posture. While doing the exercise, your back must remain straight when lowering yourself towards the floor. That is the correct posture when doing push ups.

Ensure that your trunk (chest and stomach) is lined up with your legs when in the locked arm position. When lowering yourself to the floor, again, it is of utmost importance that you maintain the straight, horizontal position without arching your back in either in the upward or downward direction.

When starting out, the strain on your arms and chest might be very intense and you would be tempted to arch your back to relieve some of the ache on your arms and chest. However, you should not do that, as it will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

It is essential that you maintain the horizontal position throughout the exercise. If you do not have a training partner, carry out the exercise against a mirror and keep a lookout for your posture.


Although it may seem simple, there are many mistakes that will severely affect the effectiveness of this exercise if not carried out properly.

Firstly, the position of your arms and hand should be about shoulder width apart. There are variations of the push-up that uses different widths such as the diamond push up, but we will concentrate on the basic form of the push up for now.

Secondly, lower yourself until your chest is close to the floor, or nearly touching the floor. A good gauge would be the point where your elbows are bent at a 90-degree position with your body still straight. This position effectively targets the chest muscles without having to place too much strain on your back and arm muscles.

Thirdly, you have to exhale when exerting strength, inhale when releasing the strain. This is a fundamental principle when doing any form of exercise. Applying this to the exercise, exhale when pushing yourself back up to the original/resting position and inhale when lowering yourself down to the floor.

It may seem counter intuitive when starting off and many individuals new to working out can often be seen holding their breath when carrying out any exercise, resulting in them tiring out very quickly and turning blue after a few sets. Proper breathing technique is key to maintaining strength and stamina as your muscles need oxygen to remove lactic acid build up.

Fourthly, aim to do the pushing (from the floor up) in as fast a time possible and release the load slowly (lowering yourself). As a guideline, the time taken to lower yourself must at least be twice that of the time taken to push yourself up.

Specially for The Skinny Guy

If you are actually doing the push-up correctly, it might actually result in muscle fatigue, meaning that you would have absolutely no strength to push yourself up within 20 to 25 repetitions in the first set. Do not be alarmed as it is all right to do just 20 to 25 reps when you are just starting off.

Skinny guys need additional sets and more stress on the muscle in order to trigger the response by the body to build more muscle. Hence, this is where things become harder and more complicated. As a skinny guy, you absolutely have to do another set, even if it means complete muscle fatigue and you are unable to even hold a pencil properly after the exercise.

The main purpose is to place additional stress on your muscles.

If you have reached muscle fatigue in the first set, commencing the second set, you would not be able to achieve the same results.

For example

1st set: 25 repetitions until fatigue.

2nd set: Ideally you should aim to achieve 25 repetitions, but muscle fatigue will occur around the19th or 20th repetition.

3rd set: The number of repetitions that you are able to do will continue to decrease.

If you are not experiencing muscle fatigue, it is either that you are not doing the exercise correctly or you have not pushed your muscles hard enough until the point of muscle fatigue.

There is no secret to making bodybuilding for skinny guys easier because you are not naturally blessed with much muscle building genes. It becomes a mental game after the first set that you’ve accomplished and truthfully, you really do not know when your muscles will give way until you have pushed it far enough.

Just remember, the real stress that starts the muscle building process occurs only when you are struggling to complete a repetition. At this point, will power to keep on pushing is what matters the most. Keeping your goal in mind, you must push yourself to your limits and then only will you see results. Additionally, having a training partner would definitely be helpful to push you beyond your limits.

Bodybuilding for skinny guys requires an extra amount of will power and mental strength. While we as skinny guys naturally lack the physical strength, we make up for in mental strength.

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Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body’s most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels.

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Weight Training Muscle Building – Weight Training Diet For Skinny Guys To Pack On Muscle Mass Quickly

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight Training Muscle Building

If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain muscle mass quickly then this weight training diet is the missing key you need to start growing fast. I’m going to give you the absolute best food you need to include in your weight training diet.

Your weight training diet can be broken up into 3 categories of food: Protein, carbs, and fat. You the right amount of each of these in order to build muscle mass. Especially if you’re a skinny guy – you need to pay special attention to your diet if you want to grow. Weight Training Muscle Building

Best Carbohydrates To Include In Your Diet

Brown Rice
Whole Grain Breads

Best Protein Sources To Include In Your Diet

Chicken and turkey
Steak and ground beef
Cottage Cheese
Whey Protein

Best Fat Sources To Include In Your Diet

Flax Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Fish like salmon and tuna
Fish Oil

So how much of these foods should you be eating to start building muscle mass? Well, I recommend my personal training clients split it up into 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.

This is the best ratio for gaining muscle weight quickly especially if you’re a skinny guy.

Your weight training diet should also include the right number of calories for your bodyweight.

If you’re a hardgainer and have trouble putting on muscle mass, I recommend you take 20x your bodyweight in calories daily. So take your body weight x 20 and that’s how many calories you should include in your diet on a daily basis. It’s pretty simple. Weight Training Muscle Building

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Lee Haney’s Ultimate Bodybuilding Book: The 8-time Mr. Olympia’s Revolutionary Program for Building Mass, Strength and Power

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Lee Haney is the only man to win eight Mr. Olympia titles–and he won them consecutively. Host of his own television show, he is one of the most popular figures in bodybuilding and fitness. His work with boxer Evander Holyfield and basketball star Kevin Willis has proven that weight training can ehnance performance in other sports; his Atlanta-based gym, Lee Haney’s World Class Fitness Center, teams up with the city to promote general heath and good fitness for ev… More >>

Lee Haney’s Ultimate Bodybuilding Book: The 8-time Mr. Olympia’s Revolutionary Program for Building Mass, Strength and Power

American Body Building Glutaforce, 500 gram, 500-Gram Tub

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

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Product Description
You train hard – really hard. The last thing you need is unintentional down time to counteract your efforts. Hedge your bets with glutamine. This conditionally essential amino acid accounts for about 50% of your total amino pool, making it the most abundant amino acid in the body. So, you should keep your supply well-stocked – especially during the winter months and at times when you’re pushing yourself to the limit. GlutaForce combines pure L-glutamine and pe… More >>

American Body Building Glutaforce, 500 gram, 500-Gram Tub

Muscle Building Workout Plans For Men ? The Essentials

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Muscle building workout plans for men has gotten very popular the last couple of years. That is because having a muscle building workout plans for men is important to gain consistent muscle mass and there are several reasons why:

By having a muscle building workout plans for men you will know exactly what to do, when to do it and most importantly, if you find the right program you will have faith in what you are doing because it has worked for others as well.

How to find muscle building workout plans for men that works?

But finding muscle building workout plans for men can be a journey by itself. This is because there are so many muscle building workout plans for men floating around promising so much, but with no real meat behind the surface.

What we want is a muscle building workout plan that has everything you need to know about building your dream physique and that has worked for others.

You have probably heard the saying, If you want to be successful in something, find somebody who has mastered it and do the same. It is that simple.

When looking for muscle building workout plans for men, there are several things you should be on the lookout for. Does it include a workout plan, a nutrition plan and a how-to plan? If not, the muscle building workout plans for men is not the one you are looking for.

What should muscle building workout plans for men include

You need the above mentioned plan because of the following:

-A workout plan: By having a workout plan in your muscle building workout plans for men, you will know what exercises you should work with, on what days, what muscle groups the different exercises targets etc.

-A nutrition plan: A nutrition plan in your muscle building workout plans for men is as important, if not more, as your workout plan. By having a nutrition plan you will know what to eat and when to eat, which will make a drastic change in a positive way, to your body.

-A how-to plan: The reason for having a how-to plan in muscle building workout plans for men, is because you want to be efficient when working out. If you don’t know how to perform each exercise the right way, you won’t benefit as much from it. And by knowing how to perform each exercise, you will keep yourself injury free.

It is like going into a jungle when you are looking for muscle building workout plans for men, because there are many programs, but only a few worth investing in. If you want a guarantee in following a program that works, then look for muscle building workout plans for men that has worked for others.

But what is essential when you find the muscle building workout plans for men that works, is to stick to it and stay 100% committed to having the body of your dreams.

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Muscle Building – Information For Body Builders

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

How to lose 10 pounds of weight per week is a secret that every obese or fat or large sized person wants to uncover today, given our 21st century sedentary lifestyles, which are not being any helpful in helping us maintain an ideal or healthy weight. This couple with the distraction of junk food in every nook and cranny to tease one’s taste buds, makes it all the more difficult for ordinary people to maintain a desirable figure.

If you can lose your weight, the first and foremost compliment is the one that your mirror will give you every day when you can fit into the sexiest and trendiest of clothing without having to look oversized or out of shape. More than anything else, a beautiful, light and toned body, implies a healthy and young you that everyone craves to be like. 

The larger your size, the more the amount of enzyme activity in your body.

The more the number of toxins in your body and consequently the more the possibility of diseases in your body. You can lose 10 pounds of weight per week if you can concentrate on incorporating a diet that aims at cleansing your colon. This is the only way and also the most effective way to achieve the quickest of possible weight loss.

When we eat unhealthy food, we are making our colons, the storehouse of all possible wastes and toxins that find it hard to find their way out of our system, thereby making us lethargic, obese, oversized and unattractive. Trans fats, saturated fats, processed foods, canned foods, junk foods, preservatives, insecticides and pesticides not properly washed off food grains, fruits and raw vegetables are all sources of the contaminating waste material that occupies our colons.

Finding a consistent and permanent outlet for these wastes from our colons is the best way to quickly lose weight.

These accumulated toxins and daily storage themselves make up for the reasons, why we find our large weight stagnant or increasing, as time passes by, because there is an uncontrolled supply of wastes daily to our systems.

An average human carries nearly 8 pounds of colon waste, which is horrible for the body in the long run. It makes your body the center of all diseases and distortions. Any natural colon cleanser is a good alternative to help clear up as much as 3 to 4 pounds from your colon, thereby helping you win nearly half the battle in your 10 pound per week, weight loss quest. 

A badly functioning or a semi-dysfunctional colon promotes fat deposition in place of fat elimination. Once your colon is cleansed with a natural colon cleanser, your body’s ability to eliminate fats increases, implying a better metabolic rate. This is because eliminating excess wastes helps restore the colon back to its original optimum functioning. 

If you digestive system is not burdened with toxins, then it has the capacity to digest and convert your intake of food into instant energy instead of layers of fat deposition. This also implies better absorption of nutrients and a healthier you, in spite of losing weight at the rate of 10 pounds per week.

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Muscle Building Routines – Leg Muscle Workout Routine

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Your legs are the largest muscle groups of your body, and therefore should be one of your priorities when it comes to building muscles. However, most people neglect their leg muscle development, and elect to focus on their upper body instead. Sure, your legs are covered up most of the time in long pants, and nobody sees them, but to build true overall body strength and size, you cannot neglect your legs.

It’s understandable that the chest and arm muscles are by far the favorite body parts for many people, especially beginners, but have you ever heard the phrase that “you don’t get big guns by doing curls, but by doing heavy squats?” Heavy squats will build a bigger everything – bigger chest, bigger arms, bigger legs, you name it.

Let’s get one thing straight first – your goal is to build a well-rounded, proportionate body, right? Right.

Having a big squat will translate in to having bigger lifts all around. Because the leg muscles are the biggest muscle groups of your body, and require the most effort, I typically start off my training week with them.

My leg workout routine looks something like this:

· Squats – 3 x 6 reps
· Leg Press – 3 x 6 reps
· Stiff leg deadlifts – 3 x 6 reps
· Leg curls – 3 x 6 reps
· Standing calf raises 3 x 12
· Seated calf raises 3 x 12

Some substitute exercises you can alternate with the above listed exercises include:

· front squats
· hack squats
· lunges
· donkey calf raises
· leg extension

For your exercises, make sure to use a weight heavy enough that allows you to perform no more than 6 reps, with the exception of calf exercises, which sometimes I continue until failure.

Start off with a good warmup with some stretches and light weight lifting.

Sometimes, I find that working my quads, hamstrings, and calves in one workout takes a little too long – around 45 to 50 minutes – I prefer workout sessions lasting 30 to 35 minutes to maintain a high level of intensity. I find that by the time I’m done with my quads and hamstring exercises, I’m pretty beat for my calves, and sometimes, don’t give them the attention they need. So, I’ve been splitting up my leg days, and moving my calf workouts to random days of the week. I’ve found that this works quite well for me, allowing me to get a good training session for my calves and still keeping my workouts under 40 minutes.

Learn the secrets of bodybuilding, and discover how you can gain serious muscle and strength.

Best Muscle Building Supplement to Gain Muscle Fast

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Most people going to the gym want to gain muscle fast so they are always asking me to tell them what the best muscle building supplement is.  There are really a lot of answers to this question and it really depends on how dedicated someone is going to be with their workout and nutrition program.  There is currently no magic bullet that can make up for a bad training routine or poor nutrition but there is one essential supplement that I consider the best muscle building supplement to gain muscle fast.

It’s important to understand the building blocks of muscle tissue and how new muscles are synthesized in the body.  If you do not give your body the right building blocks there is no possible way to gain muscle fast let alone build any muscle at all.  The best muscle building supplement for lean mass gains is branched chain amino acids or BCAA’s.  These are the three amino acids named leucine, isoleucine, and valine.  When muscle tissue is broken down in your workout it primarily draws from this pool so replacing these are essential as part of your muscle building diet.

Most BCAA’s come in a ratio of 2:1:1 with leucine being the dominant amino acid consisting of twice the amount of isoleucine and valine.  Leucine has been shown to be the most important amino acid for muscle building.  There are now some versions of BCAA’s that have a ratio of 4:1:1 with leucine consisting of 4 times the amount of the others.  This is becoming the preferred ratio for many several top world athletes and is the BCAA ratio that coach Charles Poliquin recommends to all of his clients to help them gain muscle fast.  He also considers BCAA’s to be the best muscle building supplement when used correctly.

Branched chain amino acids should be taken within 15-20 minutes prior to working out so that they are available for your muscle tissue.  They can also be taken during a workout to keep a steady stream of BCAA’s going towards energy and tissue recovery in the muscles.

They are great a part of any muscle building routine if you truly want to gain muscle fast and they are great when dieting to retain lean muscle tissue.  There are currently only a couple versions on the market that offer the 4:1:1 ratio and it is offered by Anabolic Xtreme.  They have a product called Axcell that comes in a powdered form that can be drank prior to and during workouts for quick delivery to the muscles.  It also has a few other key ingredients for muscle like Glucuronolactone, L-Taurine, Citrulline Malate, and L-Glutamine,  This powerful mix could make it the best muscle building supplement that can truly help you gain muscle fast.

Rick Porter is a fitness solutions expert with 25 years of training experience. Click here for our natural muscle building supplements store and keep up to date on the latest fitness tips, fat loss reviews, and supplement reviews.

Big Time Muscle Building and Bodybuilding Supplement Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If you are a man you must have a muscular physique. If you have the perfect structure, men will like you because of your self confidence and women will feel attracted because of your sexy looks. Though many men dream to have such a physique most of them are not ready to do those stressful workouts needed to increase their muscle mass. Such men will be immensely happy to know that now they can have muscles by consuming a fantastic product named Big Time Muscle.

The ingredients used in the product are so scientifically blended that it will increase the level of Nitric Oxide in human body. As a result, the muscles in our body will grow in size and strength. The product Big Time Muscle is basically a strong growth enhancing Hemodilator. It also helps to increase our immunity and thus we can stay fit and healthy from inside other than being muscular.

With the increase in Nitric Oxide content of your body, we can do have longer and stressful workouts sessions than before.

Because of these reasons, Big Time Muscle is a preferred by many sportsmen, especially those who are associated with tough games and adventure sports.

You can try the product only by ordering it from the website as it is not available in any local stores or retailers. Place your order and a pack will reach you within a few days. Now, the manufacturers are also offering a trial pack. Use it, and start feeling the difference in your body, both externally and internally.

Read more about Big Time Muscle in the review that is posted here:

Related Bodybuilding Supplement Reviews Articles

Building Muscle Without Weights

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Let us take a look at how your muscles literally become big maybe not necessarily huge. Your body systems and processes are maintained because of the nutrients that are absorbed by your body after the digestion of food. A well-balanced diet may give the necessary macro-nutrients as well as micronutrients that your body needs.

Doing cardio is what you need to do if you want to gain weight not lose it. By lifting weights you’ll increase your appetite which is a good thing because it’ll make you want to eat like a horse throughout the day. It will also help you gain muscle tone instead of a bunch of extra flat. When you eat a whole bunch you need to make sure you’re doing exercise too.

Alcohol and certain other drugs can increase the level of estrogen in your body that may be one of the reasons behind the development of male breasts. Hence, it is a great idea to avoid alcohol altogether.

During the process of working out, your body naturally produces nitric oxide. This compound paves the way for better blood circulation through one of your body processes called vasodilatation. When your blood is able to move without constrictions, your muscle tissues get sufficient supply of oxygen and vital micronutrients.

One additional tip is to watch what you eat and know your body. Hard gainers may need extra calories but most of us need fewer calories. You can’t see muscle under a layer of fat! You need to make sure your gains are visible.

Simple carbohydrates which are found in fruits such as apple, orange, grapes, raisins and mango are really good for this purpose. You can also consume honey and high energy carb drinks which can provide you with good amount of energy.

Some of the most commonly used exercises for this purpose are bench press and flat DB chest press, bent over barbell rows and close grip chin ups, seated DB shoulder press and standing military press, dips and triceps press downs, standing barbell curls and incline bicep curls, squats and lunges, dead lifts and stiff leg dead lifts, standing calve raises, weighted ball sit-ups and weighted cable crunches.

Then, when we get into high school, we tend to get caught up in lifting heavy weights. This is usually because we need development for a sport activity. We leave the traditional behind and building muscle without weights just doesn’t get the respect that I think it deserves.

To get a solid fat burning workout all you need is plain old-fashion barbells or dumbbells. Maybe even less. To get a good workout, start off with a good set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench.

If you eat more calories than your body is able to use as energy, it will be stored. This point is clear. The key about calories is how to enjoy them in appropriate measure, and how many to consume in relation to your activity level and nutritional requirements.


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